New HotS Units/Abilities in Blizzcon - Page 228
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Korea (South)495 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
This is going to be so nice, and then into cloaked banshee so if Z tries to break shredder with roaches they're screwed =) | ||
United Kingdom20275 Posts
On October 22 2011 09:12 XRaDiiX wrote: Protoss Can have a 200/200 + Army -Protoss makes Hidden base with Replicated Zerg Drone in the late Game Protoss -Protoss loses 100 supply of army onpurpose -Protoss Makes 100 Drones -Protoss makes 100 Spore Crawlers -Protoss Makes 200/max Army -Protoss Cancel Spore Crawlers -Protoss Make 100 Spine Crawlers -Protoss Make 100 More Drones. Protoss Death Ball with Replicated Infestors + 100 Spine Crawlers ???? LOL DAVID KIM They cant actuly have greater than 200 supply army. The drone trick allows you to have up to 200 army supply and then for example PLUS 50 drones, putting you at 250/200. I explained more in my previous post | ||
United States137 Posts
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365 Posts
OR maybe make it so that multiplayer only takes one new units per race, Zerg gets Swarm Host for it's siege / ground control abilities, terran gets the shredder for a little more dynamic lategame base defence, and toss gets the tempest for better AoE / anti mutalisk. Replicant just seems insanely OP and broken that it potentially has endless problems that no amount of patching is going to fix simply because of that fact. | ||
Canada1730 Posts
On October 22 2011 09:17 Kipsate wrote: Am I the only one who is weirded out by the fact that Terran, the race which has basically the strongest defenders advantage in the game(with walls, siege tanks and planetary) gains yet another defensive structure?. This worries me a lot for the potential for mass Terran Expansions | ||
United States36 Posts
On October 22 2011 09:12 PeggyHill wrote: I just don't understand how any of this will end up working. Phase shift is just the overseer ability given to toss (contaminate). can see it being used about as much as contaminate was. WRONG. Contaminate just made it so you couldn't use THAT building for 45 seconds. Phase shift makes it so you can't use THAT TECH for X amount of time. I.E. Shift a spire, no mutas, no corruptors, no air upgrades, no greater spire, maybe no broodlord morphing? Not sure about the last one though | ||
Canada1047 Posts
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Sweden113 Posts
On October 22 2011 09:18 TedJustice wrote: Why does that surprise you? That's the whole point of terran. They're supposed to be the turtle race. If they are supposed to be the turtle race they failed miserably seeing as terran is the most agressive race in the game. | ||
United States2925 Posts
On October 22 2011 09:11 Zeke50100 wrote: It sure will be in HotS >.> Not that it matters. Scan still exists. Eh, I guess in BW T always got sci vessels, even if they weren't going lurker... Maybe the raven can fit the exact same role without the irradiate. | ||
United States419 Posts
On October 22 2011 09:17 Kipsate wrote: Am I the only one who is weirded out by the fact that Terran, the race which has basically the strongest defenders advantage in the game(with walls, siege tanks and planetary) gains yet another defensive structure?. I wouldn't be TOO worried, only because of the anti-friendly fire option, it's going to be more something to cut off some attack paths/defend expos, but not really good for main base/production line defending | ||
Canada991 Posts
On October 22 2011 09:17 Fission wrote: Subject to change eh. Well that's good. Lets hope they remove all of this, and give us lurkers, defilers, spider mines, and reavers. =/ There's reasons those units aren't in SC2. Quit the QQ about BW. It's over. I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing, I mean, SC2 is only the most popular/fastest growing E-Sport ever. | ||
1442 Posts
first of all Protoss gets MASS RECALL ON NEXUS? WTF? holy god this is extremely powerful and is greater than anything else the other races got. protoss as a race has a main weakness of not being able to move out without risking their base being destroyed in the process. now mass recall is a huge stop to this because you can move out and with some scouting you know exactly how many forces are coming to you and you only recall enough units needed to defend any drops/mutas and continue with your attack next, protoss can spend 25 energy of the nexus to make FREE PHOTON CANNONS. wtf?? this means toss can pretty much go nexus first every game and never have to worry about 6pool or 8pool or 10pool. you can always have up your gateway in time and then you turn your nexus and pylons into photon cannons wow. Also, dustin browders description of replicants copy ability being "los" pretty much means it must be mapwide from vision. if replicant needed melee range, browder would have said melee. if