On March 16 2018 02:47 Volband wrote: Started working out once again a few months ago, and after many-many years, I'm nearing 60kg once again! According to weight calculators, my ideal weight should be around ~64, which seems doable.
However, I'm suffering from the skinny guy with big belly syndrome, and I'd like some food advice on how to battle it. Cutting back shitty food and drinks like pizzas and sugary drinks is a start I suppose. But if I were to cut back on carbs, I'm afraid I couldn't keep up with my weight. I started from 54 kg, and rice, white bread and whole milk were what helped me get this far.
I don't want to switch my diet immediately, as 64 is still some vomit-inducing feasts to go, but I'd like to start implementing my future diet right around now.
I'm male, 26 y/o and 167 cm.
depends on what your goals are. You can look good at 64kg if you have very low bodyfat and mostly muscle mass.
Clocked in at 12% bf at 104kg, around the leanest I've been at this heavy. Starting to get healthier and stronger again finally, hit PRs at 151kg snatch balance and 190kg jerk recovery so getting more stable overhead. About 3 weeks out from meet to qualify for nationals so hopefully some of these gains turn into bigger snatch/clean&jerk
How tall are you decaf? That's like 95-100kg for a BB stage lean or something, which is well over 200lbs. I can't imagine being that big...but then again I'm also 5'8" man (173cm) manlet status. Even at 80kg I felt like I was draggin hard. Which I guess is good because realistically from what I've read that's about as big as I could get at a fairly lean BF%.
To be honest I have no idea how big people, or fat people for that matter, do it. Just seems like everything movement oriented would be so exhausting.
On the downside, I have no idea what I just did to myself. Hit some golf balls two days ago for the first time in a while and sort of bothered what either seemed to be the left erector or lat.
Then yesterday I noticed at one point walking a little bit of pain right in the center of my chest about the breastbone/sternum level, but also seemingly centered somewhere dead center of the back around or just below the shoulder blades. Only noticed it subtely yesterday, and it didn't bother me cycling or doing some light lifts of OHP, incline, dips and some other assistance.
Then today it blew up. Coughed walking back from work and it was a solid pain at both times in the center of my chest and in the center of my back. A bit of a crushing sense to it, almost like what you'd imagine from heart trouble or angina, but I've been screened recently, don't have any reasons to be suspicious there, felt fine aerobically, and also had reproducible pain and relief depending on motion. This gradually decreased over about 20' from a pretty painful, perhaps 6-7/10 down to a dull ache that I only noticed in certain movements.
Then later tonight I wasn't thinking about it and pulled hard on the skewer of the bike to take the wheel off and set it off again, worse than the first time. This time, though it feels very close to centered, it has a subtle right side component to it and only hurts with right side based activity.
Can't seem to palpate anything to reproduce the pain, and I also have no clue if it's coming from my back or chest...which is slightly annoying. I can get some discomfort thrusting my neck forward, exhaling (at base of exhale) forcefully, and on fly like motions or pushing my hands hard against each other.
Supposed to deadlift and do back work tomorrow...think I'm still going to go, but just start with the bar and try to avoid tweaking this at all, as I have no idea what movements I can and cannot do.
I assumed some generic optional weight calculator to be trusted. My bad. Let's just say my aim is around 65, because I don't want a bodybuilder body, and I'd like to capitalize on the benefits of my skinny genetics, which is that even after just a month or so, I look much more pleasing aesthetically. I even look clean aside from mybelly and maybe my bottom, but I can't really judge the latter.
Still, I don't like my big belly. I suppose I was doing number 2 so far,because I ate anything and everything in order to gain mass first, as I was really skinny in an unhealrhy way. At least my mother doesn't assume that I must be dying anymore. Hashtag progress.
However, I don't think I've ever eaten clean. Ham, sausage, white bread, cereal, butter, cheese, milk, pizza, scrambled eggs - basically these are what I'm stuffing inside of me,many of them full of fat. I'm not confident in what kind of meals would still give me plenty of calories still, to maintain my weight.
Edit: not sure if important, but the two heavy-lifting exercises I do are bench pressing and squatting. I don't do any cardio, though I walk a healthy amount.
However, I don't think I've ever eaten clean. Ham, sausage, white bread, cereal, bread, cheese, pizza, scrambled eggs - basically these are what I'm stuffing inside of me,many of them full of fat. I'm not confident in what kind of meals would still give me plenty of calories still, to maintain my weight.
I guess I'm pretty relaxed on what I think of as clean. I certainly wouldn't put ham, white bread, cereal, cheese, or eggs as non clean foods. Probably not pizza either. Some of those aren't going to be super clean, but in moderation I don't see any of those foods as "unhealthy" in the same way a soda or a kit kat bar or cookie would be.
What to eat? You could have like a big pot of chile, throw in some fruits and veggies, and then some rice or mashed potatoes and you can easily make 2000kcal out of that.
