On June 14 2011 15:47 Barrin wrote: I have a concern that, well, concerns me. And the mapmaking community.
I am aware that in the past ROOT did some sort of collaborations with the iCCup Mapmaking Team. I'm not too savvy on the details, but I believe that at least prodiG and iCCup.Diamond were at some point in contact with some members of ROOT probably receiving feedback on their maps.
Well, that's just it really. I just wanted to know if that's still going to happen (I have no idea when or if it even stopped). I guess what I'm saying is that out of all the english-speaking progamers, ROOT has shown the most interest in communicating with the mapmaking community. I'm just wondering if that interest is still there.
BTW I signed up on root-gaming.com many months ago because I was watching that mapmaking stuff Allow me to speak for the whole mapmaking community and say that we care a lot about hearing the pros talk about some of the best maps we churn out.
Actually the two people from Root who gave us any real feedback on maps ever was Sheth and QXC. CatZ helped some a wayyyyyy long time ago but that was like when the map editor first came out.
Edit: What does this even have to do with the topic, and why would a new team change that if it was still happening??
best of luck ex-ROOT guys, I'm looking forward to seeing your progression in Complexity and I'll still be a massive fan, especially of destiny, catz, drewbie and minigun
On June 14 2011 16:35 Slayth wrote: Kinda sad, because I think ROOT was on the verge of sparking even more so than they were. Hope Kiwikaki and slush find a good home.
I believe they already have teams to go to, or at least thats what some people have made it seem like they know. I imagine we shall all know soon.
On June 14 2011 17:47 Mike-965 wrote: Anyone knows what happens to the EG masters cup? Is CompLexity replacing ROOT, or is ROOT removed from the tournament?
complexity is replacing root at least that is what was said in that thread. I know slush and kiwikaki can't play in it anymore, so idk if that means all of complexity or just root members of complexity ^^.
On June 14 2011 07:45 coL.drewbie wrote: LOL this thread is disgusting, some people in here really have their heads up their asses. Lets try and clear some things up. Me and CatZ tried very hard to make ROOT work, and to get our own sponsors and make it on our own. Unfortunately it has proved to be much, much harder than we ever thought, and even if we found 1 or 2 good sponsors, it would still not make us even close to enough money to compensate for all the hours it takes us to run ROOT. We did it for a very long time, not making any money at all and paying our own way to tournaments, because we loved the team and Starcraft 2, but unfortunately Starcraft 2 is not just a game for us, it is our livelihood, and we need to treat it as a business, and ROOT just didn't work as a business. Sponsors are looking for teams that have players that are willing to put themselves out there in the community and get exposure and do interviews and make videos and promote their product. We couldn't even get KiWiKaKi or Slush to post on the root-gaming.com website ffs, they only treated SC2 as a game, and that is 100% fine with me, they are amazing players and friends but they don't give a shit about the business side. The ROOT members that went to complexity are willing to work hard to make Starcraft work on a business level and complexity is a huge organization that has had many years of experience supporting the top players in the world and marketing them and helping them in every way. Just think about IdrA, before he joined EG he wasn't making any money, but EG showed IdrA how to treat the game as a business, and make training videos and cast and coach and stream and do tons of interviews and get himself out there. Complexity can give us this amazing support, so that we can play Starcraft full time, which in the end is best for the fans and viewers because it will produce better quality players and games. So I for one, am really happy to be joining complexity, as sad as I am that Slush and Kiwi will not be joining us, I do think that it is for the best, and I can promise that from now on I will step up my game, as I have more time to dedicate to practicing now, and I am a lot more motivated since I don't have to deal with running a team anymore.
It would be nice if everyone stopped bashing on me / catz / minigun / ddoro / destiny, and treating slush / kiwi like superstars LOL I know slush did really amazing at the last MLG but I did beat him in the group stages and in a tournament finals not too long ago and at MLG dallas 2010 finals so I am not sure why everyone thinks he is levels above everyone else in ROOT. I know that KiWiKaKi has always been our all-star player, but any team he joins will be sadly disappointed because he is asking for a LOT of money, and he is not even willing to post on the forums.
Anyways, I loved ROOT but it is time to move on, we are still the same people that you know and love, only now we have the support of a huge team to publicize / promote / send us to events which will only make us better players .
Not wanting to sound like I'm bashing you here Drewbie, but you portray Kiwikaki and Slush in pretty bad light in this post. Especially Kiwi at the end. I don't think you should be saying things like this on public forums, even if there is bad blood between you post-ROOT.
On June 14 2011 07:55 Dexington wrote: Drewbie, Kiwi may be asking for a lot of money, but I think it's fair to say that he deserves it. When he is playing his best, he has shown to be the best NA Protoss.
