On May 05 2012 08:18 dAPhREAk wrote: [quote] holy shit zaqwe. you have gone off the deep end. day9 has been devoted to the so-called "esports" for almost a decade. to say he is only in it for the money is completely off-base. i am sure he is making decent money (because he is so damn good at his job), but saying that he is just in it for the money is a little rude.
Stating the truth plainly can often be considered rude. However I think if you set aside emotion for a moment you will see that Day9 has been positioning himself to profit from SC2 before it was even released, and shows no real passion for the game outside of activities that can generate revenue for himself.
Because god forbid some body takes esports seriously and tries to make a living and a business out of it right? Cant have this thing growing because if it gets to big then we might not be able to call people niggers huh?
I don't care that he is making money.
I find it amusing that he gets away with portraying himself as a starving artist doing what he does because he loves you and loves what you love, when in reality he is just a slick businessman who understands how to take advantage of people's emotional attachment to brands.
your talking out of your ass and what your deluded mind believes in, but I can assure you , your in the minority on this one .
I was also in the minority when I pointed out in the Trayvon Martin thread that Zimmerman was attacked and his self defense claim was reasonable. I even received a ban for daring to go against the grain. Look who turned out to be correct (hint: it wasn't the masses).
People also got upset in that thread that I dared to disagree with the view they were emotionally invested in, sort of like how people now are getting upset that I don't share their emotional attachment to Day9.
C'est la vie. The majority of people will always be wrong, and will always get upset when someone comes along and pokes a hole in their delusions.
I have to echoe what a lot of people have said: How do you know he is faking anything? Can you fucking read minds or something?
The only evidence you have provided is that he left behind some twinkies!
Of course he makes money. He is making a living of what he loves! And he is obviously loving it!
Please provide some real backing for a claim like this before you post it. You are discrediting one of the biggest names in esports without evidence. I don't know what that is called!
EDIT: And yea, there are probably more lucrative options for him than starcraft! He could get a further education and get a "normal job" and make money of of it!
EDIT2: I also said to myself "don't reply here while you are drunk", but i simply get angry when someone make unsupported accusations against one of the most loveable characters in the entire sc2 scene
I guess I am just able to pick up on social cues that other people don't notice.
For example, when someone throws a gift in the trash they show a lack of caring about the person who gave the gift.
You are absolutely nutty if you think Day9 could easily make more than $20,000 a weekend in a field other than esports. That's not even counting the passive income he makes from all his videos. You do understand the value of constant income that requires no additional work, don't you?
Now you re just repeating yourself. He says how you KNOW those stuff , like I asked myself before, not how you think you know . The truth is you dont know and you are just calling someone out without real evidence or justification. From all your posts it just seems that you are somehow disturbed he can make 20k in a weeked? You do realise this is the money he got offered right ? He didnt steal it or blackmail them to get it... Nobody denies he makes a decent living out of e-sports but hes arguably the most popular sc2 esports figure out there , so good for him I guess.
You whole evidence consists of him saying that he threw some twinkies a fan gave him (seriously? lol) and asking for donations from his followers , as if hes supposed to say "If you want to donate me money , dont do it" . What you feel about day9 is your opinion and thats fine but stop trying to force it on others and insulting everyone who like and support him by saying "they re falling for his fake personality" ...
Again, again, again, for the third or fourth time, when did I say anything that could be construed as me being bothered that Day9 is making immense amounts of profits, far exceeding anything he could make in a regular job? Good for him!
The only people here apparently bothered by it are those throwing a temper tantrum because I dared to mention it.
Pretty much everything you've written so far in this thread can be construed as you being bothered that day9 is making "immense amounts of profits, far exceeding anything he could make in a regular job".
I would suggest stepping away from the computer. Go outside and get some sun. Then after a bit, come back and re-read everything you've written.
If you're even a reasonably intelligent individual, you'll realize you're an idiot.
On May 02 2012 15:40 Day[9] wrote: I hope I'm not the only one who did this but...
...I cried when I heard that BW is basically going to fade away. Every memory I can retrieve has BW peppered in there in some way. And now it's just... going to go away? . Blagh. I mean I know I do SC2 but I played BW for TEN YEARS. That's x4 as long as I've done anything SC2 related. The impact and influence it's had on my life is unimaginable. I seriously need to get some massive torrent of every single BW VOD ever. All OGN and MBC stuff so I can watch it as an old man :[.
Gah BW just means so much to me :[
Do you think Day[9] has considered going to Korea to cast some of the final BW matches along side SC2? I think it would be a great way to honor it's legacy and draw attention to the history.
He also has the resources to sponsor a BW archive, especially if he reached out to KESPA / OGN.
In their view, the more SC2 fans who become interested in the historic matches of the BW players the more popular they will be the minute they switch over to the sequel.
On May 02 2012 15:40 Day[9] wrote: I hope I'm not the only one who did this but...
...I cried when I heard that BW is basically going to fade away. Every memory I can retrieve has BW peppered in there in some way. And now it's just... going to go away? . Blagh. I mean I know I do SC2 but I played BW for TEN YEARS. That's x4 as long as I've done anything SC2 related. The impact and influence it's had on my life is unimaginable. I seriously need to get some massive torrent of every single BW VOD ever. All OGN and MBC stuff so I can watch it as an old man :[.
Gah BW just means so much to me :[
Do you think Day[9] has considered going to Korea to cast some of the final BW matches along side SC2? I think it would be a great way to honor it's legacy and draw attention to the history.
He also has the resources to sponsor a BW archive, especially if he reached out to KESPA / OGN.
In their view, the more SC2 fans who become interested in the historic matches of the BW players the more popular they will be the minute they switch over to the sequel.
What happened to that announcement that was supposed to be coming after pax? The one about a top 10 website sponsoring them or something. Did that ever happen?
On May 09 2012 01:48 Canucklehead wrote: What happened to that announcement that was supposed to be coming after pax? The one about a top 10 website sponsoring them or something. Did that ever happen?
Well I understand they are a bit hesitant as the 10 biggest sites on internet are like google and 9 pornsites.
On May 09 2012 01:48 Canucklehead wrote: What happened to that announcement that was supposed to be coming after pax? The one about a top 10 website sponsoring them or something. Did that ever happen?
Well I understand they are a bit hesitant as the 10 biggest sites on internet are like google and 9 pornsites.
1 Google google.com 2 Facebook facebook.com 3 YouTube youtube.com 4 Yahoo! yahoo.com 5 Baidu.com baidu.com 6 Wikipedia wikipedia.org 7 Windows Live live.com 8 Twitter twitter.com 9 QQ.COM qq.com 10 Amazon.com amazon.com 11 Blogspot.com blogspot.com
On May 05 2012 16:47 Alvalanker wrote: I noticed iNcontroL took a jab at Moletrap and his casting on SotG 68. Before iNcontroL bashes Moletrap he should realize that he is essentially the "Moletrap" of SC2 pros in the opinion of a very large amount of people.
lawl Where's the proof of this "very large amount of people" ?
and wait wait wait.....didn't you just bash Moletrap for being the "Moletrap" of Moletraps?
Maybe you should remember that you are essentially the "Zaqwe" of TL posters. Unfounded opinions FTW?