I honestly don't care, since Slayers is still in. It's the only reason I watch.
EDIT: apparently not T_T
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United States530 Posts
August 12 2011 02:35 GMT
I honestly don't care, since Slayers is still in. It's the only reason I watch. EDIT: apparently not T_T | ||
United States455 Posts
August 12 2011 02:35 GMT
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United States281 Posts
August 12 2011 02:36 GMT
Confirm/deny above? NASL.tv? | ||
United States217 Posts
August 12 2011 02:36 GMT
On August 12 2011 11:32 Silver777 wrote: Show nested quote + On August 12 2011 11:24 Boomy123 wrote: On August 12 2011 11:21 thedz wrote: On August 12 2011 11:21 88FuZiLeiRo wrote: Bad for NASL, sad for the e-Sports scenario at all... I still think the Koreans are VERY wrong at this point, 2000$ for each player, in an e-Sports tournament is too much, more than enough for accomodation and the travel itself... On August 12 2011 11:19 Brian333 wrote: I'm not totally sure about this as I'm usually not the one directly buying or arranging the flights I take between Asia and the US but $1000 is definitely not enough and given the circumstances, $2000 might not be nearly enough either when including hotel fees. Keep in mind that it's a $1000 stipend plus $1000 prize. And the ticket alone will almost certainly be more than $1000. So they'd be essentially be using their own money (earned from over 9 weeks of pool play) to help pay for travel. Basically meaning, if they're lucky they'll break even after 2 months of playing. It's a waste of their time and money to play. I believe you just defined a competition sir. Whether or not the ROI is worth it dfifers by the person. But I think the issue about money should be stated clearly. NASL wasn't offering $2k for travel. According to the OP, they are offering $1k for travel. The other $1k is the person's prize money for making it to the final 16. So the question is: is playing for 2 months and losing money on travel worth it to you for a chance to play in a finals tournament where you could be out in 2 games (Ret and Boxer in NASL S1)? The player/team in question would be losing money because the $1k prize pool is essentially money earned from doing well over 9 weeks. Obviously, for some like EG who are in the US, the ROI is worth it. The Korean teams didn't think so. Disagree or agree, I think everyone should see the reasoning. | ||
United States217 Posts
August 12 2011 02:36 GMT
On August 12 2011 11:35 Selkie wrote: This is going to sound terrible but... I honestly don't care, since Slayers is still in. It's the only reason I watch. SlayerS are out. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=253750¤tpage=36#710 | ||
United States940 Posts
August 12 2011 02:36 GMT
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1011 Posts
August 12 2011 02:36 GMT
On August 12 2011 11:35 alexhard wrote: Show nested quote + On August 12 2011 11:15 The KY wrote: Sounds like they were being arrogant dicks who thought that their participation is so important that they can demand what they liked...don't mean to be too harsh but given the terms offered it is plain unreasonable. Don't see why. Better teams get better treatment in every sport, to a much greater extent than anywhere in sc2, including their proposal. Instead of getting a share of the broadcasting revenue, they asked for better treatment otherwise. Given the amount of viewers they bring (and hence the money they generate for NASL), that simply will not be there without them (see for example the EXPLOSIVE growth of MLG viewership numbers since they started inviting Koreans), it's not a completely unreasonable negotiating position. Exactly. It's just a professional decision. Liquid declined the invite to the Team League thing because they didn't agree to the terms. No hard feelings either way, just unfortunate for the fans that they didn't get to see certain games be played between certain players. | ||
Nauru12397 Posts
August 12 2011 02:37 GMT
On August 12 2011 11:34 eggs wrote: Show nested quote + On August 12 2011 11:33 dAPhREAk wrote: On August 12 2011 11:32 eggs wrote: On August 12 2011 11:30 dAPhREAk wrote: On August 12 2011 11:28 eggs wrote: On August 12 2011 11:27 dAPhREAk wrote: On August 12 2011 11:24 Boomy123 wrote: On August 12 2011 11:21 thedz wrote: On August 12 2011 11:21 88FuZiLeiRo wrote: Bad for NASL, sad for the e-Sports scenario at all... I still think the Koreans are VERY wrong at this point, 2000$ for each player, in an e-Sports tournament is too much, more than enough for accomodation and the travel itself... On August 12 2011 11:19 Brian333 wrote: I'm not totally sure about this as I'm usually not the one directly buying or arranging the flights I take between Asia and the US but $1000 is definitely not enough and given the circumstances, $2000 might not be nearly enough either when including hotel fees. Keep in mind that it's a $1000 stipend plus $1000 prize. And the ticket alone will almost certainly be more than $1000. So they'd be essentially be using their own money (earned from over 9 weeks of pool play) to help pay for travel. Basically meaning, if they're lucky they'll break even after 2 months of playing. It's a waste of their time and money to play. yes, that is true. but it is the same for everyone. why should one group receive different treatment? sen is in taiwan; white ra in ukraine. why should they have to bear more risk? They have different teams with different sponsors, and no commitments to the GSL schedule. i see. so, it is NASL's job to sponsor some players and teams over others because they cant get sponsorships and they want to play in other leagues. yeah, that seems fair. Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion. Explain? you are saying that NASL should pay for their travel costs because they dont have sponsorships, right? that means NASL is sponsoring them, right? I don't think you know what sponsorship means. The Koreans weren't asking for NASL to sponsor the Korean teams. "a person or group that provides funds for an activity" -- dictionary.com | ||
