On May 20 2011 19:17 ODKStevez wrote: I have been demoting myself to play protoss and I am playinum currently fighting brozne, players, I diddn't realise how far i'd tanked my mmr. So there is clearly a problem in my eyes. I have already made a post on this about demoting yesterday.
Go to leagues and ladders, then Grandmaster and report back if it says Not Yet Ranked. Season 1 it took me over 100 games lost in a row to get back to bronze from platinum.
On May 20 2011 17:53 Azro wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2011 17:46 Morphs wrote: Same here. #1 platinum on EU, almost 100 points more then #2. Playing almost only (top) diamond and winning 50%-60% of that. Heck, I even was matched vs a Master League player the other day (lost though, but still).
There seems to be a problem with promotion. your case is a good example that the system is working: 1. points dont matter in regards to promotion 2. you play top diamond with 50-60% = you are where you belong too 3. you got matched once vs. master so you had a win streak maybe (or the master a losing) and lost -> the systems now knows your not ready for master as you still lose vs. lower end master player just keep cool and play because its fun not for beein promoted ...
but hes Platnium and should be diamond?
Also the case were MMR needs to balance out is a lie. You see players with 36-2 in masters. This shows their winstreak hasnt evened out.
This is a huge issue in Korean server. People are reporting that since May 13 KST, there was barely any new leagues under way, if any at all.
Last season i was something like 2,8k diamond and i played a bronze guy. He was definitely on the diamond level.
On May 20 2011 19:19 Vanyd wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2011 17:53 Azro wrote:On May 20 2011 17:46 Morphs wrote: Same here. #1 platinum on EU, almost 100 points more then #2. Playing almost only (top) diamond and winning 50%-60% of that. Heck, I even was matched vs a Master League player the other day (lost though, but still).
There seems to be a problem with promotion. your case is a good example that the system is working: 1. points dont matter in regards to promotion 2. you play top diamond with 50-60% = you are where you belong too 3. you got matched once vs. master so you had a win streak maybe (or the master a losing) and lost -> the systems now knows your not ready for master as you still lose vs. lower end master player just keep cool and play because its fun not for beein promoted ... but hes Platnium and should be diamond? Also the case were MMR needs to balance out is a lie. You see players with 36-2 in masters. This shows their winstreak hasnt evened out.
The difference though is that their MMR started out high and had a confidence range in the high diamond to masters range to begin with. People who have played 1k games in platinum actually have to have a winrate of 60-75% to make the confidence range match them up against diamond, then keep atleast a 50-60% winrate to eventually be promoted.
There's a thread somewhere on this forum that explains most of how it works. Basically, you have a hidden 'mmr' and your points. You need to achieve certain criteria before it will move you up leagues. Sometimes it takes a lot of games. A friend of mine went on a 42 game winning streak and was only promoted from silver to gold. But then after winning and losing a few games over the next few weeks he was slowly promoted.
The ladder system is weird in and of itself. It'd be very difficult to work out if something was wrong with it outside of Blizzard telling us, or extensive testing. Just keep playing, if it's broken Blizzard will fix it, if it's not it'll promote you when you achieve certain results.
Don't worry about your ladder rank and stuff...
Just work on getting better. Ladder rank will follow...
I made this mistake of being "OMG I MUST GET MASTER" and doing silly cheese gimmicks and stuff....
Just chill and enjoy the satisfaction of self improvement.
I have been noticing there havent been anyone advancing to GM for the past week. Now there are only 188 in GM; there has been only demotions.
Yes, there have been many people saying the leagues are "frozen". sc2ranks hasn't registered a GM promotion for a while, and there are several cases of 2k+ points in very low leagues - something that shouldn't happen at all.
I played a 1400 pts bronze the other day, and I'm 1k plat.
I am in master and faaced a gold player with 1.2k games and 1.7k points Oo sth is wrong with battle.net.
I have been playing 4v4 random with one of my team-mates (so semi-random..), my team-mate and I have played the exact same amount of games with each other, after placing in Platinum.. He has been promoted twice now and is in Masters, however I am still stuck in Platinum with like a 74% win rate, constantly playing and beating Masters players.
If it's anything to do with it, I have the Input Limit Reached bug and am on EU server. A few of my team-mates also have this problem.
Took roughly 80 or so games for me to be promoted to diamond from platinum this season. I think its mainly you have to prove to the system that you belong at the level of who your competing against. Once your MMR stabilized I'm sure you'll be promoted.
I haven't played on ladder for a while, so I'm not sure what issues are currently occurring. As for those commenting on whether or not they should be promoted or not, I took a quick browse through this thread, and it doesn't seem this link has been posted yet:
Exalibur's ladder analysis. Try and come up with an alternative explanation using that guide first if you can.
Yea it's locked for me too here's my profile http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1997159/dRw I have something like 70% win ratio (sc2 gears says so) I'm playing high masters/GM players and it won't promote to masters haha ^^
Sweden33719 Posts
I lost my league completely on the China server - my account expired, so I didnt play any and was dropped from GM league, then when I came back Im not in any league at all even tho I still get points for my wins and get matched only vs top 50 or whatever in GM.
Support looking into it Im told~_ ~
oh god this is good to know, I was totally mad for not getting any promotions (gold league getting matched vs high diamonds) and the more i was mad the more i played games, and the more i was mad
mmm there was a thread about a hidden league . guess you can imagine now why they locked it? Don't want any more players in it *hint*. Atleast that is what i think, because they announce the ladder lock if its for a new season.
On May 20 2011 19:19 Vanyd wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2011 17:53 Azro wrote:On May 20 2011 17:46 Morphs wrote: Same here. #1 platinum on EU, almost 100 points more then #2. Playing almost only (top) diamond and winning 50%-60% of that. Heck, I even was matched vs a Master League player the other day (lost though, but still).
There seems to be a problem with promotion. your case is a good example that the system is working: 1. points dont matter in regards to promotion 2. you play top diamond with 50-60% = you are where you belong too 3. you got matched once vs. master so you had a win streak maybe (or the master a losing) and lost -> the systems now knows your not ready for master as you still lose vs. lower end master player just keep cool and play because its fun not for beein promoted ... but hes Platnium and should be diamond? Also the case were MMR needs to balance out is a lie. You see players with 36-2 in masters. This shows their winstreak hasnt evened out. Because Master is the highest league you can get promoted into?
Yeah it sounds like the GM bug (with more divisons) made them lock it down, sounds reasonable!
But OMG this is nice to nice, kinda... since i've been waiting for my masters promotion -.- (i used to be master... then dropped down over a longer break, now im back!!)
Beating silver/golds in 1v1 as Bronze 80% of the time and no promo...getting really bummed and discouraged. Probably not gonna ladder until this gets fixed.