On July 14 2010 10:58 Duban wrote: In a game against low level players I went Mass Ravens. First I killed 10-15 Void Rays with auto-turrets and then I filled his base with them. It was like a new army every 30 seconds and I never lost more than 1-2 ravens because he shot at the turrets. The other player called auto-turrets OP and rage-quit. It was hilarious.
I also got about 3 different people who called my Planetary Fortress rush cheap. A gold league player once called me a newb and informed me that I would never get anywhere with "gimmick" strategies like that one.
Then there was the time I occupied both of a terran player's vespene geysers and was called a cheesy kid.
Then there was the 2v2 100+ baneling bust with a friend of mine. We just completely outmacroed and outplayed those newbs. Overran their front door with the first bust and while they were rebuilding we rolled over their nexii on the second bust. One of them even called banelings OP before quitting, it was great. Eh, i can understand why they would say that stuff though LOL
BW, Playing Mech TvZ on Python. When I take out his third he says something like:
"FUCK stupid mutas" "FUCK mech" "FUCK YOU"
the opponent cannons in his base on scrap station, i say "void rays much?" then he leaves
i loled
heh a zvz I played today I of course messed up my pool timing somehow pretty bad I thought i placed it but hadn't for a little bit and what does my opponent happen to do? He 6 pools like the noob he was.
So at the end I just said "god your fucking terrible learn to play 6 pool fag" then left .
gotta love nerd rage <3.
Wow. Seriously listen to this.
Remember how we all complained about how bad Ultras are? Well just now I had a game ZvP, and I was barely keeping up with the tosses economy because my timing attack failed miserably. I barely held on with Hydras and Lings and teched to Ultras.
Once I had 3-4 Ultras out I stomped on his goddamn Colossus spamming asshole. He simply kept massing Colossus and sentries. I stomped on his ass with more Ultras, Force Fields couldn't do shit.
In the end he was like "Ultras are Fcking cheap"
On July 14 2010 10:46 imyzhang wrote: him: "FUcK YOU x17 NOOB!!"
me: "wtf?"
x17? isn't that a really old clan?
god, I have so many.
Multiple times I have done three barracks mass marines with a few marauders (with combat shield, stim pack, concussive shells, and 1/1 upgrades) and gotten raged on. I literally just played a game where I did this and this was the conversation after I broke his entrance.
Him: that was so fucking gay Me: QQ Him: *rage quit*
Dur, its marines and marauders, wtf else to you expect me to make in early game.
My other favorite is one where I early expanded in PvP and put up a lot of cannons at my natural to defend. He nearly breaks through my cannon wall and then retreats. Then he blinks into my main and I defend that off too. Then I build 8 gateways and pump out as many stalkers as I can and chrono boosting as often as I can. I walk into his base with a 30+ stalkers and the conversation went something like this:
Him: wow, it sure does take a lot of skill to spam one unit Me: No, but it does take skill to early expand and hold off multiple pushes. That's why I won, not cause I spammed one unit Him: *rage quit*
I've gotten similar grief with banelings, mass hydra, speedling rush, void rays, brood lords and just about every other unit. Apparently they are all overpowered Oh, except Archons, never once have had someone tell me that Archons were overpowered. I should try to do a mass Archon rush sometime and see if I can get someone to complain about them.
A wonderful game yesterday. I start with my typical "GG GL HF", to which he replied
"No, go fuck yourself" "Only one person wins"
I then proceeded to sack his FE with two gate, then smashed his main with Colossus. He had massed up a good 2 larva spawns of muta so I had to go back to my main. He managed to seek an expansion just before I sacked him. The next 15 minutes were me trying to break his 15 spine crawler gold expo while he spammed mutas at me. I finally won.
"Look, one of us won"
I'm Terran on Blistering Sands with a walled off ramp and plenty of MM. He runs 10 zealots up the ramp, loses a few, then runs away.
