Does that mean its pretty much impossible to break on to the scene and compete with the already established teams? The only way to "make it" is to get known enough to get acquired and receive a contract from one of the teams in power. Seems pretty much impossible to do it from scratch.
compLexity acquires ROOT Gaming - Page 65
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United States318 Posts
Does that mean its pretty much impossible to break on to the scene and compete with the already established teams? The only way to "make it" is to get known enough to get acquired and receive a contract from one of the teams in power. Seems pretty much impossible to do it from scratch. | ||
United States839 Posts
On June 14 2011 23:55 Pro]ChoSen- wrote: Pretty sad wake up call for anyone trying to "make it" in SC2. Look how quickly successful / huge ROOT was and they couldn't even get sponsors / make it on their own (according to Drewbie) Does that mean its pretty much impossible to break on to the scene and compete with the already established teams? The only way to "make it" is to get known enough to get acquired and receive a contract from one of the teams in power. Seems pretty much impossible to do it from scratch. Great post. It's amazing that with Kaki's success they couldn't get any better name sponsors. Its so difficult. Its amazing how many resources compLexity has given its sc2 division to use compared to some middle of the pack NA team has. So much out of pocket expenses paid for by mid to top level NA teams and they still cannot get sponsors. ![]() I truly believe Drewbie and anyone saying they sold out is 100% ignorant and have no idea how difficult and the man hours needed to run a team. Its amazing Drewbie is skilled at the game with how much time he probably put in. He makes a great comment about some of his best players not even wanting to make posts on local team forums. If Kaki wants a lot of money that's fine however him not posting on local team message boards when asked is going to fly and will probably be put into the contract. I'm surprised Kaki wants money. Didn't he say in a personal video for MLG (I believe) that he doesn't play sc2 for money? | ||
380 Posts
On June 14 2011 22:33 holycrapitsTony wrote: How is this at all relevant? Sounds like some envy over Slush's recent stardom. Exactly. Performance from almost half a year ago is in no way an indicator of future performance and current skill level. Rain beat a lot of people too in GSL 3 or whatever, look at him now. | ||
United States24 Posts
On June 14 2011 23:55 Pro]ChoSen- wrote: Pretty sad wake up call for anyone trying to "make it" in SC2. Look how quickly successful / huge ROOT was and they couldn't even get sponsors / make it on their own (according to Drewbie) Does that mean its pretty much impossible to break on to the scene and compete with the already established teams? The only way to "make it" is to get known enough to get acquired and receive a contract from one of the teams in power. Seems pretty much impossible to do it from scratch. Not necessarily. That just means that Catz & Drewbie don't have the business skill and/or resources to get the sponsors. No smart business peson is going to throw money at a team if they don't get something in return. To get sponsorship for anything, you have to reach out to businesses, find the decision makers, and then explain to them how you and your team can make them money. You have to offer them something they don't already have and, in return, they give you money and/or free stuff. Making negotiations like this takes a great deal of work that most SC2 pros just don't have. | ||
United States86 Posts
For the fans who have been behind us the whole way, we thank you and will continue to strive towards giving you the best product possible. We hold no ill will towards Jo or Paul, and are still very fond of them - please support them in what endeavors they take on next, I know I will be. For those of you that have expressed displeasure with our decision or with complexity as a whole - give us a chance - I wouldn't bring my guys to an organization that wouldn't support my team (or esports) fully - Jason Lake and Jason Bass are great guys and have invested countless hours and money into advancing pro gaming in NA. Please feel free to contact me if any of you have any questions, gripes or concerns - GLHF! | ||
United States86 Posts
On June 15 2011 00:12 cyrex wrote: Not necessarily. That just means that Catz & Drewbie don't have the business skill to get the sponsors. No smart business peson is going to throw money at a team (of anyone) if they don't get something in return. To get sponsorship for anything, you have to reach out to businesses, find the decision makers, and then explain to them how you and your team can make them money. You have to offer them something they don't already have and, in return, they give you money and/or free stuff. Making negotiations like this takes a great deal of work that most SC2 pros just don't have. In that case, you would have to fault me - I could go into the logistics of it, but the timeframe of what we were looking at and what we needed just didn't work out. Any idiot can sit behind a monitor and say "To get sponsorship for anything, you have to reach out to businesses, find the decision makers, and then explain to them how you and your team can make them money. You have to offer them something they don't already have and, in return, they give you money and/or free stuff." Obviously those routes have been taken - It takes a lot more work, capital and time to really execute. | ||