Basically just grab a protein source, at your size get 100-150 g of that, giving around 500-1000 kcal, then add in some veggies (100-400 kcal) and fruits (100-500 kcal), then throw in a carb source and you've got 2000+ easily. I.e. if I wanted a clean 3000kcal day it might be:
Oatmeal Quaker Instant (450 kcal) Brown Sugar for Oatmeal (100 kcal) 175g chicken breast (800kcal) Gravy (100kcal) 2 Bananas, Apple, some strawberries (500 kcal) Brussel Sprouts (200 kcal) Milk (100 kcal) Mashed potatoes, 800g raw (600 kcal) 2 tbs Butter (for potatoes) (200 kcal)
Total: 3050 kcal
If I needed more than that I'd probably just make a massive 4 tbs of peanut butter and jelly for an extra 800 kcal, or substitute a fattier beef for the chicken which could easily add 500+ to the chicken number
If it was a lean day, it might look like:
Chicken Breast, 175g protein (800 kcal) Broccoli (200 kcal) Banana, 2xApple (300 kcal) Rice or Mashed Potatoes (600 kcal)
On March 16 2018 16:14 Volband wrote: I assumed some generic optional weight calculator to be trusted. My bad. Let's just say my aim is around 65, because I don't want a bodybuilder body, and I'd like to capitalize on the benefits of my skinny genetics, which is that even after just a month or so, I look much more pleasing aesthetically. I even look clean aside from mybelly and maybe my bottom, but I can't really judge the latter.
Still, I don't like my big belly. I suppose I was doing number 2 so far,because I ate anything and everything in order to gain mass first, as I was really skinny in an unhealrhy way. At least my mother doesn't assume that I must be dying anymore. Hashtag progress.
However, I don't think I've ever eaten clean. Ham, sausage, white bread, cereal, butter, cheese, milk, pizza, scrambled eggs - basically these are what I'm stuffing inside of me,many of them full of fat. I'm not confident in what kind of meals would still give me plenty of calories still, to maintain my weight.
Ran the numbers based off the diet I follow with your height/weight. On workout days aim for 2500 calories (120g protein, 140g fat, 140g carb) and on rest days aim for around 1800 calories(120g protein, 110g fat, 90g carb). Your diet isn't horrible as far as the average person goes. Fat is good for you, as long as it's coming from healthy sources (meat, eggs, nuts, dairy, etc.). Eat protein evenly throughout the day (i.e. in your case 5x24g throughout the day), eat your fats when your not working out and eat your carbs before/during/post workout. So if you eat 4x day and train in evening:
Breakfast: Lots of fat/protein. Eggs, sausage, veggies. This will keep you from getting hungry. Lunch: More fat/protein/veggies. 2 hours before workout: some light protein and carbs. Maybe chicken breast and toast, oatmeal, etc. During workout: light carbs/protein (i do gatorade and protein powder w/ water) Post workout: Lots of carbs, more protein, some fats. Pasta + meat + veggies
Edit: not sure if important, but the two heavy-lifting exercises I do are bench pressing and squatting. I don't do any cardio, though I walk a healthy amount.
You're most of the way there! Just add deadlifts, rows, and overhead press and you've covered pretty much all your muscle groups. Dips and Pull Ups are good additions too. Cardio isn't super necessary, but it's good to stay active.
On March 16 2018 14:40 L_Master wrote: How tall are you decaf? That's like 95-100kg for a BB stage lean or something, which is well over 200lbs. I can't imagine being that big...but then again I'm also 5'8" man (173cm) manlet status. Even at 80kg I felt like I was draggin hard. Which I guess is good because realistically from what I've read that's about as big as I could get at a fairly lean BF%.
To be honest I have no idea how big people, or fat people for that matter, do it. Just seems like everything movement oriented would be so exhausting.
183cm/6'1. As far as olympic weightlifting weight classes by height, at 5'8 you'd be good at 77kg or 85kg, although at the elite level it's not uncommon to see people your height at 94 or 105kg.
Yeah being fat sounds exhausting, but being big muscle wise not so much. As long as your weight is working for you and not against you it's all good.
On March 16 2018 14:48 L_Master wrote: On the downside, I have no idea what I just did to myself. Hit some golf balls two days ago for the first time in a while and sort of bothered what either seemed to be the left erector or lat.
Then yesterday I noticed at one point walking a little bit of pain right in the center of my chest about the breastbone/sternum level, but also seemingly centered somewhere dead center of the back around or just below the shoulder blades. Only noticed it subtely yesterday, and it didn't bother me cycling or doing some light lifts of OHP, incline, dips and some other assistance.
Then today it blew up. Coughed walking back from work and it was a solid pain at both times in the center of my chest and in the center of my back. A bit of a crushing sense to it, almost like what you'd imagine from heart trouble or angina, but I've been screened recently, don't have any reasons to be suspicious there, felt fine aerobically, and also had reproducible pain and relief depending on motion. This gradually decreased over about 20' from a pretty painful, perhaps 6-7/10 down to a dull ache that I only noticed in certain movements.
Then later tonight I wasn't thinking about it and pulled hard on the skewer of the bike to take the wheel off and set it off again, worse than the first time. This time, though it feels very close to centered, it has a subtle right side component to it and only hurts with right side based activity.
