On September 29 2010 14:07 NR wrote: Realy great initiative from the iCCup guys. Keep it up, and hopefully we will get to see you shake up the SC2 scene not just the BW one. Can't wait to see some of these maps used consistently in tournaments. So far I think I have only seen MatchPoint and Valhalla on streams, but the other maps seem very interesting as well. I really wish there were some sort of ladder with this map pool in the future.
Thank you very much. The maps have been doing well and I hope to keep continuing forward. I'm sure a couple will be less than optimal but I think we can have a lot more good maps compared to the bad.
Could you please update the OP with authorized uploaders? I don't know if there are still fake iCCup maps around, but it would be nice to know the authorized uploaders on each server
Yeah you guys really need to turn off autorestart. I was searching for a game but i kept join people who were far lower in skill than me. LT didnt have autorestart and it was great but now it has the 30 second time which is very very annoying
Wow, these maps look awesome. A few of them have too many resource areas for my tastes but they still looks very well done and very interesting. I'll need to try some of them at some point =).
On September 29 2010 21:13 illumination wrote: Yeah you guys really need to turn off autorestart. I was searching for a game but i kept join people who were far lower in skill than me. LT didnt have autorestart and it was great but now it has the 30 second time which is very very annoying
To be honest I wasnt aware this is something we had any control over??
Liked the map layouts overall, except god garden. What up with the huge area in the middle with absolutely zero terrain?
All the others looked promising. But as posters already pointed out, it might be a good idea to phase in the new maps more slowly.
On September 29 2010 22:41 Kreb wrote: Liked the map layouts overall, except god garden. What up with the huge area in the middle with absolutely zero terrain?
All the others looked promising. But as posters already pointed out, it might be a good idea to phase in the new maps more slowly. You will like it after sometime. These map a not "new" map. They are remake of famous SC:BW maps.
Great maps btw. But I think 10 maps per month is a little bit overwhelming. People have to practice in order to play on these map. With the amount of tourneys nowaday, there is so little time for players to get used to all 10 map.
I love the ICCup maps, I have such great games on them.
I have been having one problem with using them though... I've noticed recently when making custom games and I do the search for "ICCup" that some of the maps are sometimes greyed out. What's the deal with that? Anyone know?
Good maps overall but i agree with the general opinion to be a bit more patient with updating the mappool so fast, as players need to accustom oneself to new maps which takes time.
Netherlands55 Posts
If I can make a suggestion, could you have some dedicated VODs on your site for specific maps? I went out and watched a few of your vods just guessing they'd use your maps, to get an idea of them. Now, I'm not a player, but I think even players might want to check out how a map plays by looking at a replay or two. And you could tell tournament makers to go watch single games... well, yeah, I'm asking for my sake. I admit it.
Anyway, from what I saw I really like those maps and I hope we get to see them in tournaments soon. When I looked at the image of Match Point, I thought there were quite a few choke points – and then I saw in game how fricking huge that map is. I really think you did a great job there and I want the GSL to play on these maps.
i love playing on BW remade maps !!
Cool, can't wait to try them!
Edit: Maybe sticky this thread if appropriate?
before i get banned again, i'd like to say that this is fuckin awesome... 10 maps by iccup on a monthly basis? you guys are awesome and i hope that in the future we'll see maps (made by you guys) which will be used for tournaments and so on
ty a lot !
On September 30 2010 00:35 blackberrypwnz wrote: before i get banned again, i'd like to say that this is fuckin awesome... 10 maps by iccup on a monthly basis? you guys are awesome and i hope that in the future we'll see maps (made by you guys) which will be used for tournaments and so on
ty a lot !
lol thank you very much for the support, and good luck on not getting banned, you tdot or something ?
Now if only Blizzard would just "steal" your maps and put them into ladder...
Awesome maps. I hope to see some good VODs on them.
On September 30 2010 02:59 Uhh Negative wrote: Now if only Blizzard would just "steal" your maps and put them into ladder...
Darn, don't threaten me with a good time !
TL should use these maps for TL Open
Wow some of these maps look superb!
Is there a reason why authors are not listed?
Edit: I would think over the balance of cliff abuse in God's Garden, but that is just my opinion.
I agree that changing out all maps out each month is a bit rash. If you chose to keep half of them (the best) and change the other half, then it will be much easier to get accustomed to certain maps thus increasing the popularity.