United States24 Posts
On June 15 2011 00:14 coL.edward wrote: In that case, you would have to fault me - I could go into the logistics of it, but the timeframe of what we were looking at and what we needed just didn't work out. Well, whoever :-) I'm just acknowledging that it takes a great deal of effort to run an advertising business. In the end, a sponsored SC2 team is an advertising business. Advertising is cutthroat and it is not easy. | ||
Canada2392 Posts
On June 15 2011 00:10 ct2299 wrote: Exactly. Performance from almost half a year ago is in no way an indicator of future performance and current skill level. Rain beat a lot of people too in GSL 3 or whatever, look at him now. Terrible example since Rain is in Code S... not like he's getting slaughtered out there... | ||
United States139 Posts
On June 15 2011 00:14 coL.edward wrote: Any idiot can sit behind a monitor and say "To get sponsorship for anything, you have to reach out to businesses, find the decision makers, and then explain to them how you and your team can make them money. You have to offer them something they don't already have and, in return, they give you money and/or free stuff." Obviously those routes have been taken - It takes a lot more work, capital and time to really execute. To the people that don't understand that - If gaming were an easy sell, don't you think that there would be shitloads more sponsors and money in pro gaming? I will never understand how people in the gaming community expect everything to magically take no effort or money to accomplish. Pro gaming and administration/management are a serious job. A lot of these people put in ridiculous amounts of time for almost poverty-like wages or nothing at all. It takes a concerted effort for pro-gaming to take a step to actually making sure the participants make any kind of money like a regular job that would require similar hours. Rekrul made a post awhile ago in regards to how much progamers make in korea, and what a and b teamers make, etc. Essentially, most of the pro gaming community lives off of a ridiculously low wage because they love what they do. (I'm at work, don't have a ton of time to sneak this reply in to look for it.) I have to say big congrats to ROOT for making a move and taking a big step in helping their people with the move to coL. It sucks that Kiwi and Slush couldn't make it, but there are always difficulties with a move like this. GL with the new team! <3 | ||
Norway724 Posts
You are probably well aware of it, but since its always so much easier to bundle up on the hatetrain than to actually express support and respect, I'll say it anyway. You guys did an incredible job running root as long as you did. The brand you made was recognized and unique, you did become one of the best teams in NA and you did that on your own. Be proud of that! Despite all the negativity in this thread, most people actually understand it is impossible to go on forever without an income, and support you in your decision. And I know for sure there are a lot of people who never post on this forum who is actually pretty eager fans of you guys. The day of the announcement IRC was filled with people showing support saying RIP ROOT and talking about all the good times. I hope to see every single ROOT fan in the Complexity community. | ||
United States24 Posts
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United States86 Posts
On June 15 2011 01:04 cyrex wrote: I'm not sure if coL.edward misread what I said or just assumed I meant it was easy to do those things. It is extremely difficult to do those things. Reaching out to businesses and convincing them that by sponsoring you that you will make them a profit. By no means, did I mean to trivialize the process. I understand exactly what goes into it and I know it is not easy at all. No worries, got your PM too - I probably came off a little harsh and I apologize, it was more of an altogether response of all the sudden very negative responses the past few days ![]() | ||
United States23 Posts
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United Kingdom57 Posts
On June 14 2011 19:37 rootfan wrote: I guess that depends on the eyes that reads. For me it doesn't look like he is putting Slush and Kiwi in a bad light at all. He simply explains how they have different needs and goals. Which is perfectly normal. It makes me really sad to see people speculate about bad blood between former ROOT members, starting rumours. As far as I understand(from the post by drewbie and announcement by CatZ) they are all still good friends, which is also a fact for most, if not all, players who previously left ROOT. Sheth is an obvious example. Not much changed between him and ROOT when he left. Both sides understood the other part perfectly well. Of course all the haters gonna use this oportunity to bash away on ROOT(not directed to the person I quote, just in general), I just hope it wont affect CatZ and drewbie too much, those guys did