On September 24 2010 04:15 kickinhead wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2010 04:10 Lefnui wrote:On September 24 2010 04:09 kickinhead wrote:On September 24 2010 04:06 Endorsed wrote:On September 24 2010 04:05 Toxigen wrote:On September 24 2010 02:25 Odds wrote: I really don't understand Blizzard's intense fear of somehow making Zerg 'too strong'. Is it somehow worse than having either of the other races far too strong- as is currently the case with Terran? This isn't what Blizzard fears. Blizzard fears that they'll make a race "underpowered" in every patch cycle. Let's say that they come out with a huge balance patch in 1.2. This patch, for the sake of argument, magically fixes all Zerg's issues with Terran with a roach buff. But since Zerg doesn't have the same sorts of issues with Protoss as they do with Terran, let's say that Zerg is slightly overtuned now against Protoss in the early/midgame. So, Blizzard makes a couple minor changes to Protoss in 1.3 to give Protoss parity with Zerg by making immortals easier to get in larger numbers earlier to fight off the "improved" 1.2 roaches. But now, immortals are too easy to get and COMPLETELY nullify marauder pushes. Overly effective 1.3 zealot/immortal timing pushes now become standard PvT and Terran is now UP v Protoss even though they've finally become balanced against Zerg in 1.2 ... and around and around it goes. Indeed, people need to realize how FUCKING HARD it is to balance a RTS. There's a reason only Blizzard has succeeded at delivering good RTS games. In BW it was Luck and WC3 is neither balanced nor good..... Clearly you know nothing about WC3. Played thousands of games but what do I know... Played UD - why do I have such bad luck with races? WC3 was very well balanced, especially for a game containing heroes. Maps created any imbalance that existed and if you want to complain about UD vs OC @ LT that's fine.
Played tens of thousands of games though, so what do I know...
This sums up how I feel about Zerg atm. I love the race and I won't leave it, but its an uphill struggle thats for sure.
I still haven't played in like 2 weeks after losing 7 in a row to 6 terrans and 1 protoss (obviously this was before patch)
On September 24 2010 04:20 heishe wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2010 04:17 PrinceXizor wrote:On September 24 2010 04:11 heishe wrote: Infestor play is completely useless and relies on the opponents mistakes. No infestor will get inside a Terran base unless the Terran makes mistakes and have fun with good fungal growth on Thors and Tanks. If the Zerg makes a lot of infestors, all the Terran has to do is a solid mech mix and it's gg, since they're insanely gas heavy, even more so if someone is stupid enough to research Neural Parasite.
Mass Infestor play is nothing but gimmicks. It only works if you catch your opponent completely off guard (just like Nydus and Roach Burrow plays etc.), which might happen now since nobody uses it, but once it becomes somewhat more common it will be another useless strat that lived a short live, just like sens 1 base muta etc.
And by the way, unless you park an infestor in every base you have and have perfect control over all of them once the Terran shift-drops in 3 bases they won't stop anything.
btw it's pretty ignorant to assume that all Zerg pro's out there ignore infestors and that TLO is somehow the only one who magically recognizes their godly usefulness. I'm rather sure quite the contrary is the case. Most of them probably played around a lot with the infestor and came to the same conclusion I posted here. I completely and wholeheartily disagree. MASS infestor may suck yes. but infestors are as important as defilers were. If you seriously believe that you must either be on copper league, have no clue about Zerg at all or have no clue about SC1 at all. I wish I could break walls with infestors. Or could it be, that you don't have a clue about Sc2 zerg? or maybe you don't realize the rediculous similarities in Fungal and Dark swarm in terms of function in map control in high level play, or how much zerg relies on positioning and stalling. OR perhaps you just don't realize that Infestors offer everything a defiler offers EXCEPT a plague like spell. Infestors as a gimmick are less than good, infestors as a properly controlled caster are going to become amazingly important as this game continues.
why nobody answers my post? :O
On September 24 2010 04:23 kickinhead wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2010 04:20 Perkins1752 wrote: I think that there are things TLO does that other zergs should do.
