On June 29 2012 12:00 Jinsho wrote: Really JP? You bring this avilo guy on, who has no credentials, no skill, no results anywhere all, and let him talk? Was that segment supposed to be a joke? Did you want to fuel sweet reddit drama?
How can anyone play Terran and not facepalm because this fool was chosen to be their representative where dozen others would have been able to a better job? This was embarassingly bad JP, and you are the cause for this, because you provided him a platform for people to laugh at.
Have some standards please and say "no" to clowns like him.
newsflash, nobody on state of the game has any results or skill. They have all fallen off the map and is more of an entertaining entity now.
Maybe if they spend more time playing sc2 they might have better results. I mean, I just saw huk, demuslim and bunch of other pros walking around chatting. I have a good feeling puma is the only one there actually going full force at practicing
Even though none of them are really having any success or results in the game they can still talk balance, wtf are you talking about? Idra doesn't really do well atm, but he's a really smart guy and what he says about balance isn't complete utter bullshit as you want it to be. Same goes for QXC.
maybe you should read into the context before going off on a paragraph while saying absoutely nothing about anything.
Maybe you should, Aocowns made a fucking good counter point there.
"I just saw HuK Demuslim and a bunch of other pros walking around chatting" is the correct line I believe.
On June 29 2012 12:04 Inquisitor1323 wrote: Can anyone give a summary of what happened? That would be really great.
Basically iNcontroL suggested they bring Avilo on for TvZ discussion after QXC vs IdrA finished.
They bring him on eventually, and Avilo starts by asking iNcontroL about why he is so mean to him, but iNcontroL says to keep it focused on the balance discussion.
At this point it is entirely between IdrA and Avilo. Avilo brings up some points, and IdrA responds to them. Then Avilo makes some comment about how LuckyFool made a point on something. IdrA responds with a condescending remark along the lines of "I guess I haven't been keeping up with LuckyFool's blog recently." Avilo then says something along the lines of "Some people who aren't as well known actually have good things to say in this community" obviously in a frustrated manner as he was clearly referring to himself (among others, I imagine).
Then Avilo rants for awhile longer. IdrA goes to respond and Avilo says "HEY HEY HEY" over him. Geoff interjects and asks Avilo to let IdrA finish since IdrA was calm and quiet while Avilo spoke. The debate went on and Avilo tried to make it sound like IdrA was agreeing with him while he (Avilo) used some flawed logic and claimed to quote what IdrA was saying, when he wasn't. IdrA got angry and told him to STFU. JP hung up on the call with Avilo.
Basically, it was pretty much what you would expect. I'm sure I forgot some details, but essentially Avilo came on to argue with IdrA, and IdrA lashed out as anyone would expect.
Now everyone in this thread is treating it like the biggest fucking crime on the planet, and complaining about how terrible it was.
On June 29 2012 12:04 Inquisitor1323 wrote: Can anyone give a summary of what happened? That would be really great.
Basically iNcontroL suggested they bring Avilo on for TvZ discussion after QXC vs IdrA finished.
They bring him on eventually, and Avilo starts by asking iNcontroL about why he is so mean to him, but iNcontroL says to keep it focused on the balance discussion.
At this point it is entirely between IdrA and Avilo. Avilo brings up some points, and IdrA responds to them. Then Avilo makes some comment about how LuckyFool made a point on something. IdrA responds with a condescending remark along the lines of "I guess I haven't been keeping up with LuckyFool's blog recently." Avilo then says something along the lines of "Some people who aren't as well known actually have good things to say in this community" obviously in a frustrated manner as he was clearly referring to himself (among others, I imagine).
Then Avilo rants for awhile longer. IdrA goes to respond and Avilo says "HEY HEY HEY" over him. Geoff interjects and asks Avilo to let IdrA finish since IdrA was calm and quiet while Avilo spoke. The debate went on and Avilo tried to make it sound like IdrA was agreeing with him while he (Avilo) used some flawed logic and claimed to quote what IdrA was saying, when he wasn't. IdrA got angry and told him to STFU. JP hung up on the call with Avilo.
Basically, it was pretty much what you would expect. I'm sure I forgot some details, but essentially Avilo came on to argue with IdrA, and IdrA lashed out as anyone would expect.
Now everyone in this thread is treating it like the biggest fucking crime on the planet, and complaining about how terrible it was.
best post in the thread so far
Deadly accurate, Its good to see some people are sane.
On June 29 2012 12:04 Inquisitor1323 wrote: Can anyone give a summary of what happened? That would be really great.