their very best and they kept going for a long long time putting insane amounts of time, effort and money into their team. They deserve nothing but respect in my opinion. Anyone who has ever tried running a team know how exhausting it can be at times. Good luck in complexity all you former ROOT heading in that direction and good luck to Kiwi, Slush and Fayth. Just to join the bandwaggon of speculations, my guess would be that they won't join another team, just keep on doing their own things, like they have done in ROOT. When you don't really need the money there isn't all that many reasons to join a team. They still got their friends and practice partners, they got their names out there as many many people have pointed out already. I would describe my love for ROOT as above avarage, and I will be missing the brand like noone else, however I see nothing wrong in what any of them chose to do. In the end of the month they got bills to pay and mouths to feed like everyone else, of course they can't go on forever with no income and all expenses. Everyone understands that if giving it a little thought. Edit: Fixed a typo Ok, I see your point and accept that my post may not have been as well worded as it could have been. Like I said, I'm not trying to bash on drewbie for his comments and, as extra clarification, I'm not trying to spread rumours. The way drewbies post was worded made it sound like he wasn't being a neutral about the kiwikaki/slush situation as he could have been. My apologies if I misunderstood, but I thought that drewbies comments were a little harsh on the ROOT players who decided to not join Complexity. So just to clarify: thought drewbie was being a bit harsh. But when it comes to rumours, team moves and out of game politics, I really don't care what happens. I'm interested in seeing top level starcraft 2 players perform as well as they can and I'm happy that this move will allow a few more players to play better :-) Good luck to all | ||
4448 Posts
There's obviously a lot we as fans are going to be seeing improve with this transfer, such as hopefully more coverage of the former-ROOT players, more time for streaming and better performances overall. It's still just a pretty huge shocker to see the single best team in the region effectively disappeared overnight, which I'm sure wasn't the case internally, but from the outside looking in, it just seemed that way. Like I said earlier, I'm just going to wait and see how things turn out, being a huge ROOT fan doesn't automatically make me a Complexity fan after this transfer and I hope that's alright for now. I'm still supportive of the ROOT players individually, but I'll wait to pick a new team to... root for. | ||
335 Posts
I am absolutely not saying it's easy, and I have really no knowledge about how to get sponsored or advertising in general. It just surprises me though, especially with the popularity and success of Kiwikaki. I wish all the ROOT guys the best of luck in the future, and I hope Kiwikaki, my personal favorite player, finds success in the future as well! | ||
United States49 Posts
On June 15 2011 00:13 coL.edward wrote: Hi everyone, thanks for all your comments and opinions - it's been a really tough decision and a tough path these last few months - those of you that have worked behind the scenes and know what's been going on with ROOT will know that we did everything we could in the past few months to keep the team together. KiWi, Slush and the (now) complexity gang were such troopers, risking a lot, and sacrificing a lot to keep our core team together. It's a shame that we couldn't have stayed together longer, but there comes a time when it's make it or break it time, and we had to make a decision. For our guys to continue pursuing this as a career and to advance ESPORTS (that one's for you Ken), it was necessary to join complexity. This wasn't a last ditch effort, more as something we've talked about for awhile. For the fans who have been behind us the whole way, we thank you and will continue to strive towards giving you the best product possible. We hold no ill will towards Jo or Paul, and are still very fond of them - please support them in what endeavors they take on next, I know I will be. For those of you that have expressed displeasure with our decision or with complexity as a whole - give us a chance - I wouldn't bring my guys to an organization that wouldn't support my team (or esports) fully - Jason Lake and Jason Bass are great guys and have invested countless hours and money into advancing pro gaming in NA. Please feel free to contact me if any of you have any questions, gripes or concerns - GLHF! You know, I've never had any ill will toward complexity or disliked any of its members, but I never could follow the team because the damn uppercase "L" in the middle of the name annoyed me. Keep up the good work, and I'll try to work through my linguistical hangups. ![]() | ||
Canada116 Posts
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Peru1226 Posts
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United States11933 Posts
On June 14 2011 23:19 Ganjamaster wrote: Pretty crazy to say this, but this time GosITerran was proven right.... oh man don't let him find out! jk jk. | ||
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