United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
Well I guess I qualify for this so here goes.
Age: 21 Height: 5' 9" Current Weight: 209 lbs Goal weight: 187 lbs Starting Date: Sept 2009 Ending Date: something around May 2010
Well I've been working out on and off for like maybe a year but that has been with very limited equipment and maybe like once or twice a week and then I'd go for months without doing anything so that doesn't really count.
Since September I've been working out three times a week and been getting results. Now starting to take protein drink and just bought a 5 month gym card.
Hoping to get big but strong as well so not the big inflated water filled muscles, and also lose fat.
Doing weights, bench press, squats and other stuff don't really know the names of them but basically just working out most of my body. Putting a little more emphasis on my back now because I want to really broaden my already broad shoulders and be able to get a better form because I hunch a little and working my back will tighten it and push out my chest and get my posture more upright.
Also running 10min before and 20min after workouts to get some cardio going.
Eating pretty good I guess. Fruits, veg, lean chicken, nuts, skim milk etc that stuff and in good portions. I try to make it 5 meals a day but sometimes 4 or 3. No soda no fatty food.
No alcohol and minimal weed.
Going pretty good and feeling pretty good about it. Workin out, seeing results so I get motivated then workout more and see more results.
Wish me luck and wish all of you the best of luck.
You have to want it to succeed!
On October 13 2009 02:15 Patriot.dlk wrote: Energies why did you throw up? That's just very unwanted for me so I'll learn from your mistakes if that's ok =)
I want to agree with travis but in reality I hate running when it's cold. Lucky for me I only run outdoors once a week.
[Diet Update] Okay I went shopping for food to support a better diet today and I'm now stockpiled on: Corn, peas, haricot, broccoli. This together with fresh salad ingredients like cucumber, tomato etc will be about half the plate.
minced beef meat, chicken files and salmon will be other other half together with eggs. I did really good meatballs today with a corn-salad, eggs and home baked non sugar non white bread.
Breakfast will now be eggs, rye with yogurt, fruit and my own bread. Gone is jam in favor of expensive ham and my favorite cheese.
I eat my last suggerish breakfast this morning and I almost threw up as a result. I've going to see a doctor to check for diabetes and what not just to be on the safe side.
If you eat "bad" stuff before your workout your body will probably reject it and you may throw up. But you could throw up if you're working really hard even if you ate "good" food.
On October 13 2009 02:15 Patriot.dlk wrote: Energies why did you throw up? That's just very unwanted for me so I'll learn from your mistakes if that's ok =)
Just too high of an intensity to constantly without breaks, just my body saying stop I guess. It wasn't that bad, just water.
On October 12 2009 23:01 madnessman wrote: Haha. I'm impressed that you continued to work out after you threw up. What's the point of compression pants? I've seen them on sale and I've seen guys wearing them but I've never bothered with them. The closest thing I have to them are... my swimming competition suits which do "compress" I guess...
Well, they do a couple of things, they are gradient compression, so there is higher compression at your ankles, slowly reducing compression to your glutes, so they speed up blood flow back to the heart as you exercise. It also gets lactic acid out of your muscles faster. I mean it sounds like a fancy sales pitch, but as soon as I put them on, I can sense the increase blood flow as my legs get cooler, I can also run much longer before my calves and quads give in.
Besides that, it holds all your muscles tight and firm and stops any jiggling or vibration, they are fantastic for sprints as my legs feel very secure and tight as I run.
I also use them during squats and deadlifts, as I mentioned they keep my muscles firm and tight, and gives a much better feeling of stability and security when doing squats, I feel more comfortable lifting much much heavier with them on. They also reduce fatigue and reduce downtime between sets.
I have a couple of pairs, I wear them for flights to increase circulation and also sometimes wear them to sleep after a heavy leg workout, I notice it reduces the recovery time of my legs by almost a day.
its actually an Australian invention .
Checkout this website: http://www.skins.net/au/en/HowSkinsWork/default.aspx
Watch the video for a better explanation. The video is obviously a sales pitch, but it explains a bit about it.
The brand I wear aren't skins though, I wear 2XU.
Maybe it's just a mental thing, but they definitely work for me.
On October 13 2009 18:51 pyrogenetix wrote:
Going pretty good and feeling pretty good about it. Workin out, seeing results so I get motivated then workout more and see more results.
Wish me luck and wish all of you the best of luck.
You have to want it to succeed!
Good luck dude, I'm sure you'll do well. Also quit smoking!
Had compound exercises though, all body.
308lb deadlifts w00t, so close to my goal of 330lb.
39489 Posts
I've come to the stark, depressing realization that being in the gym is currently my only joy in daily life.