Yes, I agree that he is the best NA Protoss and I am the biggest fan of his play and I think he is one of the smartest players out there. The problem is that KiWi already has money from poker and he doesn't need to treat the game as a business, he doesn't need to spend his time getting his name out there and marketing himself or streaming or anything. These things are really important to a big team that is going to spend a lot of money to have him play for them, and they are going to want him to make videos and do blogs and interviews and stream.
I think his name is already out there. If you ask anyone about top NA protoss it would be a tie between HuK and KiWi. When you ask who is more fun to watch a vast majority would point at KiWi. I remember Raelcun during beta having to pull some tricks in order to get Kiwi on stream. If KiWi would be more open to the sponsors needs he would most likely be the one with the higest player contract in the wester e-sports. He doesnt do any usuall player marketing yet anyone speaks about him. This thread is the best example of it.
On June 14 2011 07:55 Dexington wrote: Drewbie, Kiwi may be asking for a lot of money, but I think it's fair to say that he deserves it. When he is playing his best, he has shown to be the best NA Protoss.
Yes, I agree that he is the best NA Protoss and I am the biggest fan of his play and I think he is one of the smartest players out there. The problem is that KiWi already has money from poker and he doesn't need to treat the game as a business, he doesn't need to spend his time getting his name out there and marketing himself or streaming or anything. These things are really important to a big team that is going to spend a lot of money to have him play for them, and they are going to want him to make videos and do blogs and interviews and stream.
I think his name is already out there. If you ask anyone about top NA protoss it would be a tie between HuK and KiWi. When you ask who is more fun to watch a vast majority would point at KiWi. I remember Raelcun during beta having to pull some tricks in order to get Kiwi on stream. If KiWi would be more open to the sponsors needs he would most likely be the one with the higest player contract in the wester e-sports. He doesnt do any usuall player marketing yet anyone speaks about him. This thread is the best example of it.
Exactly. His name is ALREADY out there. If you think "top foreign Protoss" Kiwi definitely comes up. If you think "top foreign Terran", you think of names like Thorzain, Kas, Stelok, Sjow, TLO the name Drewbie doesn't necessarily come up.
On June 14 2011 18:03 ct2299 wrote: If you think "top foreign Terran", you think of names like Thorzain, Kas, Stelok, Sjow, TLO the name Drewbie doesn't necessarily come up.
At least Drewbie names comes up. Not necessarily as the best NA terran, but as a good terran at least. I dont follow much of NA scene and yet i know about Drewbie (Prepare to get slaughtered by another top EU player in your Conquer the EU series of showmatches ^^).
In all best of luck Drewbie. Should be rather easy since col has like one recognizable name on their rooster and he is protoss.
Badmouthing old members isn't good for anyone. You are all grown ups and play SC2 on a professional level and a speach like yours, Drewbie, is something you could expect from 14yo Stan badmouthing his teammates in 3v3.
If you want to project the image of professionalism, this is not the way to go. Especially not on TL public forum.
I'm glad though that you worked something out with Complexity, I'm looking forward seeing you guys in upcomming tournaments.
Well Drewbie, just let those guys talk. What you and Catz did with Root Gaming was amazing and I understand why you can't continue with that. At the end of the day you have to eat and pay your bills. But you have to admit a little disapointment that your fans feel Imagine your beloved football/baseball/basketball team disapears
I was a big fan of Root Gaming and all the players and I will continue to support the ex root members. But I don't know if I will cheer for Complexity in clan wars. The time will tell about the other members
What I'd realy love to see now is an improvement (especialy from you and catz) so that you can again play on the highest level in tournaments
On June 14 2011 07:45 coL.drewbie wrote: LOL this thread is disgusting, some people in here really have their heads up their asses. Lets try and clear some things up. Me and CatZ tried very hard to make ROOT work, and to get our own sponsors and make it on our own. Unfortunately it has proved to be much, much harder than we ever thought, and even if we found 1 or 2 good sponsors, it would still not make us even close to enough money to compensate for all the hours it takes us to run ROOT. We did it for a very long time, not making any money at all and paying our own way to tournaments, because we loved the team and Starcraft 2, but unfortunately Starcraft 2 is not just a game for us, it is our livelihood, and we need to treat it as a business, and ROOT just didn't work as a business. Sponsors are looking for teams that have players that are willing to put themselves out there in the community and get exposure and do interviews and make videos and promote their product. We couldn't even get KiWiKaKi or Slush to post on the root-gaming.com website ffs, they only treated SC2 as a game, and that is 100% fine with me, they are amazing players and friends but they don't give a shit about the business side. The ROOT members that went to complexity are willing to work hard to make Starcraft work on a business level and complexity is a huge organization that has had many years of experience supporting the top players in the world and marketing them and helping them in every way. Just think about IdrA, before he joined EG he wasn't making any money, but EG showed IdrA how to treat the game as a business, and make training videos and cast and coach and stream and do tons of interviews and get himself out there. Complexity can give us this amazing support, so that we can play Starcraft full time, which in the end is best for the fans and viewers because it will produce better quality players and games. So I for one, am really happy to be joining complexity, as sad as I am that Slush and Kiwi will not be joining us, I do think that it is for the best, and I can promise that from now on I will step up my game, as I have more time to dedicate to practicing now, and I am a lot more motivated since I don't have to deal with running a team anymore.
