On August 30 2017 21:48 FiWiFaKi wrote: So a couple days ago I was admiring my traps, and then my gf pointed out a pretty significant muscle imbalance., fml.
I'm doing some construction work, and we regularly lift 200-300lb panes of glass and other partition wall materials. So voila, now my right bicep is 1 inch larger than my left, and my right traps start like 8mm higher on my neck from the front, and from the back it's even worse.
Considering I have 55 hour + weeks of this stuff, I have no motivation to workout (also I think it would hinder performance, since I need very high stamina, but not particularly high absolute strength)... I just deadlifted 335lbs for 12 reps without working out for the last 6~ months, just the job. Now I cannot unsee my lack of symmetry, I'm shocked I missed it for so long.
Has anyone had this happen to them? I've always had good lifting principles that I've developed from strength training, but is there a risk here for messing up my body this way? Can I just try to alternate my dominant hands, even the muscles out, and be good? I've never really realized how difficult it is to be symmetric without strength training if you do an activity that requires significant muscle. Always took it for granted.
The difference in the trap height is more likely to be caused by tight muscles/posture than actual difference in mass, imo and it's not at all uncommon for someone who's not a very advanced bodybuilder to have a larger dominant arm. I wouldn't be particularly worried about these things, but if you are then yes the answer is just more iso-lateral work (and foam rolling/sports massage/deep tissue massage and conscious posture correction, for the trap)
it is probably tightness and posture but it could also just be deep structural imbalances in your legs/torso that youve never noticed before. you have to reevaluate everything. maybe one trap is higher because your pelvis is tilted because one leg is longer than the other. who knows. most people are asymmetric somewhere though
Zurich15313 Posts
My right leg is significantly stronger and visibly bigger than my left. Since knee injury 5 years ago and I don't think that will ever even out. It's alright though, I just need to take care to conscientiously engage my left leg during lifting. Usually when it feels like my left is doing 75% of the work then it's about even in reality.
My right arm is bigger but my left is stronger lol. Im left handed, its weird as hell
I've got the same thing as zatic, except my knee surgery was 7 years ago
On August 31 2017 02:03 IgnE wrote: it is probably tightness and posture but it could also just be deep structural imbalances in your legs/torso that youve never noticed before. you have to reevaluate everything. maybe one trap is higher because your pelvis is tilted because one leg is longer than the other. who knows. most people are asymmetric somewhere though This. Probably postural or muscle tightnessl. Try lifting things the opposite way you usually do during work and see how it feels also try doing one legged and one armed exercises and see what feels different.
I'm having intermittent pain, every 10 seconds or so in the middle of my quadriceps for the last few hours since my work out. I'm guessing it was the lunges. I didn't feel any discomfort while doing them. Think it might be a strain?
anyone with laser eye surgery experience and can share (if you're from toronto even better)? thinking about it again
On September 05 2017 02:35 zev318 wrote: anyone with laser eye surgery experience and can share (if you're from toronto even better)? thinking about it again
Not from Toronto, but I had LASIK 5-6 years ago. I had 20-20 vision with glasses, slightly less with contacts pre-surgery. My vision now is about the same as contacts. The procedure itself is a very weird experience but it's so fast that any fear of it should not stop you. I couldn't wear contacts for more than 8 hours and I hated putting them in when I woke up. I was way uglier with glasses. Those were my main motivations for getting the surgery. I paid about $2000 on groupon for a doctor that had done 10,000 surgeries.
I didn't really realize this before the surgery, but I did have dry eyes. Post surgery my eyes are definitely drier and I use 1 eye drop in the morning when I wake up and maybe 1 the rest of the day. I am definitely paranoid about my eyes - some doctors say that the eye flap they make doesn't every fully heal and you are at higher risk if you get hit in your eye.
