On November 19 2010 03:57 Ichabod wrote:Show nested quote +On November 19 2010 03:44 ELA wrote: Really nice podcast you guys, Tyler (PainUser! Fuck Tyler, why couldn't you keep NoNy? j/k) was a nice addition, I think (as many others) that Terran is abit under representated on SotG and he fits in well!
Painuser = Taylor (I assume normal spelling) Thx for the great show this week, progamers' opinions about units are pretty interesting, and it seemed like both sides had a little bit of "the grass is greener on the other side."
Ah, of course - I knew that actually now that you said it, to my scandinavian ears it just sounds exactly the same
Ignoring whatever 30 pages have just come up, but....
I liked the PvT discussion. I'd say keep up discussions like that. It's not about who's right or who wins the argument, the valuable thing is just the type of talk that comes out. Talking about the match ups like that gives a great insight into what kind of things pro players use as valuation and what kind of things are possible areas of exploration for new strategies.
lol I remember the "nice lag fag" replay
Would have been nice to see Ret Nony in TSL
I would like to see PainUser come on a lot more, he adds a nice speculation to the conversation, even if iNc doesn't think so, but the two play off each other well and it adds to the podcast lol. Good show again! These damn things keep getting longer... but I'm not complaining.
PainUser as protoss, vs Tyler or Inc playing Terran, gogogo :D
PainUser must all make mass zealots and transition into carriers.
Is there a way to rearrange the podcasts? They were in order from EP01-17 before I formatted, but after I formatted and downloaded them all again, the order is: EP03-EP06 EP08 EP11 EP10 EP12 EP02 etc.
I want it to be EP01-EP20!
I believe they're being ordered wrong based on the date they're labeled under.
Just fix the date to fix the order.
Anyone who thinks banshees are not better in every way than DT's clearly plays terran.
Zealots are amazing but unfortunately their counters are also some of the strongest units in the same.
On November 19 2010 04:07 Contagious wrote: I would like to see PainUser come on a lot more, he adds a nice speculation to the conversation, even if iNc doesn't think so, but the two play off each other well and it adds to the podcast lol. Good show again! These damn things keep getting longer... but I'm not complaining.
when did incontrol ever say that? dude come on man. seriously this whole lets make up things incontrol says on SOTG is stupid and its getting old.
to generally address the whole progamer dramafest stuff, it is tl cancer.
Oh good god. Loved Incontrol and Tyler laying down the law with the Terran. Reeaallly enjoying that. Painuser was not convincing at all.
"I would rather have a DT than a banshee" lol.
"I drop a scan on a banshee it flutters away like a fuck."
Crafty was definitely teh operative word today (Yesterday).
"Infinite gateways" ha.
"I feel like toss needs to start playing arround with its other units and start ..[trying new things out]." Tyler: "It's hard to directly respond to that" [more reasonable talk than just the segment I cut out]
edit: Painuser was a fantastic guest. It's nice to have players with personality on.
Painuser made me facepalm so much. Entertaining podcast though.
Lol'd when he said Dt>Banshee
On November 19 2010 06:46 Sabu113 wrote: Oh good god. Loved Incontrol and Tyler laying down the law with the Terran. Reeaallly enjoying that. Painuser was not convincing at all.
uhhhhh Painuser actually articulated his position very well whereas incontrol just kept guffawing and stammering axiomatic statements, so the round was an easy point to painuser
On November 19 2010 06:50 Philip2110 wrote: Painuser made me facepalm so much. Entertaining podcast though.
Lol'd when he said Dt>Banshee They are good for different things and different situations. Can people stop bitching about which unit is "better"?
On November 19 2010 06:46 Sabu113 wrote: Oh good god. Loved Incontrol and Tyler laying down the law with the Terran. Reeaallly enjoying that. Painuser was not convincing at all.
"I would rather have a DT than a banshee" lol.
"I drop a scan on a banshee it flutters away like a fuck."
Crafty was definitely teh operative word today (Yesterday).
"Infinite gateways" ha.
"I feel like toss needs to start playing arround with its other units and start ..[trying new things out]." Tyler: "It's hard to directly respond to that"
lol yeah i also liked how incontrol was trying to get tpain to admit he thought zealots were OP because in reality 2 marines can infinitely kite a zealot, then marauders come soon after and slow them to a standstill, and be the time charge comes out terran already has emp, stim, and heal.. if zealots were actually any good charge would be one of the first things researched not colossus or storm..
On November 19 2010 06:54 tyrless wrote:Show nested quote +On November 19 2010 06:46 Sabu113 wrote: Oh good god. Loved Incontrol and Tyler laying down the law with the Terran. Reeaallly enjoying that. Painuser was not convincing at all.
uhhhhh Painuser actually articulated his position very well whereas incontrol just kept guffawing and stammering axiomatic statements, so the round was an easy point to painuser 
This is a cheapshot... but you play Terran don't you.
Painuser kept on mentioning this nebulous idea of somehow "figuring" it out. All of his arguements were pretty comprehensively debunked. Honestly, it was the standard terran spiel.
Anyway whatever makes you feel skilled.
On November 19 2010 04:08 Fa1nT wrote: PainUser as protoss, vs Tyler or Inc playing Terran, gogogo :D
PainUser must all make mass zealots and transition into carriers.
That's cearly what he was talking about.
On November 19 2010 06:50 Philip2110 wrote: Painuser made me facepalm so much. Entertaining podcast though.
Lol'd when he said Dt>Banshee
me too . Sorry to say but I would rather have a cloaked banshee over a DT anyday.
The TvP discussion people have today is exactly like the ZvT discussion people were having at release. Terrans kept trying to convince Zerg that their play would eventually evolve in a way that would beat 5 Rax Reaper, and it may have, but Zerg got patched.
I just hope that when the next balance patch rolls around, it doesn't effect ZvP/T too much.
i kind of stopped listening after painuser suggested carriers were good against marines. i dont think hes seen how quick 6+ carriers worth of interceptors evaporates against a stimmed marine ball.
yes the carriers themselves are quite tanky against marine fire but that means nothing when the interceptors are gone after 1 volley and it can't attack.
but very entertaining podcast irregardless
On November 18 2010 19:25 Defacer wrote: It's a shame about the Select situation.
It's pretty clear from InControl that nothing personal was meant by his comments and that he was just busting another player's chops, but the topic of Select's one-dimensional play came up all MLG DC Weekend. And InControl's comments about Select's play on the MLG Dallas Live on 3 weren't exactly ... ummm ... diplomatic.
To be honest, the difference between InControl busting on Select versus, say, Artosis, is both social and cultural. Artosis and InControl actually have a friendship/relationship outside of the game or a tournament, so busting on his nose or Judaism is par for course. Select on the other hand, is just a peer/stranger to InControl, that is also a soft-spoken, unassuming Asian immigrant that has English as his second language. Talking shit is more of a North American/European past time, that goes over most ESL immigrant's heads. I have met and known a lot of young immigrants that are extremely self-conscious around non-Asians, and can't tell when people are laughing with them or at them.
Que sera, sera.
I totally agree, even if I find Incontrol illarious, the whole trash-talking on Select after MLG Dallas was very rude if you don't have the habit to take it lightly. And I have to add that Incontrol is very very good at trash-talking for fun and pulling a complete straight face, I can understand Select felt like he was insulted. But the worst was that it was on a public stream with many viewers and that no one will be happy to be publicly shitted on, even if it was for fun.
Anyway, great job as usual with the episode.