courtesy of oniontaker, I decided it was time to stand and defend the emperor.
TL;DR: basically, some journalist badmouthed Boxer, saying he's "fallen to Hell" and this made him really sad, which in turn made her really sad, which in turn should make his nerds/fanboys everywhere sad.
I wanted to start a post specifically to show him support, seeing as he does seem pretty down at the moment, and everyday
"he takes a mouse in his hand for the fans who take delight in watching his matches."
And I guess in return we (his fans) should just drop a message below and hopefully he can take encouragement from that.
But of course, the internet being the internet, there'll be trolls abounding saying "OMG BUT HE DROPPED TO CODE B. OBVIOUSLY HE DESERVES EVERYTHING THAT WAS SAID!" Being non-korean, I can't read the original article, but it's pretty harsh to be saying things like that, not just to the emperor, to anyone. Disrespect for someone who's brought e-sports to what it is today? Not cool.
Boxer's decision to play should be his decision. He shouldn't need to have to have journalists bad-mouthing him. As long as there're people that want to watch him, he'll keep playing.
Well i'm really starting to ramble here, so once again, TL;DR: Please post something encouraging for him! I don't care if he doesn't pop back up into Code S, but I think he deserves at least a small degree of comfort from not only his fans, but the e-sports community in general. HWAITING!
We made a difference. I should've mentioned this in the first post, that Slayers DO read teamliquid, and oniontaker could be addressed as their un-official translator I guess. Another good read is here, about jessica The 20 odd pages about this is thoroughly enlightening, and the individual stories to come out are pretty amazing. Thank you all.
P.S. Edit #1: Decided that it should deserve it's own post since trawling through pages of his fanclub would be an arduous task to find something specifically encouraging to this, and this topic is more specific. Mods can make the call on that anyway, at least i tried :D
Reporters usually are just looking for drama and to cause drama nothing they say should be listened to.
SlayerS_BoxeR has done so much and inspired/encouraged so many people, pro-gamers and gamers alike to continue playing and trying thier best to improve, he has givin so much entertainment showed so many games and truely is inspirational.
To those who hate on Boxer you really need to learn to show some respect to those who deserve it.
Wow, I got nerd chills reading this. That's some deep shit from Jessica. Keep going Boxer! We enjoy watching you regardless of the circumstances! <3<3<3
Well I don't care where BoxeR is, I just enjoy seeing him play. He was the person who inspired me to start playing StarCraft in the first place and regardless of how he is doing right now, in my heart he is still and forever will be the Emperor. Also you need to take into account that he has a team now that he needs to help manage and he is getting on in years so obviously he won't be performing at the highest level but his presence is all that matters.
People who hate Boxer only want attention. The Emperor lives on whether or not he wins or loses because of the things he did that will still have an impact in the future of SC2 and Esports in general.
The man is working his ass off practicing, while struggling with an injury, and building a championship calibre team. Yeah, I think we can cut him some slack.
Honestly, the Emperor just had a bad day. He was not himself in those games, and in that moment, was not the better player. It's true. It's also okay. It happens. All you can do is work hard and do better the next time. Knowing Boxer, that won't be a problem.
On a personal note, I find all my favourite players are from the older crowd, even if they don't always perform at the level of some of the younger guys.
<3 Boxer (and as an aside, <3 Rainbow as well. You can come back too!).
I'm just happy that old top players are still around to provide us with some quality games now and then despite not being able to stay at the absolute top. The greater talent pool the better, and unique players with history and personality can only be for the better.
It's clear that BoxeR has brought much happiness and excitement by continuing to play Starcraft in the form of SC2, and I think it has also been a boost the the game overall, especially in Korea. We are indebted to him, and I must admit that the message of Jessica brought tears to my eyes.
To be honest I'd prefer him taking some time of to get proper treatment of his shoulder problems, its no use playing injured.
I hope he will get back to Code A or S but I don't mind if it takes a while.
She is so spot on on the "insulting culture", I'd say that this is not restricted to the internet though, you find similar things traditional media covering sports - which obviously is at least just as bad.
While I try to steer clear of the rampant idolisation of Boxer, I agree in that he is perhaps one of the most inspirational figures in eSports.
His recent performance has been disappointing. There is no doubt in this regard. However, true fans are those who never give up on their hero. Given the extraordinary circumstances he has faced on a daily basis, he should be commended for at least remaining competitive.
I wish Lim Yo-Hwan all the best. For him, I hope he chooses to do what makes him happy, whatever that may be. It's important, however, that people not become enraged or misguided by a silly, sensationalist news article which means nothing in the grand scheme of things. He's already secured his position as the Emperor of Starcraft, and nothing - not even the media - can change this now.
On July 01 2011 00:58 lim1017 wrote: On another note its also quite touching how much support/defense she is giving him. thats quite a few tweets!
Well, it seems that they were all made that the same time, so I would think it's meant as a single message which simply got butchered due to the limitations of Twitter.
Im a grown man, 28 years old, teacher, father, gamer. I never heard about Boxer, before i started playing SC2. But alas i did start and play SC2, and got familiar with the Boxer legend. Since then i have been a fan of him, and he has inspired me alot. No matter the results i always find mayself yelling, Boxer fighting!
why hate boxer? everyone knows that it is ridic hard for people at his age. he is tryin to just set the example since he is a huge role model in the gaming community. haters gona hate/ be jelly
Wow, she sure went on a rant... That's more tweets in an hour than most people do in a month!
I thinks she's kind of overreacting, to be honest, regardless of what was said. The guy's a celebrity and pretty much every celebrity on earth has articles about them in gossip rags, online and in papers. It's one of the crappier parts of being famous but it is pretty much part of the job description.
Weird thing is, MMA just won MLG and came in 2nd in the GSL Super Tourney, and is now also in Code B. Fact is Code A and Code S represent some amazing players and there is no shame in losing to anyone of them.
Boxer is still really good, and he is representing that in the NASL.
boxer fighting! I'm still a huge fan and of what jessica wrote on twitter made me really sad because i enjoy every frigging game his playing! SC2 is still somewhat knew and when you have played bw for the last 10 years and knows the mechanics in and out it takes time to adapt. Boxers time will soon come, he has so many fans that loves him
How can you hate boxer , I can't even comprehend this ... Guys from the bw community should be grateful for everything he has done for the industry, I highly doubt that bw would as big in Korea if it wasn't for Boxer. And sc2 fans should also respect him (and jessica) for creating slayers and making it one of the best team in Korea. Boxer could have chose the easy path by being a coach and living on his past, instead he choose to keep playing, despite the enormous pressure and his injury. I have nothing but respect and admiration for Boxer, I hope he will heal is injury though and that he will keep his motivation despite all these hardships.
Probably just some journalist who is looking for a good story that will get published. He has had a bad few seasons, can't think of anyone who hasn't gone through that after being involved in a sport for a long enough time.
Ever since I discovered progaming BoxeR has always been my favorite player. I enjoy seeing him play and am excited to see him continue on his journey through StarCraft 2!
Didn't boxer take 1'st place in his NASL group beating out Sen and Idra? Oh and didn't he make top 8 in the TSL when every other korean fell early. Boxer is still a really good player and deserves more respect. Hes only struggling in one tournament if you think about it.
Good grief. Reading over that, you would think you were reading about a general or a world leader, not a middling professional gamer on the downside of his career. No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I don't know how this reporter had the brain to write this article....BoxeR is well known all around the world he is a icon for eSports he has the most successful team in sc2 right now he builded SKT and helped ACE to prove themselfs i don't call that "falling to hell"....BoxeR forever will be the Emperor of the Terran no matter what he does, or where he is, he doesn't need to prove to some idiots that he can sit down practice 24/7 and win every tour he enters CUZ HE already did that and everybody know that he can do it if he wants.Big respect to BoxeR for what he has done and i hope he keeps doing and don't get bothered by some silly articles like this. "It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself."
I read somewhere that Boxer was offered by SKT T1 to stay as a coach. He could've taken that and lived on his past moments; instead he moved onto SC2, where he's formed his own game team, despite injury, and pressure he continued to play SC2. I've watched Boxer since I'm able to remember things, and I've cheered him on in everything since then. He's going to boom into Code S again, I hope he keeps it up, don't let the haters get at you
No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I don't think you truly understand all that boxer has done for ESPORTS.
Everytime i watch boxer, im so engaged emotionally.(Similar to MKP) cause these guys put their heart and soul into the game. And everytime they lose, i scream and shout at the screen. I really hope Boxer continues to play cause no matter what kind of games he plays, win or lose, he always gets me cheering and screaming!
Fuck that reporter, no matter his results I'll always cheer for boxer. He's the one that brought me into E-sports and I'll never forget that. I'm even optimistic he'll return to the top once more. Long live the Emperor !
No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I don't think you truly understand all that boxer has done for ESPORTS.
I cheer for Boxer, but how is it wrong to say the emperor is in decline? he's not what he used to be. Point that it. Did the reporter go on and INSULT boxer? or just say hes playing bad these days?
If I keep getting C and D in my report card after several years of A+, will i be insulted if somebody said im becoming bad? no its the truth...
On July 01 2011 01:12 Klaus1986 wrote: Good grief. Reading over that, you would think you were reading about a general or a world leader, not a middling professional gamer on the downside of his career. No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I don't comprehend how my respect should decrease because he's "on the downside of his career". Wouldn't it be silly if I didn't respect Muhammad Ali because he's not the boxer he once was? (Wow no pun intended, must have subconsciously chosen him as an example ). His accomplishments are still there, and he's still the man that accomplished those things.
What would be the point in being great at anything if at the time you were no longer great everyone forgot you or slandered you?
I'm already working on something. I am trying to get his e-mail to start a big E-mail spree to him to show him our support. Wouldn't be be lovely for boxer to wake up one morning and have over 9000 (hehe) E-mails from his fans.
Would evn be awesome for him to get a few dozen a day. For him to read and know he is loved for what he does.
Seriously, Boxer is the 1 who bring Starcraft to a whole new level. Just his present can pressure the opponent, just like the GOMTV's Code A pre-match description. Those 'so-called' E-sports reporter have to do some homework and ofc, PAY SOME RESPECT to the one who have been in the E-sports for almost 10+ years.
This kind of treatment/article seriously hurting and Boxer seriously need our support. Haters gonna hate. Overrated? NO!!! He deserve it!!!
I think that Kim Ga-Yeon is completely correct about the culture that is bringing about this kind of hate. You see the same thing with MMA. He has an inordinate amount of haters that is truly baffling to me. People are fair weather fans to the extreme now and not only do they jump ship at the first sign of problems, they become denouncers.
On July 01 2011 01:12 Klaus1986 wrote: Good grief. Reading over that, you would think you were reading about a general or a world leader, not a middling professional gamer on the downside of his career. No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
Tiger hasn't won anything in awhile ey. Maybe we should say he's in a downward spiral and fallen to hell. Nevermind that he probably inspired young golfers everywhere. No worries. Thanks tiger, pack your bags see you later.
I'm sure I could think of a better example given time, but not right now.
No one deserves what that journalist wrote. Even so, he was a pioneer, not just a winner. And the new generation being better, faster and smarter? I'd like to see thebestfou play boxer. LOL.
On July 01 2011 01:12 Klaus1986 wrote: Good grief. Reading over that, you would think you were reading about a general or a world leader, not a middling professional gamer on the downside of his career. No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
There is much more to eSports than merely playing the game. Sure, I doubt he'll ever really rise to the top again, but your purely materialistic view of professional competition is shallow and suggests ignorance.
You're forgetting that Boxer founded what could be argued as the two most successful eSports teams of all time - SK Telecom T1 in BW, and SlayerS in SC2. Not to mention his contribution to Air Force ACE. You're also forgetting how Boxer alone was one of the biggest drivers in bringing eSports into mainstream Korean culture.
Learn from the past to create a better future. Dismissing him as a "has-been" is both disrespectful and ridiculous.
Emperor fighting! Seriously, he's done so much for esports in SC1, competes for several seasons among the top calibers of players in the world, assembles a team of unbelievably skilled competitors, and now because he's not playing code A anymore he gets shrugged off by a reporter? He's still f'ing boxer lol.
I like Boxer, although I'm relatively new to the scene I still hold him in high regards, considering his relentless dedication to the starcraft series.
On July 01 2011 01:12 Klaus1986 wrote: Good grief. Reading over that, you would think you were reading about a general or a world leader, not a middling professional gamer on the downside of his career. No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I don't comprehend how my respect should decrease because he's "on the downside of his career". Wouldn't it be silly if I didn't respect Muhammad Ali because he's not the boxer he once was? (Wow no pun intended, must have subconsciously chosen him as an example ). His accomplishments are still there, and he's still the man that accomplished those things.
What would be the point in being great at anything if at the time you were no longer great everyone forgot you or slandered you?
Saying that he's not very good is not disrespect, it's the truth. I'm not condoning slander, but there is nothing wrong with pointing out that Boxer isn't a top class SC player.
Respect him for his past accomplishments, rightly. But respect him right now as a player? Er... pass.
Is this a joke? Are journalists just supposed to ignore a player's bad form? I don't understand how this is even being dignified with a response. If you can't take critisicm you shouldn't put yourself in the public eye to begin with. Ridiculous.
And people criticising the writer apparently have no sense of irony whatsoever. If it's not okay for him to bash Boxer, why is okay for you to bash the writer? Again, ridiculous.
On July 01 2011 01:12 Klaus1986 wrote: Good grief. Reading over that, you would think you were reading about a general or a world leader, not a middling professional gamer on the downside of his career. No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I don't comprehend how my respect should decrease because he's "on the downside of his career". Wouldn't it be silly if I didn't respect Muhammad Ali because he's not the boxer he once was? (Wow no pun intended, must have subconsciously chosen him as an example ). His accomplishments are still there, and he's still the man that accomplished those things.
What would be the point in being great at anything if at the time you were no longer great everyone forgot you or slandered you?
Saying that he's not very good is not disrespect, it's the truth. I'm not condoning slander, but there is nothing wrong with pointing out that Boxer isn't a top class SC player.
Respect him for his past accomplishments, rightly. But respect him right now as a player? Er... pass.
A) Still one of the top players. B) From what I understand of the article, not at all about "respect him as a player right now".
I don't think anyone has a problem with saying the chances of Boxer winning GSL Code S in the next few seasons is slim but that's not what's being discussed in the article.
the reason i started watching so much starcraft was because of him, and i watch every single game of his i can because no matter what anyone wants to say, he is still the Emperor to all his fans. I hope he keeps on playing for a long time because he's a blast to watch, keep on fighting Lim Yo-Hwan!
Reading those tweets actually made me really sad. It's crazy how inspirational Boxer is. I will watch him play regardless of the stage, and will continue to support with fervor and appreciation. Boxer deserves all the respect we can give him. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply wrong.
On July 01 2011 01:12 Klaus1986 wrote: Good grief. Reading over that, you would think you were reading about a general or a world leader, not a middling professional gamer on the downside of his career. No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I don't comprehend how my respect should decrease because he's "on the downside of his career". Wouldn't it be silly if I didn't respect Muhammad Ali because he's not the boxer he once was? (Wow no pun intended, must have subconsciously chosen him as an example ). His accomplishments are still there, and he's still the man that accomplished those things.
What would be the point in being great at anything if at the time you were no longer great everyone forgot you or slandered you?
Saying that he's not very good is not disrespect, it's the truth. I'm not condoning slander, but there is nothing wrong with pointing out that Boxer isn't a top class SC player.
Respect him for his past accomplishments, rightly. But respect him right now as a player? Er... pass.
A) Still one of the top players. B) From what I understand of the article, not at all about "respect him as a player right now".
I don't think anyone has a problem with saying the chances of Boxer winning GSL Code S in the next few seasons is slim but that's not what's being discussed in the article.
A) I disagree. B) The only thing you know about the article is the phrase "fallen into hell," which implies that the author is talking about him in the here and now. Not in the past.
I'm already working on something. I am trying to get his e-mail to start a big E-mail spree to him to show him our support. Wouldn't be be lovely for boxer to wake up one morning and have over 9000 (hehe) E-mails from his fans.
Would evn be awesome for him to get a few dozen a day. For him to read and know he is loved for what he does.
Ask jessica on twitter? Obviously she wouldn't give his private mail up,but maybe she could open one for him where we could send the messages to?
i have an idea, lets get NeverGG out of "retirement" and make something like "A Marine for Boxer", i think that would be an awesome idea!!!! The only reason why i started following the GSL was because of Boxer, there is no other reason to watch SC2 besides the fact that the older generation progamers are here, we need to show boxer our support and love for him so that he can get back on his feet!
Someone please find that pseudo-journalist mail / site whatever info you can find, he deserves to see that there is a force behind BoxeR and that force can e-bomb and ddos the hell out of him. BoxeR has put more smiles in ppl faces than this pseudo-journalist words on paper. He is still a very good player, and mostly a great person ! And i personally don't care even if he looses a game or two, i still admire his play. It hearts that he takes it so bad... and we must be here for him like he was there for us - wanting to be like him, practicing, watching his perfect gameplay !! Thank you sunneh for that great initiative and i believe that we must push that way further...
I dont care whether boxer is losing in bronze league or winning Code S 3 times in a row. He is Boxer, therefore he has my respect and will always be my hero
On July 01 2011 01:12 Klaus1986 wrote: Good grief. Reading over that, you would think you were reading about a general or a world leader, not a middling professional gamer on the downside of his career. No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I don't comprehend how my respect should decrease because he's "on the downside of his career". Wouldn't it be silly if I didn't respect Muhammad Ali because he's not the boxer he once was? (Wow no pun intended, must have subconsciously chosen him as an example ). His accomplishments are still there, and he's still the man that accomplished those things.
What would be the point in being great at anything if at the time you were no longer great everyone forgot you or slandered you?
Saying that he's not very good is not disrespect, it's the truth. I'm not condoning slander, but there is nothing wrong with pointing out that Boxer isn't a top class SC player.
Respect him for his past accomplishments, rightly. But respect him right now as a player? Er... pass.
A) Still one of the top players. B) From what I understand of the article, not at all about "respect him as a player right now".
I don't think anyone has a problem with saying the chances of Boxer winning GSL Code S in the next few seasons is slim but that's not what's being discussed in the article.
A) I disagree. B) The only thing you know about the article is the phrase "fallen into hell," which implies that the author is talking about him in the here and now. Not in the past.
Saying that he is bad is one thing, saying that he has fallen into hell is another.
On July 01 2011 01:39 setekh wrote: Someone please find that pseudo-journalist mail / site whatever info you can find, he deserves to see that there is a force behind BoxeR and that force can e-bomb and ddos the hell out of him.
Don't tarnish BoxeR's name by doing that kind of childish bullshit. Seriously.
Boxer is still my favorite progamer because I still have vivid memories of his past performances, and I know he trains harder than anyone not just on a strategic level, but on a game engine level to discover what is the most fundamentally broken or exploitable tactic on any given map. Even in games where he loses, he's still able to forge entertaining games with unorthodox or mechanically-challenging strategies. That is who Boxer is.
That said, it's quite obvious that he isn't able to reach his full potential right now, and it's disheartening because I know he has the mental acuity to outwit his opponents just as he did in his prime. If a physical handicap is preventing him from properly executing the strategies that he's developed, then his true fans demand that he return to peak physical condition. Playing through the pain is admirable but ultimately fruitless, and I don't think anyone questions his passion for competitive e-sports or his drive to be the best. What he should be doing is removing all those obstacles that could limit his success, for himself and for his fans.
I never even followed Brood War, but I know how awesome BoxeR is regardless. Really stupid and immature to bad-mouth him like this, especially considering how hard Code A and the qualifiers are.
On July 01 2011 01:39 setekh wrote: Someone please find that pseudo-journalist mail / site whatever info you can find, he deserves to see that there is a force behind BoxeR and that force can e-bomb and ddos the hell out of him. BoxeR has put more smiles in ppl faces than this pseudo-journalist words on paper. He is still a very good player, and mostly a great person ! And i personally don't care even if he looses a game or two, i still admire his play. It hearts that he takes it so bad... and we must be here for him like he was there for us - wanting to be like him, practicing, watching his perfect gameplay !! Thank you sunneh for that great initiative and i believe that we must push that way further...
Lim "BoxeR" Yo-Hwan FIGHTING !!!
I love boxer as well but I really don't think attacking the reporter is the way to go, supporting boxer, letting him know we'll keep on watching him, whether it is in Code B or Code M, let him know he has all the support from his foreign fans that he can possibly imagine. That, I think, will drive him much more than a couple of hate mails to the reporter.
So, in that vein, BoxeR fighting and I'll support you no matter what
Reporters like this is the reason for people retiring from Esports. It makes me sick to my stomach that one would ever say a bad word against the Emperor. Really want to punch him/her in the face... Wow im mad right now
On July 01 2011 01:12 Klaus1986 wrote: Good grief. Reading over that, you would think you were reading about a general or a world leader, not a middling professional gamer on the downside of his career. No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I don't comprehend how my respect should decrease because he's "on the downside of his career". Wouldn't it be silly if I didn't respect Muhammad Ali because he's not the boxer he once was? (Wow no pun intended, must have subconsciously chosen him as an example ). His accomplishments are still there, and he's still the man that accomplished those things.
