On June 07 2015 14:55 Blazethesage wrote: Very low. Warcraft 3's editor isn't nearly as powerful, and there are a number of mechanical differences between WC1/2 and Warcraft 3. For one, the sheer number of units couldn't be nearly as high, as the game engine wasn't capable of handling as many units on the map as in WC1/2. Oil would be difficult to reproduce as well, though I imagine it might be doable... maybe.
I actually don't think it would be nearly as difficult as you're making it sound. The number of units on the map for WC1/2 games wasn't that large at all; the WC3 engine easily supports it between 1) all of the custom mods out there already that pack the map with units (e.g. giant LotR maps) and 2) the fact that you can run 12 players in the WC3 engine for standard custom maps. Other than that, WC1/2 were both extremely simple games that wouldn't require that much complexity (e.g. I don't even remember a single trigger in any of the WC1/2 campaigns aside from victory conditions)
The WC3 editor is actually really great (even if it isn't as great as SC2's) and could definitely allow for different spells, different stats (easy to do since both WC1/2 are mirrored factions) and oil as a resource.
The only real difficulties that I could see are 1) desire to do it and 2) technology. I'm not that great at this stuff but it seems to me that WC1/2 might be so old that it could a little harder to get things like sound files/cinematics to work properly in a WC3 mod.
On February 21 2015 22:50 r3dox wrote: sorry if this has been asked already:
does this mod work with the starter Edition of sc2?
can anyone reply for the latest Version please?
![[image loading]](http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d166/Xergg/SC2%202015-06-09%2016-56-19-29.png)
I thought I'd share the results of my favorite way of playing New Gettysburg. Destroy all the protoss except one building, then arrange a huge simultaneous nuking of the zerg base. After the I finish the Protoss, the cutscene plays and the Zerg get fried in Nuclear fire. I like to think this pisses off Mengsk even more. Notice the 'Defeat!' menu in the background. As far as I know this is the only mission I can both win and lose.
Holy Crap is having the 1998 cinematics actually in the mod awesome! I know you guys already know how awesome it is, but it doesn't hurt to reminded just how much the hard work paid off. Honestly I now enjoy this mod even more than the regular starcraft 2 singleplayer. Anytime I recommend starcraft 2 to anyone, mentioning this mod along with it is mandatory.
Thanks :D And thank you for sharing.
2 very minor suggestions:
1. Duran as a unit has portrait speaking animations that last too long. All the voice lines are there which is the most important thing, but the long animations mean that I don't get to hear him talk as much when selecting him, moving him and telling him to attack because the animation has to finish before the next line can start. It'd be good to shorten the animation to closer match each of his lines, if possible.
2. in "Patriot's Blood" the player can force a scientist to get into an SCV to repair the goliaths. I accidentally boxed in the scientist with hold position, which caused him to give up on getting into the SCV. This meant I could never control the SCV. I got around this by using my units to push him into the SCV which thankfully worked. I think a good fix for this would be to have the trigger for the scientist moving into the SCV also change ownership of the scientist to the player's team, so that the player could move him to the SCV even if the move trigger bugs.
Maybe this has been questioned before, but is there any chance to implement the (unofficial) coop campaigns from Starcraft 1?
Reporting a few glitches. There's several graphical glitches (some buildings look like other buildings until construct completes, carriers not displaying properly in the Stargate, etc), but I'm sure you know about them and they're minor.
- Corsairs and Goliaths do not turn to point towards units they are attacking. A minor glitch but it makes it hard to tell what they're aiming at. - In missions where the player has control of two races, namely Episode 3 Mission 10, and Episode 4 Mission 6, worker units are only able to return resources to their own base - ie, a probe has to return to a nexus and can't use a hatchery or command center. In the original game, this was allowed. - In the same missions, as well as the next mission via Mind Control, F2 only selects all attack units for the original race - that is, Protoss, Terran and Zerg remain unselected. - Episode 4 Mission 8, if you Mind Control a Zerg unit, you do not gain a Control counter, and while you technically get resources gathered by Drones, they do not display - my mineral counter reads 0 and I get still build things using minerals the Drones gathered. Also, Mind Controlling a Zerg unit does not automatically grant you its custom upgrades. This worked in the previous Protoss mission but not here. - Not a glitch but it would be nice, also in Ep 4 Mission 8, I'd like if the mission was automatically won for destroying all enemy bases. I had to sit waiting for 15 minutes with no attacks coming since all Zerg were dead.
A few minor details missing, not sure which are made on purpose or errors.'