replicant needed to be within some sort of 10-15 range then dustin would have said "oh theres a range to it". no instead dustin said "its LOS" meaning the replicant can probably copy anything on the map. first of all this would be extremely overpowered if it could target SCV's or drones, and you could make your own roach/marauder armies as toss. if its like that it would surely get nerfed. but next this alone is a extremely powerful buff against 1-1-1 strategies. Now protoss can build 200/200 siege tanks which alone is a godsend absolute fix to 1-1-1 and should kill the 1-1-1 strategy against toss and leave open tons of options for toss that werent available. this is a huge buff to protoss compared to terran getting lol-goliaths (which are probably not as strong as marine/marauder anyway) and lol-battle-hellions. the shredder seems overpowered but i bet collossi can outrange it and zerg being able to hook collossi with the viper shouldnt be a problem at all considering the buffs protoss got. protoss now have mass recall at any nexus which completely shuts down mutalisks as a tech option, toss can go nexus first every game against zerg and be safe with free photon cannons, and its not like ZvP lategame was some unwinnable situation.... what WAS the problem with protoss in ZvP? simply put, immobility and lack of static defense without spending a bazillion minerals on cannons. toss now has mass recall and free photon cannons that will obliterate zerglings. The description says for 25 energy you get a cannon that it seems does as much dps as photons but only to light units. thats insanely good also i forgot to mention another thing about mass recall. HOLY GOD. against zerg toss will be able to send out a couple voidrays (or tempests) and kill a zerg base then recall away when reinforcements arrive. protoss will be able to turtle WHILE sending forces around the map to snipe zerg expansions and simply recall those forces if they get in trouble the tempest is nothing incredible compared to mass recall and free photon cannons (which are the biggest huge buffs).... but its not bad either protoss got a nice addition against zerg in the tempest. its attack damage seems pretty strong and its cost is 300/300 which isnt THAT bad considering most toss are adding in some voidrays into their deathballs anyway against zerg to fight broodlords. well the tempest costs 50 more minerals, 150 more gas than a voidray, but considering its AoE against air it should fare just as good as voids against corrupters and should be a buffer response to broods instead of voidrays based on how its damage looks. so adding tempests and collossi into your deathball will pretty much just be a slightly better option than voidrays the above is a good write-up to explain how protoss got buffed the most. SADLY, to all tosses out there, im sure 99% of the strength of all these buffs will be completely ripped apart and neutered before HOTS is released. theres no way blizzard will let these massive buffs to toss go into retail when we see what it does in beta | ||
New Zealand3180 Posts
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United States623 Posts
I play toss and I hate the idea of the unit. I think its more than likely broken in its current state and in order to stay in the game will need to be nerfed to the point it will be a useless unit when it really already is a one trick pony unit..... Race stealing was in BW via dark archon mind ctrl but it was not realistic. BUT in sc2 Being able to steal SCVs and get scan+mule is too much of a racial AND econ advantage. Also sensor towers. What about being able to steal ravens, shredders and other high end tech from terran? And you auto get the upgrades/abilities with the unit? Imagine raven steal with instant HSM? | ||
Netherlands45349 Posts
On October 22 2011 09:18 TedJustice wrote: Why does that surprise you? That's the whole point of terran. They're supposed to be the turtle race. Because, I was hoping that the other races would get more of a defenders advantage? and turtle race?TvZ has to be one of the most aggressive MU that Terran has to play. | ||
88 Posts
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United States548 Posts
On October 22 2011 09:12 XRaDiiX wrote: Protoss Can have a 200/200 + Army -Protoss makes Hidden base with Replicated Zerg Drone in the late Game Protoss -Protoss loses 100 supply of army onpurpose -Protoss Makes 100 Drones -Protoss makes 100 Spore Crawlers -Protoss Makes 200/max Army -Protoss Cancel Spore Crawlers -Protoss Make 100 Spine Crawlers -Protoss Make 100 More Drones. Protoss Death Ball with Replicated Infestors + 100 Spine Crawlers ???? LOL DAVID KIM LOL, how can you possibly make 100 spore crawlers, then cancel them. thats just not possible. Maybe like 10-15 max | ||
United States17 Posts
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United States509 Posts
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