It would be nice if everyone stopped bashing on me / catz / minigun / ddoro / destiny, and treating slush / kiwi like superstars LOL I know slush did really amazing at the last MLG but I did beat him in the group stages and in a tournament finals not too long ago and at MLG dallas 2010 finals so I am not sure why everyone thinks he is levels above everyone else in ROOT. I know that KiWiKaKi has always been our all-star player, but any team he joins will be sadly disappointed because he is asking for a LOT of money, and he is not even willing to post on the forums.
Anyways, I loved ROOT but it is time to move on, we are still the same people that you know and love, only now we have the support of a huge team to publicize / promote / send us to events which will only make us better players .
Not wanting to sound like I'm bashing you here Drewbie, but you portray Kiwikaki and Slush in pretty bad light in this post. Especially Kiwi at the end. I don't think you should be saying things like this on public forums, even if there is bad blood between you post-ROOT.
I guess that depends on the eyes that reads. For me it doesn't look like he is putting Slush and Kiwi in a bad light at all. He simply explains how they have different needs and goals. Which is perfectly normal.
It makes me really sad to see people speculate about bad blood between former ROOT members, starting rumours. As far as I understand(from the post by drewbie and announcement by CatZ) they are all still good friends, which is also a fact for most, if not all, players who previously left ROOT. Sheth is an obvious example. Not much changed between him and ROOT when he left. Both sides understood the other part perfectly well.
Of course all the haters gonna use this oportunity to bash away on ROOT(not directed to the person I quote, just in general), I just hope it wont affect CatZ and drewbie too much, those guys did their very best and they kept going for a long long time putting insane amounts of time, effort and money into their team. They deserve nothing but respect in my opinion. Anyone who has ever tried running a team know how exhausting it can be at times.
Good luck in complexity all you former ROOT heading in that direction and good luck to Kiwi, Slush and Fayth. Just to join the bandwaggon of speculations, my guess would be that they won't join another team, just keep on doing their own things, like they have done in ROOT. When you don't really need the money there isn't all that many reasons to join a team. They still got their friends and practice partners, they got their names out there as many many people have pointed out already.
I would describe my love for ROOT as above avarage, and I will be missing the brand like noone else, however I see nothing wrong in what any of them chose to do. In the end of the month they got bills to pay and mouths to feed like everyone else, of course they can't go on forever with no income and all expenses. Everyone understands that if giving it a little thought.
you know what? This is GOOD for sc2! this dynamic will increase the incentive for smaller teams to bolster their exposure and scout new talent. Either they can make it big on their own or a team like complexity or EG or fxo or what have you will buy them out. This will create more venues for people to become successful with esports and will increase the competition and sponsor interest.
Because not only good games get sponsors, but all sorts of drama do as well ( look at MC, he understands perfectly how he has to mold himself into a brand). Other players that formed their own brand are white-ra, tlo and idra. It doesn't even have THAT much to do with skill. But the stories behind them are what makes them superstars and champions for esports. Look at TLO, imho one of the coolest people in the sc2 scene. Yet he doesn't even perform that well ( I know its at least partly due to injury). Yet i think almost everybody here will agree that TLO is awsome!
Seeing these developments and the success of sc2 at mlg I am very confident, that sc2 will be able to utilize the momentum to become even bigger. What we are seeing are the birth pains of what i believe will be the most successful esport franchise ever.
On June 14 2011 18:40 Svartstol wrote: Badmouthing old members isn't good for anyone. You are all grown ups and play SC2 on a professional level and a speach like yours, Drewbie, is something you could expect from 14yo Stan badmouthing his teammates in 3v3.
If you want to project the image of professionalism, this is not the way to go. Especially not on TL public forum.
I'm glad though that you worked something out with Complexity, I'm looking forward seeing you guys in upcomming tournaments.
I don't understand why people think drewbie was bad mouthing slush and kiwi in his post. If you actually read what he says he's not bad mouthing them at all. Simply shedding some light on the situation and everyone's motivations behind moving to coL or leaving the clan at that point.