What would be the point in being great at anything if at the time you were no longer great everyone forgot you or slandered you?
Saying that he's not very good is not disrespect, it's the truth. I'm not condoning slander, but there is nothing wrong with pointing out that Boxer isn't a top class SC player.
Respect him for his past accomplishments, rightly. But respect him right now as a player? Er... pass.
A) Still one of the top players. B) From what I understand of the article, not at all about "respect him as a player right now".
I don't think anyone has a problem with saying the chances of Boxer winning GSL Code S in the next few seasons is slim but that's not what's being discussed in the article.
A) I disagree. B) The only thing you know about the article is the phrase "fallen into hell," which implies that the author is talking about him in the here and now. Not in the past.
I see, we have different standards for who is a top player. Fair enough. I'd like to know you're opinion on Idra and Sen.
If it's not apparent to you from Kim Ga-Yeon's tweets that the article was written in a way that was slanderous I don't know if we have more to discuss. This is not about his current state and only his current state. It's as simple as that. This is a thread to support him when he feels like he's been betrayed. What is so wrong with that you'll have to explain to me.
Edit: Here's the other thread regarding this which has a translation of the article if you'd like to read more.
Boxer is my favourite Korean player..... (MC as well, though MC is the badboy, Boxer is the model sportsman).
I always enjoy watching his games, and it was because of a few of his games that I first started watching eSports and paying attention to the actual gamers involved in the scene.
When Boxer is in a match, you know you are in for a good time. He may not be the #1 SC2 player in the world atm, but he's definitely up there... wait until the game stabilizes, and we'll see him in the upper echelons as usual :D
Boxer is my favorite player, not just for the amazing plays he can bring, but because of his attitude toward the game. He never gives up and always tries his hardest. It pains me to know that Boxer is hurting because he's doing something he loves. I just hope that he focuses on getting better rather than playing his best while in such pain. And also, making articles like this on anyone is incredibly mean and would be the reason someone would quit.
On July 01 2011 01:12 Klaus1986 wrote: Good grief. Reading over that, you would think you were reading about a general or a world leader, not a middling professional gamer on the downside of his career. No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I don't comprehend how my respect should decrease because he's "on the downside of his career". Wouldn't it be silly if I didn't respect Muhammad Ali because he's not the boxer he once was? (Wow no pun intended, must have subconsciously chosen him as an example ). His accomplishments are still there, and he's still the man that accomplished those things.
What would be the point in being great at anything if at the time you were no longer great everyone forgot you or slandered you?
Saying that he's not very good is not disrespect, it's the truth. I'm not condoning slander, but there is nothing wrong with pointing out that Boxer isn't a top class SC player.
Respect him for his past accomplishments, rightly. But respect him right now as a player? Er... pass.
A) Still one of the top players. B) From what I understand of the article, not at all about "respect him as a player right now".
I don't think anyone has a problem with saying the chances of Boxer winning GSL Code S in the next few seasons is slim but that's not what's being discussed in the article.
A) I disagree. B) The only thing you know about the article is the phrase "fallen into hell," which implies that the author is talking about him in the here and now. Not in the past.
I see, we have different standards for who is a top player. Fair enough. I'd like to know you're opinion on Idra and Sen.
If it's not apparent to you from Kim Ga-Yeon's tweets that the article was written in a way that was slanderous I don't know if we have more to discuss. This is not about his current state and only his current state. It's as simple as that. This is a thread to support him when he feels like he's been betrayed. What is so wrong with that you'll have to explain to me.
Boxer hwaiting and MMA fighting! Boxer is an inspiration. As I said elsewhere, maybe they need a brief R&R or vacation from that strenuous practice regime. Return strong SlayerS and Boxer.
man i don't give a fuck, i hardly watched any BW but it takes something special to hype me up as much as when BoxeR starts playing. FUCK YEA EMPEROR
at the same time, as a concerned fan, i want to see the emperor at his best and that means healing his shoulder. he can still help his team while he heals, and i'm sure it's the hardest thing in the world to stop doing what you love, but he'll be better for it!
On July 01 2011 01:39 setekh wrote: Someone please find that pseudo-journalist mail / site whatever info you can find, he deserves to see that there is a force behind BoxeR and that force can e-bomb and ddos the hell out of him. BoxeR has put more smiles in ppl faces than this pseudo-journalist words on paper. He is still a very good player, and mostly a great person ! And i personally don't care even if he looses a game or two, i still admire his play. It hearts that he takes it so bad... and we must be here for him like he was there for us - wanting to be like him, practicing, watching his perfect gameplay !! Thank you sunneh for that great initiative and i believe that we must push that way further...
Lim "BoxeR" Yo-Hwan FIGHTING !!!
well this is the e-mail of the "journalist" :
If you hate Boxer, you hate Esports. And does anyone here hate Esports? Boxer, you're amazing, and I cheer for you every time I watch you. Please don't feel bad about this one idiot, for one hater there's thousands of fans out there who love you. Boxer FIGHTING
On July 01 2011 01:39 setekh wrote: Someone please find that pseudo-journalist mail / site whatever info you can find, he deserves to see that there is a force behind BoxeR and that force can e-bomb and ddos the hell out of him. BoxeR has put more smiles in ppl faces than this pseudo-journalist words on paper. He is still a very good player, and mostly a great person ! And i personally don't care even if he looses a game or two, i still admire his play. It hearts that he takes it so bad... and we must be here for him like he was there for us - wanting to be like him, practicing, watching his perfect gameplay !! Thank you sunneh for that great initiative and i believe that we must push that way further...
Lim "BoxeR" Yo-Hwan FIGHTING !!!
well this is the e-mail of the "journalist" :
I do not believe for a second that there is anyone in the whole world who hates Boxer! That fucker with the article just does it for profit but im sure he doesnt believe what he wrote. No one who knows Boxer or has seen just one interview and noticed his manner would ever give a crap about some stupid article. As a top player, as a captain or even as a regular guy Boxer will never lose his fans!
In journalists' world, controversy always sell, and that's what they're going for. It sparks up response and discussion like this and thus stimulates people to go look for the source of the hype, regardless of how positive or negative it is. No, I'm not saying that it's right, but everyone seems to be doing it.
Anyway, I have no doubt that the comeback of their favorite player is something every fanboys crave for.
Hail to the Emperor... whenever im bored i just but on a boxer highlight real and it just puts a smile on my face how sick he is! He has done so much for e-sports. Dont get discouraged boxer.... Keep fighting and u'll always have ur fans supporting u through thick and thin!
On July 01 2011 01:39 setekh wrote: Someone please find that pseudo-journalist mail / site whatever info you can find, he deserves to see that there is a force behind BoxeR and that force can e-bomb and ddos the hell out of him. BoxeR has put more smiles in ppl faces than this pseudo-journalist words on paper. He is still a very good player, and mostly a great person ! And i personally don't care even if he looses a game or two, i still admire his play. It hearts that he takes it so bad... and we must be here for him like he was there for us - wanting to be like him, practicing, watching his perfect gameplay !! Thank you sunneh for that great initiative and i believe that we must push that way further...
Lim "BoxeR" Yo-Hwan FIGHTING !!!
well this is the e-mail of the "journalist" :
Boxer, you are the reason this game is not only about winning but about the beauty accomplished in the process. Don't mind so much about winning for now, but about enjoying it. You have nothing to prove us.
I doubt anyone in the scene could get more support than you. Just keep being yourself and support will not fade.
Remember that supply depot next to the watchtower on Terminus? It's that kind of thing that tells me that the emperor still reigns. It is astonishing that a single man can do so much for a game as he has. There is no gamer on the planet more deserving of his hard-earned fans than Lim Yo-Hwan.
If nothing else he should know that the foreign community will not forget what he has given us.
P.S. listen to your empress and rest your shoulder :/ , we don't want to see you in pain any more than we want to see TLO in pain with carpal tunnel. Every sport has its injuries, they must be taken care of so that one may come back with a renewed vigor.
Boxer is still amazing... it's not like he's doing poorly in tourneys across the board or something. He should just got to MLG and win it, get into code 'S' that way.
How cool would it be for The Emperor to stream on he could have same viewer numbers as IdrA, WhiteRa and other streaming gods on TL. We can show our support by tuning onto his stream. But then thats mostly a pipe dream :D.
On July 01 2011 01:39 setekh wrote: Someone please find that pseudo-journalist mail / site whatever info you can find, he deserves to see that there is a force behind BoxeR and that force can e-bomb and ddos the hell out of him. BoxeR has put more smiles in ppl faces than this pseudo-journalist words on paper. He is still a very good player, and mostly a great person ! And i personally don't care even if he looses a game or two, i still admire his play. It hearts that he takes it so bad... and we must be here for him like he was there for us - wanting to be like him, practicing, watching his perfect gameplay !! Thank you sunneh for that great initiative and i believe that we must push that way further...
Lim "BoxeR" Yo-Hwan FIGHTING !!!
well this is the e-mail of the "journalist" :
that said. if anyone wants to send the journalist critique i believe he deserves it.
gaming journalism will never get better if they can get away with this kind of stuff
I agree but we're on the internet. And you replied to " e-bomb and ddos the hell out of him." Thought it was worth stating that we should just try to support BoxeR ^^
she would probably make a ton more money if she just does her normal job (being a well known actress and all). yet she went into a field that she does not really know. she took out money out of her pocket and invested in a team. she talked with all the sponsors to get some money flow. also she manages the team too (while cella does the coaching). all just for boxer. its amazing what a supportive GF she is.
On July 01 2011 01:42 Excalibur_Z wrote: Boxer is still my favorite progamer because I still have vivid memories of his past performances, and I know he trains harder than anyone not just on a strategic level, but on a game engine level to discover what is the most fundamentally broken or exploitable tactic on any given map. Even in games where he loses, he's still able to forge entertaining games with unorthodox or mechanically-challenging strategies. That is who Boxer is.
That said, it's quite obvious that he isn't able to reach his full potential right now, and it's disheartening because I know he has the mental acuity to outwit his opponents just as he did in his prime. If a physical handicap is preventing him from properly executing the strategies that he's developed, then his true fans demand that he return to peak physical condition. Playing through the pain is admirable but ultimately fruitless, and I don't think anyone questions his passion for competitive e-sports or his drive to be the best. What he should be doing is removing all those obstacles that could limit his success, for himself and for his fans.
She is currently trying to stop him from playing to recover, but he apparently refused several times. From previous interviews, you know that she is not a quitter... I believe that she may be trying to whisk him away to somewhere for a vacation?
On July 01 2011 02:04 1st_Panzer_Div. wrote: Boxer is still amazing... it's not like he's doing poorly in tourneys across the board or something. He should just got to MLG and win it, get into code 'S' that way.
Boxer hwaiting!!!
this would probably be the best way for him.
also he will get some cheers in NA unlike in korea where everybody is just indifferent about him (well at least that was my impression in the gomtv studios when i went there this january)
On July 01 2011 01:42 Excalibur_Z wrote: Boxer is still my favorite progamer because I still have vivid memories of his past performances, and I know he trains harder than anyone not just on a strategic level, but on a game engine level to discover what is the most fundamentally broken or exploitable tactic on any given map. Even in games where he loses, he's still able to forge entertaining games with unorthodox or mechanically-challenging strategies. That is who Boxer is.
That said, it's quite obvious that he isn't able to reach his full potential right now, and it's disheartening because I know he has the mental acuity to outwit his opponents just as he did in his prime. If a physical handicap is preventing him from properly executing the strategies that he's developed, then his true fans demand that he return to peak physical condition. Playing through the pain is admirable but ultimately fruitless, and I don't think anyone questions his passion for competitive e-sports or his drive to be the best. What he should be doing is removing all those obstacles that could limit his success, for himself and for his fans.
She is currently trying to stop him from playing to recover, but he apparently refused several times. From previous interviews, you know that she is not a quitter... I believe that she may be trying to whisk him away to somewhere for a vacation?
maybe they should just get.. you know married (they planned it for ages now) have a honey moon break and get some rest.
Boxer has done so much for e-sports, so it doesn't matter if he is currently doing well or not, he will always be a legend and an inspiration, so don't understand what this reporter was thinking. TT
When weathering the storm, you bring two umbrellas. One, to stop yourself from catching a cold, silly. And another, for Boxer, so that he will have enough umbrellas to last himself a lifetime. Boxer fighting!
Code S, code A, code B, my heart will always be with Boxer. He is the messiah of starcraft and still a better player than 80% of the ppl who call themselves "pros" around the world.
Trolls can troll all they want, any SC fan should respect Boxer.
lol@random dumbass reporter outta nowhere bashing BoxeR. And I can't believe SlayerS was so vulnerable to it. They should know that reporter is a bad troll and deserves no attention at all.
I'm behind Boxer all the way. Legend in the eSport, and amazing person. When you're a big personality in the game, at some point people are going to start taking shots. I hope Boxer takes the time he needs to be healthy again, and comes back full strength.
It's difficult for any competitor to not "play through the pain" and take time off to get healthy. It's not usually in their mentality.
Story time then. I'm 22 now, back then when I was 13-14 I used to go to the local PCBang (internet was a luxury back then). Now there we played a LOT of Starcraft but we were so bad at it. Once, the owner of the PCBang held a huuuge tournament, where all of the country's best players gathered. For the first time of my life, I saw people play a game seriously, with around 150 apm, which was amazing to see. Now when the current WCG champion stomped everyone (previously he went to Korea to the WCG) he began to share this experience about the WCG. He got owned pretty easily in the tournament, but he said, he saw the champion. The champion was non other than Boxer himself. I was astonished to hear that there are even more beastly players than this guy who just owned everyone here. Boxer immediately gained my respect, even though I knew NOTHING of him. How he looks, how he plays, nothing. But I knew, this man is something else.
yeah boxer seriously needs to look at his foreigner fans. That dude can do no wrong, he can be 2 base vs 20 base and I still think hes a straight up g.
...I bought SC2 because I heard Boxer would be leaving SC1 to play SC2. He was the one thing that made me decide to get into SC2 much sooner than if he didn't was just a few days after hearing he switched to SC2 that I went to the store to pick up my SC2 copy.
Boxer will always symbolize something more than just a StarCraft player and gaming, he did so much for the eSports scene. The man deserves respect for what he's done and I really hope he will keep on trying hard for all the fans that do still respect him. Boxer hwaiting!
i am really sad that i wasnt a part of this community in the BW era, i only heard of boxeR recently and thought he is only a casual progamer like every progamer, but than i looked up his name on youtube and i was so amazed by his performance and creativity, i simply told myself "how the heck could i have missed this amazing player for all this years".
i still remember it, the first time i heard his name i was literally awake the entire night watching amazing matches and compilations about him, and also learned about his accomplishments.
since i joined this community at the sc2 era, the thing i can say that i will remember him the most is for inventing the EPIC nickname for idra: THE GRACKEN ;P
the morst memorable game i watched him play was against joyo, where he pulled one of the most amazing comebacks in that game, i held my breath the entire match
I dont know why the reporter hates on Boxer he is in NASL top 16, not even top foreigner idra made it -.-" so Boxer obviously hasn't fallen into hell yet. boxer hwaiting
It doesnt matter, I was very sad to see Boxer lose Code A, I actually though that he can over come and get into Code S again, his played GSTL pretty good and descent so I had hope, but I will be waiting for Boxer to raise up and keep playing, he is and the only Terran Emperor!
And Im a Protoss player sin BW but SlayerS_Boxer is like MJ in Basketball, without him is just not the same.
Sadly i did not follow BW, but i was educated quick enough when Boxer started SC2, and him being Boxer aside, i do like his playstyle, there is always tiny things like the 3 marine poke or the mass OC that show that he does not simply follow the mmmtrain, but finds litte holes and timings for himself, i hope to see more of him!
I have never seen a poll on TL that involved boxer that i did not vote for him. This reporter caries much less voice than the fans. I will stand behind the emperor as long as I live.
On July 01 2011 02:23 damod wrote: i am really sad that i wasnt a part of this community in the BW era, i only heard of boxeR recently and thought he is only a casual progamer like every progamer, but than i looked up his name on youtube and i was so amazed by his performance and creativity, i simply told myself "how the heck could i have missed this amazing player for all this years".
i still remember it, the first time i heard his name i was literaly awake the entire night watching amazing videos about him and learned about his accomplishments.
since i joined this community at the sc2 era, the thing i can say that i will remember him the most is for investing the EPIC nick name for idra: THE GRACKEN ;P
the morst memorable game i watched him play was against joyo, he pulled one of the most amazing comebacks in that game, i heald my breath the entire match
Cool brah!
I assume you must have seen the "Boxer Highlights" videos? There are several epic ones.
And also Boxer's "Proper Zergling Micro Demonstration by SlayerS_Boxer" is amazing.
Aiming such an article directly at a single person is just a disgrace to journalism. You can be critical all you want about a genre, an industry, a team or whatever the fuck you want, but making it personal is just out of place.
How would one send a message to the slayers team, or in such a way that eventually gets to someone, as opposed to posting and praying on a message board?
On July 01 2011 02:23 damod wrote: i am really sad that i wasnt a part of this community in the BW era, i only heard of boxeR recently and thought he is only a casual progamer like every progamer, but than i looked up his name on youtube and i was so amazed by his performance and creativity, i simply told myself "how the heck could i have missed this amazing player for all this years".
i still remember it, the first time i heard his name i was literaly awake the entire night watching amazing videos about him and learned about his accomplishments.
since i joined this community at the sc2 era, the thing i can say that i will remember him the most is for investing the EPIC nick name for idra: THE GRACKEN ;P
the morst memorable game i watched him play was against joyo, he pulled one of the most amazing comebacks in that game, i heald my breath the entire match
Cool brah!
I assume you must have seen the "Boxer Highlights" videos? There are several epic ones.
And also Boxer's "Proper Zergling Micro Demonstration by SlayerS_Boxer" is amazing.
yeah i watched those, they were absolutely amazing.
in my entire journy on youtube learning on boxer, i saw tons of highlights and accomplishment videos, and found only one video that showed some mistakes made by boxer in some of his matches, the funny part is that this video was under 2 minutes leangh xD
On July 01 2011 02:31 Selkie wrote: How would one send a message to the slayers team, or in such a way that eventually gets to someone, as opposed to posting and praying on a message board?
I could watch boxer play all day. Seriously, I don't care if he is code S, Code A, Code B, or in platinum league. As long as this guy wants to keep doing what he loves I will keep supporting him.
If it wasn't for Boxer, I wouldn't have the Slayers team to root for in the GSTL.
Go Slayers! And long live the Emperor =)
(also: I'm still surprised that Boxer is in Code B, not because of his legacy of being a great player, but because every game I've seen him in recently he seems to me like he's doing a fantastic job. I thought the game he played against DRG recently, which he lost, was beautifully played, transitioning from early proxy rax pressure into more mech heavy macro... anyway, I'm sure he'll rise out of Code B soon enough)
On July 01 2011 02:33 Sbrubbles wrote: Ppl really shouldnt use twitter to write articles. I mean, really.
Anyhow, I know I and many others enjoy watching Boxer play and would never wish him to quit. I hope he knows he has support from those that matter, someone should tell him if he doesn't.
BoxeR has achieved more than that reporter ever gonna achieve.
He has fought problems that reporter will never face. Prejudice against gamers and the professionalism of gaming. That reporter might get fame for writing about controversious subjects, but BoxeR has fame because he is the Emperor, and he wrote history.
The Man The Myth The Legend There is a good chance we wouldn't even have team liquid today if it wasn't for the strong foundation that was laid out by Boxer. He'll be back in code A then Code S in no time, and following his recovery from his shoulder injury he'll then procede to win Code S GOGO Boxer!
He should fix his shoulder then get back to training.
He didn't lose badly in the games he lost, he could've won them with better decision making. He can learn that with more experience and training. I think he still has the potential to be a Code A player.
On July 01 2011 02:44 Tschis wrote: BoxeR has achieved more than that reporter ever gonna achieve.
He has fought problems that reporter will never face. Prejudice against gamers and the professionalism of gaming. That reporter might get fame for writing about controversious subjects, but BoxeR has fame because he is the Emperor, and he wrote history.
this cant be stressed enough
i would like to see mr. go yongjun get 2 osl wins and a gsl ro 4 finish before he condems him like he did in that article
On July 01 2011 02:39 Kyir wrote: Boxer hurt his shoulder recently, didn't he? Just playing Starcraft in that state's damn impressive.
It's hurt for a while now atleast from GSL open season 2 already ( you can see it in boxers wing episode 1 ) apparently it was quite bad back then dunno how it is now though. I agree it's impressive though!
I'll support Boxer always, being in code B with MMA, DRG isn't exactly being in bad company. Boxer's games are always entertaining, he's just fun to watch. His skill are not the best in the planet anymore, doesn't mean we should not respect him. And he seems to work his ass of, that's the most respectable thing.