Australia37 Posts
August 12 2011 02:37 GMT
My 2 cents ![]() | ||
United States2911 Posts
August 12 2011 02:37 GMT
On August 12 2011 11:34 Flowjo wrote: This is all cause of Puma -_- They don't want their players poached anymore lol Then they should make them sign contracts. It's not rocket science. | ||
123 Posts
August 12 2011 02:39 GMT
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244 Posts
August 12 2011 02:39 GMT
I understand the Korean SC2 association might have business consideration, and they indeed have substantial leverage in the negotiation of travel stipends. I feel that by subscribing to NASL season 2, I will help strengthen the position of NASL, which made a fair (not great, but fair) offer to cover the travel cost for the Koreans. | ||
Australia264 Posts
August 12 2011 02:39 GMT
2) They are being paid to go there 3) The risk is a few hundred $ per player, and the reward (which is highly likely due to skill differential) is $40k+. Conclusion: There is little to no risk for newer korean players who havent played on TV in Korea to experience a live audience, and there is a very high chance for the grand prize to go to a Korean, and that would pay for everybody's tickets. Maybe they think this is like a small LAN held in someone's house. They came out to MLG and that was a $5k prize | ||
2230 Posts
August 12 2011 02:39 GMT
Credit to "muffley" for this GIF: ![]() | ||
United States18 Posts
August 12 2011 02:39 GMT
I'd like to hear what the actual reason is that they are not being allowed to enter. | ||
United States924 Posts
August 12 2011 02:39 GMT
What they fail to realize, is that exposure like the NASL is offering their teams, sponsors, and players, has mind-bendingly powerful long-term implications. What a bunch of spoiled children. I repeat, fuck 'em. | ||
Canada34 Posts
August 12 2011 02:40 GMT
Good luck to the people organizing the event and the players! :D Edit: I must also add, I think that the Koreans are being a bit over-the-top and stubborn on this matter. This leads me to believe that more than the funds, the teams didn't want the players to leave for another reason, possibly because of GSL scheduling?.....Gotta love the game anyways! ![]() | ||
1011 Posts
August 12 2011 02:40 GMT
On August 12 2011 11:39 MG.AtRi wrote: Definitely disappointing news. I myself do not know the cost of traveling from Korea to the US, but it seems like 2000$ is more than enough to cover a weekend. I understand the Koreans reasons for not wanting when the amount was 500$, but they can't manage for 2k? Really? This seems unreasonable to me... I guess the Koreans are to cool for us NA Scum -_- as has been repeated 50 times in this thread, the offer was $1k. | ||
149 Posts
August 12 2011 02:40 GMT
prev post http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=253750¤tpage=54#1077 RED1219 (2011-08-12 11:16:04 KST) excuse me but... They're offering $2000 for just coming. Aren't those really favorable conditions? 저기근데.... 2000달러나 걍 오는데 준다는건... 진짜... 진짜진짜 좋은 조건 아닌가여?? 게이보다는레즈 (2011-08-12 11:20:04 KST) Do these guys always make their public announcements so hostile? Even before everytime a player dropped out they'd twist the words to cast them in a bad light. It's as if the head honchos [at NASL] frikkin love trolling tsk tsk.... 얘네 웃긴게 맨날 공지를 이렇게 공격적으로 쓰네? 예전에도 선수들 빠질때마다 선수 욕먹으라고 존내 안좋은 뉘앙스로만 써놓던데 윗대가리 놈들이 시비거는거 존내 좋아하는듯 ㅉㅉㅉ.... 무지개역장 (2011-08-12 11:20:06 KST) Although it varies from airline to airline, round trip flight is about $1300, add hotel and food costs to that, I don't think one could say the offer is extremely generous. A player that is conservative and probably save a bit of that money, but if they decide to have a good time (e.g., go to Universal Studios, tour Hollywood) they probably won't be left with much. ㄴ항공사마다 다르지만 비행기값이 대체적으로 왕복 1300달러인것에, 호텔비에 식대를 감안하면 좋은 조건이지만 진짜 좋다고는 할수 없을듯. 절약하는 선수는 좀 남겨가겠지만, 이왕 미국간겸에 좀 놀고 (유니버셜 간다던가, 할리우드 관광간다던가) 이러면 얼마 안남을거 같아요. 전부짱 (2011-08-12 11:22:08 KST) If they were eventually going to pull out, it would have been nice to let NASL know earlier. It seems only NASL loses from this, readjusting schedules... 결국 출전안할꺼면 빨리 결정해서 알려주지..nasl만 손해본거네요,다시 일정조율해야하니깐.. 전부짱 (2011-08-12 11:25:25 KST) to 무지개역장, To say NASL should consider and include the cost of what Korean players might spend for leisure while in the States... is just... hul-_-;; 무지개역장/....nasl 쪽에서, 한국선수들이 미국에서 놀거나, 관광할것을 생각하고 지원금을 책정 해야한다....;라는....건;;;;헐...-_-;; RED1219 (2011-08-12 11:26:41 KST) You go to a tournament to win it. You don't go to take the allowance they give you to party and have a good time. Honestly, having the hotel and food costs paid for is something to be grateful for, isn't it. [감지덕지: proverb/saying roughly equivalent to, "don't look a gift horse in the mouth"] 대회참가가 이기는걸 생각하고 가는건데.. 난 주는돈으로 걍 이길생각없고 놀아야지 이런걸로 가는건가여;;; 호텔비에 식비주는것도 솔직히 감지덕지 아닌가요?;;; | ||
Canada68 Posts
August 12 2011 02:40 GMT
Secondly I'm not overly worried if there's fewer Koreans, it allows me to watch my favorite players and actually get to see them progress further than they could at other events. MLG being an example of suck. Take this as you will, I'm not gonna read any replies to this, just expressing my thought's on this topic. | ||
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