Do you mean the fact he switched to Terran? this is fkn GOLDEN! ^^' lol +1
I think its the small things blizzard patched on zerg which made it pretty awful.. Some really good smallish things zerg had were fixed in a blink of an eye, while terran remained untouched. These are: (imo)
1. longer delay on spine crawler repositioning 2. queens moving offcreep are too fucking slow 3. spread creep tumor speed was hugely nerfed also
these 3 things affect almost every game.
besides roaches do nothing but SUCK and there should be a massable 1 supply unit away from zerglings.
I'd also like to mention that as time goes on, the ZvP will be even more an issue than ZvT is...
On September 24 2010 04:19 Grettin wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2010 04:15 Shikyo wrote: Try to increase larvae spawning time by 25%. Should help with the earlygame quite abit. And possibly fuck up mid and late game because of it. Or am i missing something here?  Obviously that is a terrible idea :p
Zerg needs more gimmicky stuff. Stuff that gives them more utility without directly buffing the units. Faster overlords, roaches do aoedmg when they unburrow, mutas heal super fast near a spire(can only make 15 mutas per Spire), nydus worms attack after spawning, infestors can steal energy from allies, upgrade to make lings take 50% less splash dmg, upgrade to make lings do 200% more dmg to buildings(harass). Shit like that.
Definitely not buying a ticket now, as a zerg player I'd watch it to see how top zergs are overcoming the shit I come up against. If their answer is to switch race, then I think it may need to be mine as well...
Blizzard clearly has no idea what the fuck is going on, they release a patch almost 2 months into the game's release, and only fix some minor issues with zerg.
We've been telling them there is a problem with zerg since the start of beta, but they have subbernly refused to listen. There is no excuse now that they lack the proper test-pool of top level gamers to balance it correctly. There is also no room to argue that 'things will be figured out' because we've now had the top players in the world slamming their heads against zerg for the past 2 months.
Blizzard needs to get their act together or this will become a 2 race game...
On September 24 2010 04:23 SilverPotato wrote: I just don't see why Zerg's complain about drops if they fail to do them themselves. Kind of like when people who didn't vote get angry about who's in office...
i would do drops all day if my overlord could heal all my units to full hp too!
I knew this was coming after the Lost Temple game. He contained it well but you could tell he was furious at almost losing when he completely dominated him every step of the game.
On September 24 2010 04:23 SilverPotato wrote: I just don't see why Zerg's complain about drops if they fail to do them themselves. Kind of like when people who didn't vote get angry about who's in office...
yeah, that's not the same......
Problems are during beta no top protoss or terran FEd.
Zerg would outmacro them on any skill level. Therefore Blizzard nerfed zerg to the point roaches and hydras would get beaten up pretty hard by kindergardeners. Lings always got.
Now where 3/1rax reaper FE 1fac FE and warpgate FE are common on high skill levels zerg has no macro advantage and every zerg army is a puny mess cost resp. supply wise compared to their enemies.
I mean come on, its such a pain watching any high level PvZ.
This cant be solved by nerfs.
Zerg need some buffs on their backbone units => lings roaches hydras
much like raise lings dps esp. with adrenal glands raise roach range from 3 to 4 change hydra damage from 12 to 10 (+6 vs armored per research require lair) reduce hydra cost
swap hydra and bling tech position (would also fix zvz)
I have no hopes in seeing any zerg in gsl season 3-15 because the situation wont change before reinserting the lurker or similar in HotS.
Hang on Cool only 16 month till salvation.
On September 24 2010 04:20 partysnatcher wrote: well, BW was never balanced. BW just had a lot of very strong counterable alternatives for all races, which left it open for each player to "play poker" and get inside the minds of their opponents.
What you just described is balance....
On September 24 2010 04:23 SilverPotato wrote: I just don't see why Zerg's complain about drops if they fail to do them themselves. Kind of like when people who didn't vote get angry about who's in office...