- In Episode 6 Mission 9, the protoss don't attack your base in the original mission. - In Dark Origin, shortly after the second stasis cell, a Dropship with several medics flies in. This does not happen currently, the medics are located on the ledge nearby and the dropship is all the way at the end. Additionally, in the original mission the medics had all upgrades and abilities. - Currently mass selection of Nydus Canals is not allowed, double-clicking on them does not work. I believe the game is distinguishing between canals built by a drone and canals built by another canal.
On June 10 2015 07:24 Eregos wrote:I thought I'd share the results of my favorite way of playing New Gettysburg. Destroy all the protoss except one building, then arrange a huge simultaneous nuking of the zerg base. After the I finish the Protoss, the cutscene plays and the Zerg get fried in Nuclear fire. I like to think this pisses off Mengsk even more. Notice the 'Defeat!' menu in the background. As far as I know this is the only mission I can both win and lose.
While it's most certainly a bug that has since been fixed, you should check out my playthrough (sorry for stopping in the middle of a campaign guys, I just can't get myself to play right now), episode 2, mission... 7 or so? The one with the Dark Templar you have to detect. It ended on an... interesting note.
On April 30 2015 05:24 fluidrone wrote: <3
My son of starcraft '6 year old loves your work (so do I, thank you).
That's pretty cool, I was about that age when I got into the Original StarCraft when it first came out on N64.
The next generation of SC fans is here.
I've finally started Mass Recall again [on hard this time] and I'm really enjoying it! I really love the new cutscenese that haven't been there when I last played it. [e.g. the death of Zasz, or Tassadar inside his ship on Biting the bullet]
Also, I'd like to point out to something, which isn't important. It's a matter of consistency/cosmetics only. So, in Episode 2, map 7 [the culling] Daggoth refers to the Overmind as it [itself]
After the last map, there is the message you wrote after each campaign, where the message says himself and his [they are in the middle section] http://i.imgur.com/axyaHgJ.jpg
As I said, it isn't a big major bug, just soemthing I wanted you to know. Best regards
Edit: I'm hesitating to write it because I believe that's the reason I won, but in The Trump Card that huge tank attack wave simply did not come. I scanned the area, they were stuck behind a rock...I mean, they went there and forth around that rock, but they didn't attack. I didn't make pictures though
ps2: not sure if it has been fixed since then, cause I think CranK used v5.3. So, on the map, Legacy of the Xel'Naga, if you try to kill the Cerebrates w/o DTs, Artanis says something, then Zeratul repeats the his speech. There are param values errors http://i.imgur.com/MuqR96Y.jpg
Thanks, we will fix this at some point.
Someone has made a tvtropes page for the mod \o/
Anything to raise awareness of this awesome mod. :D
Man, finishing up the Fall right now and I have to say this latest version is amaze-balls. The Invasion of Aiur is still challenging on Easy but at least it's not tear your face off frustrating like it was in the last version. Toss still push when you expand but at least it's not with three pronged "I WIN" cheese that is Reavor, HT Storm and Carrier balls. I've been hitting a small snag in Eye of the Storm though, I never noticed it before so I wonder if it's working as intended or if I just missed it before in my previous playthroughs: is Plague supposed to affect buildings? I mean I know it's always been a good way to soften an army ball, it's how I rolled the Xel'naga temple in Full Circle before bringing up the krystal but I've noticed in Storm that my bunkers and supply depts are getting knocked down to 1 HP when that gets used then ultra balls just roll my face. Is Plague supposed to affect buildings?
Wow thank you for this! Amazing.
My only two nit picks after playing like 10 missions. It's too easy on hard (masters player sc2)! But, I wanna play with SC2 hotkeys and such. Still, having a blast.
Secondly, it sucks that are no checkpoints! But hey, I've only had to restart once after accidentally losing Raynor like a scrub on the first hidden mission.
Okay gotta admit, "The Big Push" has given me a little shit on hard. In a great way. Other than no checkpoints lol.
So we have a message saying Easy is a bit harsh but doable, and one that says Hard is simple but with some interesting levels. Sounds about right :D
The hardest levels are near the end of the Brood War campaigns. I can't be sure of how difficult you will find them, but it should hopefully feel satisfying to beat. And yeah, if you want checkpoints, you will have to save in the old fashioned way =)
On July 22 2015 03:12 C3rberu5 wrote: Is Plague supposed to affect buildings? It is, it always did.
Hi guys, not sure if this was addressed, but in Episode III: Into The Darkness, the map seems really dark. Not sure if it was intended this way or is there anything I can do to brighten up (I'm playing v5.4.1). I tried brightening my screen but it still looks pretty dark though.