It is highly recommended that your read this entire thread - at least until page 10. If you make uninformed opinions that have been answered by the thread, col management or Destiny, you will be banned.
On June 23 2011 11:58 Doc Daneeka wrote: dude destiny is hilarious and he's smart as hell. he calls it how he sees it and he doesn't beat around the bush with the words he chooses to say it with. i've been an avid watcher of his stream since last august and i've never, ever heard him saying something "offensive" that wasn't very clearly a joke, and usually among friends who know not to take him so literally. i honestly dunno how you could find him offensive and can only imagine anyone who does is extremely uptight and/or has unresolved issues. or just likes to get up on a moral high horse without having any clue what they're talking about.
People like to play the internet police to make themselves feel important in the community or that they perform some kind of vital function.
I've only been watching Destiny for maybe a month, but I find him quite entertaining. No he doesn't handle every situation perfectly or play the best Starcraft, but I know when I turn his stream on I'll be entertained. I haven't been listening or watching long, but I've never heard him say anything that could be interpreted as legitimately racist unless someone was being intentionally dense.
I read through the first 14 pages of this, some good content and some just immediately picking sides. I honestly feel it became a mutual thing and both parties realized it is probably for the better. If destiny wants to be destiny, good for him and gl hf. If coL doesn't feel he is pulling his side of the contract, it is well within their power to let him go, and that is what they did. I am just going to take this how it is and not try and jump into all the overthinking around the subject. compLexity felt Destiny was not going to (or wasn't) fulfill(ing) the contract, therefore they released him. Destiny gave his responses (very professional tone, I might add) and that is how it goes. gl to compLexity and Destiny.
On June 23 2011 11:43 HyperLimen wrote: Honestly... who didn't see this coming ?
Everyone that puts Destiny on a pedestal is so blind. He constantly makes racist jokes and makes fun of black people on top of all of his other completely ignorant rants he habitually goes on.
I challenge any of his fans to take a look at him and objectively evaluate his character. He is an uneducated college dropout with an illegitimate child; moreover, he is a MUSIC MAJOR dropout. That makes him the equivalent of the demographic that he constantly berates (at the most) and uses racial epithets towards... assuming that you want to apply stereotypes like Destiny does.
The only reason that anyone would be a fan of this ignorant hate monger is because they appreciate him for voicing their own closeted bigotry.
Any team that would sign this embarrassment to the community is a disgrace. Good job on Complexity's part for putting a footprint on his ignorant hind quarters.
Maybe this will have a positive affect on him and he will start actually raising his child.
Personally, I find it hilarious that some people view him as a martyr for his own personal beliefs... no matter how misguided and unenlightened they may be. Any rational human being would discern his behavior as stubborn and immature.
He openly admits to signing a contract under false pretenses and yet, somehow, people still support him. I wish I was alive centuries ago where a person's word and signature actually meant something.
While a lot of this post is just a personal attack of insults towards Destiny, which I won't get into you probably don't know him personally at all.
When we (elevengaming) hosted the MWC (mid-west championship) in February of this year we were concerned that Destiny was coming. We said he could stream but that if he got out of line we would ask him to leave.
Destiny ended up being one of if not the coolest person to sit down and talk to at the event that had around 60-70 gamers from bronze-masters.
I would consider his online self to just be strictly entertainment. I don't think there has ever been an issue him with at any live event.
So maybe you're points are very true, or maybe you're simply just taking shit on the internet to seriously? Lighten the fuck up? If you don't like him, -okay- don't click his stream. He is obviously doing something successful if he is getting 5K viewers at times and in Forbes magazine.
Looks like this is turning into the State of the Game thread again. I completely disagree with Destiny's language philosophy but I can't stand the posters on either side of the debate at this point. What the hell does it have to do with anything that his kid is "illegitimate"? What is this, the middle ages? Leave his personal life out of this.
Good luck to Destiny in whatever he chooses to do.
On June 23 2011 11:43 HyperLimen wrote: Honestly... who didn't see this coming ?
Everyone that puts Destiny on a pedestal is so blind. He constantly makes racist jokes and makes fun of black people on top of all of his other completely ignorant rants he habitually goes on.
I challenge any of his fans to take a look at him and objectively evaluate his character. He is an uneducated college dropout with an illegitimate child; moreover, he is a MUSIC MAJOR dropout. That makes him the equivalent of the demographic that he constantly berates (at the most) and uses racial epithets towards... assuming that you want to apply stereotypes like Destiny does.
The only reason that anyone would be a fan of this ignorant hate monger is because they appreciate him for voicing their own closeted bigotry.
