Lack of content, flaming (of the French or anyone) and useless posts will be punished. Please keep it from being too inflammatory and keep discussion on-topic. -semioldguy (p.103)
On September 20 2011 09:39 Jayrod wrote: I dont understand why these teams air out their dirty laundry about stuff like this. These is between two teams and a player, why am I reading about this?
becasue complexity released two statements. that they acquired stephano, which they did, then they had to damage control when he decided to take it back. its public becasue they came out saying they signed him, like any one would. it now part of the sc2 public.
On September 20 2011 09:39 Jayrod wrote: I dont understand why these teams air out their dirty laundry about stuff like this. These is between two teams and a player, why am I reading about this?
We're reading about it because the signing of a big player is great press for a team, so it makes sense that they'd advertise this victory to fans and sponsors. When it all goes to pot, we can't help but be ingratiated in the mess.
On September 20 2011 08:46 French fries wrote: France 1-0 USA
Ban plz -_-
Pas cool mec T__T Si on peux plus faire d'humour
France getting raped in every modern war:
Everyone: 1 France: -9001
This post is equal if not worse than his. Poor taste in your response.
He's clearly trolling and so am I. Don't be so sensitive.
2 wrongs don't make a right, and calling attention to the fact that you are trolling isn't very smart. Suggest you take a few minutes and read the 10 commandments.
0 fucks.
That attitude is totally going to get you far in life. TL is designed to keep moronic people like you away, thank god.
If it is, doesnt seem to be working cause its full of morons around here
On September 20 2011 09:39 deathly rat wrote: If they have any sense they won't pursue legal action, it just sounds like they are annoyed at the accusations of improper action on col's part.
They should pursue legal action, as this sets such a bad precedent for the future. That's what some people don't see to understand. If Stephano/Mil is allowed to get away with this what's to stop this from happening in the future. If Col lets this go and nothing happens what if 2 months from now, Huk decides, "Well, I don't like being on EG and I made a mistake. Since Stephano broke his contract with Col and he got away with it, I'm gonna break mine with EG." Plus the 'accusations of improper action on Col's part' is libel/slander so its more than being annoyed
(And I'm just using EG/Huk as an example, I'm not saying Huk will do that)
On September 20 2011 09:06 Bluest wrote: First, I'm not so sure Stephano can't still join CoL. If CoL wants him he can and they certainly haven't ruled it explicitly yet. More importantly, if CoL doesn't do anything to enforce these contracts it will make all their contracts and the contracts they get people to sign in the future useless pieces of paper. Frankly, it wouldn't be a bad idea for all e-sports teams tocome together and spend a few grand here to help CoL out so they could collectively send a message here.
That's pretty much the goal. It was in the linked article. They likely will not get Stephano. They probably wouldn't accept him back. They're just going to make an example out of Millennium. :X
How ? They have 0 chance to win if they take action in france. Stephano has a period to retract from his contract, its a french law and french law rules in france.
The contract was filed using American laws. He knew this, I'm guessing. The jurisdiction is in Texas, USA. It has nothing to do with French laws, it's American laws that matter in this case.
On September 20 2011 09:34 Gevna wrote: This thread makes me so sad. I don't understand all this racism, and why there is no moderation. It's a problem between two teams. My education, my culture, or my sister have nothing to do here.
Maybe this is unprofessional by a part (which ? We only have Col's version), but what it kills e-sport is your behaviour. You are just hating on everything, and never looking to understand facts or people who work hard to grow e-sport.
I wouldn't worry too much. This thread blew up so fast. Moderation is coming eventually, it just takes a long time to read through 100+ pages of comments. I think it is catching up slowly. Obviously people will be people. Unfortunately they get anonymity and that means they can say whatever. Skip those posts and keep going. There is actually milleniums side of the story here so you can make decisions for yourself between the two.
On September 20 2011 09:39 RusHXceL wrote: we might as well forget this ever happen.
You may as well continue to lie down and get trampled on cause that's your attitude in life huh? Oh to bad guess i should just forget someone spilled coffee over me woops.
This RIGHT here will set the precedent the case with Puma was similar but not exactly this is the first time a player signed a contract then backed out. There has to be a standard you cant just let people do what they want or we would have anarchy.
On September 20 2011 09:06 Bluest wrote: First, I'm not so sure Stephano can't still join CoL. If CoL wants him he can and they certainly haven't ruled it explicitly yet. More importantly, if CoL doesn't do anything to enforce these contracts it will make all their contracts and the contracts they get people to sign in the future useless pieces of paper. Frankly, it wouldn't be a bad idea for all e-sports teams tocome together and spend a few grand here to help CoL out so they could collectively send a message here.
That's pretty much the goal. It was in the linked article. They likely will not get Stephano. They probably wouldn't accept him back. They're just going to make an example out of Millennium. :X
How ? They have 0 chance to win if they take action in france. Stephano has a period to retract from his contract, its a french law and french law rules in france.
