I don't understand the negative feedback about the "lack of entertainment" or "I want Geoff back."
If you don't find Tyler's, Artosis' or Lea's perspectives and opinions interesting, but instead think the show is "boring." Simply put, your watching the wrong show.
The show is about Starcraft 2, not a Jay P McDaniel or Geoff Robinson stand up comedy act.
On July 21 2011 09:17 Kajarn wrote: I don't understand the negative feedback about the "lack of entertainment" or "I want Geoff back."
If you don't find Tyler's, Artosis' or Lea's perspectives and opinions interesting, but instead think the show is "boring." Simply put, your watching the wrong show.
The show is about Starcraft 2, not a Jay P McDaniel or Geoff Robinson stand up comedy act.
Well obviously they are putting out there, their concerns, in hope of things changing. Otherwise, yes they will stop watching. You got your wish.
As much as I feel the show has felt different since it came back for "season 2". I don't get where all the Leah hate is coming from... She has surprised me for the better with how much knowledge of the game and of recent tournaments. I think some of you need to go re-watch some of the shows because Tyler, JP, and Sean have even caught not knowing what has happened in the GSL and or even past GSL's, Leah was the one that was able to talk about them and give an opinion. I understand if you don't respect her opinion on game balance, but knocking her on not knowing recent events in tournaments is wrong. She knows just as much if not more than the others on recent tournaments.
Keep up the good work Leah!
I've always been a loyal follower of State of the Game, pretty much since the start, and I've always been one of the guys to stand up for the show when people would hate on it for stupid reasons, but this time I think I need to take the critics side. State of the Game has been too different for me to really enjoy it the same way since it has come back.
Artosis is the absolute best person you could've added to the cast, and I am really happy you made that choice, but despite that the show just seems stale and the discussions either seem weak or forced. Like others have said, making the casters speak in turns is not good for the show. How are you supposed to have a discussion if you need to talk in turns? Sure for some things it works fine, but for many topics it is just too restrictive for anything worth hearing to get started.
Another thing is, I really think that Geoff should be brought back on the show. I don't know if there are any reasons why he hasn't been as far as the JP/MLG side of the deal goes, but we've already been told that Geoff would accept an offer to return to the show both as a pillar or as a guest, and that EG has no problem with that. So if it is possible, please bring Geoff back! Whether you love him or hate him, he made the show interesting because he sparked the discussion. He is a very involved person as a professional player, caster, and as a community member, so he has a lot of knowledge about all aspects of eSports and StarCraft 2 itself. He's also very honest about everything and speaks his opinion.
The other members on the show are a bit more conservative in what they say and how much they argue a point because they either have their own image/reputation to uphold, or that of the organization they are a part of. That's all well and good but it seems like no discussion ever happens anymore because nobody is bold enough to throw their brutally honest opinion out there and make people argue their side of the issue. It gets boring fast when everyone just states their opinion and accepts everyone else's even though they are on different sides of the fence. I want to here a true discussion, not just the censored version of everybody's thoughts.
I intend for this to be constructive criticism for you guys, not harmful. I hope it doesn't appear that way. Like I've said I've always been one of the guys to back you up and I want to continue to be =). Either way, I'll continue to tune in every Tuesday and hopefully some of our complaints/concerns are answered, because I really want to see State of the Game return to its' old shape.
On July 21 2011 09:17 Kajarn wrote: I don't understand the negative feedback about the "lack of entertainment" or "I want Geoff back."
If you don't find Tyler's, Artosis' or Lea's perspectives and opinions interesting, but instead think the show is "boring." Simply put, your watching the wrong show.
The show is about Starcraft 2, not a Jay P McDaniel or Geoff Robinson stand up comedy act.
This. How could anyone not love artosis is what I want to know.
We have Geoff for ITG and can here his perspective their. In Sotg we have different perspectives which is nice
On July 21 2011 05:22 Pyre wrote: I'm not sure how imformed Leah is, every awnser she gave was IEM or TSL3. This makes me believe this is the only 2 turnoments she has kept up with. I hope she not on the show only because she is a women. To be honest, Leah sounds more informed about recent events than Tyler, JP AND Artosis. She seems to watch every single tourney and keeps up with all the happenings around SC2, so I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Like other people have written before, she actually corrects/reminds the others when they don't remember something correctly. Stop being an idiot and listen to what she's saying.
As for iNcontrol coming back, yeah, it could be fun to have him on the show again, but if I had to choose between him, Artosis and Tyler, I'd go with Tyler and Artosis any day. He could replace Day as a pillar instead, since he's never got the time for the show anyway. Of course I would prefer it if they were all on the show at once, though.
This new structure and the void of no Geoff... the last show seemed a little slow. I hope he will be back as a guest once and awhile.
Why are people crying? Artosis is so fucking good! I miss IdrA more than anything. I wish oh wish it could be artosis, idra, tyler in JP as the 4 pillars. oh yeah!