Basically iNcontroL suggested they bring Avilo on for TvZ discussion after QXC vs IdrA finished.
They bring him on eventually, and Avilo starts by asking iNcontroL about why he is so mean to him, but iNcontroL says to keep it focused on the balance discussion.
At this point it is entirely between IdrA and Avilo. Avilo brings up some points, and IdrA responds to them. Then Avilo makes some comment about how LuckyFool made a point on something. IdrA responds with a condescending remark along the lines of "I guess I haven't been keeping up with LuckyFool's blog recently." Avilo then says something along the lines of "Some people who aren't as well known actually have good things to say in this community" obviously in a frustrated manner as he was clearly referring to himself (among others, I imagine).
Then Avilo rants for awhile longer. IdrA goes to respond and Avilo says "HEY HEY HEY" over him. Geoff interjects and asks Avilo to let IdrA finish since IdrA was calm and quiet while Avilo spoke. The debate went on and Avilo tried to make it sound like IdrA was agreeing with him while he (Avilo) used some flawed logic and claimed to quote what IdrA was saying, when he wasn't. IdrA got angry and told him to STFU. JP hung up on the call with Avilo.
Basically, it was pretty much what you would expect. I'm sure I forgot some details, but essentially Avilo came on to argue with IdrA, and IdrA lashed out as anyone would expect.
Now everyone in this thread is treating it like the biggest fucking crime on the planet, and complaining about how terrible it was.
On June 29 2012 12:11 oniman999 wrote: Very disappointing. This only happened because they were trying to get more viewers from drama. Avilo brings drama, Idra brings drama, and balance discussion brings drama. Put all three together and you get whatever this is.
Yeah.. this is what pretty much happened with jp and incontrol giggling like little girls on the background.. shame.
On June 29 2012 12:13 Mauldo wrote: Guys, I think I've figured it out. Take everyone who is actually insulted by JP cutting off Avilo when Avilo had literally zero intelligent or relevant things to say.
Now see how many are Terran.
If the results are any less than 70% I'll eat my computer.
The mix of TvZ butthurt, the fact that it's the SOTG thread (so no one can actually make sense), and that it was Idra have made this thread a veritable shit storm.
Time to leave gentlemen. Itsmedudeman put it best: Unstoppable force meets immovable object.
Probably around 90% because the whiners didn't get the hour long sobfest they've wanted for weeks.
On June 29 2012 12:04 Inquisitor1323 wrote: Can anyone give a summary of what happened? That would be really great.
Basically iNcontroL suggested they bring Avilo on for TvZ discussion after QXC vs IdrA finished.
They bring him on eventually, and Avilo starts by asking iNcontroL about why he is so mean to him, but iNcontroL says to keep it focused on the balance discussion.
At this point it is entirely between IdrA and Avilo. Avilo brings up some points, and IdrA responds to them. Then Avilo makes some comment about how LuckyFool made a point on something. IdrA responds with a condescending remark along the lines of "I guess I haven't been keeping up with LuckyFool's blog recently." Avilo then says something along the lines of "Some people who aren't as well known actually have good things to say in this community" obviously in a frustrated manner as he was clearly referring to himself (among others, I imagine).
Then Avilo rants for awhile longer. IdrA goes to respond and Avilo says "HEY HEY HEY" over him. Geoff interjects and asks Avilo to let IdrA finish since IdrA was calm and quiet while Avilo spoke. The debate went on and Avilo tried to make it sound like IdrA was agreeing with him while he (Avilo) used some flawed logic and claimed to quote what IdrA was saying, when he wasn't. IdrA got angry and told him to STFU. JP hung up on the call with Avilo.
Basically, it was pretty much what you would expect. I'm sure I forgot some details, but essentially Avilo came on to argue with IdrA, and IdrA lashed out as anyone would expect.
Now everyone in this thread is treating it like the biggest fucking crime on the planet, and complaining about how terrible it was.
You know it's possible to have a civil debate without telling the person to "shut the fuck up" for no good reason
Unfortunately, that happened. Sorry to IdrA and Avilo for creating that situation. I had no idea that was going to happen and I wished it didn't looking back. I was unaware of their past.
In regards to the 'bullying' I don't know really anything about Avilo so when I asked him if that was him, it was a sincere question, not a joke. The reason I cut him off abruptly is because it was going downhill very quickly. It was a brash decision but one I stand by. I instantly messaged him afterwards to apologize for having to do that.