I'll elaborate at a later date X_X
i woke up with a sore back. super sore. like almost makes me think i hurt it. but I didn't do anything to it that should have hurt it. its making me have to take a day off, which sux
I just moved up to straddle planche (which is hard and i suck at). is it possible it could be caused by that?
i also did progression for pistols for the first time. my legs already are fairly strong though so i started with box pistols that are pretty damn close to all the way down. could that make my back sore? hhMMMMM
On October 13 2009 15:44 unknown.sam wrote: just a question regarding progression with pullups.
i started with 3x3, then 4x3, then 5x3 and stopped at 6x3 and took about 2 weeks off. then i decided to change things up by doing 3x8, 4x6 and 5x5. should i continue with what i was doing initially (from 3x3 work up to 10x3), should i continue what i'm currently doing (from 3x8-5x5-8x3) or should i just try to improve on my max reps?? i actually don't know my max, but guessing from my previous exercise (i barely managed 5x5) i would think maybe 7-8 reps.
thanks in advance
Depends on what your goals are.
If you're looking for strength/mass you should be focusing on 3x5 and adding weight each session if you can.
If you're looking for endurance then adding reps and/or sets work. Usually it's best to add reps before sets, but if you're stagnating you can add more sets or decrease rest times.
On October 13 2009 18:06 ToT)MidiaN( wrote:+ Show Spoiler +MidiaN Age: 24 Height: 5' 10" Current Weight: 154lbs Goal weight: 160+lbs (with lower body fat than now, so I wanna both put muscle on AND lose fat) Starting Date: Feb Ending Date: However long it takes.
These were the numbers I posted back in February. Although I managed to attain 160+ lbs, it's not the good type, my body fat is a fair bit higher than it's ever been and I recently weighed myself at 75.5kg, the heaviest I've ever been. There was a stretch of 3 months this year when I was drinking almost everyday, and habits in general have been bad for several years. A month ago I started taking diet and exercise more seriously, started reading up on diets, programs, have almost entirely cut out drinking (Less than once a week), started eating healthier, am currently doing slow-state cardio 5-6 times a week and lifting weights 3-4 times a week. Progress is being made, slowly but surely
Here are reviewed numbers: Age: 25 Height: 5' 10" Start Weight: 165lbs (23.6% BF) Current Weight: 160.5lbs (22% BF) Goal weight: 160lbs (<20% BF) Starting Date: Sept 4th Ending Date: Initially Nov 24th.
In my first month I lost 3.5lbs of fat and 0.2lbs of muscle, representing a loss of 1.6% BF. This is apparently a somewhat normal rate of fat loss (Approx 1lb/week), albeit a little bit on the slower side, to be truthful I was expecting better results to occur in these beginning stages and will feel pretty shitty if this is as fast as it's going to get for me. I feel like I'm still doing a lot of things wrong, and a lot of it is just discipline with regards to diet. Anyway I have a few questions, they are pretty newbie and may have already been covered in this thread, but I've not read it all so I apologise if that's the case. 1) Currently I'm lifting light weights for many reps (3 sets with minimum of 10 reps each set, often times as many as 20 in a set) is this fine or should I be looking to lift heavy with fewer reps even when my primary focus is losing fat? I obviously don't want to lose muscle, but I realise that it's pretty hard to both lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. 2) Is it worth supplementing creatine when cutting or is it a waste of time? When is it best to use it? Pre workout? Post workout? 3) I have a very low amount of lean muscle for my weight and obviously intend on fixing that in the future. However right now, considering I'm 22% BF I feel like I should focus on losing fat first, then building muscle afterwards. Am I going about this the wrong way round? Should I build muscle first, and then cut after, or are my suspicions correct and that, at 22% BF, I should be looking to lose fat first? If my suspicions are correct, at what point should I be changing my primary focus from fat loss to muscle gain? Appreciate the feedback that a lot of people have posted in this thread, lots of good stuff.
1. Yes, lift heavy in the 3-5 rep range with 3-5 sets.
Heavy lifting is better at conserving mass when you're trying to drop fat.
2. Creatine during cutting. Eh. Creatine does give you increases in body weight through water, but either way it's not really going to interfere (although your "weight" without it will be lower it's transient).
Take it PWO. Creatine "absorbs" water to it so if you take it pre-workout its gonna draw water out from your body into your intestines and make you dehydrated = poorer workout.
3. If you're 22% you can stand to lose a bit of fat, but honestly wouldn't hurt you too much to go isocaloric or slightly above maintenance and lift with full body workouts in the 5-8 rep range.
Something along the lines of Starting Strength if you're fairly weak (<1.5-2x bw squats/deads).
On October 14 2009 01:44 travis wrote: i woke up with a sore back. super sore. like almost makes me think i hurt it. but I didn't do anything to it that should have hurt it. its making me have to take a day off, which sux
I just moved up to straddle planche (which is hard and i suck at). is it possible it could be caused by that?
i also did progression for pistols for the first time. my legs already are fairly strong though so i started with box pistols that are pretty damn close to all the way down. could that make my back sore? hhMMMMM
Straddle planche is doubtful, but I've seen it happen.