BoxeR was one of the main reasons I started off as Terran in SC2 (and when I occasionally play BW) and then again for switching to Zerg after he called a certain someone by the wrong name.
It's sad to see what kind of effect the words of a parasite has on an Emperor. Hopefully he'll get out of this slump soon; SC2 is hard, anyone can lose a game.
Boxer will always be the man to remember in eSports. It doesn't matter if he's in bronze league in Sc2. He will still always be cheered on by many fans worldwide.
Love the Emperor, For he is the salvation of Mankind. Obey His words, for He will lead you into the light of the future. Heed His wisdom, for He will protect you from evil. Whisper His prayers with devotion, for they will salve your soul. Honor His servants, for they speak in His voice. Tremble before His majesty, for we all walk in His immortal shadow.
On July 01 2011 02:55 MetalLobster wrote: The article simply pisses me off, saying Code B is "PC Cafe" level and basically implying that Boxer is a scrub.
Boxer has done so much for e-sports and he strives to be the best in SC2 despite having so much work with his awesome team, SlayerS.
Boxer will always be the man, the legend and the emperor in Starcraft.
the journalist was probably paid off by kespa
its a known fact that kespa tries to badmouth starcraft 2 and that gaming journalists except playxp and thisisgame are on board with them.
thats what makes the thing so sad
think about boxer. he got into sc2 got to ro4 on his first try. made a great team with great players that had great results. and suddenly this season they are doing bad and suddenly he is deemed a pc cafe scrub
How can he be considered bat when he is in the NASL playoffs?
Korea is just a meat grinder tournament scene where better players are at a disadvantage because of single elimination tournaments, and everyone is essentially a sniper target with loads of unknown players preparing builds just for them. Boxer should play international tournaments, I think he would be like Moon. He would get the loudest cheers at MLG, behind only idra maybe.
im 30 and ive been inspired by you lim for many years. not just as a gamer but an emotionaly full and loving person . i dont know you but you are one of the few people that i dont know that i wish i did. i wish i could play with you but as you . i have lost my motivation as well due to people with bad manners. I used to be the #1 player in total annihlation many years ago. and one of the top players in supreme commander. And at one time i went back to TA, and found it was full of a bunch of new people that really werent much better. they just took what i did and made it better. and then told me i am washed up instead of playing with me and making it more a game. than some way to judge someone. Take me on slayers ill motivate you and u can motivate me
*edit* im totally serious about that last sentence
I don't think there's a need to "protect" a progamer above others.
Boxer is more beloved and respected than pretty much any other progamer out there (SC2 or otherwise), so I don't feel the need to "rally" behind him or anything.
Fans should keep supporting him just as they've done before.
First player I ever heard of when I came to this site and discovered professional starcraft in 2008 was Lim Yo Hwan. No, he was no longer winning championships, but even then no player was doing more for the game or the community. Boxer, whether in SC:BW or in SC2 has been a player behind which the whole community can rally. No games are more watched; no GSTL appearance is met with more wonder, or more applause. In any match on any day, both players are cheered for and supported by fans. When The Emperor steps into the booth, all opposition is silent. No player is more respected, and beloved, and no player is a bigger villain than one who defeats the emperor.
Whether Code S, Code B, playing foreign tournaments, or even were he to retire no player would be more at the heart of the game and the community than Slayers_Boxer. Every Progamer, and every aspiring player would do well to take a lesson from this man. Whether that be on leading a team, on playing for the fans, or on being a hero. From Slayers_Boxer to the Emperor, Manofoneway to Lim Yo Hwan, I will always watch your games no matter where they are, and the Foreign Community will always be right behind you!
I don't understand how someone can bad-mouth Boxer like that considering what he has done for eSports as a whole.
Boxer you're the best, don't let anyone get you down! I wish him Good Luck for the future of his SC2 career and hope he does better, I always love watching him play!
On July 01 2011 01:37 LanTAs wrote: i have an idea, lets get NeverGG out of "retirement" and make something like "A Marine for Boxer", i think that would be an awesome idea!!!! The only reason why i started following the GSL was because of Boxer, there is no other reason to watch SC2 besides the fact that the older generation progamers are here, we need to show boxer our support and love for him so that he can get back on his feet!
I sent her a pm I really hope we can send something to him, I feel like this thread is not enough. We are The Emperor's subjects, we must support him!!! BOXER HWAITING!!!
While I kind of dislike Jessica's blanket attitude toward the public ("You people"), I totally agree with the basic sentiments. True SC fans, I believe, will always hold Boxer in the deepest respect, even if they aren't fans of his in particular.
Also, there's no sound reason to view this as a sign of Boxer's descent. Along with his shoulder problems, SC2 still has quite a ways to go in its evolution and maturation. I have no reason to believe Boxer won't be able to master it.
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that SlayerS_Boxer deserves a great respect. However, I think people should see this article as an optimism.
If Boxer and Starcraft 2 really didn't matter in Korea, no one would write an article about it. It is a proof that eSport is still strong and SC2 has a chance in Korea. From this article people who knew nothing of Starcraft 2 might have gained interest because Boxer is playing it.
I am 100% sure Jessica feels much worse about this than the Emperor himself. He received criticisms before. I remember in his early days, he came on TV to represent progamers. Parents went ape shit at him because their sons gave up studying to become the next Boxer. That didn't stop him from being awesome. So I am sure this article did nothing but encouraged his fans to support him more and Boxer to practice even harder.
On July 01 2011 03:15 dukethegold wrote: ALL HAIL THE EMPEROR!
Lets send him a get well soon card! Technically, SlayerS is part of Team Razer and Liquid is part of team Razer so Boxer logically is on Team Liquid! How dare they disrespect Liquid'Boxer
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that SlayerS_Boxer deserves a great respect. However, I think people should see this article as an optimism.
If Boxer and Starcraft 2 really didn't matter in Korea, no one would write an article about it. It is a proof that eSport is still strong and SC2 has a chance in Korea. From this article people who knew nothing of Starcraft 2 might have gained interest because Boxer is playing it.
I am 100% sure Jessica feels much worse about this than the Emperor himself. He received criticisms before. I remember in his early days, he came on TV to represent progamers. Parents went ape shit at him because their sons gave up studying to become the next Boxer. That didn't stop him from being awesome. So I am sure this article did nothing but encouraged his fans to support him more and Boxer to practice even harder.
unfortunately its quite the opposite
sc2 articles are generally not published as much
only if slayers boxer does bad they will publish articles because it hurts the sc2 scene
korean media did not publish anything about the recent success of slayers.
they sure did pick up boxer falling to code b though
Boxer is the one of the people I consistently vote for on liquibet no matter the odds. He still has a glow of an emperor and that really attracts me to him.
On July 01 2011 02:55 MetalLobster wrote: The article simply pisses me off, saying Code B is "PC Cafe" level and basically implying that Boxer is a scrub.
also just disrespectful to everyone else in Code B trying to get there. Code B is where all the cool kids are anyway MMA, DRG, San, Seed, Yonghwa, Squirtle, Ace, the list goes on. Disrespecting people not in code A/S just shows a complete lack of knowledge as to how difficult it is to actually get into the GSL
BoxeR will recover from his injuries and have success in SC2, both as an individual and as a leader of SlayerS in the team leagues! BOXER HWAITING
Well, Boxer is a BW legend and has certainly left a huge mark in the "Bible of ESPORTS" and for that I respect him.
That being said, Jessica seems like a whiny bitch who cares a bit too much about some random reporters words and Boxer has been doing pretty poorly lately. It's not a big deal, get over it.
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that SlayerS_Boxer deserves a great respect. However, I think people should see this article as an optimism.
If Boxer and Starcraft 2 really didn't matter in Korea, no one would write an article about it. It is a proof that eSport is still strong and SC2 has a chance in Korea. From this article people who knew nothing of Starcraft 2 might have gained interest because Boxer is playing it.
I am 100% sure Jessica feels much worse about this than the Emperor himself. He received criticisms before. I remember in his early days, he came on TV to represent progamers. Parents went ape shit at him because their sons gave up studying to become the next Boxer. That didn't stop him from being awesome. So I am sure this article did nothing but encouraged his fans to support him more and Boxer to practice even harder.
unfortunately its quite the opposite
sc2 articles are generally not published as much
only if slayers boxer does bad they will publish articles because it hurts the sc2 scene
korean media did not publish anything about the recent success of slayers.
they sure did pick up boxer falling to code b though
They say no exposure is a bad exposure. It's a start. It was really bad when SC:BW was becoming popular. There are still negative articles about SC:BW. What really matters right now is people seeing "SlayerS_Boxer" and "Starcraft2" on a same sentence.
In all seriousness, he should go to an MLG, not even to win necessarily, but just being there would be a spirit booster I would think just by looking at how MMA was perceived. Or a Dreamhack or anything really with a big LAN crowd type thing just for him to remember where he really stands. Being alone in his room or practicing quietly in the team house probably cant really translate the passion for the game that the crowd has for it and him. And Korea is still kinda split more severely between BW and SC2 then the rest of the world....Go to Anaheim Boxer!
On July 01 2011 03:24 Torpedo.Vegas wrote: In all seriousness, he should go to an MLG, not even to win necessarily, but just being there would be a spirit booster I would think just by looking at how MMA was perceived. Or a Dreamhack or anything really with a big LAN crowd type thing just for him to remember where he really stands. Being alone in his room or practicing quietly in the team house probably cant really translate the passion for the game that the crowd has for it and him. And Korea is still kinda split more severely between BW and SC2 then the rest of the world....Go to Anaheim Boxer!
People should bombard with this
Boxer to us in the esports scene is beyond comprehension or description. His impact on our culture and passion is unmeasurable. He is the quintessential declination of a pro-gamer. Growing up as a child, I didn't have any role models that actually supported my love for gaming. Boxer is all of that and more. Blizzard should immortalize this man in their game, because in a way this game was made for boxer, and boxer was made for this game.
Much love for the Emperor and his SlayerS Family <3
BoXeR fallen.? He still performs quite well in tournaments, he may not be winning them all like he was before but he still kicks butts of other players.! Winning or not his flashy plays are still the best.! What he did before are the same things pro gamers are still doing right now.
To not like Boxer is your own call but to insult a man who has accomplished a million times more than you ever will is a low blow. Profesionnal journalism has gone to hell
Boxer, you are the reason I play terran. You are the reason that i really got into starcraft to begin with. Thank you for everything you've done so far. Please don't give up! good luck in the NASL i will be rooting for you all the way!!
falling out of code A is really just you setting yourself up for an epic comeback. I will always have faith in you Boxer
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that SlayerS_Boxer deserves a great respect. However, I think people should see this article as an optimism.
If Boxer and Starcraft 2 really didn't matter in Korea, no one would write an article about it. It is a proof that eSport is still strong and SC2 has a chance in Korea. From this article people who knew nothing of Starcraft 2 might have gained interest because Boxer is playing it.
I am 100% sure Jessica feels much worse about this than the Emperor himself. He received criticisms before. I remember in his early days, he came on TV to represent progamers. Parents went ape shit at him because their sons gave up studying to become the next Boxer. That didn't stop him from being awesome. So I am sure this article did nothing but encouraged his fans to support him more and Boxer to practice even harder.
unfortunately its quite the opposite
sc2 articles are generally not published as much
only if slayers boxer does bad they will publish articles because it hurts the sc2 scene
korean media did not publish anything about the recent success of slayers.
they sure did pick up boxer falling to code b though
Maybe someone can get into contact with NeverGG for details on how to make this happen? I remember Jaedong and the KT team being very happy and grateful for their cards. How bout it guys, lets show Boxer some support!
Edit: after sifting through the thread some more it seems someone has already sent NeverGG a PM and suggested the card. I'm all for it, lets hope it goes through!
Boxer falling to Code B dose not please any e-sports fan. No matter what, everyone who are watching his games are cheering for him to win. I know I do. It pains us to see him lose but I can speak for anyone who has followed Brood War that any decent e-sports fan will always cheer him on no matter what.
On July 01 2011 01:12 Klaus1986 wrote: Good grief. Reading over that, you would think you were reading about a general or a world leader, not a middling professional gamer on the downside of his career. No offense to Boxer, but that's what happens. You can't continue to live off past accomplishments and still expect the same amount of respect you got then.
In short, yeah Boxer did a lot, but that was years ago. The new generation is better, faster, and smarter. Boxer may come back and win, but I wouldn't bet on it.
someone put summed it up quite nicely
if boxer was living off the past he would be coaching a sc1 team and raking in money by appearing on talkshows
I hope BoxeR isn't really sad over this. Press people are always just looking to right some article to get noticed. That's probably the only reason this guy wrote this.. to get noticed. BoxeR is always going to be known as the Emperor and shouldn't feel bad about this.
Also just something that was in the GSL Code A LR last night.
Boxer, you've improved so much in starcraft 2 since you started playing on tv, you have an aura that emanates from you that is reeks of hard work and emperor-status. You are the best and such a motivational player to watch, SlayerS_BoxeR fighting~~
On July 01 2011 01:19 PetitCrabe wrote: I cheer for Boxer, but how is it wrong to say the emperor is in decline? he's not what he used to be. Point that it. Did the reporter go on and INSULT boxer? or just say hes playing bad these days?
If I keep getting C and D in my report card after several years of A+, will i be insulted if somebody said im becoming bad? no its the truth...
there is a difference between saying that boxer is on a decline and saying that he is pcbang level
so i translated some messages of this board and send it over to cella with a link to this thread
hope he fwds it to slayers boxer and hopefully he will be able to read some of the other messages too (kim kayeons english seems to be amazing so she can probably translate).
Boxer is the Ray Charles of SC2, he is and has been doing things that have never been done in E-Sports business before, all while staying as an active player. If he slips for one season, chill out he will be back and be scary!
After a day or so, I will personally pass this on to both Cella and SlayerS Jessica (unless someone else did and I missed it in a previous post.)
I only started following the scene since sc2, but even I know that without boxer there would be no esports in korea and therefore there would be no teamliquid. Boxer laid the foundation for esports with his bare hands one brick at a time while carrying an entire generation of hopeful progamers on his back.
Haters will indeed hate. Boxer you keep bringing us sick matches, thats all we ( your true fans) care about! Don't listen to those others, they dont matter ^^
On July 01 2011 04:14 iCCup.Diamond wrote: Boxer is the Ray Charles of SC2, he is and has been doing things that have never been done in E-Sports business before, all while staying as an active player. If he slips for one season, chill out he will be back and be scary!
After a day or so, I will personally pass this on to both Cella and SlayerS Jessica (unless someone else did and I missed it in a previous post.)
i wrote an email but please pass it to them too
the more people pass it to them the higher are the chances that boxer or kim kayeon will actually read this
Boxer; The only person who I could watch cheese every game he played from now till the end of his life, and still not think he was cheesy. What a legend.
Ignore the haters, Boxer is a legend! I love seeing him play. But I hope he gets his shoulder treated and doesn't make his injury worse by playing too much... I'd rather see him stay healthy.
It's funny how sometimes people who are the most revered of all just don't seem to realize it. Granted those tweets were not from his mouth but from the amout of effort she put into it I'm sure that reflects on how he feels. Boxer... If you ever get a chance to read this post, You revived my interest in brood war, and because of all the time I spent watching old youtube casters and watching your games (as well as all the other pros at the time) made me choose Korea when I travelled to teach english in Asia.
You're an inspiring person and clearly you should not listen to people who don't think so. They don't know what they're talking about. Also there are tens of thousands of foreign fans who love you as I'm sure you realized at Blizzcon. Think positively and I know you'll be back!
GOGO WOAH Boxer!!11!1!!! I'll allways remember that game on Blue Storm, where it was a failed BBS and everyone was face-palming "why doesn't he leave already? why is he building all his buildings out in the middle of the map?" but then it transitioned beautifuly into a super massive contain that won him the game. That there is the Emperor, never give up!
BoxeR, while I've only been getting involved in E-Sports you have taught me the importance of hard-work and passion in SC in general and taught me the BST needed to become pro, my ultimate dream! Keep playing and show these hater's who the Emperor is. BoxeR hwaiting~~!
I believe in Boxer, I'm sure he'll come back, but I think he'll dwell in the Code Aish, up/downish land. The new players are just better, faster, more daring, and more creative than boxer. On top of that he has all his health issues.
It's sad, like watching TLO battle his issues. I know how hard it can be to do anything well when it just causes you pain. He really needs to take some time off, get away for a couple months and properly heal. Then we can see the real Boxer.
Boxer fighting!
Edit: I also watched Ga Yeon posting all that stuff on twitter, spamming f5 to see what she wrote next. Good on her. Boxer is a legend and should garner the respect one deserves. What they've done with slayers has also been nothing short of amazing. SlayerS_Jessica fighting! You did the right thing!
The SC2 scene, American/Korean/World REALLY needs to ditch the "the player is in a slump" just because they haven't won a big tourney in the past 30-45 days bullshit, it's old and it's stupid. He's ran into a small road block, he'll get past it like before and be back to performing. Not because he's being heckled by no name reporters, but because that is what he does.
It's really apparent now that people who are watching SC, either Korean or anywhere else in the world only have a 1-2 month tops memory. There are 64 Code A/S players, 50 people in NASL, Hundreds in DH, dozens of teams, more than a dozen are "good" tons of MLG Competition + other tourneys.
Even if a different person wins every single one of those tournaments the damn idiots like this reporter, and the other ones saying incontrol, gracket, whitera or tyler are in a slump will still say it. No wonder the pros don't respond to most of this, it's frickin garbage. Not everyone can win, not everyone can place, it's competition. There isn't a tied for first second or third option, and in some cases people do finals placements up to 10, someone has to be a loser eventually. In a Bo1/3 it's crazy for someone to not think how fast it is to fall from Code S to A.
BoxeR is one of my inspirations to be better and excel at stuff I do in life... Its sad that people dont respect the greats in E-sports. Seriously its upto us old-school gamers to teach the rest of this fickle community to be something more than just a fair-weather fan. Also find it sad that Yellow doesnt want to come to SC2 cos he thinks the netizens may tear him down....
Dear Jessica, please tell BoxeR I for one will be his eternal fan and will support him for as long as he plays in Korea. Im sure he is Code S level and will soon prove this to the world.. + Show Spoiler +
On July 01 2011 04:23 Voltaire wrote: Who cares if he dropped to Code B, he probably plays less than 3 hours a day.
The matter of fact is that he is playing as much as other players in SlayerS. Ryung and MMA even said that BoxeR is giving them inspiration because BoxeR is playing THE MOST of them all!
BoxeR, YOU will be never forgotten. Don't listen to the bad people, listen to the people that give u strengths.
I've been watching your replays since before I knew there was professional gaming. Since before eSports was even an idea that I understood as a child, I was in awe of the mastery and dominance you displayed at your craft.
Do not ever let anyone take that away from you. It's true that you have written history, our history, and everything you stand for is an inspiration to us all.
Don't be discouraged by the words of one man that has the fortune to be published despite his ignorance. You have the adoration of us all, and no amount of words will ever remove that.
boxer got me into the professional starcraft doesn't matter how well or how long he plays now, he's done more for esports in my eyes than anyone else. but i gotta say, the fact that he is still gaming at 30+ years of age is impressive enough.
not to mention, there are a lot of players that have been code B and made their way up to the top. didn't huk fail to qualify for one or two of the first 3 GSLs?
On July 01 2011 00:57 TBO wrote: To be honest I'd prefer him taking some time of to get proper treatment of his shoulder problems, its no use playing injured.
I hope he will get back to Code A or S but I don't mind if it takes a while.
She is so spot on on the "insulting culture", I'd say that this is not restricted to the internet though, you find similar things traditional media covering sports - which obviously is at least just as bad.
This, Boxer needs to get that fixed, I'd rather not see him for a year so he can continue playing for the next 10 than see him playing for 4 then having to stop because it gets that bad.
NASL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DESTROY THAT BOXER!!!! GET BETTER FOR THAT. Screw w.e people think of you, you are the best in the world regardless of how you do. Taking first in NASL too will only calm your feelings with lots of american dolla billz! :D
Well E-sports is a real sport, and the competitiors should be shown some respect for what they are doing, like any sport figure would, except boxers probably done more than any sports figure.
Boxer is an inspiration to us all; SC2 itself would not be what it is today without him. I have watched and rewatchd most of his vods since 2001 and he will always have a special place in my heart, regardless of his nowadays results; what matters is his attitude and motivation.
BoxeR has done more for esports than anyone else... Whoever is badmouthing him should really think twice before doing so. <3 BoxeR, hope he keeps going and as long as he has the drive to do so i will cheer for him. Fighting!!
I really hope Cella sees this and lets Jessica and BoxeR know about it!