Him: Pussies always pick Terran so they can hide. Me: Lol, I was random. Him: Pussy.
me: gl hf him: ok, dont go tanks me: ok
i change my strat from tanks turtling to thor drop just for him. outmicro his roaches with some clutch thor pickups, since he absolutely REFUSED to go AA. and then when he got infestors, i just moved away and he let the infested thor get out of his control and back into my control
him: f***ing terrans me: gg? him: no i can't respect a terran player
geezums sorry, next time just say no tanks, thors, vikings, marauders, hellions, marines, banshees, ravens, battlecruisers, planetary fortress, ghost, marines, reapers, medivac, autoturrets.
I played a PvP on Scrap Station. I built my pylon at the edge of my huge ramp, and he ran his probe right past my ramp. Then he brought his probe up my ramp a little bit, and then ran away. Knowing something was up I followed his probe and he built a pylon on that high area connected by a ramp that is attached to your natural. I pulled 4 probes and killed the pylon. THen he snuck the probe into my base and built a pylon into my base. when I saw his probe fly out of no where, I went up there and looked and I saw the pylon.
He called me a map hacker and left.
On July 14 2010 10:49 virgozero wrote:they are cheap, i mean stalkers are 125/50
You're comparing apples and eggs here...
Marauders can't shoot up, stalkers have more life, etc.
If you're gonna draw a comparison, compare roaches to marauders (still different units obv., but a hell of a lot more similar)
The only recent rage story I have is vs a Z player who built a hatch inside my main on steppes of war, which I easily deny (I 9 rax vs zerg), and then I proceed to bunker up his main entrance, top of the ramp, to contain him for a bit, I proceed doing my normal FE build and win the game with a massive MMM ball doing a drop in his main and an attack on his natural at the same time. He pretty much went with roach/baneling/ling the entire game. At the end of it he proceeds to go "Fucking cheese player, gg easy mode marauders"
"I hate nerds like your who play this game" "moob" "noob" "you only play this game because its free"
He was far from understandable. Lol'ed hard at moob > noob though; you can't correct yourself mid insult xD
I socut at 6 and he doesn't by 8 so I put pylon up at natural. On steppes
Being a nice guy I comment on him lacking doing this while not directly telling him about the pylon
"you know you should prolly socut" 'I don't need to to beat a noob like you!"
So I continue to pump probes and w/no gas and put a forge at the expo. I move my probe back into the base to see no wall and a rax already finished with a supply depot. I then put 2 gates down @ pylon and a cannon. By the time the gates finished I ordered another 2 cannons so three at the base of ramp. I chrono a pair of zealots come into his base and see a starport working on something. I kill two rines before he types out:
His banshee flies out past his ramp and gets ripped to shreds by the cannons.
Oppenent has left the game You are victorious
No gas toss, the best :D
a guy randomed into P so it was a TvP it ended with him saying 'gg" "what rank are you?" i responded diamond "thats a surprise, i play terran as my main, and you sir, as god awful" then he left without a gg
TvZ on Lost Temple:
Him: Ya know if I was Terran I would have won Me: Oh yeah, how? Him: I would have used force-fields Me: Terran don't have FF. T.T Him: Hacker
Your opponent has left the game
I lol'd.
Was playing some PvT.
The guy randomly pauses...I wait 15-20 seconds and he says nothing so I just resume. He then pauses again, I resume, etc until he's out of pauses. I used the old whitera strat (VR transition to 4-gate) and pushed out and won.
Him: F**k you man, I paused it and you were an a**hat and resumed without saying anything. Me: Sorry, should have said something when you paused. Him: You are so F***ing bad dude. I was playing with 1 hand and almost beat you. Me: Sorry, next time try two hands. Him: *rage quits*
Pretty much every time I do my placement matches. First time around, I got proxy gateway in my base back when the strategy was very op (lower gateway build time, lower zealot build time). After first reset, I'm building a supply depot and then the graphics go weird and my supply depot disappears. I cannot select it, but I still lost the minerals. This is at the very beginning of the game. gg =x
Next reset, I get dc'd. After the most recent one, my computer restarted during one of my placement matches. RAGE! I really let my desk have it.
[Opponent] has left the game.
That's all the rage I need.
Playing a PvZ
Me: glhf Him: Go f**k yourself gook.
I 4gate and easily take him out.
Him: God I f**king hate noobs! *Rage Quits*
He then messages me, "Gay Fuck! be more noobish."
I laugh my ass off.