It's more likely to the pistols because of the back rounding at the bottom. That's the only thing I don't like about them... most people round their backs near the bottom.
yeah it feels like I have to round my back at the bottom i have a tendency to do that if i go as deep as possible in a normal squat, too. though i have gotten a bit better about it.
On October 14 2009 03:18 travis wrote: yeah it feels like I have to round my back at the bottom i have a tendency to do that if i go as deep as possible in a normal squat, too. though i have gotten a bit better about it.
Yeah. Strict form!
thanks again as always eshlow
My confidence is at an all time high. At a recent party, several girls not only noticed my arms, but wanted to flex so they could feel them.
Very cool.
On October 14 2009 16:44 jfazz wrote: My confidence is at an all time high. At a recent party, several girls not only noticed my arms, but wanted to flex so they could feel them.
Very cool. as long as your bicep was the only muscle that was firm at the time then yeah, very cool 
on another note, who would've thought adding a measly 5lbs to pull ups and dips would make it so much more difficult. funny thing is i actually started with 15lbs. i couldn't even manage 1 pull up with 15lbs lol.
looking forward to my next workout day 
NO! my shin splints are back with a vengeance. last week i posted stuff like "wooo! amazing workout. feeling strong. just did a 10k run". but today i had a 5k time trial and my time was more than 1/2 of my 10k run. my legs are shot.
On October 14 2009 19:17 unknown.sam wrote:Show nested quote +On October 14 2009 16:44 jfazz wrote: My confidence is at an all time high. At a recent party, several girls not only noticed my arms, but wanted to flex so they could feel them.
Very cool. as long as your bicep was the only muscle that was firm at the time then yeah, very cool  on another note, who would've thought adding a measly 5lbs to pull ups and dips would make it so much more difficult. funny thing is i actually started with 15lbs. i couldn't even manage 1 pull up with 15lbs lol. looking forward to my next workout day 
*Hint* penises are not muscles.
On October 14 2009 22:06 Patriot.dlk wrote:Show nested quote +On October 14 2009 19:17 unknown.sam wrote:On October 14 2009 16:44 jfazz wrote: My confidence is at an all time high. At a recent party, several girls not only noticed my arms, but wanted to flex so they could feel them.
Very cool. as long as your bicep was the only muscle that was firm at the time then yeah, very cool  on another note, who would've thought adding a measly 5lbs to pull ups and dips would make it so much more difficult. funny thing is i actually started with 15lbs. i couldn't even manage 1 pull up with 15lbs lol. looking forward to my next workout day  *Hint* penises are not muscles. yeah i know. i just couldn't think of any other way to say it without being rude
you did your best 
went up on the barbell bicep curls today, progress is good!
On October 14 2009 20:12 madnessman wrote: NO! my shin splints are back with a vengeance. last week i posted stuff like "wooo! amazing workout. feeling strong. just did a 10k run". but today i had a 5k time trial and my time was more than 1/2 of my 10k run. my legs are shot.
If you run heel toe you should strongly consider changing it. Terrible for your joints.
I'm just wondering about the 1.5 grams of protein per lb body weight. Do the grams count like say 100 grams of chicken = 100 grams of protein or do they mean the actual protein percentage in the meat which is like 25%?
I'm just dropping a line for the you guys who have made a choice to fix yourselves. YOU GUYS ROCK! I was a fat kid, at 15 years old I was the size of a Lineman. 6' tall and I was tipping the scale at 280 pounds and I hated it. It takes some strong will and perserverance to lose weight but it can be done. When I was 17 years old, I was sitting around talking to a friend years older than I about weight. He was going through school to be a dietitian; so I wanted to pick his brain on the subject. He told me, "Unless you got down in size, you're going to be that size for a long time." Come to find out, in men after they reach 21 years of age their body keeps the size they are at the time as a sort of a default setting. What that means is: that is the size your body will go back to if you stop dieting and working out. Well I got scared. So I began down the road to weight loss. In that one year that I wanted to change, I lost 100 pound and am now at 180.
So some small tips: Stop drinking soda Don't drink Diet soda its just as bad. Water is your best bet. Though if you need something to break the norm. 100% juice not from concentrate and tea if you need to sweeten use honey.
You are what you eat Its not how much you eat as what you eat. Too much of any one thing is bad, we all know that.
Do stuff In my case I got a summer job as a construction worker. That helped build strength. This may sound gay or stupid, but I also played the hell out of DDR on the dance pad in a room at about 98 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't push yourselves too hard, rest is almost just as important as working out.
I have a ton of knowledge on the topic. If I had a before and after pics I would share, but the before just randomly caught on fire lol. I know raw foodism, vegan, and vegetarian diets, so if you have any question PM me.
Rock on those with the strength to change! Carpe Diem!