LASEK is a similar procedure that has lower risks for side effects but also has a longer recovery time and can be painful. I would ask your doctor about both. Many doctors push LASIK because it's easier to do.
i would look into LASEK (i know nothing about it) . i had LASIK done a month ago and am currently suffering from a dry eye problem. if you look online, there is a website dedicated to warning people about this and that (according to them) it is not only exceedingly common but it is potentially something that doesn't ever heal (see above poster......). currently i am hoping it will heal over time. i'm using HYCOSAN drops the past 2 days and they have been 10x better than the other 2 types of drops i tried.
but, yes, if i knew that there was an (apparently) decent chance of permanently having eye irritation i would have thought twice about it.
surgeons/clinics will all tell you that this is 'normal' and to wait for it to heal.
however, you must realise that they are self-regulating and when they say 'x is normal' it doesn't mean 'x will heal' , it just means 'a lot of people suffer from these problems and we do a very good job at making sure nobody knows about it'.
that's the latest impression i got, i could be very wrong. fingers crossed over the next few months i will heal and not have a fucked eye the rest of my life
if you want to know about the experience of having it done then read my blog. my issue started 4 days afterwards when i stayed up too late one night and woke up with a fucked eye http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/525387-i-just-had-lasik-eye-surgery
On September 06 2017 07:34 FFGenerations wrote:i would look into LASEK (i know nothing about it) . i had LASIK done a month ago and am currently suffering from a dry eye problem. if you look online, there is a website dedicated to warning people about this and that (according to them) it is not only exceedingly common but it is potentially something that doesn't ever heal (see above poster......). currently i am hoping it will heal over time. i'm using HYCOSAN drops the past 2 days and they have been 10x better than the other 2 types of drops i tried. but, yes, if i knew that there was an (apparently) decent chance of permanently having eye irritation i would have thought twice about it. surgeons/clinics will all tell you that this is 'normal' and to wait for it to heal. however, you must realise that they are self-regulating and when they say 'x is normal' it doesn't mean 'x will heal' , it just means 'a lot of people suffer from these problems and we do a very good job at making sure nobody knows about it'. that's the latest impression i got, i could be very wrong. fingers crossed over the next few months i will heal and not have a fucked eye the rest of my life if you want to know about the experience of having it done then read my blog. my issue started 4 days afterwards when i stayed up too late one night and woke up with a fucked eye http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/525387-i-just-had-lasik-eye-surgery
I would not be too worried if I was you. One month is not a long time of recovery - you are still wearing your goggles at night, right? Minimum of 6 months before you should be worried. I use this type of eye drops: https://www.amazon.com/Allergan-Refresh-Plus-Lubricant-Single-Use/dp/B004UJSSF6/ref=sr_1_9_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1504657976&sr=1-9&keywords=preservative+free+eye+drops&th=1 The active ingredient is carboxymethylcellulose sodium 0.5%. They are preservative free and work like a charm for me; it's basically like washing out your eye with the pure clean water. Their only drawback is if I go put too much in then the "tears" can leave residue on my eyelashes.
I will say that pre-surgery it's impossible to understand the risks, but there are always risks. It's an elective surgery. I do not regret it, but if you ALREADY have dry eyes, I can basically guarantee you that you WILL have dry eyes after to some degree (I'M NOT A DOCTOR CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR). I would also stay away from any of those forums online...the people who have a bad experience talk the loudest.
On September 06 2017 07:34 FFGenerations wrote:i would look into LASEK (i know nothing about it) . i had LASIK done a month ago and am currently suffering from a dry eye problem. if you look online, there is a website dedicated to warning people about this and that (according to them) it is not only exceedingly common but it is potentially something that doesn't ever heal (see above poster......). currently i am hoping it will heal over time. i'm using HYCOSAN drops the past 2 days and they have been 10x better than the other 2 types of drops i tried. but, yes, if i knew that there was an (apparently) decent chance of permanently having eye irritation i would have thought twice about it. surgeons/clinics will all tell you that this is 'normal' and to wait for it to heal. however, you must realise that they are self-regulating and when they say 'x is normal' it doesn't mean 'x will heal' , it just means 'a lot of people suffer from these problems and we do a very good job at making sure nobody knows about it'. that's the latest impression i got, i could be very wrong. fingers crossed over the next few months i will heal and not have a fucked eye the rest of my life if you want to know about the experience of having it done then read my blog. my issue started 4 days afterwards when i stayed up too late one night and woke up with a fucked eye http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/525387-i-just-had-lasik-eye-surgery
did you forget to blink for a long time while staring at your computer?
