On October 22 2011 02:46 sGs.Kal_rA wrote: So is there really any point in investing time to get good at the game at a low level? (mid masters or below that is)... things are gonna change ALLLLL over again for LOV.. -_-
Oh well.. cool to see a lurker type unit back!!
Yeah, high-level SC2 play won't be effectively achieved until after LotV is released. SC2 won't be comparable to BW for several years.
@GoSuDoa erik lonnquist Carriers have un-arrived. Sorry HongUn. T_T p.twimg.com/AcS1t1YCMAAB1B… @AskJoshy
Well it looks like carriers are gone.
This is fucking terrible... blizzard was like, too lazy to fix carriers... remove them...
I like the new zerg ideas, because zerg kinda needs new stuff... but i voted negative on the protoss and terran changes:
vote NO on protoss because they removed the carrier in trade for a voidray/valkerie hybrid. and also because oracle = overseer anyone? how uncreative >.<
vote NO on terran because the hellion idea is dumb, and terran doesn't need ANOTHER ground to air splash unit, thats unimaginative...
also, is anyone else wierded out at battlemech -> warmech; hellhound -> warhound? like seriously... I personally think that this hellion unit will be complete trash (unless, unless the transformation gives armor instead of health...) because gaining/losing health by transforming is dumb...
As much as blizzard having a trolly field day with this bullshit, i think they could have done better by simply changing existing units: i.e. landed vikings could be upgraded/buffed to be ground capable...
And why does that terran shredder unit look like the swarm host?
ugh, and poor protoss players: how can you choose protoss when blizzard's answer to weak units is to remove them ( FUCK YOU BLIZZARD I HOPE YOU ARE TROLLING!
It would have been SOO EASY to alter the existing units to make them good!!!
Reapers, increase upgrade damage (1 +1 vs light for example)
battle cruisers could get range and damage upgrades, like +2 vs air (so they're decent against those voidrays and vikings) and maybe +2 vs ground massive to make them stronger against thors/ultras/and colossus deathballs...
Carrier just needed a damage buff, like +2 vs armored... then carriers would have been gimmick worthy and also capable of dealing with flying armored units
Mothership, i'm not sure what to say about it... i felt like it needed more damage at the least, even though the cloaking effect was considered powerful...
BLIZZARD BETTER BE TROLLING, that is all I can say, or else fuck it i'm not wasting my money on HOTS... (I would wager that if this bullshit gets implemented, pro players will play using wings of liberty instead of HOTS)... good riddance
On October 22 2011 02:49 SniXSniPe wrote: People forget with Replicants you can become a cloaked ghost with EMP since you get the upgraded abilities I believe...
But they seem to require melee range to clone something.
Yeah, any pro player that allowed a replicant to get that close to a ghost would deserve his loss. It's just gimmicks.
On October 22 2011 02:50 Brainiac wrote: Is Blizzard retarded or sth? Boosting Zerg and Toss late game, which is already strong and leaving the terran late game the way it was? That is just ridiciolous. How are they expecting terran to play late game if all we can mass up is shitty bio / weak fact units. N/c
And this is why Team Liquid forums are garbage. Terran isn't viable late game, what?
Someone answer, does this Oracle crap unit give vision to cloak units or is it just a flying derp?
On October 22 2011 02:50 Brainiac wrote: Is Blizzard retarded or sth? Boosting Zerg and Toss late game, which is already strong and leaving the terran late game the way it was? That is just ridiciolous. How are they expecting terran to play late game if all we can mass up is shitty bio / weak fact units. N/c
On October 22 2011 02:50 Brainiac wrote: Is Blizzard retarded or sth? Boosting Zerg and Toss late game, which is already strong and leaving the terran late game the way it was? That is just ridiciolous. How are they expecting terran to play late game if all we can mass up is shitty bio / weak fact units. N/c
Ghost !? Why don't we just wait for the game before we start crying imbalance?
Okay, I love the new Zerg Units and all, but here is the deal. Now that all these units are being revealed, I wanna switch to protoss more than I am looking forward to playing Zerg again.
I mean, would you look at those new units? Just alone from the description and the things they can apparently do, everyone is fucked. Really, think about it. Protoss puts those bubbles on your minerals. Take care of them, yes? No. Phoenix come in and kill your scv's right before they can go back to work. And then repeat the cycle.
Plus, the Warhound sounds pretty "okay" for killing off Mutas, while I believe the Hellions transformer move will make it even harder for Zerglings or your drones to survive.
Maybe that is just from the perspective of a completely noob, but still. I feel these units will just put Protoss higher up.
On October 22 2011 02:48 Clamev wrote: from reddit My friend is at BlizzCon and he's played HoTS. Here are the latest changes.
No more Overseer. Hydra speed increased. Viper will permanently grant detection for energy. Lair tech. Grant detection is the cheapest spell. Burrowed banelings can MOVE. Possibly an upgrade. Swarm lord spits out broodling-looking things that have 16 attack damage and .87 attack speed.
On October 22 2011 02:48 Gorillamask wrote: So zerg does not get any detection besides spore crawlers until Spire (assuming that you need spire tech for the Viper)?
that better not be it because atm i hate detection as zerg.