As for me, I never even followed Brood War. I got into Starcraft with SC2, but that doesn't change the fact that after I first saw BoxeR in the booth, I became a fan. And the extent to which I am a fan of BoxeR only grew as I read his interviews, watched the documentary, and just saw what an awesome person he is. He's done so much for e-Sports and it would be a shame if he let himself be hit hard by a few bad games and one stupid article. His true fans will always support him! I hope he keeps practicing hard and never gives up. However, he should also follow Jessica's advice and perhaps take a break when he needs to. Overwork can take its toll on both morale and progress, and a nice short (but sweet) break can really be refreshing IMO.
dont know, probably isnt the first time boxer got someone talking smack bout him i guess, should ve learned a long time ago to not give a shit about those people~
On July 01 2011 00:51 Malpractice.248 wrote: shouldnt this be in his fanclub... or blog? is his fanclub.
Long live the Emperor
One of the truest statements on TL right now. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Emperor. Hope your shoulder heals, and you continue to lead your team to amazing gameplay and victory
Lim Yo-Hwan you are an inspiration for many. Stay the way you are (but please listen to Ga Yeon sometimes concerning your health!). Your light will shine forever! LIM YO-HWAN HWAITING!
Kim Ga Yeon thanks for taking good care of him. Stay the way you are. You are awesome! KIM GA YEON HWAITING!
On July 01 2011 05:14 ZeraToss wrote: guys, how can we (the TL community) show him our opinion/and support. Somehow i doubt he or SlayerS_Jessica reads this
The fair hero oniontaker (re)twittered her the link. oniontaker is the one who did all the translations for Ga Yeon here on TL - so I assume she (and mabye the Emperor himself) knows
BoxeR will always be one of my idols. He has allready shown good results in SC2 even though it's long past his prime and he's injured and he's still better than most if not all foreigners looking at his results in NASL.
He should be an inspiration to not just gamers but everyone.
Well, I have to say that i was rather unimpressed by Boxer's play in the gsl. He was obviously in a bad day, with the indecision and the uninspiring, standard play. Yet, no journalist should dare say harsh words like that.
What has the journalist done?? He lives off of other people's success and fame. Essentially a parasite.
I really believe the community MUST support Boxer, for he is a legend, that decided to come back to playing, just for the sake of the game. It is awesome to be admired by so many people around the world. It is awesome to be able to overcome the age, shoulder pain, more training stamina etc, of the younger players. It is awesome and insipring, no matter what the result is.
Boxer has the opportunity to go to coaching, to retire, to be a e-sports journalist (god forbid!). He chose to take the hard path, with little chances of reaching the top again. But he is inspiring, because he is a FIGHER. He does not give in to wealth and fame. He gambles on the name Emperor. If he fails repeatedly, many people will say that it's over. People even do it now.
Boxer is willing to bet his fame for the game and for us gamers. We can support him. We can do something. I agree with the "A zergling for Jaedong" like project. Let us show our respect and love for what the Emperor was and even more for the effort he is doing, when the vast majority of people would have backed up.
Boxer's my absolute all time starcraft hero. He got me into the game as both a spectator and then eventually a player. I'd follow his games and cheer for him if he got demoted to bronze league.
I am fairly new to the scene. I have seen when Boxer was still able to ride on his massive experience and achieve some fairly good results at the beginning of release. So I have no previous love for Boxer, nor do I really understand this reverence most people have for him. He seems like a really great guy. Not only great as in "thats great", but as in "The Great Emperor". Assembling a team of SlayerS like he has is not an easy feat.
It truly saddens me that I have only seen brief glimpses of the young Emperor was like.
BoxeR is and always will be the emperor, a true eSports legend and motivation to other players. From all I have seen and still see from BoxeR, all I think is greatness; hope to see many more games from him! Keep on fighting BoxeR!
On July 01 2011 05:42 SovSov wrote: This is pathetic.
You create a thread bashing people who don't exist around here.
All this is is a chance for Boxer fans to circlejerk with each other about how much they agree with each other's opinion.
This should definitely be in blogs, the discussion here is non-existent.
If you actually read properly, you'd see that the purpose of this thread isn't to bash the reporter, but to encourage BoxeR. There are 2 ways to interpret your post. The first is a cheap troll post, and the second is the post of a dick who has no respect for one of the most important e-Sports figures, just wanting to shit on a thread whose purpose is to do nothing more than offer friendly encouragements for that figure. You do realize that BoxeR/Jessica/Cella will likely see this thread if they haven't already (Cella has an account here and posts once in a while), and your post is simply an embarrassment.
BoxeR is the reason I picked up a mouse and journeyed into Starcraft with my friends. We watched his games online in amazement, not even understanding the mechanics or gameplay of Brood War, but wanting to be like him. He is still my favorite eSports athlete and will be forever. BoxeR Hwaiting!!!!
Boxer was the first pro Brood War player I ever heard about, and was the first I ever tried to learn from. I was always a scrub at Brood War, but at least I learned how to dominate my friends! Whenever I try to teach my friends about professional StarCraft I always show them replays from Boxer.
When I heard Boxer was switching to SC2 I was soooo happy. Even though I switched to Protoss (lol) I will always respect and admire the mighty Terran Emperor. I am sure we will see great games from Boxer in the future no matter what =) Best of luck in NASL!
That's a bit sad if prevailing Korean opinion is that legendary players retire after they peak. I think 99 percent of the TL community was elated at the prospect of watching yellow play starcraft 2.
The point she is trying to make is so damn important. Fans need to get some stamina and heart to stay with their progamers/teams (even if they surpassed their cenith). I dont care if my favorite zergplayer doesnt win everything, I stick with him.
A personal example: Back in WC3 I was a huge Fan of Axslav. He didnt win much, but damn were his replays fun to watch. He has such a smart rts-brain that I could do any other than admire him. And what about soccer/football/basketball - even the worst teams have their die hard Fans and esport needs the same. And if you dont feel that way - at least show some respect (especially to legends).
As a foreign fan, I honor the Emperor and look forward to his great return. I believe in his perseverance and succes @slayers_jessica
This is what I tweeted, but I will post it here too, just to make sure. Lim Yo-Hwan is a true inspiration for me, and many others with me. That he cares so much about the fans to continue his heavy practice while his shoulder is hurting so much, is painfully amazing.
I hope he will get a chance to heal though, but I couldn't imagine Starcraft without the Emperor.
I am new to eSports having being brought into it by the arrival of SC2. Although I may not fully appreciate BoxeR's historic role in SC1 I always enjoy his games and support him in any tournament he enters. Few other players are so inventive and entertaining with their play. When he wins it is joyful, when he loses it's ok - he will always have done his best to give us an entertaining game.
Code S, Code A, Code B, it isn't important - BoxeR will always have my support and be one of my favourite players <3
One of Boxer's replays was what got me into playing bw more seriously, it was the tvt on lost temple with ghost cloning. Such an awesome comeback and underutilized ability. After watching some of his replays my 15 year old self stopped thinking that terran sucked... then promptly switched to protoss anyways.
Boxer is amazing. The level of play he is at really is incredible, especially since he is trying to play injured. I mean Code A and Code S are not exactly easy, we are seeing lots of people that are insanely good dropping out of Code A or falling into up/down matches, especially this season.
The way that I, and many others feel, regardless of any outcome, is pretty well displayed after boxer vs guineapig in the GSTL this season, when he went back to his team and they all saluted him out of pure respect.
Boxer is, and always will be, the Emperor. Lim Yo Hwan hwaiting!
BoxeR is the reason I played Terran in BW. I wish I could say the same for Sc2, but still it was great to see him in GTSL, and Code A is hard anyways. Gogo Emperor and get back on your feet and get back into Code A. Everytime you play you pave a path for new players
I was really nervous the first time I met Boxer. He's not just a great player, but also represents the very best in esports. He's got the dedication, enthusiasm, skill, and attitude towards the game and the industry that we all aspire to in my opinion. He's also an incredibly nice person and always takes time for his fans.
Without Boxer, my Brood war copy would be sitting in a desk collecting dust. I still suck really badly, but thanks to Boxer, he gave me enough spirit at least try and play XD.
On July 01 2011 05:42 SovSov wrote: This is pathetic.
You create a thread bashing people who don't exist around here.
All this is is a chance for Boxer fans to circlejerk with each other about how much they agree with each other's opinion.
This should definitely be in blogs, the discussion here is non-existent.
Trust me when I say that SlayerS Clan know about TL. This forum is more important than you give yourselves credit for.
When she first approached me about translations, she specifically asked for articles to be posted on TL. The articles she selects have been directly related to the comments and posts that were left in previous ones and she's mentioned specific comments before.
I personally feel that they trust you guys in here. This is probably why she tweeted her speech instead of having it posted here.
Interesting though. If YellOw is being put off joining SC2 because of the lack of support Legends are having from the community... and the actual response from TL has been so supportive... ^ not the views of SlayerS. It's just me having a fantasy of a daydream.
On July 01 2011 06:00 DoA wrote: I was really nervous the first time I met Boxer. He's not just a great player, but also represents the very best in esports. He's got the dedication, enthusiasm, skill, and attitude towards the game and the industry that we all aspire to in my opinion. He's also an incredibly nice person and always takes time for his fans.
SlayersBoxer fighting!
i would have loved to get his autograph or something
but he seemed so sad after loosing in ro 16 in code s january (he lost to trickster and nestea that day)
so i just didnt.. a grave mistake that i regret a lot
Slayers_Boxer, you were the first player I watched through a new feature called replay. Back in the days, I didn't even think you could put more than 1 drone by mineral patches. I used to think Terran was a weak piece of meat lings and zealots on Bnet would rip with the greatest ease. I used to think that Mass Carrier of one base was a nice strategy.
One day though, I dowloaded this patch. I did some search on the web. "This guy is incredible ! Watch this rep" said the post. I launched your replay. I was amazed. This was simply beautiful. Your units felt like they have their own life. Your usage of tanks, drops, and your general creativity was astonishing. I think I watched hundreds of your replay. I would often watch some again just because it was marvelous. Especially those of the WCG which you won, convincingly. I even started to try Terran, because suddenly, they looked like unbounded, powerful, fun.
It started a passion for esports. I remember taking a whole afternoon to make this fucking player have the korean tv so I could watch direct games of "the pros" ! I don't remember if it was in 2002 or 2003, but I watched live a final Bo5 of you against Yellow. You won 3-2. I was sad (because I finally chose Zerg ) but at the same time, again I felt the same way than when I watched your first replay, and it was great.
You are our Emperor. You defined progaming, and you created a passion in our hearts. I will never ever forget that you are the first idol I had in my entire life. Even if I couldn't make myself embrace the esport career, if I still follow religiously esports, it's because of you, and I'm more than thankful for that. The scene is so huge now, some doesn't who you are, what you represent. But don't forget that we love you.
I don't know if the message TL is preparing will be sent to you. I hope so. I also hop you aren't thinking about stopping now, or if you can't continue gaming, I hope you will stay as a coach for Slayers. You can't leave us now, I'm sure there is still marvelous things for you to do.
Honestly though, boxer : P my 1 true idol, not only did he train iloveoov -.- <--- omfg he ended up being the EMPEROR of an ENTIRE race and leading SKT into a charge of dominance in the terran sector (untill that bastard flash broke tradition) <-- jk love flash
point is, she wants ppl to read what she says, because then she gets payed more. Bad mouthing boxer got her great views, bad reviews.
Basically boxer is doing amazing in NASL and many other players "mma" are in code b that were 2nd place GSL and MLG winners.
Shit is fucked, BOXER IS THE EMPEROR OF TERRAN. He earned his spot to play out his career and not give a fuck, but he is STILL fighting with people vastly younger and faster, yet he still stands in and holds the barrage off. Great idol, great role model, great man.
While you may not be at the top of the game now, just remember that you were there far before many. You traveled a path that very few knew. You fought the good fight and continue to push today. Don't let some grumpy reporters get you down! Even without results, you will always have a fan in me!
Pff he's the Emperor and he will stay the Emperor no matter what people write. It's not purely about results, it's about the heart and soul of the game. If anyone embodies those it's Lim Yo-Hwan and if the haters don't get that that's their loss. I for one am looking forward to seeing him play again soon, fighting!
boxer is such a hard worker and it really shows in the little details in his play. He may not be as fast as some of the other younger players, but his intelligence shines through in his play quite often.
I could say life is a constant up and down but this isn't even a down. He did good in TSL3 and now does good in NASL. He is the only bonjwa who was able to spawn a little bonjwa + Show Spoiler +
I think you guys are really over exaggerating things. BoxeR will be back in code a, he'll get there because of one thing:
Also I'm pretty sure BoxeR would of been facing a similar "his on the slumps" article before in Broodwar, it obviously didn't affect him so why should it now?
Boxer is never going to dominate the SC2 scene or even come close to being one of the top players.
With that said, why doesn't he just stop practicing altogether and become a full-time team manager / coach? I'm sure he fills these roles to a great extent already, so why not give up what is failing him and instead focus on what he's good at? He'll still be the starcraft icon and whatnot without the constant disappoints to the fans.
Can someone shed some light? Why is he still a player?
Sorry guys, i was so mad at that pseudo-journalist that my first thought was to punish him somehow for his BS, but after some time i understand that the article writer is just a sad hater that does not have any appreciation for what BoxeR has done and is doing for e-sports in general. He is either too stupid or has no idea of e-sports to grasp how important BoxeR was and is for the SC community and not only. It hurts because BoxeR takes such BS seriously and it's makes him feel bad. I myself will make a BoxeR fansite and leave the pseudo-journalist to drown in his hate and stupidity ... Many Korean pro-gamers don't really understand what enormous fan base they have internationally... Let's show BoxeR that we do care for him and SlayerS and that he has our support, after all he cares so much what his fans think and want. We want BoxeR to continue on his path, he has a lot more to show us as a player and as a coach, but please Jessica keep him healthy .. We love you !!! BoxeR forever FIGHTING !!
Boxer is, and always will be, the Emperor not just of Starcraft but of ESPORTS itself. Whatever ESPORTS becomes, however big it gets, or however long it lasts, there is one man who will always be remembered as the man who started it all. The man who made it what it was. The legend. The Bonjwa. The Emperor.
It brings me a great deal of joy to see Boxer still working and playing at such a high level; I have enjoyed his TSL and NASL games immensely, and hope that, even if he fails to get back into the GSL, that he will continue to attend and dominate foreigner tournaments in due course.
But so long as Boxer is still loving and enjoying the game, loving and enjoying what he does, then I don't think he needs to worry. In the end, that's what really matters, not trophies.
BoxeR could drop down to Bronze and I'd still cheer for him just because he's BoxeR. :p
On July 01 2011 06:20 Ravencruiser wrote: Let's be realistic here:
Boxer is never going to dominate the SC2 scene or even come close to being one of the top players.
With that said, why doesn't he just stop practicing altogether and become a full-time team manager / coach? I'm sure he fills these roles to a great extent already, so why not give up what is failing him and instead focus on what he's good at? He'll still be the starcraft icon and whatnot without the constant disappoints to the fans.
Can someone shed some light? Why is he still a player?
Because he wants to be a player and it's not like he has zero chance at becoming one of the very top players like you think, no idea why you even think that?
I made a twitter acc only to follow Boxer, MMA, Jessica (expanded to MC to ). I get up at 6 am to watch any SlayerS team member play, i stay up till 5-6 am when Boxer played NASL. When i get with my friends later at evenings when all finish work, we talk mainly about SC2, most of them are real fans of Boxer and his new team. I showed my girlfriend (soon to be wife) many BW replays of Boxer and told her all i knew about him. She had newer played any pc games and now she asks me when she wakes up what happened, how did he play, did he win, who he played against. We watched together MMA play at MLG, we cheared together.. She understood the greatness of one man that made esports that big, and it wasn't hard to understand that what he is, the emperor, the one and only. People that seek 5 min of spotlight writhing stuff like that should not bother us but yet they do, why is that? It is because we really care, it hurts us bad, imagine how it must hurt him..
On July 01 2011 06:20 Ravencruiser wrote: Let's be realistic here:
Boxer is never going to dominate the SC2 scene or even come close to being one of the top players.
With that said, why doesn't he just stop practicing altogether and become a full-time team manager / coach? I'm sure he fills these roles to a great extent already, so why not give up what is failing him and instead focus on what he's good at? He'll still be the starcraft icon and whatnot without the constant disappoints to the fans.
Can someone shed some light? Why is he still a player?
He is not. Cella is their coach. Jessica / Ga-Yeon is their manager.
She helped form the team and she manages it near-single-handedly so that BoxeR can do what he wants: play Starcraft 2. It makes him happy.
He does not coach. He does not manage.
He does nothing but practise the game because playing the game is what he wants to do.
He's a coach at this point, why are people worried? He's expired, it's nothing against him, it's just that he's a juggernaut professional football player and his knees are giving from age and wear and tear. It's not sad. He's a champion, he'll always be a champion.
Boxer. Oh man, what do I say about him. I played a little BW with friends back in the old days. Almost only custom maps(FastestPossible). Back then did I only know that the Koreans were supposed to be insane at the game, and that there was this mystic guy, standing at the top amongst Koreans. Boxer was his name.
Fast forward a couple of years, and there was this new game coming out - Starcraft 2. I got pretty into it, and found out about this thing called E-sports. There was a huuuuuuuuuuge tornament in Korea, with a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge prizepool. It was called the GSL. So I read a bit about it (on TL, wich I found by accident earlier when I wanted a buildorder for a 6pool) . It was already the second season, and everybody was making a huge fuzz about some old guy named Boxer switching over from BW. Hmm, Boxer? I didn't really have any memories of that guy, but from the way people spoke about him, I understod that he was special.
Then I tuned in that day, october the 18th. Boxer vs Hapiness. And just a few minutes in I started to understand why everybody was hyping this guy. Was he really going to move up the ramp with three marines and a SCV? - yepp. Was that really going to work? -oh yes. Can marines reall move AND shoot - yes, in Boxers hands everything is possible.
That moment is forever engraved in my head. That beautifull micro...
In fact, after that game, me and my GSL watching friends always call attack-move-attack-move micro for BOXERMOVING (Or actually in swenglish BOXERMOVA).
Boxer has special place in my heart that NO ONE else can fill. Please never give up!
People who didn't follow SC1 and BW can't truly understand, how much Boxer has done for esports (e.g. rejecting personal sponsorship and forming first sponsored team) and also for the game of Starcraft (many terran concepts/strategies, some also used in SC2). In SC2 he already created one of the best teams and is raising new young players.
Although I was always protoss player, Boxer's personality and entertaining style of play made me cheer for him in every match, even against protoss heroes. And man, did he deliver some of the most epic games of all time. I hope he never loses motivation and passion to play, because he still has A LOT to give - to new players, to community and ESPORTS as a whole.
On July 01 2011 06:20 Ravencruiser wrote: Let's be realistic here:
Boxer is never going to dominate the SC2 scene or even come close to being one of the top players.
With that said, why doesn't he just stop practicing altogether and become a full-time team manager / coach? I'm sure he fills these roles to a great extent already, so why not give up what is failing him and instead focus on what he's good at? He'll still be the starcraft icon and whatnot without the constant disappoints to the fans.
Can someone shed some light? Why is he still a player?
He is not. Cella is their coach. Jessica / Ga-Yeon is their manager.
She helped form the team and she manages it near-single-handedly so that BoxeR can do what he wants: play Starcraft 2. It makes him happy.
He does not coach. He does not manage.
He does nothing but practise the game because playing the game is what he wants to do.
Boxer is an amazing player. Yes, he is also an amazing mentor and teacher (Iloveoov), but he plays amazingly. Everyone has their off days, but Boxer will overcome.
I mean heck the whole team (SlayerS) is named after him! MKP was (originally) named after him. he is (and will always be) a legend.
Jessica touches on some character flaws of a vocal, but hopefully small, part of the community:
I wish that this kind of insulting culture among netizens would disappear. It is an embarrassment beyond anything else.
It isn't isolated to Korea, but everywhere. And seeing it in action leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I wish there was a concerted effort to stamp it out, and be positive, rather than negative. In parallel I see the same sort of behaviour/discussion regarding Tyler's recent form (needs more practice, has lost it, not the nony we knew etc), and more often than not it isn't followed up with something positive to be built from.
I'm not sure why, but it disheartens me.
Thanks for giving a ceaseless effort SlayerSBoxeR. =)
On July 01 2011 06:30 Frozne wrote: He's a coach at this point, why are people worried? He's expired, it's nothing against him, it's just that he's a juggernaut professional football player and his knees are giving from age and wear and tear. It's not sad. He's a champion, he'll always be a champion.
he still plays amazingly though, I believe that he can still compete(after he has healed). Even if he isn't at the top, his out-off-the-box thinking is inspirational.
I will always regret not watching StarCraft in Boxer's day of glory.
But at least I was there to see him nuke Killer, Oz's then Zerg ace (in that weird period of time where they decided not to use Jaedong because... I don't know).
