Its not just that...I think the best example I can give is the 02 world cup. I know there countless more nations that love football more than S.Korea but if you looked at the audiences it was just retarded. And I'm talking about audiences outside the actual country too. You can argue that because it was held in Korea there would be more fans but even in places like the Staples center in LA, California people were filling up the stadium and I guarantee you the majority of them were just there because of bandwagoning. And then for the next 2 weeks at my community/church/newspapers in GA people who had no idea I even played football would come up to me to tell me about it.
Like all these years I try to talk about football to others my age and they ignore it, but when BE THE REDS shirts come out everyone and their brother wears what a joke.
Wow what a retard. Soccer is HUGE in Korea, from every little kid to adults, I assure you soccer is a big favorite.
So you think its weird that in their homelands, the nation cheering for their team especially when the team reached 4th place? Before 2002 world cup, Korea never even broke out of the group rounds and the country was STILL crazy about the Korean soccer team. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about
dani_caliKorea is completely right here.
In elementary schools, guess what most playground are shaped like? A soccer field with other monkey bar shit next to the field, with the great majority of the kids playing soccer whenever they could (especially at the one I attended, I think our entire class except one fat boy who didn't like it played every recess).
And yes, Korea is huge about cheering about their successful teams/players in particular. Look at Kim Yuna, lol (and this thread). And when a lot of koreans love a sport (soccer), and their players in their sport are doing really well, guess what they would do? Cheer, as they did in fifa. And it's not like Korea is alone in cheering on their successful players; look at America + Michael Phelps, look at how NBC did nonstop coverage on Apolo Ohno and whatnot this olympics, etc.
Err sports fanaticism in general is frightening to me.
It always made me laugh in that a country is TOTALLY behind "their" players as if they really had anything at all to do with how good they are. Hell, Kim Yuna is in freaking Canada.
man just let them have it. shes an awesome skater and no reason for her country not support her 100% its liek if an american spent most of his life in america. he then decides to train in another country for coaching reasons. he got training in another country but hes still american. y not cheer for an athlete born in your country?
i expect a repeat champion hopefully
so dam graceful and beautiful ^^
You missed my point.
I said in all forms.
Canada and their fanatic hockey love is just as frightening.
Nagasu was doing awesome after the short program, I missed her long program but it looked like she lost a lot of ground there Interesting how the scores were SO much lower than in the olympics
Yuna's exit interview (in Korean) after the medal ceremony. I don't trust myself to do an accurate translation, so perhaps someone else can do it? Going to miss seeing her on the ice