First rule about new units announcement:
Dont take other people seriously when they QQ about how bad it will make the game, or that the new stuff is gimicky, or non-skill based, etc.
They dont design games for a living, thus their opinion is strictly that, an opinion, and they can be, and most likely are, wrong.
Very interested about how the Replicant will work out. Sounds fun.
On October 22 2011 02:12 Zorgaz wrote: I seriously hope Zerg gets a T1 unit that they can scout better with?!
Like a speedling?
On October 22 2011 02:14 Roxy wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 02:12 Daralii wrote:Mothership's produced from the nexus, not stargate. Do we know the cost of the oracle? I cant see it being worth much more than 50/100 based on what I have read about its description
You realize that it's a Protoss unit, right?
On October 22 2011 02:15 soulist wrote: All of these seem so fucking op Kinda like how in Brood War, every viable unit was viable because they were OP, lol.
Here is the write-up + Show Spoiler +Terran: aoe spine crawler, transforming factory unit, Goliath substitute online
Zerg: burrow moveable blank, reverse dark swarm, detection changes
Protoss: mineral shields, new nexus defensive ability, and............ Cloning?
More concrete details after doors open.
EDIT: Doors are open now. The aoe spine crawler is a Shredder. It costs 150/150 and comes from the factory. It does nothing in its mobile form, but when you plant it in the ground making it stationary, it fires a quick aoe pulse in a visible, kind of large radius. The hitch is, if friendly units are standing near it, it won't fire the pulse. It has to be alone. Good for map control, and blocking expansions maybe.
The transforming unit is the hellion. I only got to see it a little but it basically just flips into a firebat sort of thing and fires in a different pattern, more like a cone than a line. It's slower in its firebat form, as it's walking around.
Goliath substitute is the Warhound, also from the factory. Shoots rockets at air kind of like a thor, but no/weaker splash and actually a really weak base attack. Its ground to ground attack looks like it's firing a tazer at its enemy. Decently quick fire rate, good for support I think, not viable to mass them.
Burrow moveable banelings. That is all.
Reverse dark swarm is just disruption web from the corsair, you guys were right. It's fired from the new "Viper" unit. This unit can also cast a spell to make any unit a detector. Overseers are out of the game. Viper's last spell is 100 energy (out of 200) and it pulls any unit from range to itself, like Scorpion's "Get over here!" or a chameleon tongue. I did it on an ultralisk and laughed.
Protoss mineral shields come from a new flying raider unit. It coats enemy minerals in little white bubbles/shields that must be attacked down or time expired. My SCVs freaked out when Artosis did it to me, so my marines came and cleaned up the shield things.
The new nexus defensive ability seems to be decent for super early game, not much else. Basically you can cast it on any of your structures and it gives it a weak attack. Artosis built a pylon in my mineral line and cast the new spell on it. My SCVs killed it and it only managed to take one SCV to 5 health. Not sure if this will be changed.
Cloning? Looks like another unit, the replicant, can also transform itself like a shapeshifter into an enemy unit that it gets in melee range with. Artosis cloned my shredder, warhound, and an SCV and began building a command center with it.
There's more stuff in the demo, but I only got to play one round and observe the Zerg stuff after my session was over.
OH and the destructible rocks are actually a new thing. There are rocks that you can attack to CLOSE paths called collapsible rocks. This really confused me at first, I thought it was a bug, but it's a defensive measure you can choose to use.
Toss seemed to really get shafted. Sigh.
Mothership's from the nexus, not stargate.
On October 22 2011 02:08 kju wrote:hopefully more viable Ted would like a talk to you
Tempest I'm guessing will replace the carrier, as Blizzard has repeatedly ignored that unit thus far.
My personal perspective:
First gut reactions to Zerg units: AWESOME
First gut reactions to Protoss units: Okay. Second reaction. OKAY! Not so bad, there's potential there.
First gut reaction to Terran units: Lol? What is this? Shredder? Transforming Hellion? Warhound sounds fine, basically a mini Thor, so long as the Thor itself is gone.
I like the Zerg units because they add something incredibly lacking in utility, same with two of the Protoss units. Terran units well, we'll have to see. I always thought the idea of a transforming hellion was... off.
I am kind of surprised there are only two new Zerg units compared to 3 Terran and 3 Protoss. I guess we'll have to see how everything else changes balance wise with how existing units are redesigned.
On October 22 2011 02:13 DoomsVille wrote: Oh man, the ridiculous speculation and subsequent QQing in this thread is disgusting lol
I'm bowing out now. Peace guys.
Just remember, you have literally no idea what these units will cost, exactly what their spells will do and what tech tree they come out of. You have no idea what units they will remove or what units they will change.
You don't even technically know what "hinder ranged attacks" means. For all you know it just cuts ranged damage by 10%.
Stop the QQing.
this exactly
The fact that oracle (probably) comes from stargate won't make an easier scout for p since you can get the obs around the same time :/ I really wish that protoss could get a fast low tier unit
From a purely aesthetic standpoint, a lot of these units look like shit. The Zerg units are great, but Protoss got 2 balls and a boomerang while Terran got a transformer and a box with legs. Is this really the best their art department can come up with?
Shredder is not a new "unit" per say. It looks to be more like a spidermine that can be deployed by another unit (probably reapers?).
mothership is amdea t nexus ./facepalm
Blizzard spends there entire existence trying figure out a way to balance the game. Without any REAL details, its impossible to say if any of these will be imba/shitty. The little blurbs that describe the units are supposed to hype everything up! The new "dark swarm" might not work exactly as your thinking.
but what do i know, everyones gonna QQ anyways :D
Amazing design for the viper zerg unit, im T but this terran units seem to be a bit bad , z units seem pretty damn good.
Shredder != spider mines. AoE DoT reminds me more of irradiated science vessels that turn off when friendly units come near. I can see them being used for two reasons tvz: 1) to clear creep without detection. Just walk them slowly over creep and kill burrowed banelings and creep tumors 2) zoning as you move your tanks up. If you force the zerg to run his banelings and zerglings past some shredders to get to your marines/tanks they will be fairly softened up. I don't see this being used at all tvp or tvt, since both terran and protoss have the capability of picking off shredders being covered by tanks.