There's a couple sayings I think apply after reading this, "Knowledge is Power" and "Look out for number one". Whether it be Starcraft player, Accountant, Hockey Player, Cabinet Maker, whatever-if you excel at something you need to be paid for your skill. Puma felt he would be paid better with EG, there is nothing wrong with that and I applaud his courage for making a change. He wasn't bound by a contract.....
Kind of funny how many people have sympathy for lee when he has basically done and admitted to a terrible job coaching and managing the team. He completely catered to the lazy stars and wasn't sure how to handle new talent, lost most of his sponsors and top players. It is no surprise players would want to jump ship their, and personally it isn't some big character thing to stay around their it is more just hurting your own career.
Also puma wins major tournament and still no contract talks for the team. Eg may not have handled it the best way but for anyone to hold this against puma is foolish.
~edited since my opinion of this whole drama has changed dramatically since listening to the latest Weapon of Choice show .....~
glad to see this story is starting to die away
It's a bit absurd to laud Clide and co. for "not bothering" their coach with the news that they had been approached by foreign teams. That seems like the most important thing you should bring up when you see him next. And honestly, it shows a disgusting lack of transparency from those two bordering on cowardice. This nebulous concept of "loyalty" becomes selfish and domineering when you're insisting your star player go down with the sinking ship.
People overreact and chastise because of their idea of what it is to be loyal. From every single piece of information I've read, it seems that TSL dropped the ball hard here, and the blame rests at the feet of their coach.