Any team that would sign this embarrassment to the community is a disgrace. Good job on Complexity's part for putting a footprint on his ignorant hind quarters.
Maybe this will have a positive affect on him and he will start actually raising his child.
Personally, I find it hilarious that some people view him as a martyr for his own personal beliefs... no matter how misguided and unenlightened they may be. Any rational human being would discern his behavior as stubborn and immature.
He openly admits to signing a contract under false pretenses and yet, somehow, people still support him. I wish I was alive centuries ago where a person's word and signature actually meant something.
Name me one instance in which Destiny uttered a racist joke where the intention was to racially degrade black people (or any other race). Many of his ideas do not reflect racial bigotry, it is his language that is in debate.
it's destiny's job to be interpreted correctly, not the viewer's (unless the viewer is being purposefully dense but as you can tell quite clearly in this thread it's not just this 1 guy or even a few people)
most people dont seem to understand this
edit: corrected typo that changed meaning
Suppose we were to form a speaker's language for the sake of proper interpretation of ideas such that the shock value of a certain language would not get in the way. This would include the censorship of the speaker, and the vocabulary he would be able to include in his speech.
If this is the case in the justintv stream of Steven Bonell ii, should this be the case of movies? music? literature? I can understand how this would be case for SC2 casting, or a professional news broadcasting company, but this isn't the case for Destiny's stream. He should have every right to utter whatever word he wants without any form of censorship, and to do so without having to care for the sensible minds of the audience. Destiny shouldn't have to lower his language to fit the audience. As Destiny would say to the audience: "grow up."
Good news for me ^^ one less team I have to follow - not a fan of any of their players now that Destiny is gone.
I don't think Destiny needs to be censored at all - he's always behaved in interviews and the such, what he says and does in his own personal time or stream is his own business and there's a reason he has so many fans. Best of luck in the future to both parties!
On June 23 2011 11:43 HyperLimen wrote: Honestly... who didn't see this coming ?
Everyone that puts Destiny on a pedestal is so blind. He constantly makes racist jokes and makes fun of black people on top of all of his other completely ignorant rants he habitually goes on.
I challenge any of his fans to take a look at him and objectively evaluate his character. He is an uneducated college dropout with an illegitimate child; moreover, he is a MUSIC MAJOR dropout. That makes him the equivalent of the demographic that he constantly berates (at the most) and uses racial epithets towards... assuming that you want to apply stereotypes like Destiny does.
The only reason that anyone would be a fan of this ignorant hate monger is because they appreciate him for voicing their own closeted bigotry.
Any team that would sign this embarrassment to the community is a disgrace. Good job on Complexity's part for putting a footprint on his ignorant hind quarters.
Maybe this will have a positive affect on him and he will start actually raising his child.
Personally, I find it hilarious that some people view him as a martyr for his own personal beliefs... no matter how misguided and unenlightened they may be. Any rational human being would discern his behavior as stubborn and immature.
He openly admits to signing a contract under false pretenses and yet, somehow, people still support him. I wish I was alive centuries ago where a person's word and signature actually meant something.
Dumbest post i've seen on forums tbh, none of what you say is based on anything in reality, "rational human being" something you don't display a hint of.
"Constantly makes fun of black people"? I watched a lot of hours of Destiny's stream, and that has never happened or did you hear somebody say that he uses the n-word and so base this of that? I think whenever I see people speak about him even people that disagree with him, they do know that the man isn't a bigot.
"Ignorant rants he goes on"? really if your making statements like this, you should have something to back it up, and then reason against them.
"ignorant hate monger"? are you effing serious? you clearly haven't even watched a minute of his stream, most likely you saw some one clip on youtube and based all your opinion of the man of that one clip. cause you comments, display no sense of Destiny's stream.
Your post is more hateful and ignorant, then anything I've ever seen Destiny say. you sound like one of those extremist religious nutcases.
so it's true, the first signs of the maya prophecy ... 2012 will be the end ... 2 valuable posts detected in a 30 pages thread xD. gl hf steven, glad to see u r doing it your way.
On June 23 2011 11:43 HyperLimen wrote: Honestly... who didn't see this coming ?
Everyone that puts Destiny on a pedestal is so blind. He constantly makes racist jokes and makes fun of black people on top of all of his other completely ignorant rants he habitually goes on.
I challenge any of his fans to take a look at him and objectively evaluate his character. He is an uneducated college dropout with an illegitimate child; moreover, he is a MUSIC MAJOR dropout. That makes him the equivalent of the demographic that he constantly berates (at the most) and uses racial epithets towards... assuming that you want to apply stereotypes like Destiny does.
