I hate the caster bashing that goes on in the LR threads, but I do honestly think he's bad.
When him and Khaldor casted oGs vs. Zenex I don't think I gained one bit of insight from either of them. When Tasteless and Artosis cast how often do you year Artosis say "Oh, look what ___ is doing! This is so that when ______ does ______ he can do ______! Clever move by ______" or "I don't like what ______ is doing, he really needs to go with ______!" He really just describes whatever is on the screen or makes bad jokes. I know Tastosis makes tons of jokes, but they have the chemistry with one another where the bad jokes bounce back and forth and become hilarious running jokes. They also know how to stop when something important happens whereas Moletrap will carry on with whatever he was saying even if the other caster tries to stop him.
So really I don't get anything extra from him as a caster, no insight and no humor. All I get is a description of what I'm already looking at.
The Moletrap and Khaldor combo is just bad too. I don't think Khaldor is too bad, but I think the fact that he isn't a native english speaker holds him back and leaves him rather monotone sounding. You really need someone like Wolf in there who just seems friendly and emotive.
They need a pitchshifter for his voice, maybe down two octaves jk moletrap is a pretty exciting caster
Personally I think Moletrap does a decent job at casting. Not the best(or worst), and he does have timing and tactful things he needs to work on,That being said, I do enjoy the excitement he brings. There are times with every caster I get annoyed for example: Tastosis and their stupid jokes. I do think he is doing better than he was before and I am hopeful he improves as he continues casting. If not I'm sure GOM will replace him.
his casting is boring for me and his calls are often wrong, makes me rarely watch code A/GSTL . i don't really dig khaldor either, but i'd be willing to give him more time.
I like moletraps casting alot, the awkward jokes/moments totally work for me. So yeah please just keep doing what your doing if you are reading this .
I just saw on Moletrap's stream that he's in Platinum league on US. That explains his lack of game knowledge. If he doesn't start practicing 1v1, I don't see his game knowledge improving anytime soon.
surely if you are casting full time in korea you would be better than plat US by now lol
GOM should take a page out of blizzard's playbook and listen to its fans/customers. Get rid of moretrap. Apart from being a douche and talking over other casters, he has no chemistry with them, he has an annoying voice, he doesnt know what he is talking about, he doesnt bring anything new to the table, and (not as important but still important) he is not photogenic. I just can not watch code A when he is casting.
On January 28 2012 22:27 cyclone25 wrote: I just saw on Moletrap's stream that he's in Platinum league on US. That explains his lack of game knowledge. If he doesn't start practicing 1v1, I don't see his game knowledge improving anytime soon.
i see people flame him about that and he says "i lack the mechanics" you only need 30 apm to win in masters i have done it and see ppl who do it
no flames here but its just that GOM TV is THE pro scene atm really and you need a better voice and casting ability to be there. i wonder if there is a lack of talented willing people to go over there? that most likely is what it is and in a few years we will filter out the bad casters
This is getting a bit out of control. It seems a great percentage of people just straight want him gone. I admire him following his passion and dream, but it it is a bit obvious he lacks the talent. He doesn't seem to have improved, too. It is really a sad situation when all you want to do is cast, but everyone just hates you. The best choice would be to flat out leave, it is a little egotistical to keep doing what you want when clearly everyone wants you gone and GOM are losing viewers because of him.
However, finding a replacement is not easy. (Especially finding a good replacement). It is a lot of commitment to move to Korea.
On January 28 2012 22:27 cyclone25 wrote: I just saw on Moletrap's stream that he's in Platinum league on US. That explains his lack of game knowledge. If he doesn't start practicing 1v1, I don't see his game knowledge improving anytime soon.
Yeah that makes sense. Artosis and Tasteless may make bad jokes but they do make great and accurate predictions and do the thing that matters most: make the game exciting and fun to watch. Artosis is high masters on the Korean server, which probably explains his ample game knowledge.
But I agree, Moletrap seriously needs to improve in more than one way or I'm just not going to buy GSTL anymore, and I already don't watch Code A unless Tastetosis or Wolf is casting.
Moletrap has been casting the GSL for how long now? I know it's been quite a few months. He should have improved substantially by now. I remember when Doa first started casting and I didn't care for him much. A few months later and I was sad to hear he went back to the US because he had improved so much and was getting some good chemistry with Wolf. Moletrap hasn't improved much, imo.
I really want these casters to differentiate themselves from one another, not just try to make puns/jokes. That's Tastosis' thing and they have it down pat. I remember Moletrap once bringing up really interesting statistics to the table, talking about this players history/matchup percentages/past history with opponent, etc, and it was really insightful and interesting. He stopped doing that for some reason and now he's just kind of meh.
Best of luck to him though!
I really hope GomTV changes their mind and give a shot to someone else. I can't really think of any other casters worst than him. I would really like to see an ex pro player take his spot, someone like Artosis, that is well articulated, has the stamina to cast a lot without falling asleep during the last few games... and actually knows the game.
One of the biggest drawbacks of the Khaldor/Moletrap combo is their complete lack of chemistry. Moletrap has to have someone like Doa that kinda has a sense of humor when it comes to really bad but intentionally bad jokes. Moletrap absolutely MUST acquire some sort of game knowledge. He has no idea about any build timings, engagements, or even builds. He just sees units and adds the typical and often times completely obvious statements like "Hydras are bad off creep" or "Terran bio armies are very mobile."
Moletrap has actually gotten worse over time. For example, the recent GSTL match between ogs and zenex was absolutely full to the brim with flat out wrong analysis. zenextreme baits a terran players army back with some zealots, and then moves his army to the front. Moletraps explanation? The Terran player had bad luck...... I began to feel bad for Khaldor as the cast went on, as he was having quite the time of making sure he did not outright lambaste Moletrap on air. I get the sense that Moletrap feels the need to play a game of oneupmanship with his co-caster, and combined with his horrible game knowledge this makes for a cast that is awkward, unprofessional, and ultimately damaging to the image of professional Sc2 competition. Something must be done.
Moletrap is fine as an action caster because he does have the ability to make any action that's going on screen to sound like it's the most exciting thing he's ever seen.
His analysis though is very subpar, and thusly I feel like he needs someone like Wolf to balance him out. I don't mind when Wolf and Moletrap cast together but Moletrap with Khaldor I feel is like putting two of the same casting type together.
Khaldor is also an action caster but his analysis I feel is also lacking especially when compared to the elites like Day9 and Artosis.
Balance man, balance.
Just gonna show some support for Moletrap here, in this suffocating ocean of fanboys. I'd get rid of Tasteless sooner than Moletrap any day.
I have nothing against Moletrap, congratz to him......hes seems like a fine lad.......his casting is ok, the important thing is that he really likes the game and it really shows during his casting...
The chemistry with Khaldor is a bit "off" but they havent really casted much together so thats pretty normal.....give em time.....
Also every (im not even gonna use the word "almost") caster that I have seen streaming in English (except Tastosis, Day9, and this young dude from NASL :D) are really horrible when it comes to general game knowledge/matchups etc.... The game has been out for over a year now and we have the same casters as we did a year ago....still the knowledge about the game is really bad IMO....casters really need to make an effort to learn the game....
On January 31 2012 04:14 Boof wrote: Just gonna show some support for Moletrap here, in this suffocating ocean of fanboys. I'd get rid of Tasteless sooner than Moletrap any day.
You trolling?