On September 23 2010 08:43 FreezerJumps wrote: I don't understand how you can care enough to write all this, and at the same time clearly not be a very big fan of Starcraft. Not many people saw the Power Outage MSL victory as "decisive," and no true fan would say "FirebatTheHero," both in text and aloud, without realizing it's a mistake. While the first is debatable, the second isn't.
Major mistakes which have thrown the entire article into the trash. I must have ruined your night :[
and I guess it's worth going through your youtube comment:
Also, you pronounced GARIMTO and Lim Yo Hwan wrong. TL is 8 years old. It's Firebathero, not firebat-the-hero. Jaedong's MSL win over Flash was anything but "decisive," despite the 3-1 score.
I'm actually really disappointed in the book of Starcraft. I actually thought you were a fan.
- I don't care, I'm never going to pronounce half of that stuff correctly. - I wrote this several weeks ago and I guess I was off by a year. - I really don't care - Okay!
I appreciate you pointing out the mistakes - it took a few days to do this, so I didn't really put thought into each event I described. Sorry for mislabeling something decisive! But don't really care how disappointed you are because your tone is so laughable.
Protoss will dominate in the end
I said it was a great write up, and it just gets better. The book of starcraft was GREAT. I loved it. The book of sequels though... eh... that can wait a bit longer right? ;p
Thanks for the history lesson choboPEon, it was a delicious read.
Completely awesome, read almost every word and it makes you want to ditch SC2 and keep BW going strong!
Really like this since I'm not familiar with BW players. Two thumbs up!
Respect :o This is awesome, took ages to read it all
Phenomenal write-up. Nerd-chills hardcore, and it makes me want to go try some insane shit with Zerg. Seriously awesome job.
Can you please put the youtube vids at the section where the text section starts like you did i part 1?
Annoying having to scroll up and down
awesome job
On September 23 2010 09:23 Senx wrote: Can you please put the youtube vids at the section where the text section starts like you did i part 1?
Annoying having to scroll up and down
awesome job
yeah, i'll do this tomorrow.
Major mistakes which have thrown the entire article into the trash.
I'm not calling it trash, but by the fact that I found half a dozen mistakes in the small part of the history with which I'm familiar suggests to me that it could be a trend throughout. And yeah, I think significant mistakes do hurt the overall quality of the work. You clearly did little research if you couldn't find the age of TL.
- I really don't care
This is exactly the impression I got from the Book of Starcraft. Glad you're willing to admit it at least.
Just went through it all (though it took some time) and i have to say ... wow this is one amazing writeup. I was just gonna scream for a spotlight when i noticed that it already has been. And if there are a few flaws in it ... well thats what the post and edit funktions of a forum are for, so people can point those mistakes out and they can be corrected thereafter.
Really nice writeup so far, great job. It must have taken a lot of time and dedication to make something like this.
Hot damn that was enlightening, not to mention expertly crafted. I'm really blown away by how well done this continues to be, how did you do that? What are you? I don't even
Thanks man, I read the whole thing and it was extremely interesting
More attention to Reach needed. =).
Didn't "Bonjwa" title came before Savior?