Oh man, the ridiculous speculation and subsequent QQing in this thread is disgusting lol
I'm bowing out now. Peace guys.
Just remember, you have literally no idea what these units will cost, exactly what their spells will do and what tech tree they come out of. You have no idea what units they will remove or what units they will change.
You don't even technically know what "hinder ranged attacks" means. For all you know it just cuts ranged damage by 10%.
That seems like waaaay too many units in one go. They've got to add more in the next one, afterall. I guess only one of each will eventually make it into MP?
On October 22 2011 02:12 Roxy wrote: IMO replicator is probably from the gateway and these can be warped in
I think it will be used to replicate protoss units more than it replicates enemy units.
For example, say I lose all my colosus and have 1 robo. well i'm probably screwed. But no, I have 8 gates and 1 robo. I can build 1 colosus and replicate 2 more. I'm not screwed! :D
Or maybe I get my mineral line raped by a shredder? I'l just warp in 8 more probes.. no biggie
You can't replicate massive units. But you can do it for immortals.
On October 22 2011 02:08 [17]Purple wrote: Zerg and Protoss finally getting counters for the Ghost EMP.
Protoss can now do it by replecating the Ghosts themselves and having them EMP other ghosts and Zerg can do it by using that new 'Dark Swarm ability which not only blocks ranged attacks but also spells/abilities.
how do u suppose atk zerg units in dark swarm as terran ? they all ranged ...
On October 22 2011 02:11 RedBlargh wrote: Can't wait to see these new units in a BETA. Glad they're not fucking bringing back all the old BW units like all so many twats here are whining about. This is SC2 not SC. Go play BW if you want those units. I for one actually want NEW stuff, not the same shit recycled over and over.
Your post is funny because half of what you got are somewhat recicled BW units.
On October 22 2011 02:12 shawster wrote: warhound = goliath
viper = defiler
where is the reaper dawgggsss.
i'm actually concerned with this. usually units are grounded and simplistic, but these units sound so special and unique. incorperating a cloning unit into a normal army or a burrowed unit spawner seems to out of it.
with these new units it seems that blizzard wants players to branch out their tech trees significantly more.
On October 22 2011 02:11 P0ckets wrote: Dustin screws the Zergs yet again! First off the Zerg gets 2 units while everyone else gets 3... sigh.
Dustin helps out the terran by deciding to get rid of the one crux the hellion had. which was their durability. He then upgrades the Thor so it does better against Mech Units. Then decides to give the terran a lurker type unit so he can shut down a whole path way with his shredders whirlwind of doom.
Then for toss he basically upgrades the observer to see every upgrade, unit being built, allow it to harass workers and then corrupt buildings as well. Then he decides to give basically the voidray with AoE . I mean this units seems like it was tailored to be a muta killer. Also lets also have the protoss be able to you know duplicate any create that isn't massive so the can duplicate infestors to fungal growth Zerg units.
Then Dustin decides that the Zerg should get a burrowed broodlord, I mean same creature basically but under ground. Then finally lets just revamp the Raven for zerg and give it a type of Vortex. Then lets make both units look like they are Hydras so they most likely are upgrades from Hydra...
Basically Dustin decided to nerf Zerg and buff Terran/Toss as usual. It seems rather stupid to give the terran a unit, which functioned like a SC:BW unit, and then basically revamp 5 units to either buff them or give them to another race.
I get the feeling that the shredder isn't like a spider mine in that it can only attack once and then it's spent. It's either a timed no-supply unit like a pdd/autoturret - hopefully not with energy - or an actual unit that is deployed in the same way that a siege tank is deployed.
On October 22 2011 02:11 P0ckets wrote: Dustin screws the Zergs yet again! First off the Zerg gets 2 units while everyone else gets 3... sigh.
Dustin helps out the terran by deciding to get rid of the one crux the hellion had. which was their durability. He then upgrades the Thor so it does better against Mech Units. Then decides to give the terran a lurker type unit so he can shut down a whole path way with his shredders whirlwind of doom.
Then for toss he basically upgrades the observer to see every upgrade, unit being built, allow it to harass workers and then corrupt buildings as well. Then he decides to give basically the voidray with AoE . I mean this units seems like it was tailored to be a muta killer. Also lets also have the protoss be able to you know duplicate any create that isn't massive so the can duplicate infestors to fungal growth Zerg units.
Then Dustin decides that the Zerg should get a burrowed broodlord, I mean same creature basically but under ground. Then finally lets just revamp the Raven for zerg and give it a type of Vortex. Then lets make both units look like they are Hydras so they most likely are upgrades from Hydra...
Basically Dustin decided to nerf Zerg and buff Terran/Toss as usual. It seems rather stupid to give the terran a unit, which functioned like a SC:BW unit, and then basically revamp 5 units to either buff them or give them to another race.
Whine more about your flying defiler with darkswarm and your new area control unit which you havent even seen in action yet. Some people are never happy.