On February 18 2010 16:25 Ziph wrote:Ladder / League Picture - Showing off my epicness ( 1 noob loss though ) Haven't found a way to check the entire rankings yet can only see my division. ziph u lucky bastard! get streaming.
Its fun, but it doesn't seem as fluid as broodwar. I just played 5 games and raped each time, and I'm not even a good player. It's like every single person playing has never played sc1.
Just kinda noting Toss is really imba. I can use almost any unit combination and 1a2a3a my way to victory.
You're also probably playing people who don't even know what RTS stands for. Hard to get any idea of balance without a decent amount of good players involved.
i got a question for z players. so how do we macro , would it b like 1-3units 4 queens 5 hatchesunits 6 hatches drones smth like that ?
& how long will sc2 beta last ?
I'd just like to note that there is still the ever famous Bnet delay. Maybe it's just the games I've had, (5 total) but I have had around .5-1sec delay in unit response. Hopefully this will improve as the beta continues.
Do toss still have that flying pylon that basically can land anywhere on the map ?
On February 18 2010 17:08 ShivaN wrote: I'd just like to note that there is still the ever famous Bnet delay. Maybe it's just the games I've had, (5 total) but I have had around .5-1sec delay in unit response. Hopefully this will improve as the beta continues. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=112703 Try lowering the graphics settings, it helped a lot for me.
To answer my earlier question, F keys are gone as far as I know
I haven't noticed any action delay in my games. It's just as smooth as SC1 ICCUP for me.
On February 18 2010 13:18 Nightmarjoo wrote: Do f-keys work like in bw? Is it still f 2-4 or do I need to find my f1 key?
F1 selects idle worker... that's all I've noticed so far.
On February 18 2010 11:53 fight_or_flight wrote: Is the map editor included?
Nope. I looked for it.
On February 18 2010 11:40 radeon wrote: it may save replays??
Yes, replays are auto-saved.
Vatican City State1650 Posts
Can someone PLEASE tell me if the game includes the map editor?
Would be a lot cooler if the Siphon Life of the infestor could also be used on a friendly unit... Would make way more sense...
About the protoss Macro Mechanic: Does the energy cost mean it can be used on 4 buildings simultaneously in the beginning of the game? Because that would could hurt, a LOT
Is there a PandaBearGuy? At the very least, are there critters? I haven't seen any on the streams so far.
On February 18 2010 11:02 haruharu wrote: is it possible for two people to download sc2 on the same battle net account?
It's against the terms of service that they forced us to read. Not risking my key to explore this question.
United States4991 Posts
F2 doesn't seem to work 
HotBid and I (Lorelei) have been owning the crap out of the 2v2 ladder. I think we're #1, although I can't tell for sure lol!
Lumi is on there too :O
On February 18 2010 08:43 xBillehx wrote:I'm curious about the Protoss macro mechanic so any info on this from anyone would be great. 
-Auto-mine is a big help. -Can queue upgrades. -Can "auto-cast" interceptor building -The probe and pylon hotkeys are E, not P... which takes some getting used to, but is less stretching. -Seem to be able to put an unlimited number of units in a ctrl-group -Haven't tried ctrl-grouping buildings yet. -F1 selects idle worker (of which protoss only needs one... you can auto-mine all your other probes)
On February 18 2010 08:43 damenmofa wrote: Are Hotkeys customizable?
would really want to know this also
guessing they're not though which is disappointing to me
Shift-F keys doesn't work.
On February 18 2010 08:43 damenmofa wrote: Are Hotkeys customizable?
Nope. I looked for it.
Of course the beta interface is very stripped down... basically it only gives you enough options to check your record, find a game online, do some chatting, and watch replays. Hotkey customization might be in the full version. *fingers crossed*