When I started following the BW progaming scene, my instant favorite was Yellow when he was still in Air Force ACE and during that time I had yet to know about you. Then my older brother said you, Boxer, ARE the reason that terran isnt a pushover, you made terran imba and that Yellow was your eternal rival. I was already a fan of you Boxer and then you moved to the SC2 scene. I was so shocked and surprised that you, a legend would be playing Starcraft2. Since then, I have been rooting for in every tournament and event you have competed. I especially remember when you were competing in the TSL3 most people that you were not strong and that your match against Sen was already over before it began. Not only you proved us wrong you rocked our world that day. You were giving your old fans that followed you in your BW days feel nostalgic and I felt nerd chills. I'm always cheering for you man!! Please don't give in to what people say and stay focused on your goals and your hard work will show its results at the end!!
SlayerSBoxer may not be the best progamer, but he is the most fun person to see play! You allmost allways see new funky stuff like the depot wall at the tower on terminus. That is why SlayerSBoxer must play!
Boxer has many times more fans than haters. Fuck the reporter. Seriously. Boxer could go into a tourney with only a mouse and we'd still love and support him. Cause it's fucking boxer.
On July 01 2011 06:59 windzor wrote: SlayerSBoxer may not be the best progamer, but he is the most fun person to see play! You allmost allways see new funky stuff like the depot wall at the tower on terminus. That is why SlayerSBoxer must play!
I'd fix that: SlayerS_BoxeR may not be the best SC2 player, but he definitely is the best progamer. He's not a legend only because he's shown great play, but because of what he means to e-sports.
BoxeR is the reason I and many, many other people got into the SCBW pro scene, and he always has a special place in our hearts and minds regardless of his results.
Boxer is truly an icon for Esports, he pretty much made the scene what it is today. Even some of my friends who arn't really into starcraft and only play FPS' know his name, it's really amazing how much he has done.
It's sad to see people forget what he has done in the past so easily just because of afew games. Unfortunately this is the reason alot of people say it's a bad idea to transfer to another game after you "retire", If you don't live up to your expectations people forget the past, so really you have to respect him even for coming to SC2 and trying to make it as successful as SC1 and paving the way for esports in the future.
Boxer is still a hero :DD he should play in more foreign tournaments, foreign fans love him :D he should go it IEM, MLG & Dreamhack now he doesn't have to spend as much time in GSL
I wasn't a brood war player and the only experience I have had of Boxer is his SC2 career. His reputation in the scene was immediately enough to gain my respect but getting to watch him play has been, and will always be, a highlight of watching Starcraft. Whether it's in the GSL, TSL, NASL and whether he's winning or losing; i'll support him because he's an awesome player and ambassador for the Starcraft scene.
First I want to give a big thank you Sunneh for taking the time to make this post, I personally was unaware of what was happening after Boxer's defeat in Code A.
Back when I first gotten into Starcraft 2 on release and Team Liquid I have occasionally been seeing mentions of a certain player that has been catching my eye over and over as I browse the forums and playing my games, this person was always referred to with a tone of inspiration and admiration towards him, like he was some sort of a god amongst Starcraft players, or rather, an Emperor
Then as my days go by and GSL Opens began I ended up catching a forum post by a certain commentator we all know and love about a replay featuring our well known Idra facing off against a player known as ManofOneway, but he was constantly being referred to as Boxer. I was intrigued for I had recognized the name but could not quite place where I seen it, still having only been browsing the forums for a few months as I watched the match on Xel'Naga Caverns, listening as the commentator described the Terran player in all of his accomplishments, being a champion at many tournaments, having created a team of his own and played in televised matches. Much of what he was saying though was pretty much going over my head, and didn't really understand, but I read the tone of how he was praising this this terran player and my interest grew watching the game saw quite unique play and unusual strategies, small marine groups were harassing far away hatcheries, Siege tanks resting on top of cliffs the zerg ground army could not reach, blasting away at the zerg to limit Idra's mobility, even employing SCVs and missile turrets just to fortify the unusual positioning, I have seen similar things when Lost Temple was a tournament map, but these plays were far more different and with that game I saw further potential with what Starcraft 2 can be like in the future.
GSL Open Season 2 comes around and for the first time I get to finally put a face to the name Boxer. The rumors of his return have been everywhere up to this point and with the announcement of his being place into the GSL and playing against another Terran, I sat and watched, the crowd was the loudest I have heard it before from watching previous matches as the name Boxer was called, it was like a hero has returned from his long crusade away from his home land, and simply put the excitement and support for this player was infectious, as I myself became a fan watching him employing an aggressive 3 marine and SCV play in game 1, and stacking vikings on top of each other that we now know as the viking flower, the first 2 official matches of Boxer playing and already he has done things we have not seen before. The Emperor as everyone knew it has returned to us
Even though his run ended just one round short of the finals in season 2 I had became a fan, so intrigued of the story behind Boxer and watched all the matches I could. But of course the success of Boxer didn't stop there and just shortly after the end of the open seasons Boxer forms his own personal team and I watched as after two short team leagues these Slayers ended up taking their first title as champions. Now, I finally was starting to understand all the achievements behind the Emperor , and I was becoming a massive fan, and what seemed like only a day afterwards, Boxer had driven these champions to take their second straight GSTL title.
It didn't stop there, even then our beloved Emperor had continued to strive for greatness not just in GSL but even competing in our own TSL and NASL tournaments, showing some of the greatest games yet, he was the first to employ macro and mass command centers, has played intense series with some of our best foreigners and making the top 8 in TSL, and having a chance to win it all in the NASL after yet more amazing games getting there.
To Boxer and Jessica as well I want to thank you for all the inspiration you have given me. Watching your games have help inspired me to continue to try to compete as a striving gamer, trying hard to make it up in the ranks to some day soon hopefully appear up in the top tournaments. Your unique play from the first replay I saw helped me to see the true potential and skill involved in starcraft 2, and your continuous innovation has started to be applied to all other players as this great game continue to grow. While you are discouraged after your loss and the comments people have been giving you, you are already changing this game for the better as you have been leading the way despite not winning GSLs, I do not doubt you can make a return into code A, and you are still well on your way to win a tournament almost as important. The love and inspiration of your fans have not died, and I have my own personal dream despite how unlikely to somehow become a member of Slayers if my skill and potential can ever be good enough.
Continue giving your all Boxer, I personally am eagerly looking forward to seeing you play in the NASL, any losses you have taken means nothing to me, I look forward only to see you play the game you love and to see you show you can win tournaments, as I am nearing 27 now almost, and really the stereotype that I have heard is that is considered too old to start being a progamer, but with your play and games that hasn't stopped me yet.
Boxer is a hero. No matter his results or his winrates, I'll always support Boxer because I know that everything he does, he does it for the fans. It's clearly visible when you look at the choices he made, his friendly and respectful behavior as well as his actions during his games. To me he's a real competitor and a excellent entertainer.
We all know that competitive gaming is an extreme world; even the best and the greatest cannot stay on top forever. Despite that, I'll keep cheering for Boxer and I'll keep NOT caring about his results. Anyway he's the Emperor and will always be, there's no other way around. Kind of like a living legend. YEAH.
Also may I say that I hate journalists. fucking vultures
I hope that he just takes a few months off and heals that shoulder. As much as I love to see him play I honestly think that if he lets his shoulder heal completely and then relearns SC2, he'll be a much better player. Especially with the talent he has on his team I think he'll be able to get back into within the next six months easily.
Even though I never were a big SC:BW fan, never played anything except the Campaign to many times. But in SC2 Boxer have been an Icon in every way, his attitude, his team, his sponsorships, etc etc.
It will be a sad day the day he quits playing, but I truly believe that he will continue with eSport even if he stops playing.
My short story, why i admire Boxer: My first contact with E-Sport was at an Internet Cafe, where all the guys only talked about the great names from Broodwar, like NaDa, July, Savior, but there was one player who was always on top, it was Boxer. From there on i was infected with the plague of e-sport and learned everything about the first Bonjwa...
With all that in mind, the only thing left for me is:
I'm wondering what is going through this guy mind, if boxer wasn't there he couldn't write anything about Starcraft and E-sport. He should show more respect to the Man of one way who build esport for us.
I really hope Boxer takes a little time out to rest his shoulder and fix whatever's causing that problem. Just focus on his team and his strategies. Then when he feels ready, he can make his triumphant return to the top leagues, we all know he's capable of it.
I feel so bad that she had to write so many individual tweets. She should have tweeted a link to a longer page or something but I'm just being nitpicky.
It's hilarious because if Boxer even raises his hand or voice at this reporter, the entire sc2 community is willing to band together and pretty much destroy the reporter's livelyhood in every way possible without having to resort to violence (and maybe even going as far as that too)
Boxer is taking the high road in all of this. It just makes me so sad when Jessica said how Boxer is feeling depressed from it all
Its really frusterating, even the people on this site that say he should retire.
The funny thing is , that he is better than 99% of the top progamers in the west, so should they all retire too? just because hes having a tough time right now in korea doesnt mean he isnt a tip top player at the very least to western standards. I mean he beat the supposed "best foreigner" idra pretty decisively (although i would argue that huk is the best) and he beat sen rather decisevely as well.
Honestly just because he had a bad run in GSL july doesnt mean anything. Should MMA retire because he dropped down to code b as well? with some rather uninspiring play? Sure he was runner up in the super tournament but in the finals it was almost like a walkover for polt.
Slayers overall is slumping a bit right now, they need to regain their composure and get back out there. We should give them all the support they deserve as i have no doubt in my mind we will be seeing boxer and mma strike fear in the minds of nerds in the gsl again
Boxer is one of the very few terrans that i cheer for. Most terrans are really boring. Boxer is always exciting and awesome. If that means he loses more games so be it.
BoxeR will go down as the best eSports player/figure ever whether or not he performs well in sc2 and because of that he should get every single starcraft player's support. Look at all hes done for eSports compared to the FPS "so-so" equivalent fatal1ty.
If you look at any sport anywhere in the world you'll probably find very similar behavior. There are people out there that thrive on the negative, and want to bring everyone down to their level. It sounds naive, but the best way to deal with them is to ignore them.
On July 01 2011 00:51 Apocalyptic wrote: Whoa! Boxer is one of only ~3 players that I root for by default no matter who they are playing or in what tournament.
Oh man, this is what I wanted to say. Boxer is a champ... He doesn't deserve crap from some A-hole 'reporter'.
BoxeR will always be my Emperor.. no one else will ever replace him. All these upcoming Terran.. MMA, MKP, MVP, Bomber, TOP, sC, etc etc.... they are no way close to what the Emperor has brought to StarCraft. Once an Emperor, always an Emperor!
I wouldn't mind it at all if Boxer stopped playing competitively and would focus on being a coach / mentor for SlayerS - it is obvious that he is indeed past his prime, and with his shoulder issues, it'd be horrible if he suffered more serious damage because of this game. That said, he is still usually a treat to watch, and he's shown us plenty of brilliant games.
He is also by far the most influential figure in the Starcraft / Starcraft 2 scene, and he will never, ever 'fall'. It's ridiculous that people dare to write nonsense like that article about a guy who's had the longest career of any other progamer to ever exist, not just longest, but FAR longest - how many pros out there remain competitive for more than 2-3 years? and it's been what, soon 10 for Boxer? Nevermind all his accomplishments outside of direct tournament results...
In the end, Boxer will always be the Emperor, and I doubt there will ever be anyone to match what he did for this scene.
I had been in a playing slump, just sitting around doing not much of anything watching streams and going through liquipedia. I stumble on Boxers page and see a link to a translation of his autobiography. This should be a prerequisite for anyone interested in e-sports.
Since powering through and reading it in an afternoon, (It's short by book standards but a great read), I got the urge to ladder and have since then jumped from playing low bronze players to high gold in a matter of a week.
Very inspirational and very hard working, Boxer can do anything he sets his mind too and he shows everyone that they can too!
I still don't understand why those reporters would jump on him like that, Yes he lost and now he's in code b but still this is SlayerS BoxeR the man who pioneered eSports to what it is today, show some respect to the people who deserve it.
I love you boxer, fuck the haters you are the reason ESPORTS is what it is today in korea and out, good or bad we love that you are still playing at a high level.
Even thought Boxer might not be playing great atm, he always shows interesting new tactics and keeps innovating terran, Boxer will be back in Code S soon, and even if not he has given so much to the sport any true sc fan will respect him and give him his due.
I have a feeling BoxeR definitely took the article from the report pretty hard. I will always cheer for the emperor no matter what happens.
Remember, Slayers_BoxeR took the leap to start playing Starcraft 2 in order to continue to entertain fans with his gameplay, when he could've continued simply being a coach for SKT1. If that doesn't deserve our respect, I don't know what does.
Boxer is the reason I still game today. I'm a 30+ year old gamer, and a few years back I gave up gaming completely to focus on my career. I never was into SC1 very much so I never actually heard of Boxer. When SC2 came out, I saw a few games played by Boxer on youtube. After hearing his story and watching his play.. he inspired me to come back and play again. While I can't compete no where near the level that Boxer can.. he shows us no matter who or what age you are.. you can still follow your dream and do what you love. I'm not sure what I would do if Boxer stopped..
I love boxer, he's awesome. His bad luck is only temporary, and I predict he will in the future, in 3 months, 6 months or 12 months, win code s and a super tournament.
Could someone make sure boxer sees this thread and finds out we all love him, and that he should ignore stupid reporters?
Boxer was the first pro gamer I watched... Still remember being amazed by him that time.
As was stated, Boxer has a looot on his plate right now. Even if he doesn't go on to win tournaments from now, he's already a legend, and is still contributing a lot to the scene. I'm imagine some of the very people he's playing against lately were the same people watching Boxer years ago going "damn, I wanna be badass like that guy."
Keep it up man, we're always thankful and happy to have you around.
On July 01 2011 09:05 Souljah wrote: Boxer is the reason I still game today. I'm a 30+ year old gamer, and a few years back I gave up gaming completely to focus on my career. I never was into SC1 very much so I never actually heard of Boxer. When SC2 came out, I saw a few games played by Boxer on youtube. After hearing his story and watching his play.. he inspired me to come back and play again. While I can't compete no where near the level that Boxer can.. he shows us no matter who or what age you are.. you can still follow your dream and do what you love. I'm not sure what I would do if Boxer stopped..
Long live the Emperor.
As a fellow 30+ gamer a lot of this rings true for me as well. No aspirations or delusions about being a pro myself but will always cheer for the older guys still puttin in work. gogo boxer! I still believe!
When I first got interested in BW, I hopped on to the internet to find hints and strategies. I bumped into ScLegacy and downloaded a replay. It was a Lost Temple TvT game where Boxer split the map in half and Lockdowned a fleet of Battlecruisers like the a.i. does.
On July 01 2011 09:18 Waking wrote: I like Boxer but what a drama queen this girl is being. Famous people always catch shit, learn to deal with it or you are gonna have a heart attack.
Its more that they're only publishing negative comments, no news reports were done on the success of SlayerS in sc2 but as soon as something slightly negative came along they jumped on it. Also Slayers_Jessica is a famous actress in Korea I am sure she has dealt with stuff like this before. She is just very passionate about defending a loved one, nothing wrong with that.
Boxer is my favourite player. I like his style, his tenacity, and his legacy. He is the reason I try to improve at SC today.
Maybe if he took some pressure of himself for a while with the injury and team stuff, like EG-InControl did recently, and did nothing but focus on playing for a few months without necessarily trying to compete immediately, he'd get the results we ALL think he has in him.
But he doesn't have to prove anything to me. His NASL games showed me that he still has what it takes, and his history in progaming makes him one of the ALL time greats.
I really really hope he continues and succeeds in the end, because I want there to be a senior progamer.
those who insult Boxer are retarded...plain and simple. He is the reason why there is progaming in the first place. He isn't the emperor for nothing...
and here I thought that insulting boxer in Korea was the equivalent of committing suicide...
Damn i switched to terran because of slayers boxer, his style has encouraged me to keep playing and trying new things. I hope he doesn't stop playing or anything, that would be horrible.
I haven't even heard of BoxeR until SC2 got released 'coz I didn't play BW. But, by his BW reputation and his attitude towards his fans (+ BoxeR's wings episodes), I became a fan. He's the only player I'll autovote in liquibet without even considering the player he goes up against. Can't wait for the next episode of BoxeR's wings.
GO GO GO Boxer!!!
Also, I think we should make a poll so we'll see the numbers supporting BoxeR.
BoxeR, I have loved starcraft for many years and you have always been the face of it for me. You truly are The Emperor, I hope you keep on fighting because you are the biggest motivation and influence I have as a player/terran player!
Well from what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) he's not as much of a player anymore as he is a coach / team organizer for Slayers. Also he's fucking 30, I think it would be ridiculous to expect him to keep up championship level performance at this stage.
What a sad situation where little respect is given those titans whose shoulders gamers currently stand upon. Past contributions in raw displays of skill and genius will not be forgotten.
Kim Ga Yeon is an incredible woman to have behind you. A rock of support who does it willingly and unselfishly.
To me, boxer is not only an example of a gamer, but also an example of a person. He is the the ronaldo of the starcraft community. When everyone says he is down, he somehows manage to comeback through hard work and determination.
I am certain boxer will be back to code A in no time, again showing us good games, with his creativity and his charisma. Lim yo Hwan fighting!
There will always be different interpretations of the same fact. Fact: SlayerS_BoxeR fell into Code B.
Interpretation 1: BoxeR is washed up. Any vestiges of the "Emperor" are long-since gone. BoxeR has no business playing competitively-- he's too old.
Interpretation 2: BoxeR was playing against a top-level Terran. asdfOu trains with players like sC, who has some of the best TvT in the world. BoxeR had a couple bad games, and asd capitalized on the opportunity.
Interpretation 3: BoxeR has a hurt shoulder. Are you serious? He would have beat the crap out of that no-name garbage piece-of-crap moron asd if he was healthy.
is there any where we can send support or cheerfuls? Watching boxer is probably the greatest joy i can find in sc2, his abilities are just amazing even without training primarily as a player.
So really, I'd love to send him a cheerful or encouraging note/art, is there any way we an get this to him?
On July 01 2011 10:29 Thurokiir wrote: is there any where we can send support or cheerfuls? Watching boxer is probably the greatest joy i can find in sc2, his abilities are just amazing even without training primarily as a player.
So really, I'd love to send him a cheerful or encouraging note/art, is there any way we an get this to him?
you could try twittering it @SlayerS_Jessica or @SlayersCella maybe
On July 01 2011 09:18 Waking wrote: I like Boxer but what a drama queen this girl is being. Famous people always catch shit, learn to deal with it or you are gonna have a heart attack.
Its more that they're only publishing negative comments, no news reports were done on the success of SlayerS in sc2 but as soon as something slightly negative came along they jumped on it. Also Slayers_Jessica is a famous actress in Korea I am sure she has dealt with stuff like this before. She is just very passionate about defending a loved one, nothing wrong with that.
Not to mention that such posts also makes us feel warm and reunite as a community
On July 01 2011 09:48 TheSubtleArt wrote: Well from what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) he's not as much of a player anymore as he is a coach / team organizer for Slayers. Also he's fucking 30, I think it would be ridiculous to expect him to keep up championship level performance at this stage.
I already tweeted her but I wanna say here. BoxeR is really lucky to have someone like Jessica by his side. I really hope they can overcome this hardtime and prove the haters wrong. Nothing tastes better than haters' tears.
On July 01 2011 09:48 TheSubtleArt wrote: Well from what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) he's not as much of a player anymore as he is a coach / team organizer for Slayers. Also he's fucking 30, I think it would be ridiculous to expect him to keep up championship level performance at this stage.
BoxeR was basically my first starcraft hero. I really only started to follow the starcraft scene with the release of sc2 but staying up really, really late to watch BoxeR vs. Nada in the GSL was simply an amazing experience.
I still hope he can become great again, maybe bring the focus back to his own game and not his team however I get the feeling that what truly brings him joy isn't his own success but the success of others and his fans enjoyment of watching him player.
Personally, I think he plays pretty well considering his age and amount of training he is going through atm(not much I think). He will forever be the Emperor, but, I think this is out of hand as in it's just an article, who cares what the writer thinks. As mentioned, he has too many things to manage now and writers usually create some drama!
On July 01 2011 09:48 TheSubtleArt wrote: Well from what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) he's not as much of a player anymore as he is a coach / team organizer for Slayers. Also he's fucking 30, I think it would be ridiculous to expect him to keep up championship level performance at this stage.
<33333 boxer
It's not cause he's old (Nestea and White Ra wreck) but because he practices so much like 30 Games or so that he wears himself out to the point where he makes mistakes he shouldn't be making. It's like lifting weights before a track meet....
Boxer should tune it down a little bit. Go back to the same 10-15 Games when he was in SK Telecom. SC2 is not all about micro but about playing smart. Nestea showed us that.
Anyway, good luck and have fun in your future matches Boxer we'll be cheering for u
If watching your favorite player brought you 100% pleasure, and watching him lose brought you 100% pain, there would be almost no joy in StarCraft at all. We love Boxer because he a unique and thoughtful player who is fun to watch whether he wins or loses.