Bad analogy and illogical point. Drops for Zerg are a 200/200 for the tech, 100/100 for the speed, and oh by the way you'll have to sacrifice some of your supply cap to Terran's masses of cheap, high-dps anti-air. Not to mention Zerg has no amazing Marauders.
its also funny to me how we got from "zerg is a reactionary race just get used to it" to this in 1,5 months. pretty self-explanatory
On September 24 2010 04:23 SilverPotato wrote: I just don't see why Zerg's complain about drops if they fail to do them themselves. Kind of like when people who didn't vote get angry about who's in office... it's really expensive and takes a while to get zerg drops up and running, and you have to deal with turrets being set up everywhere for almost nothing. Whens the last time you've seen a zerg match terren turret numbers with zerg static AA defense?
On September 24 2010 04:19 Grettin wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2010 04:15 Shikyo wrote: Try to increase larvae spawning time by 25%. Should help with the earlygame quite abit. And possibly fuck up mid and late game because of it. Or am i missing something here?  Since we're on larvae, I've been wondering, if blizz made inject larvae and normal larvae separate*(aka your normal larvae would keep spawning until 3 existed while injected could still stack 'till 14), you reckon that wouldn't help somewhat with inject mechanic? I mean you'd still be better off making drones ASAP/inject ASAP again but your normal larvae production wouldn't be delayed until you made units after inject pops. Dunno....
* Not that you'd tab through them or anything, just it always would select normal larvae first and hatch would regen normal larvae until 3 were present.
On September 24 2010 04:22 floor exercise wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2010 04:19 Qikz wrote: My idea of how to stop people complaining about Marauder Drops
Don't give buildings an armor type.
Mine would be more along the lines of making drop a 200/200 upgrade But I'm not really interested in taking the fun toys from the other races, I want zerg to be a complete race. We can't nerf everything so that the broken, shitty race can compete. We need to build that piece of shit up into a viable race
Exactly, and the main argument for me about that, is that "toys" actually balance the game. "Toys" allows you to actually make a move first.
I'm not even going to read this thread because it'll be like every other thread with alternating comments on imbalance and 25 post terrans saying "stop QQ and l2p".
It's too early to resume bitching until the patch changes settle a bit and strategies compensate. But when that does happen, I sincerely hope that Blizzard will recognize the overwhelming body of evidence that zerg is underpowered and continue moving to rectify it.
On September 24 2010 04:19 kickinhead wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2010 04:17 PrinceXizor wrote:On September 24 2010 04:11 heishe wrote: Infestor play is completely useless and relies on the opponents mistakes. No infestor will get inside a Terran base unless the Terran makes mistakes and have fun with good fungal growth on Thors and Tanks. If the Zerg makes a lot of infestors, all the Terran has to do is a solid mech mix and it's gg, since they're insanely gas heavy, even more so if someone is stupid enough to research Neural Parasite.
Mass Infestor play is nothing but gimmicks. It only works if you catch your opponent completely off guard (just like Nydus and Roach Burrow plays etc.), which might happen now since nobody uses it, but once it becomes somewhat more common it will be another useless strat that lived a short live, just like sens 1 base muta etc.
And by the way, unless you park an infestor in every base you have and have perfect control over all of them once the Terran shift-drops in 3 bases they won't stop anything.
btw it's pretty ignorant to assume that all Zerg pro's out there ignore infestors and that TLO is somehow the only one who magically recognizes their godly usefulness. I'm rather sure quite the contrary is the case. Most of them probably played around a lot with the infestor and came to the same conclusion I posted here. I completely and wholeheartily disagree. MASS infestor may suck yes. but infestors are as important as defilers were. I agree: Infestors may get you a few surprise-wins, but as a solid BO, I wouldn't use them...
They are a solid unit but comparing them to a defiler is absurd. Defiler means terran basically can't attack unless zerg screws up and turns terran 2000 gas vessel cloud into mutalisk food. Fungal growth and infested terran are decent but swarm, plague, and consume are borderline OP.