On June 29 2012 12:17 itmeJP wrote: Unfortunately, that happened. Sorry to IdrA and Avilo for creating that situation. I had no idea that was going to happen and I wished it didn't looking back. I was unaware of their past.
In regards to the 'bullying' I don't know really anything about Avilo so when I asked him if that was him, it was a sincere question, not a joke. The reason I cut him off abruptly is because it was going downhill very quickly. It was a brash decision but one I stand by. I instantly messaged him afterwards to apologize for having to do that.
The debate went on and Avilo tried to make it sound like IdrA was agreeing with him while he (Avilo) used some flawed logic and claimed to quote what IdrA was saying, when he wasn't. IdrA got angry and told him to STFU. JP hung up on the call with Avilo.
Actually, Avilo was simply saying that he, Avilo, agreed with what Idra had just said, which specifically was that zerg is able to get their economy going because of the queen buff. He wasn't being sneaky or underhanded at all.
On June 29 2012 12:04 Inquisitor1323 wrote: Can anyone give a summary of what happened? That would be really great.
Basically iNcontroL suggested they bring Avilo on for TvZ discussion after QXC vs IdrA finished.
They bring him on eventually, and Avilo starts by asking iNcontroL about why he is so mean to him, but iNcontroL says to keep it focused on the balance discussion.
At this point it is entirely between IdrA and Avilo. Avilo brings up some points, and IdrA responds to them. Then Avilo makes some comment about how LuckyFool made a point on something. IdrA responds with a condescending remark along the lines of "I guess I haven't been keeping up with LuckyFool's blog recently." Avilo then says something along the lines of "Some people who aren't as well known actually have good things to say in this community" obviously in a frustrated manner as he was clearly referring to himself (among others, I imagine).
Then Avilo rants for awhile longer. IdrA goes to respond and Avilo says "HEY HEY HEY" over him. Geoff interjects and asks Avilo to let IdrA finish since IdrA was calm and quiet while Avilo spoke. The debate went on and Avilo tried to make it sound like IdrA was agreeing with him while he (Avilo) used some flawed logic and claimed to quote what IdrA was saying, when he wasn't. IdrA got angry and told him to STFU. JP hung up on the call with Avilo.
Basically, it was pretty much what you would expect. I'm sure I forgot some details, but essentially Avilo came on to argue with IdrA, and IdrA lashed out as anyone would expect.
Now everyone in this thread is treating it like the biggest fucking crime on the planet, and complaining about how terrible it was.
You know it's possible to have a civil debate without telling the person to "shut the fuck up" for no good reason
He only said shut the fuck up after being interrupted for the second time in the span of 30 seconds. Quit being so melodramatic it's obnoxious.
On June 29 2012 12:17 itmeJP wrote: Unfortunately, that happened. Sorry to IdrA and Avilo for creating that situation. I had no idea that was going to happen and I wished it didn't looking back. I was unaware of their past.
In regards to the 'bullying' I don't know really anything about Avilo so when I asked him if that was him, it was a sincere question, not a joke. The reason I cut him off abruptly is because it was going downhill very quickly. It was a brash decision but one I stand by. I instantly messaged him afterwards to apologize for having to do that.
On June 29 2012 12:04 Inquisitor1323 wrote: Can anyone give a summary of what happened? That would be really great.
Basically iNcontroL suggested they bring Avilo on for TvZ discussion after QXC vs IdrA finished.
They bring him on eventually, and Avilo starts by asking iNcontroL about why he is so mean to him, but iNcontroL says to keep it focused on the balance discussion.
At this point it is entirely between IdrA and Avilo. Avilo brings up some points, and IdrA responds to them. Then Avilo makes some comment about how LuckyFool made a point on something. IdrA responds with a condescending remark along the lines of "I guess I haven't been keeping up with LuckyFool's blog recently." Avilo then says something along the lines of "Some people who aren't as well known actually have good things to say in this community" obviously in a frustrated manner as he was clearly referring to himself (among others, I imagine).
Then Avilo rants for awhile longer. IdrA goes to respond and Avilo says "HEY HEY HEY" over him. Geoff interjects and asks Avilo to let IdrA finish since IdrA was calm and quiet while Avilo spoke. The debate went on and Avilo tried to make it sound like IdrA was agreeing with him while he (Avilo) used some flawed logic and claimed to quote what IdrA was saying, when he wasn't. IdrA got angry and told him to STFU. JP hung up on the call with Avilo.
Basically, it was pretty much what you would expect. I'm sure I forgot some details, but essentially Avilo came on to argue with IdrA, and IdrA lashed out as anyone would expect.