Boxer is one of those players that I root for every single time, no matter if he's supposed to be the underdog, the clear winner, or the least popular player. BoxeR <3
I am so sad that Boxer went to code B. Sure he didn't provide the best games in code A yet, but I had faith he will reach that point eventually where he will provide awesome games. I still hold hope that he will return from Code B and go to Code S soon.
I am concerned that he might go for coaching full time or something along those lines. Sure it will make Slayers somewhat stronger ( maybe?) but I will surely miss seeing Boxer play. He is still playing in NASL and hopefully he will regain his confidence there and go really far. I really loved the intensity of his games in the earlier seasons of GSL when the stream would drop out due to people tuning in to watch him. I loved how he gave SC1 legend Yellow a SC2 copy and told him to come to SlayerS :D . I really like how Jessica is so envolved in eSports. I admire his team that he put up and the sick awesome players he raised up from the pits of anonymity. I really admire his passion and his dedication to promoting eSports, playing SC2 and building his team.
So hopefully if he reads this he will cheer up, pick up the pieces and start his new journey to CodeS. BOXER HWAAATIIINNGG! :D Jessica Fightiiing too! :D Cheer up Boxer!
Boxer VS random code S champion guy : go Boxer \o/ Boxer VS random code S guy : go Boxer \o/ Boxer VS random code A guy : go Boxer \o/ Boxer VS random code B guy : go Boxer \o/ Boxer VS random code C guy : go Boxer \o/
Fans supporting!! Boxer always Hwating!!!
True fans will support any decision you make =D Those negative comments shouldn't influence it at all!
Boxer is awesome, I always get so excited every time I get the chance to watch him play I hope that his shoulder problems can be resolved in the near future, I can only imagine how difficult it would make things for someone of his character and dedication.
Having watched Boxer play, I don't care if he proxy raxes, or if he plays the most epic mindgame ever or macro's up a storm, I will cheer him on regardless, and bow my head before the Emperor!
OP here, reading some of these comments make me facepalm.
However, they have all been addressed properly by the community for which I am grateful.
Made edits to the first post, so you could see we made a difference.
Haters gonna hate, but if you hate boxer you hate esports. if you disagree, i would suggest you draw up what esports would look like without him.
Everyone keeps saying he's old and stuff. Nestea's old too. So is WhiteRa, the last time i checked. But I digress, that's beside the point.
What's happening is that an esports journalist is badmouthing a pioneer of the sports industry which he is in, and i just decided to help the guy out since it might seem like the world is against him, when in fact the world is very much for him.
As much as I dislike the terran race, Boxer is the ONLY terran I root for every match he is in. There are some cases in which i want the terran to win, but I am always pulling for the Emperor.
Disrespect for someone who's brought e-sports to what it is today? Not cool.
I know this will most likely not get read by anybody. But I will always root for SlayerS_BoxeR. Always. He significantly changed the way the game is played, and how the game is shared with others, and for that he will always have my gratitude and my deepest respects.
I personally find Boxer to be the most awesome of all the progamers. He's over 30 and still rockin'. Nobody else can boast that as well as an intense original run and the creation of a fucking AIR FORCE TEAM. I'll always be backing him.
I love to watch boxer play....even when he loses its a show...its no walkover to beat him and I hope he comes back BIGGER BETTER STRONGER to destroy code S soon, would love to be there if Boxer won Code S, I think korea would take a national holiday or something!!!!
On July 01 2011 12:35 kimjongskills wrote: you have my axe.
And my Bow
And you have my sword.
All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us. Boxer was meant to play BW, and he was also meant to play SC2. I hope he takes encouraging thought from this thread
After my 5 placement matches, i started my SC2 ladder in Silver league. Very soon i had "fallen to hell", dropped to 50th place in a Bronze league after losing to uncountable lower league cheese plays. I could had given up and find another game to play, but i chose to come back, learn to defend the cheeses and to cheese back my opponent as well ROFL. And i crawled my way back to Silver, even all the way to Gold and Platinum. Then i was stuck at Platinum for a bloody long time, 500++ games i guess? That was a painful experience as i decided to start improving my macro, which has no short cut to learn besides keep practicing. And i overcame it and was in diamond. Soon enough i got my asses kicked by all the diamond players who are macroly, microly, strategically better than me, and fall back into plat (Sigh) Again through relentless practices, week ago i managed to crawl back to low diamond.
I know my story & my talent is so small compare to boxer's. But the theory is the same, the never-give-up spirit is the most important thing! and its also important that we continue enjoy gaming no matter how bad we fell. you WILL WIN CODE S! and i will get into grand master of SEA! (for the sake of the money i pay for SC2 rofl) Have faith on urself BOXER!
Boxer in TSL3 showed me he still has it and that will never change. That sick micro he has is awesome and that awesome macro makes him the best. LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR!!!!!!!!
Boxer, you are the reason I started watching Starcraft.
Don't be stressed about results. Honestly, you are still one of the best, because you understand showmanship and the need to entertain fans, rather than always doing the safest strategy. I will always root for you for that reason. You almost got that amazing wall-off against Nestea, and your idea was so exciting, I didn't mind that much that it didn't quite work for you.
Keep playing buddy, we love you no matter how you do.
Boxer, don't let journalist get you down. Journalist do what they do, which is to get a story. You are the Emperor, you pretty much established SKT. The "best" team in BW in terms of titles wise. You go on to make another team SlayerS whom are doing great in SC2.
How many players, can say they are responsible for 2 great teams single handily? It doesn't matter what everyone else says. Your fans will always be your fans. In front of everyone's eyes you are The Emperor. Keep doing what you are doing. We will always be here to support you.
Don't look at what one person says about you and instead look at the thousands of people who look up to you and cheer you one every single day. Play for all of us and we'll always support you. Boxer fighting!!!!!!
SlayersBoxeR represents Terran. He epitomizes pro-gaming and the spirit of eSports. I'm honestly extremely excited to see how far he goes and how far he will take eSports. Hope to see him in MLG and look forward to seeing him do well in NASL as well. Who knows, maybe this is the Starcraft Gods' way of saying that he's about to win big in NASL so don't waste your time in Code A. 임요환 HWAITING!
I love watching Boxer play. He might not win every game, and he might not even win most of his games but his control, micro and ways he REALLY uses the map is second to none. IMO so many players just take a random map at face value, just for aesthetics and how easy it is to defend your ramp/etc. Boxer takes that a step further, how many of you weren't like "WTF???" when he did that back drop on Tal'darim? Or the supply depot trick on Terminus? His proxy rax is always in the perfect spot, his sim city is actually thought out and not improvised, etc etc.
This separates him from most other players and makes Boxer, Boxer.
BTW it was Boxer's lockdown move (7 ghosts vs 9 bcs?) that made me start practicing BW a lot more, I didn't realize how much depth the game really had.
Boxer may not be the top ranked player in the world anymore, but I get more excitement out of seeing him play then anyone else in the world. Games are just special when hes playing, like watching Michael Jordan late in his career. He's still capable of pulling off great things, and when he does you get the feeling of nostalgia that can't be compared.
exactly. boxer does not need to prove himself. even his achievements in SC2 are pretty decent I guess, a top 4 GSL finish (maybe a bronze) is not something that many people can claim. he's just a little inconsistent, but since when has his trademark been consistency? It has always been brilliant play, either prepared or on the spur of the moment. But obviously you cannot show that every game.
Starcraft NEEDS boxer. He is the major reason why I even watch GSL. Cool tricks, really intelligent strategies.
I hope when BoxeR comes back, he takes Yellow with him to join SlayerS. This will motivate both of them to excel and show everyone why they were legends in BW.
i agree with most of the people here. boxer isn't as good as he was but hes still one of my favorites to watch. I'll always watch his games. He does some really cool strats. Not only is he a legend, he is a class act
How the fuck do you hate on Boxer? He's put together one of the best SC2 teams while still being a very good player. He'll be back in Code A soon enough, maybe back to Code S. Journalists should report, not make stupid judgments on people that don't deserve it in any way.
I dont support champions but usually the 2nd place. Like I prefer : Arsenal > Man Utd in 1999 (man utd crown 3 champs) Ferrari > Mclaren (Hakkinen dominate F1) AMD > Intel (Pentium 4) Terran > Protoss (Terran is consider weakest race)
It change in 2000s where Henry makes Arsenal invincibles in 2002 Schumacher winning 7th title with Ferrari AMD Athlon64 that totally pawn Intel
and BOXER comes out with his Terran dominate SC...
BoxeR are the Henry to Arsenal, Schumacher to Ferrari in my hearts to starcraft... Boxer forever
Boxer will forever be the most important person in StarCraft. I will always watch his games and always cheer for him no matter what. That reporter was just trying to stir up drama. Neither Boxer nor Jessica should pay him any mind. Long live the Emperor!
On July 01 2011 14:01 sylace wrote: Boxer will forever be the most important person in StarCraft. I will always watch his games and always cheer for him no matter what. That reporter was just trying to stir up drama. Neither Boxer nor Jessica should pay him any mind. Long live the Emperor!
This, many of the new to SC people may not know but Boxer is one of the players who really set up the bases for e-sports as we know it. I will always be a fan and in my heart he will always be the emperor. GL Boxer and get well soon!
The thing is i dont understand about profesional players in pro sports, or celebrities, is that they are quick to take on any positive from reporters and when there is negative written about them they act like the reporters are evil or are stupid. So they are willing to take all the good but none of the negative criticism? They accept "Hype" when there probably is nothing to base it on (early stages of someones career) but wont accept "anti-hype" when it is early stages of downfall?
Boxer is the man that made e-sports what it is today - the first true superstar. He should keep playing for as long as he wants, and when he plays there will ALWAYS be people cheering for him!
Boxer is a legend. Even when his technical skills dwindle, his creativity and strategic view of the game will forever be valued and ahead of everyone else. Don't listen to the haters Boxer, you are truly one of the most brilliant gamers to have ever picked up Starcraft.
Haters gonna hate. I have no idea where/why this mentality even comes from. Maybe I'm a super nerd for this, but I remember when BoxeR was playing in a tournament, his opponent dropped. The admins/refs of the tournament awarded him the win, and released the replay to the public. I downloaded the replay to watch the game and watched the entire thing from his perspective, on normal speed. I felt so honored to be watching the game from his eyes, that I felt it would be disrespectful to fast forward the replay.
Keep stepping on bodies, BoxeR...keep stepping on bodies.
His work with the SlayerS clan and team has shown even more that the Emperor knows what he's doing with starcraft, 1 & 2. To take a bunch of unknowns and jobbers and turn them into the two time winners of the GSTL is an amazing achievement that only goes to prove he's still got his stuff.
Thank you Boxer, for still doing great things for eSports. We'll never forget you.
F*** the haters BoxeR you're the sole reason I got into SC after watching you play ! You're a legend in the community for everything you have done and achieved and nothing any reported can say will ever take away your greatness and what you've done for this game.
The Korean congressman Hee-Ryong Won said it best in BoxeRs Wings Episode #2: "A real fan does not care about results alone. A real fan has the ability to support its idol even when its in trouble. I am this kind of fan."
BoxeR might not be the best SC2 player out there but for me and certainly a lot of fans out there he is still the one person in esports we look up to. He came to SC2 because of his passion for the game and for his fans. Every match BoxeR plays, no matter what league or 'code X' it is, makes me all excited and jittery for him and so happy he is still around. Thank you Lim Yo Hwan!
We love you , listen to your heart, and you'll see that we wiwll always love you and support you no matter what. You've been very king to us by all the work you've done to eSport, and this is like a gift nobody has ever done to us. Me and my Gamer's Guild association are currently working harder and harder to make eSport more known in west ; based on the hope you gave us by doing the same in Korea.
Whether it be code s code a code b coach only or spectator. I will always cheer for lim yo hwan. He made sc what it is today. He made esports what it is today and he was kind enough to me to shake my hand and sign my shirt at last years blizzcon despite his busy practice schedule and jessica wanting him to rest and not be chased by fans (I don't blame her he was constantly followed and mobbed outside the player lounge). I'm sure he didn't understand me but I told him he was my hero and I'm sure he got it. Today I want to remind him that this has not changed.
Lim yo hwan fighting!!! Forever! Much love and utmost respect to the man who singlehandedly crashed the gomtv sight. The man who singlehandedly stole our nerdy hearts. The man who cried tears for the game he loved. The man who brings us to tears because we want him to succeed (see peanutsc video!). The man, the myth, the legend, our emperor.
From my POV saying Boxer sux is like saying Kobe sux, Pele 2, Also from this POV Elvis sux, M. J. sux, Tupac sux also. There are no good people we all sux, that's the truth!
I hope he takes a month off or something and lets his shoulder heal that way when he comes back he can show everyone why he is the Emperor. Always a Boxer Fan! BOXER HWAITING!
On July 01 2011 14:10 Cartel wrote: The thing is i dont understand about profesional players in pro sports, or celebrities, is that they are quick to take on any positive from reporters and when there is negative written about them they act like the reporters are evil or are stupid. So they are willing to take all the good but none of the negative criticism? They accept "Hype" when there probably is nothing to base it on (early stages of someones career) but wont accept "anti-hype" when it is early stages of downfall?
Give me a break
Maybe because he didn't deserve the backlash ? In the game of starcraft, there is a lot of luck involve (build orders,lucky tech scouts etc..) and he can't control every aspect of the game. He also is the founder of a team which makes him even more busy. Boxer works very hard for each of his showing. You would know if you watch the documentary.
On July 01 2011 14:10 Cartel wrote: The thing is i dont understand about profesional players in pro sports, or celebrities, is that they are quick to take on any positive from reporters and when there is negative written about them they act like the reporters are evil or are stupid. So they are willing to take all the good but none of the negative criticism? They accept "Hype" when there probably is nothing to base it on (early stages of someones career) but wont accept "anti-hype" when it is early stages of downfall?
Give me a break
There is criticisms, and there is slander. This time it was more of the latter i think.
I heard Boxer and Jessica were reading this thread so here goes my message...
Dont listen to the haters. Your fans love you and will always support you. We believe you are still a truly great player - you will get up there again - but guess what? You dont have to prove anything to ANYONE. What you have done for Starcraft communities, the individual players...esports in so valuable.
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
Boxer hwaiting!!! No one can argue with your success, you showed us for years that hard work and dedication will produce results and we have no doubt you will show us again =)
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
"Wow Boxer sucks, he should retire." Boxer can't even make it into RO16 for Code A, he is wasting his time!"
are insulting and probably don't need to be said, I think people can say he is performing poorly lately. I don't know if he is or not, but if its anything like Tyler, its safe to say that he is just playing poorly as of late.
Personally, I love Boxer, and he will always have my respect and best wishes.
On July 01 2011 14:39 tabbi wrote: The Korean congressman Hee-Ryong Won said it best in BoxeRs Wings Episode #2: "A real fan does not care about results alone. A real fan has the ability to support its idol even when its in trouble. I am this kind of fan."
This is exactly the whole point. Some players/individuals achieve so much in their chosen sport/profession that it doesn't matter what else they achieve. They have already become legends. Boxer is one such player. True fans recognise that and win or lose they will still cheer and anticipate his games.
Perhaps SC needs a Hall of Fame for players/coaches and so forth to be inducted into to recognise past and future feats of greatness. Could be a good TL project?
BoxeR, I've been your fan for as long as I've watched e-sports. I know you have what it takes to come back into the game and take some spectacular victories.
You have always been the kind of player who gets "counted out" after a while, and then comes back to prove everyone wrong. You did it multiple times in your Brood War career, and I have faith that you can do it again now.
Even fi I haven't been always following the BW scene and boxer troughout the years. This man deserves nothing less then the outmost respect and absolute admiration for what he has done, and what he is doing still.
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
I have been a fan since....forever. And I don't think Boxer is the kind of guy to quit because some b.s. reporter wrote something behind his little computer, just badmouthing someone that has done waaay more than he'll ever do, and be more than he'll ever dream to be.
Boxer has been through worse criticism than this, there's no reason for the Emperor to be down with a great lady behind him and with a strong team supporting him as well. We'll support him even if he doesn't win titles anymore, he has done enough for the entire industry. Parasitic journalists wouldn't even be writing that article if esport wasn't so popular in Korea, and who were among the most influential people that made esport so big in Korea?
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
before i had ever watched a brood war game in my life, i had heard of the legend that was Boxer. Anyone who has reached his stature deserves our respect, win or lose. I hope Boxer has many wins in his future, him and his team.
I don't care what Boxer is doing right now in his SC2 Career. He is,will, and always will be a figure in the eSports community. What he has accomplished is amazing, Who cares if he is in Code B. Really agree with Jessica on this note. He will be back when not injured. And he will be better than ever ! Just believe
SlayerS_`BoxeR` is a living legend and a fantastic sportsman. The effort he has done for e-sports is unparalleled and has created jobs, not to mention lifestyles, for hundreds (if not thousands) of people!
Lim Yo-Hwan is an idol and should be respected by everyone!
I do a lot more reading on than i do posting; my first post was to sign up for Boxer's fanclub (after years of just using this site to check on bw and now sc2 news, I recently decided to make an account just for that).
My second post will be to remind the Emperor: Haters gon' hate. SlayerS_BoxeR Fighting!!!
Keep fighting, BoxeR! But, please take care of yourself as well. Don't destroy your shoulder just to prove a point to some two-bit hack sensationalist reporter. D: Everybody worth listening to already respect you.
In fact, that one works for all the progamers. Especially the guys that get slammed for slumping for a periode. Train hard, but take care of yourself as well! :D
The first contact ever i got with professional Starcraft was a youtube video with Boxer playing and some random korean commentators yelling. It was fantastic!
For me, Boxer will always be the symbol of e-sports! Continue fighting!
I don't care about his performance in the leagues. What he has done for the scene can't be understated and his commitment despite his shoulder problems is truly impressive.
It doesn't matter what one reporter says, he'll still be the Emperor.
BoxeR is an absolute legend. He helped craft eSports to what it has become today, and for that sole reason I will never look down upon him, no matter the circumstances. He plays for the fans, not for himself. I'll continue to watch your entertaining plays BoxeR, whether it be winning or losing!
Much love for boxer. I always watch all his games. For a long time the only sc1 pro I knew of was boxer. SC1 tank dropship micro was the first time I saw how awesome starcraft could be when played at the highest levels.
I tweeted her my support, but I want to post here as well.
Boxer brought me to StarCraft. I will not and cannot ever forget his creativity, skill, and humor. I still enjoy Boxer's matches incredibly today, in GSL.
Thank you, Boxer and Jessica, for everything you've done and still do. You are invaluable.
As one of the teamliquid awesome writers once wrote, I will root for Boxer whether he plays Starcraft, Checkers, or Minesweeper...I wish I could remember the exact wording, because it was 100% true
I cannot understand why a journalist would badmouth Boxer. So, yeah, Boxer dropped from Code-S to A and now must go through Code-B. Boxer should be applauded for his devotion to the SlayerS team. It's fully understandable that the Emperor cannot practice as much for his personal success.
Boxer should not only be supported for what he has done in the past, he also is doing a lot right now.
Boxer has more than enough fans that he could make his living with autograph sessions. But he chose to go on with Starcraft 2, he formed the best team so far (considering teamleague results.)
Boxer is the man who made eSports possible as a profession in Korea. He did it for SC BW, and he's still playing a very prominent role in SC2. He remade the SlayerS clan and got up to Code S, even having a rematch with NaDa and winning it. His mere presence in SC2 should light the hearts of many fans, plus the image he has will help a lot to get more sponsors and fans into SC2. Anyone badmouthing the Emperor, and for once I will be serious with this statement, is actually hurting ESPORTS.
Lim Yo Hwan is the reason I know about professional Starcraft. He is also the reason professional Starcraft exists. I wish I could meet him. Boxer, keep playing and running your team. Your results don't matter to me, you've already 4-0'ed my heart.
On July 01 2011 10:29 Thurokiir wrote: is there any where we can send support or cheerfuls? Watching boxer is probably the greatest joy i can find in sc2, his abilities are just amazing even without training primarily as a player.
So really, I'd love to send him a cheerful or encouraging note/art, is there any way we an get this to him?
you could try twittering it @SlayerS_Jessica or @SlayersCella maybe
I just signed up to twitter just so I could do this. Thanks for the suggestion.
On July 01 2011 02:40 TheRealPaciFist wrote: (also: I'm still surprised that Boxer is in Code B, not because of his legacy of being a great player, but because every game I've seen him in recently he seems to me like he's doing a fantastic job. I thought the game he played against DRG recently, which he lost, was beautifully played, transitioning from early proxy rax pressure into more mech heavy macro... anyway, I'm sure he'll rise out of Code B soon enough)
I hope this is not inappropriate in this thread... But sometimes when he starts winning it almost looks like he starts playing not to lose rather than to win. Maybe it is the pressure he puts on himself.
He can really play amazingly well, and then something happens. His skill potential is as great as it was in Brood War.
You're a legend, so many people are proud of you and your work. You have given me so much quality time, that I will never forget. never give up never surrender, that is what I learned from you! I'm grateful for the!
