On February 03 2011 21:46 legaton wrote: "If I nitpick every little thing how can I capture the hearts of my fans?"
My body was not ready
Like having tears in my eyes not ready
wow I even read this before I caught up to that scene and I still wasnt prepared...
this was truly wonderful,thanks for posting this and many thanks to the translator
omg BoxeR and Grubby has the best wifes ever!!!!
Superb! Goes to show that to be a true legend you need a great character and not only skill. Long live the Emperor!
Is it bad that I've actually seen the NaDa games and I still want to watch the next episode to know how it ends? ><
BoxeR is such a cool guy, really hope he'll do well again next GSL and many to come still. And yeah Kim Ga-yeon seems pretty awesome too, explains why she was mentioned in all SlayerS code qualifiers' interviews I guess.
Anyways, great work guys, thanks a lot!
Lol the ending got me pumped. BOXER VS NADA. so dramatic omg!
Thanks for translating! I really enjoyed it
United States238 Posts
Hey guys just posting to let you all know we're working on the second episode. I've been really busy since the holidays but hopefully I can get the translation portion done by this weekend.
On February 04 2011 00:20 dinki0825 wrote:Hey guys just posting to let you all know we're working on the second episode. I've been really busy since the holidays  but hopefully I can get the translation portion done by this weekend.
After watching the first episode i really cant wait to see the 2nd one! Take the time you need... but hurry up!! And thanks for your efforts, you guys are awesome
Damn tendonitis... hope he can pull through and reproduce the dominance he had in scbw... boxer has not only captured my heart as a gamer but also as an individual... there will only be one emperor slayers_boxer... I think i speak for the entire sc community when saying we thank you for making e-sports what it is today.
I love the Subs team. I remember downloading this in korean and then praying to the TL gods to translate this.
Boxer's girlfriend is truly an amazing person. He doesn't even need to win anymore tournaments. He's already won the best thing there is - a beautiful woman with a huge heart.
This is the best day ever.
"When the light is bright, the darkness behind it is darker because of it"
When Jun-Hyung and Boxer was playing...xD "Camera crew mistakenly turned off the power"
I first discovered Boxer's pimpest plays on youtube/sclegacy in 05 and was in awe of everything he did, I was also in awe of his vulture micro vs P and once I learned to use patrol I could do it to and he inspired me to learn how to play BW better.
I watched the whole video and Boxer's Wings really opened my eyes to all the lives of people behind the games and e-sports and how it's not glamorous at all but a sacrifice of time and health. A pro-gamers life is not some fairytale dream come true but an awkwardly unromantic hard life in front of a computer screen not even acknowledging your own girlfriend.
I haven't been that interested in following Boxer since he returned from the Air Force as I was only looking on Flash's & Jaedong's games. I definitely have a newfound respect for Lim Yo-Hwan, he puts down his own life for the fans more than the importance of money or fame it seems.
He will always remain The Emperor in the hearts of the fans...
Episode was awesome.
This may just be a cultural difference between the east and west but they kind of made his girlfriend out to be very secondary to starcraft to him, which I do not believe is true. It seemed like there was some sort of depressing undertone to the whole story of the girlfriend, which made me a little uncomfortable. Anyone else get that?
Damn, that was good. Cant wait for the next one.
Boxer is just so, so awesome.
Great video, hopefully we can get the whole series. My roommate watched it, one of the ones who doesn't know shit about SC, and he seemed to enjoy it. I mean he sat there and watched it for 43 minutes lol.