The contract was filed using American laws. He knew this, I'm guessing. The jurisdiction is in Texas, USA. It has nothing to do with French laws, it's American laws that matter in this case.
On September 20 2011 09:17 Deshkar wrote: I really dislike contract breaches, especially since we all aspire to legitimize E-Sports.
Contract breaches happen regularly in American football, and that's a legitimate sport. Just look at college coaches -- those guys don't seem to ever honor their contracts. I'm not saying this is good for e-sports, but I don't think it hurts its legitimacy at all.
Nooo, contracts are taken really seriously in American football. Just look at what's happening with Carson Palmer. He signed a long contract with the Bengals, in which currently he has a year left but refuses to play because he hates the management (for good reason). Despite that, it's not like he was able to just walk away and play somewhere else. He's spending a year away from Football because he has a year left on his contract that he can't get out of.
As far as I know, this never happens in the NFL or NBA. The contract drama with Lebron James, for instance, was AFTER his contract had expired with the Cavaliers and he was a free agent. Once he signed with the Heat, he was a player with the Heat, and he will be until he gets traded, retires, or his contract expires.
Edit: What often happens when a player wants a trade or to be released is that the team will do their best to make a trade happen or just release the player if they don't value him that highly or can't find a trade. Stephano should have just spoke to coL, said look I feel like I made a mistake, please release me from my contract, and I bet they would have worked something out.
The Carson Palmer situation is an anomaly because the Bengals really do have terrible management.
On September 20 2011 09:39 RusHXceL wrote: we might as well forget this ever happen.
This RIGHT here will set the precedent the case with Puma was similar but not exactly this is the first time a player signed a contract then backed out.
Then what would you call the coL/Destiny fiasco? Certainly seemed like a similar thing to me.
On September 20 2011 09:06 Bluest wrote: First, I'm not so sure Stephano can't still join CoL. If CoL wants him he can and they certainly haven't ruled it explicitly yet. More importantly, if CoL doesn't do anything to enforce these contracts it will make all their contracts and the contracts they get people to sign in the future useless pieces of paper. Frankly, it wouldn't be a bad idea for all e-sports teams tocome together and spend a few grand here to help CoL out so they could collectively send a message here.
That's pretty much the goal. It was in the linked article. They likely will not get Stephano. They probably wouldn't accept him back. They're just going to make an example out of Millennium. :X
How ? They have 0 chance to win if they take action in france. Stephano has a period to retract from his contract, its a french law and french law rules in france.
The contract was filed using American laws. He knew this, I'm guessing. The jurisdiction is in Texas, USA. It has nothing to do with French laws, it's American laws that matter in this case.
How can you use US laws in france? extradition?
You would file suit in the US, Texas in this case. If you win, you take your judgment to France and file it with a French court to have it enforced as if it were a French judgment. The case itself will then take place in the US with US laws applying, but the judgment will be enforced in France.
On September 20 2011 08:46 French fries wrote: France 1-0 USA
Ban plz -_-
Pas cool mec T__T Si on peux plus faire d'humour
France getting raped in every modern war:
Everyone: 1 France: -9001
This post is equal if not worse than his. Poor taste in your response.
He's clearly trolling and so am I. Don't be so sensitive.
2 wrongs don't make a right, and calling attention to the fact that you are trolling isn't very smart. Suggest you take a few minutes and read the 10 commandments.
0 fucks.
That attitude is totally going to get you far in life. TL is designed to keep moronic people like you away, thank god.
Really? I thought TL was designed for elitist assholes to sit together and circle jerk to inflate their egos.
Come on guy, all I'm saying is don't be trolling and just chill.
On September 20 2011 09:47 SPQR13 wrote:If it is, doesnt seem to be working cause its full of morons around here
On September 20 2011 09:39 RusHXceL wrote: we might as well forget this ever happen.
This RIGHT here will set the precedent the case with Puma was similar but not exactly this is the first time a player signed a contract then backed out.
Then what would you call the coL/Destiny fiasco? Certainly seemed like a similar thing to me.
That was completely different, especially since Destiny asked to be let out cause he didn't think being part of a team with all the sponsors and everything was right for him and then coL decided to let him out of the contract. Notice the part where he didn't sign with another team while still contracted to coL? So how exactly are these 2 situations even remotely similar?
On September 20 2011 09:39 RusHXceL wrote: we might as well forget this ever happen.
This RIGHT here will set the precedent the case with Puma was similar but not exactly this is the first time a player signed a contract then backed out.
Then what would you call the coL/Destiny fiasco? Certainly seemed like a similar thing to me.
Fiasco? Wth are you talking about? Destiny never wanted to be part of coL, he did that for his teammates. They then separated on a mutual agreement. There was never any drama about it.