Since I've been in NYC we've been broadcasting a lot of matches for our MLG Winter Online Qualifiers. We just wrapped up the European portion of the tournament (all VODs up) and tonight we go live with the Korean bracket at 7p.m. EST over at MLG.tv.
The reason for this post is I'm looking for feedback to take to the video production team. On a daily basis, we're trying to improve the broadcast and provide useful information / graphics for you guys, but we need your help!
It is incredibly awesome if you guys are able to communicate to us that you like what you're seeing / you hate what you're seeing and what you want to see in addition to.
Also, feel free to shoot any (constructive) casting feedback my way to via this post!
Thanks so much guys and see you guys on-air 
Edit: We're aware of the European qualifier time slot and plan to make a change for future EU qualifiers. Sorry about that.
You guys are doing a great job, keep up the good work!!!
I really liked the part were the broadcast was on when all the europeans were sleeping
couldnt watch anything cause the times (even of the european qualifier) are just horrible for europeans
On February 10 2012 06:22 Ingebrigtsen wrote: I really liked the part were the broadcast was on when all the europeans were sleeping ^ this
On February 10 2012 06:22 Ingebrigtsen wrote: I really liked the part were the broadcast was on when all the europeans were sleeping This.
It's pretty damn cool, but I wonder if you could set up the "stream player" like you have on the Pro Circuit where you can rewind the vod in the player as it streams? Would go a long way for those not being able to catch the whole thing live.
Time of the EU Qualifier was really shite if you want to keep a normal schedule. Don't care too much for the qualifiers in the other regions... looking forward to the show-down
We're aware of the European qualifier time slot and plan to make a change for future EU qualifiers.
Sorry about that.
Instead of bitching about shitty broadcast times (which do suck for europeans) I used this cool invention called VOD for a few of those games and had a good time listening to the casting (keep in mind I only watched the casts with apollo thus far, can't really say anything about those with pumba (?) ). Maybe some more stats about players, their matchups, how they do on what map etc. (similiar to what gsl has been doing since this season) would be nice, but all in all I was pretty happy with the production quality in general, especially given that all of it was free in decent quality. I guess I'll be able to say more once I watch more as the korean qualifier is the one I care about the most by far.
The adds on the right of the screen cycles a little too fast, its distracting, if it was slower it would be fine, thats the only thing i can think about that i didnt like, the rest of the production was good and the casting also good.
I for one, thought it was great. Really glad MLG let Tumba on to cast with you. He deserves the attention and in my opinion did fantastic. If possible, maybe less breaks in between games...I understand you gotta get replays setup and what not but I found myself losing interest.
Other than that, amazing work and I can't wait to see more in the coming days.
The only negatives I noticed was sometimes there would be some video lag, usually when you (JP) were talking to someone via Skype and had the other person's face on the main stream (this might be an issue with the other person's internet or Skype being crappy, so this might not be something you can fix on the fly). The other thing I noticed was sometimes during the live stream the video or audio would lag behind the player for a few seconds, but my internet has been pretty crappy the past few weeks so that might not be an MLG issue.
Otherwise, great work overall, can't wait for NA and KR games.
On February 10 2012 06:27 Lorch wrote: Instead of bitching about shitty broadcast times (which do suck for europeans) I used this cool invention called VOD for a few of those games and had a good time listening to the casting (keep in mind I only watched the casts with apollo thus far, can't really say anything about those with pumba (?) ).
If you are working and using obvious sources like TL, twitter, reddit for your daily fix of SC2 it's kinda hard to motivate yourself watching VODs when you already now the results. But that's just my oppinion.
Noone has been "bitching" about "shitty" times - i just like to watch games as they happen (.. to be casted from replays ).
- Would be nice to know when the games were played - Would be nice to know what team the player is from on the graphic (Properly)
I think it would be cool if you offered beta streams for gold members like at the events for casters that you are giveing a shot to see if they are good or not.
On February 10 2012 06:22 Ingebrigtsen wrote: I really liked the part were the broadcast was on when all the europeans were sleeping
Spot on. Learning from NASL2 it seems.
I'm not sure I know what could be improved from a production standpoint, but for some reason I had a really hard time watching the european qualifiers. I don't know why, but I couldn't really get into it, unlike other MLG productions. The commentating felt very watered down and wasn't very exciting.
Aside from my own inane bitching, it would've been helpful to be able to see the updated brackets and really have a better grasp of how the qualifier was progressing. It felt like just a handful of matches with us being told "these are to qualify". Also if measures could be taken to avoid everyone knowing the results 2 weeks before you broadcast the games, it would be more exciting. I know that isn't always possible, but I didn't look very hard and I already know who qualified in the korean and NA bracket so the experience will be a bit diminished. Not sure what you can do about that though.
On February 10 2012 06:27 Lorch wrote: Instead of bitching about shitty broadcast times (which do suck for europeans) I used this cool invention called VOD for a few of those games and had a good time listening to the casting (keep in mind I only watched the casts with apollo thus far, can't really say anything about those with pumba (?) ). Maybe some more stats about players, their matchups, how they do on what map etc. (similiar to what gsl has been doing since this season) would be nice, but all in all I was pretty happy with the production quality in general, especially given that all of it was free in decent quality. I guess I'll be able to say more once I watch more as the korean qualifier is the one I care about the most by far.
because they had a band aid fix for the problem means the problem isnt worth fixing, amazing logic.
1 thing id like to see on mlg productions (and streams in general) is that in a set up like this, you know the games and the players well before hand, but it honestly sounds like your reading off stats and facts about them off liquipedia as you broadcast.
if you could take some notes during the day before broadcast, maybe prepare an interesting fact or 2 and have it written down and/or memorised. i think it would make the talk and the chat between you feel more smooth. maybe you do this already, well then id just suggest a bit more rehersal time, if you have the time to spare that is.