There should be a special reunion episode with every person that has been on sotg ever
On July 21 2011 11:33 crms wrote: Why are people crying? Artosis is so fucking good! I miss IdrA more than anything. I wish oh wish it could be artosis, idra, tyler in JP as the 4 pillars. oh yeah! I agree. That would have been perfect.
On July 21 2011 11:33 Strike_ wrote: There should be a special reunion episode with every person that has been on sotg ever You do realize how many people that is, right? That would be a disaster.
Unless maybe they weren't on all at once.
Artosis is a fantastic addition
While i didn't really like Geoff too much, just me!, he did instigate discussion, argument and emotion from the others. Without Day9 aswell the show lacked dynamics. I don't like Leah because she seems more like a Gossip columnist, and the "state of the e sports" show isn't something for me, but yeah, just my opinion
On July 21 2011 05:41 MuseMike wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2011 04:52 Astro-Penguin wrote:On July 21 2011 03:53 setzer wrote: The last episode was, in my opinion, one of the very worst I have listened to. The lack of humor from people like incontrol/day9, no actual guest like Naniwa and redundant "roles" by JP and Leah just made this episode very, very boring. I don't feel like Leah is qualified to be on the show as a permanent pillar. SotG doesn't need another person to ask questions, we have JP for that. What SotG does need are knowledgeable people that give game insight not many others have. Leah doesn't bring this. I couldn't finish the episode out of boredom.
As someone else said before, this show has become the "state of e-sports" and no longer the "state of the game." For a few weeks now the focus has almost solely been on recent events and large tournaments. I think it is fine to talk about GSL and other every week but it doesn't need to be the focus of every show. I'd rather listen to Tyler talk about how his PvT is developing and where he thinks the future is on that matchup.
Lastly, if a controversial subject like sixjax Major is brought up, why can't everyone show the opinions on this? Instead all we got was a single answer from Artosis and they moved on to another topic. What does Tyler think of people who smurf in tournaments? I'd be more interested in the show if everyone wasn't so PC about things. I always am most interested when balance discussions are brought up because everyone has a differing view on the subject. Listening to Day9 argue with Idra doesn't get old.
Anyway, many of these issues are quite minor, but after the great first week since the hiatus I expected a more return to what originally made SotG great. With competing shows going on now, if the quality of SotG continues to suffer, my time will be spent listening to those instead. I agree and stuff like this is contributing to the inevitable fall of E-Sports. If you compare yesterdays show to a shows back in December it is quiet obvious that they lost their passion years ago. You have to be trolling. Sweet baby Jesus I hope you are trolling. JP is working full-time at MLG, that is showing his passion for E-sports. Artosis is probably the person most in love with the game and most the passionate. Obviously some may say Tyler lost his passion, but it seems like there are other personal reasons for not being able to show it via practice/tournament results. I'm hoping you are trolling, but in case you weren't I went ahead and posted this lol.
Lol that comment was meant to mimic all of these forum qqers and make fun of them
Wait, can someone point out where it was said Leah is a new pillar? God I hope not.
On July 21 2011 12:40 Kamuy wrote: Wait, can someone point out where it was said Leah is a new pillar? God I hope not.
As far as I know, she isn't.
Erm according to JPs twitter the new vod is up but when I click the link he posted it says it's not found on the MLG website. What gives?
I think JP needs to get a Terran and Zerg to join the show, all this protoss talk is not very interesting for 2/3 of the starcraft community. I think Tyler is the problem, because he ONLY talk about protoss, and he tends to get a bit dominant in the discussions.
Are you guys being serious? Listen to some of the previous episodes (not season 2) and say that some of the episodes weren't awkward or 'boring' at times (or infact listen to Inside the Game and say this is boring). Not every single episode is going to have everyone in tears with tons of drama. You should be grateful it actually came back.
On July 21 2011 17:39 Ostby wrote: I think JP needs to get a Terran and Zerg to join the show, all this protoss talk is not very interesting for 2/3 of the starcraft community. I think Tyler is the problem, because he ONLY talk about protoss, and he tends to get a bit dominant in the discussions.
True. Tyler is the most serious pro-gamer as all other participants don't play as their main occupation. Thus in game related items Tyler seems to dominate and with him the very protoss-centric view on the game. Artosis is a great addition and Leah isn't bad, but Artosis has the same role as Sean and Leah the same background as JP. So where we had 2 players and 2 non-players before, we now have 1 player and 4 non-players and that shows.
Get 1 Zerg and 1 Terran pro in (e.g. Destiny and QXC). You need more players in my eyes.
I think some EG 'business side' bashing is in order for the next episode. I know Tyler is itching to unleash hot fury. I just want to listen to it go down.
Only for a few minutes, of course. They don't need too much more free press.