The only reason that anyone would be a fan of this ignorant hate monger is because they appreciate him for voicing their own closeted bigotry.
Any team that would sign this embarrassment to the community is a disgrace. Good job on Complexity's part for putting a footprint on his ignorant hind quarters.
Maybe this will have a positive affect on him and he will start actually raising his child.
Personally, I find it hilarious that some people view him as a martyr for his own personal beliefs... no matter how misguided and unenlightened they may be. Any rational human being would discern his behavior as stubborn and immature.
He openly admits to signing a contract under false pretenses and yet, somehow, people still support him. I wish I was alive centuries ago where a person's word and signature actually meant something.
Dumbest post i've seen on forums tbh, none of what you say is based on anything in reality, "rational human being" something you don't display a hint of.
"Constantly makes fun of black people"? I watched a lot of hours of Destiny's stream, and that has never happened or did you hear somebody say that he uses the n-word and so base this of that? I think whenever I see people speak about him even people that disagree with him, they do know that the man isn't a bigot.
"Ignorant rants he goes on"? really if your making statements like this, you should have something to back it up, and then reason against them.
"ignorant hate monger"? are you effing serious? you clearly haven't even watched a minute of his stream, most likely you saw some one clip on youtube and based all your opinion of the man of that one clip. cause you comments, display no sense of Destiny's stream.
Your post is more hateful and ignorant, then anything I've ever seen Destiny say. you sound like one of those extremist religious nutcases.
If you've never heard Destiny make fun of black people (or any race of people) then you haven't watched enough.
On June 23 2011 12:24 shockaslim wrote: If you've never heard Destiny make fun of black people (or any race of people) then you haven't watched enough.
Anyone referring to Destiny's use of language should watch this first.
I was really sad to see ROOT get absorbed, so I'm kind of happy that Destiny ended up not joining complexity. I hope he never changes his attitude or opinions in order to make other people happy. I respect him for deciding he didn't want to be part of complexity after he had some time to think about it and he had the balls to back out of the contract.
I think Destiny has improved a lot over the past few months and has a lot of potential. Whether or not he joins another team or starts winning tournaments, I will always be a Steven "Destiny" Bonnell fan as long as he continues to think for himself and refuse to do (or not do or say) things just to make other people happy.
On June 23 2011 11:43 HyperLimen wrote: Honestly... who didn't see this coming ?
Everyone that puts Destiny on a pedestal is so blind. He constantly makes racist jokes and makes fun of black people on top of all of his other completely ignorant rants he habitually goes on.
I challenge any of his fans to take a look at him and objectively evaluate his character. He is an uneducated college dropout with an illegitimate child; moreover, he is a MUSIC MAJOR dropout. That makes him the equivalent of the demographic that he constantly berates (at the most) and uses racial epithets towards... assuming that you want to apply stereotypes like Destiny does.
The only reason that anyone would be a fan of this ignorant hate monger is because they appreciate him for voicing their own closeted bigotry.
Any team that would sign this embarrassment to the community is a disgrace. Good job on Complexity's part for putting a footprint on his ignorant hind quarters.
Maybe this will have a positive affect on him and he will start actually raising his child.
Personally, I find it hilarious that some people view him as a martyr for his own personal beliefs... no matter how misguided and unenlightened they may be. Any rational human being would discern his behavior as stubborn and immature.
He openly admits to signing a contract under false pretenses and yet, somehow, people still support him. I wish I was alive centuries ago where a person's word and signature actually meant something.
it is funny how you point out someone's character that you really know nothing about. i'm assuming you have not watched his stream much, and even if you did, how can you judge someone's life off a few hours of streaming a video game? not only are you blindly assuming his personal life, but you give the vaguest examples that really don't show much.
also your post is much more ignorant than anything ive heard on destiny's stream
Destiny panders to the lowest elements of the internet. Whether he does it for effect, or to be edgy, or because he is genuinely clueless is irrelevant. He uses offensive language. That is his choice and his right. That said, it is also the choice of companies (be they teams, or sponsors) to decide not to have their name associated with his "brand".
On June 23 2011 12:31 jenzebubble wrote: Destiny panders to the lowest elements of the internet. Whether he does it for effect, or to be edgy, or because he is genuinely clueless is irrelevant. He uses offensive language. That is his choice and his right. That said, it is also the choice of companies (be they teams, or sponsors) to decide not to have their name associated with his "brand".
Please look around this thread so you can refrain from these ignorant posts :o