To the reporter, I can only say:
If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
Nihil fit sine causa Igitur Quidquid agis prudenter agas et respice finem. (Nothing happens without a cause, so whatever you do, do it wisely, and consider the outcome.)
Back when I was 16-17 I didn't play any RTS games. My main games of choice were FPS games like Counter-Strike.
That said, I still had a copy of Brood war just for the purpose of downloading pro replays, because I had dabbled in it, learned the interface and the game, and thus recognized how much skill and intelligence the game required. My favorite player to watch was guess who... Boxer.
He made me play Terran for SC2 with his godlike play, and still inspire me to keep playing RTS games. Boxer fighting!
Boxer is THE MAN! Hell he'll need a professional translator, with special fluency in internet communicaion, to read through a lot of these, but it's worth it!
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
It's not so much about that reporter, as it is letter Boxer know that he doesn't need to win to prove anything to us. If he wants to play he can do it unburdened by his accomplishments in the past.
And we don't really need an excuse to be nice to people.
Respect the emperor. I didnt follow the BW scene, but i do know about his great contributions to the comunity. Hell even in SC2, he has made the BEST team in korea right now, while playing, while suffering from arm pains.
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
It's not so much about that reporter, as it is letter Boxer know that he doesn't need to win to prove anything to us. If he wants to play he can do it unburdened by his accomplishments in the past.
And we don't really need an excuse to be nice to people.
Well in my opinion is that in recent GSTL when The Emperor stood up to play and everyone went completely nuts proves enough how much he still and always will be loved regardless of his results from now, and that trashtalking guy should shut up.
I never watched Brood War. I never heard of Boxer until 10 months ago. I was a fan of TLO in Supreme Commander, so I wanted to follow my favorite player into SC2.
Don't know what to say really. Always happy to see him play, and have cheered for him since I saw him play for the first time (quite some time ago by now).
All love to the emperor, hope he can overcome both this and his injury!
It's low to hate on a pro gamer who is struggling with injury. Code A is a harsh environment to compete in and it's only natural for someone with pains to drop down. Boxer shows courage and determination by staying in the game despite the injury so he can give Starcraft fans more games.
Boxer should be admired for his courage, determination and will to keep playing for his fans. He has done so much for Starcraft and I always enjoy watching Boxer and Slayers compete.
Lim yo-hwan FIGHTING~~!!! Emperor for live, he and lee young-ho are THE inspirational role models in my esport-life, they are basically all the reason i actually have a sc2 work ethic.
I have more respect for BoxeR than I have for most people. He's on my list of people I would really like to meet some day. (At the very least would love to get something autographed by him xD) He's amazing. He's walking a road that most of us as gamers would love to be able to. He's the main person who sparked my interest in competitive gaming. Competitive gaming in general, not just StarCraft. He goes out of his way to entertain his fans, he has a great attitude about life in general from everything I've seen and read and he stays humble. He's a great person and I wish there were more people like him. BoxeR is the reason I play SC2, BoxeR is the reason I play Terran and BoxeR is the reason that I practiced hard and entered a tournament for a completely different competitive game that I enjoy.
I was so happy when I found out he was going to play StarCraft 2. It doesn't matter to me if he wins or loses, I just like watching him play. As a StarCraft fan it doesn't matter if BoxeR wins or loses as long as he's playing the fans are winning. I hope he keeps playing as long as he's able to, as long as he wants to, and I hope afterwards he still is part of the eSports scene.
Don't let the haters get you down, BoxeR. There will always be people who are ignorant, and there will always be people like me that appreciate all of your contributions to eSports and all of your hard work. Thanks to you I learned to keep my composure when I lose and stay humble when I win. <3 BoxeR
no matter where Boxer is at in his career, i'll always deeply respect him because of the humility i've seen in him. almost any time i've seen him lose, he's gone over and congratulated his opponent and that alone, regardless of the countless other ways in which he commands respect, makes him my favorite player. YOU'RE A LEGEND BOXER, DON'T FORGET IT. we don't.
The Emperor is an inspiration to us all, and it's terrible to see anyone downplay him. Even while he's not performing at the very top, his will to keep going and practise hard with his shoulder problem is something that comes from a real champion. ♥
The first sc game I ever watched Boxer crushed his opponent with some super well thought out hellion drops on scrap station. I've always been very excited to watch his games ever since!
I have too encountered someone bad mouthing me for something i put my heart and soul into! Just keep fighting!
Keep your chin up Boxer. Do whatever will make you the happiest. Take care of that shoulder though, we are fans but we do not want to see you play games while sacrificing your health.
I never followed the broodwar scene but let me just say this.
The first, and I mean FIRST thing I was ever told to see in reference to the starcraft pro scene was a youtube search of "boxer marine." (aside from PLAGUUUUU )
If that doesn't say boxer is the epitome of epic, I don't know what does.
The way SC2 is right now players move up and down frequently. There are lots of good players in code b (just look at dong Rae gu), and a lot of mediocre players in code S. Contrary to his results, boxer gas really improved immensely lately- his macro us pretty darn solid. As long as he keeps at it I have no doubt he'll be back, and better for it. It'll also make it more exciting when ge does make it back.
No matter how bad you perform or what you do I will always be cheering for you Boxer. Cannot wait to see you come to America and destroy the NASL(Wish I lived on the West coast so I can go!). Also the card thing would be awesome, think Boxer and Ga Yeon would love to see one of those.
On July 01 2011 00:57 Phayt wrote: The man is working his ass off practicing, while struggling with an injury, and building a championship calibre team. Yeah, I think we can cut him some slack.
Honestly, the Emperor just had a bad day. He was not himself in those games, and in that moment, was not the better player. It's true. It's also okay. It happens. All you can do is work hard and do better the next time. Knowing Boxer, that won't be a problem.
On a personal note, I find all my favourite players are from the older crowd, even if they don't always perform at the level of some of the younger guys.
<3 Boxer (and as an aside, <3 Rainbow as well. You can come back too!).
Boxer is awesome. He doesn't deserve any hate at all.
Heck, I'd like to see some of these so called 'journalists' who slate Boxer and state that he is dropping down into the depths of e-sports Hell to try and fucking achieve and hold Code S status themselves.
If they did this, they'll realise professional gaming isn't all the glamourous "OMG you're getting paid to play video games" lifestyle that it's cracked up to be and perhaps cut him some slack.
SlayerS_`BoxeR` has done so much for e-sports; I can not thank him enough for what he has done. I wish him and the SlayerS Team success and the best of luck.
There's a new video at GOM about MMA (a behind the scenes video). Boxer is in it as well. It was quite moving. I can see that both players will continue working harder.
Boxer still has a lot of fight and dedication left in him - it's never over until he says it's over. I'll be cheering for him at the NASL finals to win it all. Here's to hoping that his shoulder heals up soon and doesn't get in his way for his games in the States.
Seriously that reporter should ever try to get D+ himself before opening his mouth. You don't say Pele is 10x worse than Messi just because football is requiring much more physical strenght and technique than ever either. Because without people like Pele there would probably be no Messi today. Same thing applies for BoxeR to me, theres many football pros who kept playing until almost 40 too - so why not for nerds? In fact isn't it rather amazing that he's still able to post results despite his age?
He's a hero, no matter what some journalist writes about him. And will always be. No need for any special training; he should give his shoulder some rest and go through his routines.
Maybe it's just me, but I really wish that Boxer would take a break now that he's in Code B to try and heal his shoulder. If it requires him to stop playing for 1 month, 2 months or more it doesn't matter, cause playing in pain is just not something a fan should wish of their favourite player. The man has done more than anyone could expect of him in terms of dedication and success to please us, so these thoughts he seems to have that he must go on with no rest for his fans enjoyment leaves a bitter taste in my mouth at least.
I would be shocked if his sponsors (especially Intel as his personal sponsor) and his team wouldn't be really understanding and giving him the same blessing I expect his fans would if he decided to take a break to heal. If needed I bet Intel could be swarmed by thousands of letters to thank them for their support of him from his fans, if they had any doubt that the community would abandon him no matter what happened.
With that being said, hoping for a great result in Anaheim!
Support is nothing that Boxer lacks but there's a ton a pressure from both the audience now that Starcraft 2 became one of the most popular or THE most popular RTS worldwide. This makes a comeback considerably harder considering the competition is rough and large. We respect and look forward to Boxer. Best of Luck and Screw that reporter and prove him wrong with a beautiful comeback.
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
Give me five Faurus! Boxers Fighting!!!
so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op. Its really annoying that everyone who say something you don't like is a "hater". What a black- white world. I like boxer for many years but i think its total ok if some korean journalist thinks hes not good any more. Its his opinion and its his job to publish this. If you agree with him or not there is no reason the to make this "Stand up against the hater thing." You might be right. I come here to show a different way to handle such things, for a) show that not everyone on tl have such a fanboy attitude and b) let the people think over the op and not just write "boxer fighting!!!"
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
thx for the link. why is it not in the op?
PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
Give me five Faurus! Boxers Fighting!!!
so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op. Its really annoying that everyone who say something you don't like is a "hater". What a black- white world. I like boxer for many years but i think its total ok if some korean journalist thinks hes not good any more. Its his opinion and its his job to publish this. If you agree with him or not there is no reason the to make this "Stand up against the hater thing." You might be right. I come here to show a different way to handle such things, for a) show that not everyone on tl have such a fanboy attitude and b) let the people think over the op and not just write "boxer fighting!!!"
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
thx for the link. why is it not in the op?
PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
I realize I'm late to the party in writing this, but as long as boxer is playing Starcraft, I'll be watching him. If not for him I would never have found Teamliquid and I would probably just be some random BM asshat on USEast.
Don't get sad/mad over some retarded journalists/random guys.Most of the times they don't know what they are talkin about,so,forget about them.It's not worth to get mad about them,seriously!
I wish you the best for the upcoming MLG Anaheim.And don't train TOO MUCH.Your shoulder will thank you.
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
Give me five Faurus! Boxers Fighting!!!
so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op. Its really annoying that everyone who say something you don't like is a "hater". What a black- white world. I like boxer for many years but i think its total ok if some korean journalist thinks hes not good any more. Its his opinion and its his job to publish this. If you agree with him or not there is no reason the to make this "Stand up against the hater thing." You might be right. I come here to show a different way to handle such things, for a) show that not everyone on tl have such a fanboy attitude and b) let the people think over the op and not just write "boxer fighting!!!"
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
thx for the link. why is it not in the op?
PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
Nah, what's actually annoying is when you come in with your chin raised, looking disparagingly at all the "mindless BoxeR fanboys" as you perceive yourself as superior. Don't know if you understand how to empathize, but BoxeR is actually only human. And a dumb article spewing BS about his "downfall" would certainly annoy him. Just because he's a big e-Sports star doesn't mean that he has to stoically remain unaffected by stupid shit that journalists say about him. He's incredibly passionate and cares a ton about his fans, so of course the article probably bothered him a bit considering he hasn't been performing as well as he's been wanting to. And all his fans are doing is encouraging him, since he's said on many an occasion that his fans are a huge part of his inspiration. Thus, your stupid "Superior, objective free thinker above the black-and-white moral simplicity of mindless fanboys" act is actually just annoying.
BoxeR is amazing. He managed to create a scene that doesn't just offer compelling games, but also a compelling story. I care so much more about SlayerS than I do about any other team, even though there are many players that I like more individually than the players on SlayerS. There is just an air of excitement that makes me care when I watch the game rather than just saying "Oh gee, that was a really swell match. Next."
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
Give me five Faurus! Boxers Fighting!!!
so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op. Its really annoying that everyone who say something you don't like is a "hater". What a black- white world. I like boxer for many years but i think its total ok if some korean journalist thinks hes not good any more. Its his opinion and its his job to publish this. If you agree with him or not there is no reason the to make this "Stand up against the hater thing." You might be right. I come here to show a different way to handle such things, for a) show that not everyone on tl have such a fanboy attitude and b) let the people think over the op and not just write "boxer fighting!!!"
On July 01 2011 19:33 sunneh wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:40 skeldark wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:31 Zaurus wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
thx for the link. why is it not in the op?
PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
Nah, what's actually annoying is when you come in with your chin raised, looking disparagingly at all the "mindless BoxeR fanboys" as you perceive yourself as superior. Don't know if you understand how to empathize, but BoxeR is actually only human. And a dumb article spewing BS about his "downfall" would certainly annoy him. Just because he's a big e-Sports star doesn't mean that he has to stoically remain unaffected by stupid shit that journalists say about him. He's incredibly passionate and cares a ton about his fans, so of course the article probably bothered him a bit considering he hasn't been performing as well as he's been wanting to. And all his fans are doing is encouraging him, since he's said on many an occasion that his fans are a huge part of his inspiration. Thus, your stupid "Superior, objective free thinker above the black-and-white moral simplicity of mindless fanboys" act is actually just annoying.
Would an article about Fruitdealer's downfall spark as much controversy? Nope, because he doesn't have that many fanboys. I don't get why people can't separate one's playing ability with persona. There was nothing stupid about that article for a reasonable person.
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
Give me five Faurus! Boxers Fighting!!!
so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op. Its really annoying that everyone who say something you don't like is a "hater". What a black- white world. I like boxer for many years but i think its total ok if some korean journalist thinks hes not good any more. Its his opinion and its his job to publish this. If you agree with him or not there is no reason the to make this "Stand up against the hater thing." You might be right. I come here to show a different way to handle such things, for a) show that not everyone on tl have such a fanboy attitude and b) let the people think over the op and not just write "boxer fighting!!!"
On July 01 2011 19:33 sunneh wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:40 skeldark wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:31 Zaurus wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
thx for the link. why is it not in the op?
PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
Nah, what's actually annoying is when you come in with your chin raised, looking disparagingly at all the "mindless BoxeR fanboys" as you perceive yourself as superior. Don't know if you understand how to empathize, but BoxeR is actually only human. And a dumb article spewing BS about his "downfall" would certainly annoy him. Just because he's a big e-Sports star doesn't mean that he has to stoically remain unaffected by stupid shit that journalists say about him. He's incredibly passionate and cares a ton about his fans, so of course the article probably bothered him a bit considering he hasn't been performing as well as he's been wanting to. And all his fans are doing is encouraging him, since he's said on many an occasion that his fans are a huge part of his inspiration. Thus, your stupid "Superior, objective free thinker above the black-and-white moral simplicity of mindless fanboys" act is actually just annoying.
Would an article about Fruitdealer's downfall spark as much controversy? Nope, because he doesn't have that many fanboys. I don't get why people can't separate one's playing ability with persona. There was nothing stupid about that article for a reasonable person.
Boxer can't be compared to Fruitdealer, Boxer has an image and has cemented his place in esports history and the article was not just an insult to Boxer but an insult to what esports is this day because of Boxer, the reporter clearly doesn't know a jack shit about the community and esports history, if he did he wouldn't write crap like that.
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
Give me five Faurus! Boxers Fighting!!!
so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op. Its really annoying that everyone who say something you don't like is a "hater". What a black- white world. I like boxer for many years but i think its total ok if some korean journalist thinks hes not good any more. Its his opinion and its his job to publish this. If you agree with him or not there is no reason the to make this "Stand up against the hater thing." You might be right. I come here to show a different way to handle such things, for a) show that not everyone on tl have such a fanboy attitude and b) let the people think over the op and not just write "boxer fighting!!!"
On July 01 2011 19:33 sunneh wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:40 skeldark wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:31 Zaurus wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
thx for the link. why is it not in the op?
PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
Nah, what's actually annoying is when you come in with your chin raised, looking disparagingly at all the "mindless BoxeR fanboys" as you perceive yourself as superior. Don't know if you understand how to empathize, but BoxeR is actually only human. And a dumb article spewing BS about his "downfall" would certainly annoy him. Just because he's a big e-Sports star doesn't mean that he has to stoically remain unaffected by stupid shit that journalists say about him. He's incredibly passionate and cares a ton about his fans, so of course the article probably bothered him a bit considering he hasn't been performing as well as he's been wanting to. And all his fans are doing is encouraging him, since he's said on many an occasion that his fans are a huge part of his inspiration. Thus, your stupid "Superior, objective free thinker above the black-and-white moral simplicity of mindless fanboys" act is actually just annoying.
Would an article about Fruitdealer's downfall spark as much controversy? Nope, because he doesn't have that many fanboys. I don't get why people can't separate one's playing ability with persona. There was nothing stupid about that article for a reasonable person.
Boxer can't be compared to Fruitdealer, Boxer has an image and has cemented his place in esports history and the article was not just an insult to Boxer but an insult to what esports is this day because of Boxer, the reporter clearly doesn't know a jack shit about the community and esports history, if he did he wouldn't write crap like that.
The article had nothing to do with his image but purely with his lack of success as a player. Like I said, people can't separate his persona with him as a pro player. That's the definition of fanboism.
He lost to asdfou in his best match up by getting outmicroed, outsmarted and out game sensed, which are boxer's best qualities. "Fortunately" he got a ticket to MLG, because he wouldn't qualify from code b anytime soon. I sincerely respect him for what he did for e-sports but I don't want to see him as a player. As a player, his days of glory are long gone.
If Boxer only had one arm and 10 APM I'd still cheer for him. No matter what league he's in or what his results are, I'll always enjoy watching his games the most, and I'll always look up to him.
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
Give me five Faurus! Boxers Fighting!!!
so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op. Its really annoying that everyone who say something you don't like is a "hater". What a black- white world. I like boxer for many years but i think its total ok if some korean journalist thinks hes not good any more. Its his opinion and its his job to publish this. If you agree with him or not there is no reason the to make this "Stand up against the hater thing." You might be right. I come here to show a different way to handle such things, for a) show that not everyone on tl have such a fanboy attitude and b) let the people think over the op and not just write "boxer fighting!!!"
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
thx for the link. why is it not in the op?
PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
i agree with you that the reported is entitled to his opinion, but why do you have a problem with boxer's fans putting forth THEIR opinions/support for him? just as reporters are entitled to bash boxer, his fans are entitled to support him when this happens. negative, nonconstructive criticism can really effect people emotionally and so a show of support like this can be a very helpful, even necessary, thing.
it's easy to get down, especially after a bad game/series or two (i know my defeats feel crushing), so try to remember that you DO have the support of the majority of the gaming community.
On July 02 2011 13:58 skeldark wrote: so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op.
Took you quite a while to realize that if the op himself says: "Well i'm really starting to ramble here, so once again, TL;DR: Please post something encouraging for him! I don't care if he doesn't pop back up into Code S, but I think he deserves at least a small degree of comfort from not only his fans, but the e-sports community in general. HWAITING!"
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
Give me five Faurus! Boxers Fighting!!!
so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op. Its really annoying that everyone who say something you don't like is a "hater". What a black- white world. I like boxer for many years but i think its total ok if some korean journalist thinks hes not good any more. Its his opinion and its his job to publish this. If you agree with him or not there is no reason the to make this "Stand up against the hater thing." You might be right. I come here to show a different way to handle such things, for a) show that not everyone on tl have such a fanboy attitude and b) let the people think over the op and not just write "boxer fighting!!!"
On July 01 2011 19:33 sunneh wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:40 skeldark wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:31 Zaurus wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
thx for the link. why is it not in the op?
PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
Nah, what's actually annoying is when you come in with your chin raised, looking disparagingly at all the "mindless BoxeR fanboys" as you perceive yourself as superior. Don't know if you understand how to empathize, but BoxeR is actually only human. And a dumb article spewing BS about his "downfall" would certainly annoy him. Just because he's a big e-Sports star doesn't mean that he has to stoically remain unaffected by stupid shit that journalists say about him. He's incredibly passionate and cares a ton about his fans, so of course the article probably bothered him a bit considering he hasn't been performing as well as he's been wanting to. And all his fans are doing is encouraging him, since he's said on many an occasion that his fans are a huge part of his inspiration. Thus, your stupid "Superior, objective free thinker above the black-and-white moral simplicity of mindless fanboys" act is actually just annoying.
Would an article about Fruitdealer's downfall spark as much controversy? Nope, because he doesn't have that many fanboys. I don't get why people can't separate one's playing ability with persona. There was nothing stupid about that article for a reasonable person.
Do you speak Korean? I personally dont, but it was mentioned from some people that the wording was insulting. So maybe that's the reaon so many people are upset?
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
Give me five Faurus! Boxers Fighting!!!
so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op. Its really annoying that everyone who say something you don't like is a "hater". What a black- white world. I like boxer for many years but i think its total ok if some korean journalist thinks hes not good any more. Its his opinion and its his job to publish this. If you agree with him or not there is no reason the to make this "Stand up against the hater thing." You might be right. I come here to show a different way to handle such things, for a) show that not everyone on tl have such a fanboy attitude and b) let the people think over the op and not just write "boxer fighting!!!"
On July 01 2011 19:33 sunneh wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:40 skeldark wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:31 Zaurus wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
thx for the link. why is it not in the op?
PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
Nah, what's actually annoying is when you come in with your chin raised, looking disparagingly at all the "mindless BoxeR fanboys" as you perceive yourself as superior. Don't know if you understand how to empathize, but BoxeR is actually only human. And a dumb article spewing BS about his "downfall" would certainly annoy him. Just because he's a big e-Sports star doesn't mean that he has to stoically remain unaffected by stupid shit that journalists say about him. He's incredibly passionate and cares a ton about his fans, so of course the article probably bothered him a bit considering he hasn't been performing as well as he's been wanting to. And all his fans are doing is encouraging him, since he's said on many an occasion that his fans are a huge part of his inspiration. Thus, your stupid "Superior, objective free thinker above the black-and-white moral simplicity of mindless fanboys" act is actually just annoying.
Would an article about Fruitdealer's downfall spark as much controversy? Nope, because he doesn't have that many fanboys. I don't get why people can't separate one's playing ability with persona. There was nothing stupid about that article for a reasonable person.
Boxer can't be compared to Fruitdealer, Boxer has an image and has cemented his place in esports history and the article was not just an insult to Boxer but an insult to what esports is this day because of Boxer, the reporter clearly doesn't know a jack shit about the community and esports history, if he did he wouldn't write crap like that.
The article had nothing to do with his image but purely with his lack of success as a player. Like I said, people can't separate his persona with him as a pro player. That's the definition of fanboism.
The article was supposedly slanderous in nature. It wasn't saying "Lim yo-hwan drops to code B" it was saying "Lim Yo Hwan drops to hell, the emperor never to come back?" and the rest of the article went on to sensationalise his losses and badmouth him.
It's one thing to say "he fell to code b" its another to say "he's in hell, and deserves to stay there". You could probably infer from Jessica's tweets that what he said was really hurtful and bordering on slanderous (I can't seem to find the translation that uses that word specifically, but if you'd like to trawl through the original article here it might be there), but hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I don't think esports would be what it is today without Boxer, so comparing him to TFD would be (IMO) invalid.
Even if they're currently not the best players in the world, they are entertaining to watch and can be pretty big exhibitionists when it comes to tournament play. You will see some of the most entertaining, inventive and varied play from them.
Hell.... that reminds me of the sort of thing players like TLO would do in a tournament game, just unleash nukes on top of an offensive push.
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
Give me five Faurus! Boxers Fighting!!!
so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op. Its really annoying that everyone who say something you don't like is a "hater". What a black- white world. I like boxer for many years but i think its total ok if some korean journalist thinks hes not good any more. Its his opinion and its his job to publish this. If you agree with him or not there is no reason the to make this "Stand up against the hater thing." You might be right. I come here to show a different way to handle such things, for a) show that not everyone on tl have such a fanboy attitude and b) let the people think over the op and not just write "boxer fighting!!!"
On July 01 2011 19:33 sunneh wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:40 skeldark wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:31 Zaurus wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
thx for the link. why is it not in the op?
PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
People Like You Hurt eSports.
I dont understand this, he just said his opinion about this thread on team liquid and he is hurting esports ??
Whats next, not bowing in front of day9 making you esport hater ?
You need to chill and think over your post because it completly doesnt make sense.
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
He is just showing what he loves and giving in unconditional support to his idol. While u, are just trying to make urself look "different from others", like a "stand out guy" in a bunch of boxer fans here.
Life sometimes will be too boring if you are being too rational, you just need to love who/what u love, and protect them from the haters.
Give me five Faurus! Boxers Fighting!!!
so basic this is a "give love" thread? Than im wrong here, i was thinking its about a discussion over the op. Its really annoying that everyone who say something you don't like is a "hater". What a black- white world. I like boxer for many years but i think its total ok if some korean journalist thinks hes not good any more. Its his opinion and its his job to publish this. If you agree with him or not there is no reason the to make this "Stand up against the hater thing." You might be right. I come here to show a different way to handle such things, for a) show that not everyone on tl have such a fanboy attitude and b) let the people think over the op and not just write "boxer fighting!!!"
On July 01 2011 19:33 sunneh wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:40 skeldark wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:31 Zaurus wrote:
On July 01 2011 16:24 skeldark wrote: ok did i get this right?
1) someone said something bad over boxer. 2) a thread is opened where is no real information what this "someone" said 3) many guys who dont know shit about it answer: "haters gone hate!" 4) the thread get 30 pages
i have the feeling to many people take to many things to serious. i dont even want to know what happens here if some random guy somewhere in the world is saying "day9 is stupid" ...
So what is your point of posting this? Show people you are a mature dude or some smart ass?
ROFL. that was a good one. for the 5% chance that this was not a joke: so what is your point of your post? show people you are a inmature dude?
And that person would be me. My bad, the real post is here.
Conversely, how much shit do you need to know if an actress who probably receives death threats from crazy netizens in korea on a normal day to day basis has to say this?
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'?
thx for the link. why is it not in the op?
PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
People Like You Hurt eSports.
I dont understand this, he just said his opinion about this thread on team liquid and he is hurting esports ??
Whats next, not bowing in front of day9 making you esport hater ?
You need to chill and think over your post because it completly doesnt make sense.
Because you don't understand the joke. And I even wrote it in the secret font too
PS. This is a BoxeR encouragement thread. If you can't say anything encouraging by all means, gtfo
On July 02 2011 13:58 skeldark wrote: PS: i think it will help boxer more when he just stop care so much about a random quote from a random guy...
Yeah, you tell the man how he should live life, dude. He's given his heart, soul and body to eSports and is being slapped in the face by journalists in the industry. I think he probably feels betrayed by the lack of support from the media.
The guy's stoic but Jessica speaks up for him when he can't.
Boxer is a born leader. His charisma and intelligence gave Esports an icon it could build around.
To me thats always been his main role. As much as I'd love to see him win something again as a player, he contributes more to Esports then anyone even without being successful as a player.
I find his ability to consistently build great teams and bring through great players more impressive then anything most players have done anyway.
BoxeR, you are awesome. Keep doing what you're doing, because you're doing it well and we love to watch your games. This isn't just eight bajillion nerds who watched brood war/are jumping on the bandwagon, it's the fact that you play your own way, you do it creatively and we love to watch it.
Keep going. Haters gonna hate, you're still a legend to us.
Man Jessica is unbearable. I think I like Boxer more knowing what he has to put up with.
He's the BW GOAT, but it's pretty unlikely he'll ever be more than "just a guy" from here on out and expecting something different is pretty asinine. Just like an athlete he was on top, got famous and made coin and is now in the twilight of his career. That's how the world works. He has the luxury of staying in the game if he wants to and I hope he does, but I don't expect him near the top again. You gotta pay a serious price to get there again.
On July 23 2011 05:24 Dubsy wrote: Man Jessica is unbearable. I think I like Boxer more knowing what he has to put up with.
He's the BW GOAT, but it's pretty unlikely he'll ever be more than "just a guy" from here on out and expecting something different is pretty asinine. Just like an athlete he was on top, got famous and made coin and is now in the twilight of his career. That's how the world works. He has the luxury of staying in the game if he wants to and I hope he does, but I don't expect him near the top again. You gotta pay a serious price to get there again.
Hes got the passion and the general game sense but its the physical toll BW took on him that is hurting his mechanical play. If he can over come that, in combination with the sick Team to practice with, he can do well for himself. Until someone Flash-like joins...then the world is boned.
Lim Yohwan is a man who has always walked together with e-Sports in Korea. His ability may not be at the level it was at his prime, but he is still full of passion and for the sake of the fans that still cheer for him, he refuses to put down his mouse.
which spoke to me. I didn't add my thoughts to that thread, as it was already getting kind of long, but reading what Jessica wrote on twitter means I must say the following to BoxeR:
Your hard work and passion has not gone unnoticed. It is, as always, a delight to see you play. I know you work hard to overcome your obstacles and that you always do your best. As long as you have it in your heart to do your best, I will always turn out to watch you play.
On July 23 2011 05:24 Dubsy wrote: Man Jessica is unbearable. I think I like Boxer more knowing what he has to put up with.
He's the BW GOAT, but it's pretty unlikely he'll ever be more than "just a guy" from here on out and expecting something different is pretty asinine. Just like an athlete he was on top, got famous and made coin and is now in the twilight of his career. That's how the world works. He has the luxury of staying in the game if he wants to and I hope he does, but I don't expect him near the top again. You gotta pay a serious price to get there again.
Hes got the passion and the general game sense but its the physical toll BW took on him that is hurting his mechanical play. If he can over come that, in combination with the sick Team to practice with, he can do well for himself. Until someone Flash-like joins...then the world is boned.
That's exactly the thing, there are still some flashes of like "goddamn WTF awesome" in his games and you can see he's still got great sense of the game, hed just need hundreds and hundreds of hours of grinding to even see the tip top again... I'm purely speculating but he might just like his current role and while he can still play at a really high level, may not want to go through the process of getting back to hyper upper echelon.
Even today, whenever I think of Ghosts in Broodwar, I still think of Boxer's sick lockdowns in his game vs. Nal Ra, keep playing if that's what you want to do!
I didn't know him in BW, but I still love his decision making and when he plays well, he plays as high class as anyone. I also highly respect that he began a team from scratch and together they won 2 straight GSTLs, straight out of the blue.
A hero is only as strong as his team. This hero made his team. This team is made from heroes.
Boxer is the reason I still play starcraft 2, when I was new to it I was falling out of love with it pretty fast, the steep learning curve and constant loses make it hard to enter with minimal previous RTS experience; I watched Boxers wings the documentary and the opening MarineKing got for the GSL and I wanted to play again. I may not have been around when Boxer was at his peak but he's earned my respect, and no matter how bleak his results may be, he came into StarCraft 2 reached a GSL semi-final, was arguably the best performer in the NASL group stages and did incredibly well in TSL3.
Boxer has earned the right to do what ever he wants to do with his name, if it's play in a lower tiered league, that's cool by me, the mans the reason E-sports exists as it does.
FYI - I haven't seen a game he's performed poorly in or in which I haven't been thrilled by the way he's played.
Boxer is one of the most creative players that i have seen in awhile. He is going to do great in all the competitions that he enters. I wish him the best of luck at MLG
Boxer is like Roger Federer. No matter who or when or where he plays, we will always cheer for him! Win or lose, we just want to see him play! Many might have written them off, but they will always be in our hearts.
BoxeR: We still want to see your creative strategies and awesome mechanical play. I dont mind if you have to take some time for rehab and recovery from your shoulder pain. To the people who are reading this post and are attending to MLG Anaheim, please PLEASE! make a BoxeR chant and show him all the support... he has done so much for esports.
With the release of SC2 we have a lot of new fans that don't (and maybe never will understand) how important Boxer is to Starcraft and ESPORTS. The guy inspired an entire generation of players, created another bonjwa, is and has been the backbone of two proteams.
The fact that someone would disrespect him like this is disgusting.
On July 23 2011 08:41 Netsky wrote: With the release of SC2 we have a lot of new fans that don't (and maybe never will understand) how important Boxer is to Starcraft and ESPORTS. The guy inspired an entire generation of players, created another bonjwa, is and has been the backbone of two proteams.
Yes Even though I never played BW competitively, I read his auto-bio and it was enough to make me like him Boxer forever
We can't say it enough, and I'm so glad Jessica's on TL to pass on the word, but I know Starcraft, I play starcraft and I love Starcraft because of SlayerS_BoxeR!! Whoooooo HWAITING!
didn't read all of it, but i will say this: "Code a, Code b, what does it matter?" it does matter, and i think, as a Huge boxer fan myself, that he is capable of code a, and then code s. I think he's capable of a championship, and possibly more.
You couldn't ask me to root for boxer if i didn't think that. Lim YoHwan can become something greater in SC2. I believe in you Boxer, and I hope that the huge crowd at Anaheim can lift your spirits.
Boxer: I love you as much as I love sports stars like Ray Allen and LT. You're whole demeanor and legend has meant so much to so many people who enjoyed the SC scene. Let other people say whatever they want but I will cheer for you no matter who the opponent and no matter what fcking reporter BMs you.
Long live the Emperor Terran, SlayerS_Boxer... I didn't know of e-sports with StarCraft Brood War but with SC2 I've become hooked. Watching the videos of Boxer play SC:BW is amazing and to see him continue his play in SC2 (the NASL where he dropped marines on the little plateau on Tal'Darim Alter was mind blowing) will be a pleasure as long as he continues to enjoy playing himself. Boxer will forever be the legend of StarCraft, someone who helped set the bar for StarCraft players to try and follow and emulate for as long as there are e-sports and StarCraft. Thank you for all you have done Boxer :D
On July 23 2011 10:32 27Odawg wrote: Long live the Emperor Terran, SlayerS_Boxer... I didn't know of e-sports with StarCraft Brood War but with SC2 I've become hooked. Watching the videos of Boxer play SC:BW is amazing and to see him continue his play in SC2 (the NASL where he dropped marines on the little plateau on Tal'Darim Alter was mind blowing) will be a pleasure as long as he continues to enjoy playing himself. Boxer will forever be the legend of StarCraft, someone who helped set the bar for StarCraft players to try and follow and emulate for as long as there are e-sports and StarCraft. Thank you for all you have done Boxer :D
The Emperor is the man. No matter his results, you can NEVER count him out of a match up. I have seen matches where he was so far behind but with multitasking and micro, only mechanics, pulls himself out a win. He is the man.
On July 23 2011 05:24 Dubsy wrote: Man Jessica is unbearable. I think I like Boxer more knowing what he has to put up with.
He's the BW GOAT, but it's pretty unlikely he'll ever be more than "just a guy" from here on out and expecting something different is pretty asinine. Just like an athlete he was on top, got famous and made coin and is now in the twilight of his career. That's how the world works. He has the luxury of staying in the game if he wants to and I hope he does, but I don't expect him near the top again. You gotta pay a serious price to get there again.
Hes got the passion and the general game sense but its the physical toll BW took on him that is hurting his mechanical play. If he can over come that, in combination with the sick Team to practice with, he can do well for himself. Until someone Flash-like joins...then the world is boned.
That's exactly the thing, there are still some flashes of like "goddamn WTF awesome" in his games and you can see he's still got great sense of the game, hed just need hundreds and hundreds of hours of grinding to even see the tip top again... I'm purely speculating but he might just like his current role and while he can still play at a really high level, may not want to go through the process of getting back to hyper upper echelon.
Even if BoxeR hasn't done much in terms of individual results in tournaments people should remember what he's done with SlayerS. A bunch of total unknowns just a couple of months ago, and now doing well in Code A, S, and the GSTL, as well as in foreign tournaments. It may be true that he is past his prime (this happens to everyone), but he's doing something that a lot of the greatest-in-their-sport have failed to do: move into a coaching/mentoring/managerial role. Look at Jordan as an example (his time with the Wizards and Bobcats have been... unsuccessful to say the least), or Maradona, or Pele (worst.pundit.ever)... the list goes on.
It's obvious that at this point he plays for the fans. His real success now is SlayerS and people should appreciate what an amazing job he's doing raising these guys.
Unfortunately, I really got into Starcraft during Savior's reign, so I never got to see Boxer in his prime, but I have nothing but respect for what he's done for the game. Not only is he a huge part of our history, but he also seems to be a great guy with a true passion for his craft. Slayers fan 100%.
the reason for all this hate towards boxer is the expectation for greatness that people have for him. i think that slayers jessica is right and wrong. as a public figure u have to expect "trolls" thats just something your going to have to deal with. at the same time, boxer deserves our respect. we all wouldn't be here without boxer period
So after seeing the A Zergling for Jae dong thread I don't see why no one makes one of similar purpose for BoxeR and send it to him since there is some contact with people around him.
If you haven't read the thread for Jaedong it was basically a fan made art book about Jaedong made by tl users and then sent to him.
I have, and will, watch every single game BoxeR has played in a tournament. The guy is hands down the classiest person in Esports. Bar none. Always the manner, win or lose, he does what nobody else seems willing to do in video games.
And he's always exciting to watch. You can reliably expect that every single game he will surprise you, and the guy's micro is still some of the best in the world (watch his marauder split to dodge fungals in his games vs Xelos on day9's website. I've never seen anyone do something like that. EVER.)
I could rant on and on about how much I respect and admire the guy, but I'll stop here. And for all the haters, odds are you'll never make anywhere near as much money as he does just by existing, these days.
If that man started a laddering stream on TL, he would break the damned internet.
On July 23 2011 14:35 dangm24 wrote: the reason for all this hate towards boxer is the expectation for greatness that people have for him. i think that slayers jessica is right and wrong. as a public figure u have to expect "trolls" thats just something your going to have to deal with. at the same time, boxer deserves our respect. we all wouldn't be here without boxer period
It's important for Esports to grow internationally that we aggressively ostracize these trolling retards. I keep maintaining that one of the biggest things holding back Esports in the view of the normal populace is the notion of the angry, raging, over-emotional nerd in a basement (when my girlfriend thinks about gaming, what comes to mind is her ex screaming into his headset and throwing his keyboard... he was 22.) And most players (I'm looking at you, Idra) do nothing but perpetuate that. Encouraging real, mutual respect (the ceremonies and the like are obviously great, but this anonymous internet warrior stuff isn't) between all players, not just the top tier, is important. After all, who the hell wants to play a game with people who can't act like adults in the least? Let alone watch it?
Ever wonder why HoN was such a failure for new players? Yeah, that kind of attitude is seeping through SCII just as hard.
I got a chance to meet boxer at the NASL. We were walking back from Subway when we saw him on the street. I went up to him and asked for his autograph and he was nice enough to sign my SC2 box and also take a picture with us. It was a true honor to meet him, and it an unforgettable experience. Thank you! =D
I love boxer, and I love watching him play, but I think I would rather watch him take the bench for a while and recover than watch him burn himself out and potentially cause a permanent injury that will abruptly end his career.
The emperor isn't dead to me, don't kill him trying to prove it.
Boxer is truly the face of esports it is truly unfortunate that he did fall to code B but noone should ever dare say that he has fallen
Whether he has a keyboard or not, whether if he plays starcraft or any other game, he's a man that should be respected. Whether later on, if he becomes a commentator, coach, player, ambassador(4 ESPORTS!) a game designer, actor or businessman he will always be for esports and his heart speaks for that
Boxer will always be known as the Emperor of Terran, no matter what. Boxer gave inspiration to all Terran users when Terran was seen as the weaker race in Brood War.
Fun little fact though: Boxer was originally a Protoss user, who switched because of a Reaver nerf...The more you know!! ^^ ♥
On July 23 2011 14:49 Honeybadger wrote: I have, and will, watch every single game BoxeR has played in a tournament. The guy is hands down the classiest person in Esports. Bar none. Always the manner, win or lose, he does what nobody else seems willing to do in video games.
And he's always exciting to watch. You can reliably expect that every single game he will surprise you, and the guy's micro is still some of the best in the world (watch his marauder split to dodge fungals in his games vs Xelos on day9's website. I've never seen anyone do something like that. EVER.)
I could rant on and on about how much I respect and admire the guy, but I'll stop here. And for all the haters, odds are you'll never make anywhere near as much money as he does just by existing, these days.
If that man started a laddering stream on TL, he would break the damned internet.
On July 23 2011 14:35 dangm24 wrote: the reason for all this hate towards boxer is the expectation for greatness that people have for him. i think that slayers jessica is right and wrong. as a public figure u have to expect "trolls" thats just something your going to have to deal with. at the same time, boxer deserves our respect. we all wouldn't be here without boxer period
It's important for Esports to grow internationally that we aggressively ostracize these trolling retards. I keep maintaining that one of the biggest things holding back Esports in the view of the normal populace is the notion of the angry, raging, over-emotional nerd in a basement (when my girlfriend thinks about gaming, what comes to mind is her ex screaming into his headset and throwing his keyboard... he was 22.) And most players (I'm looking at you, Idra) do nothing but perpetuate that. Encouraging real, mutual respect (the ceremonies and the like are obviously great, but this anonymous internet warrior stuff isn't) between all players, not just the top tier, is important. After all, who the hell wants to play a game with people who can't act like adults in the least? Let alone watch it?
Ever wonder why HoN was such a failure for new players? Yeah, that kind of attitude is seeping through SCII just as hard.
Hon was such a failure for new players because it's a really hard game. Basically Dota in harder mode. Which is saying something because Dota didnt do well with new comers.
Its very easy to forget the struggle one's goes trough when seeing how someone is playing the game we all love. I had actually completely forgotten about his shoulder recently, until my friend reminded me about it again.... And whenever such a thing happens, i'm stunnned to see him play, while inside he has to be feeling like his arm is going to be ripped off. I always considered Lim Yo-Hwan to be the Micheal Jackson of E-sport... personal life reputation of Micheal away; he did revolutionise the world of music and he was a genius on how to just make music; wich in my opinion really draws parallells with what Lim Yo-Hwan has done for the E-sports world.
Hope he will be able to shine again; while enjoying the game and having a healed shoulder. So for everything you have done for us, SlayerS_Boxer/Lim Yo-hwan; Thank You from the bottom of our hearts!