Now everyone in this thread is treating it like the biggest fucking crime on the planet, and complaining about how terrible it was.
You know it's possible to have a civil debate without telling the person to "shut the fuck up" for no good reason
lol just listened to the avilo vs IdrA debate again. IdrA's late game solution to TvZ = build 4 star ports to get a couple of ravens. There you go. He's solved it. Thanks IdrA, see you soon in GM.
On June 29 2012 12:04 Inquisitor1323 wrote: Can anyone give a summary of what happened? That would be really great.
Basically iNcontroL suggested they bring Avilo on for TvZ discussion after QXC vs IdrA finished.
They bring him on eventually, and Avilo starts by asking iNcontroL about why he is so mean to him, but iNcontroL says to keep it focused on the balance discussion.
At this point it is entirely between IdrA and Avilo. Avilo brings up some points, and IdrA responds to them. Then Avilo makes some comment about how LuckyFool made a point on something. IdrA responds with a condescending remark along the lines of "I guess I haven't been keeping up with LuckyFool's blog recently." Avilo then says something along the lines of "Some people who aren't as well known actually have good things to say in this community" obviously in a frustrated manner as he was clearly referring to himself (among others, I imagine).
Then Avilo rants for awhile longer. IdrA goes to respond and Avilo says "HEY HEY HEY" over him. Geoff interjects and asks Avilo to let IdrA finish since IdrA was calm and quiet while Avilo spoke. The debate went on and Avilo tried to make it sound like IdrA was agreeing with him while he (Avilo) used some flawed logic and claimed to quote what IdrA was saying, when he wasn't. IdrA got angry and told him to STFU. JP hung up on the call with Avilo.
Basically, it was pretty much what you would expect. I'm sure I forgot some details, but essentially Avilo came on to argue with IdrA, and IdrA lashed out as anyone would expect.
Now everyone in this thread is treating it like the biggest fucking crime on the planet, and complaining about how terrible it was.
You know it's possible to have a civil debate without telling the person to "shut the fuck up" for no good reason
Not when the one you are ''debating'' with is acting like a retard who can't argue properly
On June 29 2012 12:04 Inquisitor1323 wrote: Can anyone give a summary of what happened? That would be really great.
Basically iNcontroL suggested they bring Avilo on for TvZ discussion after QXC vs IdrA finished.
They bring him on eventually, and Avilo starts by asking iNcontroL about why he is so mean to him, but iNcontroL says to keep it focused on the balance discussion.
At this point it is entirely between IdrA and Avilo. Avilo brings up some points, and IdrA responds to them. Then Avilo makes some comment about how LuckyFool made a point on something. IdrA responds with a condescending remark along the lines of "I guess I haven't been keeping up with LuckyFool's blog recently." Avilo then says something along the lines of "Some people who aren't as well known actually have good things to say in this community" obviously in a frustrated manner as he was clearly referring to himself (among others, I imagine).
Then Avilo rants for awhile longer. IdrA goes to respond and Avilo says "HEY HEY HEY" over him. Geoff interjects and asks Avilo to let IdrA finish since IdrA was calm and quiet while Avilo spoke. The debate went on and Avilo tried to make it sound like IdrA was agreeing with him while he (Avilo) used some flawed logic and claimed to quote what IdrA was saying, when he wasn't. IdrA got angry and told him to STFU. JP hung up on the call with Avilo.
Basically, it was pretty much what you would expect. I'm sure I forgot some details, but essentially Avilo came on to argue with IdrA, and IdrA lashed out as anyone would expect.
Now everyone in this thread is treating it like the biggest fucking crime on the planet, and complaining about how terrible it was.
You know it's possible to have a civil debate without telling the person to "shut the fuck up" for no good reason
Not if he's twisting your argument into something completely irrelevent and then repeating the same flawed logic after Idra tried to actually explain what he was saying again. Avilo needed to go, and definitely in a more respectful manner, but he wasn't bringing anything insightful to the discussion at all, and actually doing the opposite.
On June 29 2012 12:17 itmeJP wrote: Unfortunately, that happened. Sorry to IdrA and Avilo for creating that situation. I had no idea that was going to happen and I wished it didn't looking back. I was unaware of their past.
In regards to the 'bullying' I don't know really anything about Avilo so when I asked him if that was him, it was a sincere question, not a joke. The reason I cut him off abruptly is because it was going downhill very quickly. It was a brash decision but one I stand by. I instantly messaged him afterwards to apologize for having to do that.