Can't seem to palpate anything to reproduce the pain, and I also have no clue if it's coming from my back or chest...which is slightly annoying. I can get some discomfort thrusting my neck forward, exhaling (at base of exhale) forcefully, and on fly like motions or pushing my hands hard against each other.
Supposed to deadlift and do back work tomorrow...think I'm still going to go, but just start with the bar and try to avoid tweaking this at all, as I have no idea what movements I can and cannot do.
Sounds like you might have popped a rib out or something. Maybe a deep muscle or cartilage thing. I'd see a physio or a chiropractor (a good one). Find someone that works with athletes.
got someone to take off his headphones today just to tell him what beautiful squats he was doing lal
Thanks guys, I'll keep these in mind
On March 18 2018 04:23 FFGenerations wrote: got someone to take off his headphones today just to tell him what beautiful squats he was doing lal I'd encourage everyone to do the same! For the sole selfish reason that I still remember when a buffed and jacked guy praised my deadlift posture. I don't do Dlifts anymore, because they bruised the shit out of my skin, but still. It felt good.
On March 19 2018 17:49 Volband wrote:Thanks guys, I'll keep these in mind Show nested quote +On March 18 2018 04:23 FFGenerations wrote: got someone to take off his headphones today just to tell him what beautiful squats he was doing lal I'd encourage everyone to do the same! For the sole selfish reason that I still remember when a buffed and jacked guy praised my deadlift posture. I don't do Dlifts anymore, because they bruised the shit out of my skin, but still. It felt good.
I don't think this should be happening...
Speaking of deadlifts, been on 5/3/1 for about 2 months now, with the goal of eventually, reaching 1k total in the 3 main powerlifts. While I feel very confident in my Bench/Squat form, I can't help but feel that maybe my Deadlift still has a ton of work form-wise. https://www.instagram.com/p/BghnF4mHyNP/?taken-by=alexloeung
Feel free to critique or massacre my form. Let me know if its ok, bad, or I'm on a 1-way ticket to Snap City. I usually workout alone (except the day this footage was taken), and so, I don't have much in other's opinion/evaluation of my DL form.
Thanks guys.
Hi guys - I need your advice 
what do you suggest eating for breakfast when you train during the day?
some notes on myself:
- I cannot have a very large breakfast: I don't mean too many calories, but too much stuff.. I hate eating in the morning, and the idea of stuffing myself with a large volume of food is not very appealing
- I go to the gym in the morning twice a week, and I play rugby twice a week (gym on Mon / Wed; rugby on Tue / Thursday)
- I usually have a very light lunch, I don't like eating at work (I bring my own, but if I eat a big lunch I don't work well in the afternoon)
- my breakfast is usually either (a) 2 eggs or (b) some yogurt with oatmeal, and a coffee always
any advice? I realized I'm feeling quite weak after the gym, and I don't really recover too much during the day.. so perhaps I could add something that gives me more energy in the morning.. what do you think?
Sounds like you could do with some more carbs, particularly high GI carbs like those found in fruit juices or rice given that you're dealing with feeling sluggish. I myself get by with a big bowl of cereal and a lot of milk, but to each their own.
On March 21 2018 22:47 VHbb wrote:Hi guys - I need your advice  what do you suggest eating for breakfast when you train during the day? some notes on myself: - I cannot have a very large breakfast: I don't mean too many calories, but too much stuff.. I hate eating in the morning, and the idea of stuffing myself with a large volume of food is not very appealing - I go to the gym in the morning twice a week, and I play rugby twice a week (gym on Mon / Wed; rugby on Tue / Thursday) - I usually have a very light lunch, I don't like eating at work (I bring my own, but if I eat a big lunch I don't work well in the afternoon) - my breakfast is usually either (a) 2 eggs or (b) some yogurt with oatmeal, and a coffee always any advice? I realized I'm feeling quite weak after the gym, and I don't really recover too much during the day.. so perhaps I could add something that gives me more energy in the morning.. what do you think? thanks!
you can always skip breakfast and just eat a larger lunch if you dont feel like eating in the morning. Thats what i do
My favorite breakfast is a bacon and egg taco with chocolate milk Guaranteed to cause gastrointestinal distress.
hi all! decaf you still here!
Are you still competing dimsum?
On March 22 2018 16:21 AoN.DimSum wrote: hi all! decaf you still here!
oh hey there. Yea, someone's gotta keep these kids in line
Just a quick thing cause im im feelin good avout reaching some goals today.
Started mid january at 97kg at 185 cm (about 6'1 in weird numbers) beeing little girl weak ,surgery last year etc posted about this before.
Today weighed in at 85 kg , benched 5×5 70kg and did a set of 5 chinups. Considering i was close to 100kg and barely could do a proper pushup just 2 months ago im quite proud that im on the right track again.
Im still not really deadlifting and recebtly switched to frontsquats cause they seem to put less stress on my lower back but im still taking that reaaaly slow. Also to learn how to properly place/grab the bar for FS and work on mobility..