On April 19 2010 05:10 Klive5ive wrote:Show nested quote +On April 19 2010 04:55 Mannerheim wrote:On April 19 2010 04:43 ondik wrote: great pilot, didn't like much the scout-man bashing (also didn't djwheat mixed it up with scouts - toss unit? or perhaps i didn't understand corectly), partly because when I concentrated on scouting, it helped me improve A LOT, especially in early stage of a game. And if you are protoss, it isn't that hard to build an observer and send it to your opponent's base, is it? It's because the focus of the challenge is macro. If the challenge was "scout, macro and micro" then it really wouldn't have a point, would it? Yeah exactly. Chill was in no way saying that scouting isn't essentially he is simply trying to break the game up for new players and he's 100% right. I have friends who are really bad and they focus all there attention on "what did he build", "how can I counter that", "what unit mix should I make" when 10 minutes into the game they only have 20 workers. The BEST advice you can give these people is just what Chill said. Forget scouting, forget even what race he is just make LOTS of units as quickly as possible. Keep buildings depots/pylons in time, keep building workers, make sure you have enough production buildings. If you can just keep your minerals below 500 that is enough to get out of Copper almost regardless of WHAT you actually make. Agree. You can think of it like a drill you might do when practicing any kind of sport. Basketball, you need to be able to dribble, so you do a bunch of dribbling drills. While doing that you don't give a shit about positions, free throws, fouls, 3 pointers etc.
Will the show be up somewhere for watching on demand or did it get uploaded already and I somehow missed it?
Pissed I missed this, will definitely listen to the next one live rather than being socialable.
The pilot was really promising! I will tune in again for the next show or watch it at some point later. I really enjoyed it. Seriously all the content that is already availableon and coming up with SC2 leaves less time to actually play the game^^
Putting the show after LO3 will be too late for most Europeans to catch it live.
I thought it was great, like, especially for a show that hasn't really gotten into a groove yet, it went really smoothly, I even thought the host chemistry was pretty good despite the fact that I don't think you guys know each other much.
I'm excited for next week. I think that it would be best to leave it at this time, I know Zotac isn't quite over but you'd probably get better numbers because after LO3 you'd have a considerable drop-off in watchers
On April 19 2010 06:38 Eury wrote: Putting the show after LO3 will be too late for most Europeans to catch it live.
This, the show was at a excellent time tday.
And lol at the guy calling in trying to be a smartass and saying "but you should macro AND scout beacuse that's just so much better".
Zotac was a bit late today also due to connection issues.
What chill was talking about with doing games where you focus PURELY on one aspect of your game like macro is what I've been suggesting to people that ask me for advice, so it's good to hear we're on the same wavelength and I'm not totally BSing people :D
Damnit I missed it live but caught it ondemand, and it was pretty fun ^_^
Good stuff, it felt very natural almost like you've been doing it for awhile already ahha
Great show guys! plan on tuning in could the show time be posted on the calendar by any chance?
51323 Posts
god i really want to watch this but ustream fucking blows with my connection =[
Was a very good pilot, will be tuning in for every episode.
how much of the show is visual? are there any plans for it to be easily podcastable like the old woc?
On April 16 2010 05:03 djWHEAT wrote: Phone: 909.581.8519
My old stomping grounds! What part of the 909, if you don't mind me asking? :D
I spoke to Chill today and it looks like we're going to try to keep the same time of 2PM EDT for WoC at least for a few episodes to see how things go. I really want to thank everyone for the feedback and I will respond to some of you individually who had questions.
On April 19 2010 11:34 GTR wrote: god i really want to watch this but ustream fucking blows with my connection =[
@GTR: We experience this same issue with alot of folks and for that reason we offer an AUDIO ONLY stream which can be found here:
http://sc.quakescene.com:8000 - just about any Audio Player should be able to pickup the feed.
On April 19 2010 04:45 Klive5ive wrote: One thing if you're looking for feedback. It wasn't very "visually" interesting. You could've maybe thrown some pictures in there or something or perhaps shown the replay of the week you mentioned.
All good ideas. Our only excuse for this episode is that it was our Pilot, and I would suspect that for the next few shows we won't be winning any awards for MOST VISUALLY ENTERTAINING. However, we'd rather set a bar for ourselves so that when we DO want to say, go over a replay live, or perhaps show a specific mechanic or problem on the stream we can.
I think with a bit more time we'll begin to build a properly library of images/video that assist with a visual appeal to the audience.
On April 19 2010 04:34 GogoKodo wrote: Good show. I imagine some of the callers could be cut just slightly shorter if you find them to be rambling but I know that stuff is hard to police real time without screening and without coming off like a dick.
Actually, the "caller flow" tends to take a few shows to figure out. I actually wasn't expecting AS MANY people to call in who did. So thanks to all who picked up the phone/skype to do so. We'll try to streamline this process as much as we can.
It also comes down to, "training" the audience. If you listen to radio you sort of know what I mean. In talk radio you might wonder why all of Glenn Beck's calls sound the same? Well it's because his audience is "trained" to phone in like everyone else. I'd like to get into the habit of having our listeners say, "Hi this is <name>, I play <race>, and <my question is> (or) <I wanna comment on this>, etc"
That will come over time, but I do appreciate your input and will be more aware.