On November 18 2010 05:19 kaisr wrote: when tyler said his mechanics were better in BW than sc2 did he mean in compared to everyone else or in absolute terms?
both. i had better mechanics (way better) when i was at my best in bw than i have now in sc2. and in bw i had the best mechanics outside of korea along with idra, which i cant claim to have atm with sc2.
recent history prior to sc2 beta: i quit bw in february 2009 and came back in january 2010. idra definitely surpassed me mechanically during that time, and he was mechanically superior when we were playing TSL2 (january - february 2010) but not so superior that he could win every game based purely on mechanics, and also not so superior that he could rely purely on mechanics to win a bo5 (map preferences definitely played a role there though -- he wouldnt rely on mechanics on a protoss favored map but he would on a terran favored map). but note that at the time of TSL2, idra had been playing full time in korea (~10 hours a day) for about 2.5 years or so. i came off a 10 month break, and played about 30 hours a week while taking a full load of classes, and was still able to brush up in about a month to mechanically dominate everyone in TSL2 except idra.
against tarson, for example, who i had to play after i'd been practicing for only 3-4 weeks, i chose some safe builds and i just micro'd and macro'd. it should be kind of telling of my style of play, and the strength of my mechanics, that i'd choose to rely on mechanics in the ro16 of the TSL despite practicing so little.
of course, being able to get back in shape quickly isn't what matters the most. idra did achieve better mechanics than i ever did.
On November 18 2010 05:19 kaisr wrote: when tyler said his mechanics were better in BW than sc2 did he mean in compared to everyone else or in absolute terms?
both. i had better mechanics (way better) when i was at my best in bw than i have now in sc2. and in bw i had the best mechanics outside of korea along with idra, which i cant claim to have atm with sc2.
recent history prior to sc2 beta: i quit bw in february 2009 and came back in january 2010. idra definitely surpassed me mechanically during that time, and he was mechanically superior when we were playing TSL2 (january - february 2010) but not so superior that he could win every game based purely on mechanics, and also not so superior that he could rely purely on mechanics to win a bo5 (map preferences definitely played a role there though -- he wouldnt rely on mechanics on a protoss favored map but he would on a terran favored map). but note that at the time of TSL2, idra had been playing full time in korea (~10 hours a day) for about 2.5 years or so. i came off a 10 month break, and played about 30 hours a week while taking a full load of classes, and was still able to brush up in about a month to mechanically dominate everyone in TSL2 except idra.
against tarson, for example, who i had to play after i'd been practicing for only 3-4 weeks, i chose some safe builds and i just micro'd and macro'd. it should be kind of telling of my style of play, and the strength of my mechanics, that i'd choose to rely on mechanics in the ro16 of the TSL despite practicing so little.
of course, being able to get back in shape quickly isn't what matters the most. idra did achieve better mechanics than i ever did.
LOL ret you made my day. Inter-liquidian trashtalking commence!
too bad nobody (including me) has SC;BW installed anymore, I would love to play a game.... It was hard to keep up back then I can't imagine how it is now
PainUser was awesome, more T users on the show, it gets so onesided some times. Don't get the wrong, the show is great! But sometimes in turns in to who can whine the most on stimmed marauders. For a show where you talk about balance, all races should be involved
good show but the DT vs. Banshee discussion was a joke. Cannot believe painuser said he'd rather have DT tech/DT's then Banshees. that's ludicrious even for this zerg player.
On November 19 2010 03:11 crms wrote: good show but the DT vs. Banshee discussion was a joke. Cannot believe painuser said he'd rather have DT tech/DT's then Banshees. that's ludicrious even for this zerg player.
On November 19 2010 03:11 crms wrote: good show but the DT vs. Banshee discussion was a joke. Cannot believe painuser said he'd rather have DT tech/DT's then Banshees. that's ludicrious even for this zerg player.
DT's look cooler and make badass slicing noises.
And banshees can fly
Every time in GSL when a terran scans a banshee, and it flies away with 5 hp left because marines or vikings couldn't get the last shot off, i want to rip my eyes out D:
too bad nobody (including me) has SC;BW installed anymore, I would love to play a game.... It was hard to keep up back then I can't imagine how it is now
i used to be gitty as a school girl every time i watched your macro in BW.
too bad nobody (including me) has SC;BW installed anymore, I would love to play a game.... It was hard to keep up back then I can't imagine how it is now
too bad nobody (including me) has SC;BW installed anymore, I would love to play a game.... It was hard to keep up back then I can't imagine how it is now
Man I'd love to see a BW grudge/showmatch between the two of you. After all this time it'd still be a blast. Please consider it if you ever have to time
too bad nobody (including me) has SC;BW installed anymore, I would love to play a game.... It was hard to keep up back then I can't imagine how it is now
trashtalking here:
bow to me
rofl ^^
Anyway, did anyone else crack up from laughter when iNcontrol mentioned being on a basketball team on defence in a tournament of small people in China? I imagine this akakabuto-style bear on a basketball court smashing the shit out of these little skinny guys.. Haha, good times man
Also "I crushed him under my iron fist" - Epic Tyler :-)
Abit put down by the fact that you guys recommend not reading TL because of e-fame - Don't get me wrong, I completely understand the reasoning, but I always thought that was one of the many cool things about TL that you could have some pro's perspective on things in an 'even height' situation.
Really nice podcast you guys, Tyler (PainUser! Fuck Tyler, why couldn't you keep NoNy? j/k) was a nice addition, I think (as many others) that Terran is abit under representated on SotG and he fits in well!
On November 19 2010 00:47 robertdinh wrote: Why does incontrol not take responsibility for his own comments. He acts like he is completely innocent and that select shouldn't dislike it.
he didn't say anything that should be taken as negative?
What are you talking about? He has outbursts all of the time, yea they can be taken lightly, but they are still vulgar and tacky.
I personally don't care if select likes or dislikes incontrol, it isn't a big deal, I just found it silly that people try to play innocent when they don't conduct themselves in a professional manner, and often times it is downright immature.
I'm pretty sure InControl isn't trying to be mature, he's trying to be amusing and occasionally say something insightful.
Just think of him as comic relief and be happy when he says serious things and you'll stop being such a killjoy.
On November 19 2010 03:44 ELA wrote: Really nice podcast you guys, Tyler (PainUser! Fuck Tyler, why couldn't you keep NoNy? j/k) was a nice addition, I think (as many others) that Terran is abit under representated on SotG and he fits in well!
Painuser = Taylor (I assume normal spelling)
Thx for the great show this week, progamers' opinions about units are pretty interesting, and it seemed like both sides had a little bit of "the grass is greener on the other side."