i done an allnighter basically where ur so tired u cant see (on computer), slept 5 hours then was fucked. i'd assumed i was already past the healing phase since i had no complications and felt fine, but i was very wrong
awesome news, after i switched to these different eye drops (as above) i started to recover, and my vision is close to awesome again ) in both eyes problem now is im fat
On September 11 2017 00:29 FFGenerations wrote:i done an allnighter basically where ur so tired u cant see (on computer), slept 5 hours then was fucked. i'd assumed i was already past the healing phase since i had no complications and felt fine, but i was very wrong awesome news, after i switched to these different eye drops (as above) i started to recover, and my vision is close to awesome again  ) in both eyes  problem now is im fat
For sure staying up late on the computer will wreck your eyes. Don't do that without eyedrops! Bonus - going to bed early helps you balance your hormones so you lose weight more easily.
Ugh these DOMS. I deserve this for slacking the last month and a half.
Posted a few months ago about getting ready to start lifting...but the AC separation I had from a cycling crash wasn't so thrilled about that. It's quite a bit better now...though still unclear whether it will be an issue benching. It can hurt...but doesn't seem to ever get worse during or between sessions, and doesn't hurt every rep either.
Right now I'm basically going with the advice I got, which is doing SS, occasionally adding a set of two of hypertrophy stuff at the end if I'm not tired or feeling unrecoverable. Decent progress so far, 5 weeks in:
Squat: 65lbs start -> 165lbs current Bench: 45lbs start -> 135lbs current Deadlift: 65lbs start -> 135 current BB Row: 65 lbs start -> 120lbs current
Small numbers all around, but that's to be expected as someone new to lifting. The glorious, easy 5-10lb add per workout in linear fashion to each lift is pretty damn good for motivation though 
Main thing I want to work on is getting form as good as possible, especially before weights start to get heavier. Hardest part right now is mentally being okay with eating surplus each day. As a primarily endurance athlete, it's a different mindset, and a little unnerving to see numbers on the scale intentionally going up.
Need to get videos of others, but what things stand out in DL as needing work the most? youtu.be
Only other thing I'm curious about is that I probably started this particular program off a little on the heavy side (maybe 15%? no visible abs but you could kinda sorta maybe see the shape of them when flexing hard/coughing). Should I just accept I'm going to get a little chubby towards the end of this one and run the program out complete, or take a break once I start to get "too fat" for my own liking and cut down a bit?
From someone who comes from a similar starting point, I understand the unnerving part but also know it will be easy for you to cut afterwards. Don't sweat the less aesthetic weight gain at this point, its very difficult to put on muscle if you're not at a significant surplus (I had to do 4500+ calories a day to make a dent in the beginning).
Deadlift form looked good, I think the main thing would be to squeeze your glutes at the end, doesn't look like a full lockout.
You should try tp pull your shoulders back a bit more, the bar comes off the ground a tiny bit forward on some of those reps. So you end up pulling mostly through your back and not enough with your hips and glutes. Bringing the shoulders back and therefore pulling with a "tighter" back should help with this.
You should lower the bar faster during the eccentric phase of the lift. Doing it slowly is very risky and can lead to injuries. It doesn't matter with 135lbs but it will with more weight.
You are an amazing endurance athlete and I assume you are pretty good with losing weight when you have to. With your frame you really should not worry about putting on a little fat. Just eat slightly above maintenance (like 300-500kcal). I think you are basically in the optimal position to do the Starting Strenght / Stronglift protocoll. You gain 20lbs, most of it will be muscle. When you decide to shred 10lbs afterwards (adding endurance workouts and keep training hard) you will shred most of the fat you've gained easily without losing much muscle at all.
It is just sooo much easier to build muscle when you eat above maintenance, especially when you are thin to begin with.