@phyre I was always under the impression that the main muscles you're activating in a deadlift are your lower back muscles, so it failing first is a good thing, no? Followed by glutes, hamstrings, and remaining core as secondary, and calves, quads, traps, shoulders as tertiary (though still hitting them quite hard). I posted my rough workout plan like a page back, and I think my workout is relatively balanced. I do low bar squat 1-2x and deadlift once every 5-6 days, and I find that's more than plenty for back development (I think good mornings are one of the worse exercises, and hyperextensions are imo unnecessary) , while I do abs because I don't feel any exercise puts adequate tension on them. I'm not saying the exercises don't use any abs, but just less.
So yeah, I dunno, I'm not lifting what you're lifting, so maybe it changes, but I knew people who would do no specific ab stuff and stick to a more Starting Strength/Smolov/etc, or other huge compound lift routine, and really struggled with stuff like leg raises, L-sits, or that pull-up L-sit while moving legs side to side (things I consider more practical strength). My theory is that the social butterflies often have a more practical to human life focus (and that's not just talking aesthetic), while the guys visiting forums like here are more often less social guys, and the goal is more to give them something to keep themselves occupied, have a goal to work towards, progress to see, etc. So I think naturally the conversation here is a bit slanted towards those goals here. I don't know too many people who do the kind of powerlifting more common here, but the few I know, I'm rather disappointed with their abilities to run, cycle, hike/scramble, swim, and just do neat stuff with their body. I was in a Dodgeball League two years ago, and there was a couple guys that could do backflips, I have a friend who can do muscle ups and planches, walk on his hands. When I go to a club (infrequent), see someone break a couple breakdance moves. I dunno, it's just cool shit, and they are fun people to be around.
I think the less social you are, the less you'll value these things, but anyway, sorry about the continuous rambling, it's just off topic at this point. Just kind of trying to share where I'm coming from because almost every time I come to this thread my viewpoints seem out of place here.
@FFGenerations Sweet choice! You'll never forget taking a multivitamin again hah. Just remember, if you compare the label, the gummies have only 30%~ of the Vitamins that a regular multivitamin has, they're also more expensive, so if money is a thing, yeah.
I don't eat the best either, it's all about making small progressive changes that are sustainable to you though. I've been on and off more times than I can count, and it took me longer to learn than I would have liked. I've been going well the last few months though, and the motivation is there, so I think I've figured out what works for me. I'm surprised that you're saying that you're unfit, I feel like you've been posting in this thread for a long time.
Hmm, I don't walk to exhaust this topic. Most people don't do weighted push-ups, or do only slightly weighted, so I think you could attribute the less injuries with push ups due to it being more difficult to injury yourself with 65% BW pushing against you, plus whatever weighted stuff you have, versus a bench press, where since it's more controlled it's easier to go to failure. I also think it's more natural to flare your elbows out during bench press, and during a bench press it feels more natural going down to almost your neck area, while for a push-up the imaginary bar is lower.
I don't want to be talking out of my ass, so I'll just say it's definitely possible, a bit against my intuition, but outside of my experience to be giving good input on.
On July 13 2016 07:51 FiWiFaKi wrote: @FFGenerations Sweet choice! You'll never forget taking a multivitamin again hah. Just remember, if you compare the label, the gummies have only 30%~ of the Vitamins that a regular multivitamin has, they're also more expensive, so if money is a thing, yeah.
I don't eat the best either, it's all about making small progressive changes that are sustainable to you though. I've been on and off more times than I can count, and it took me longer to learn than I would have liked. I've been going well the last few months though, and the motivation is there, so I think I've figured out what works for me. I'm surprised that you're saying that you're unfit, I feel like you've been posting in this thread for a long time.
yeah i ntoiced they seem to have a lot less shit in. like no iron iirc and no random shit. i got 250 bottle for ~£20 so figured that's like half a year for 20 quid can't be too bad. i am broke now tho lol gotta spend £100/month or less from now on
ive been here since 2011 (still wondering where Energies went) but made no more than like 3 months progress in that time coz of gaps. i have stopped smoking tho (fingers crossed) and cut my drinking down from like 25 units every week to 25 units in 6 months so this thread is probably the reason i'm still alive today lol
On July 13 2016 07:51 FiWiFaKi wrote: @FFGenerations Sweet choice! You'll never forget taking a multivitamin again hah. Just remember, if you compare the label, the gummies have only 30%~ of the Vitamins that a regular multivitamin has, they're also more expensive, so if money is a thing, yeah.
I don't eat the best either, it's all about making small progressive changes that are sustainable to you though. I've been on and off more times than I can count, and it took me longer to learn than I would have liked. I've been going well the last few months though, and the motivation is there, so I think I've figured out what works for me. I'm surprised that you're saying that you're unfit, I feel like you've been posting in this thread for a long time.
yeah i ntoiced they seem to have a lot less shit in. like no iron iirc and no random shit. i got 250 bottle for ~£20 so figured that's like half a year for 20 quid can't be too bad. i am broke now tho lol gotta spend £100/month or less from now on
ive been here since 2011 (still wondering where Energies went) but made no more than like 3 months progress in that time coz of gaps. i have stopped smoking tho (fingers crossed) and cut my drinking down from like 25 units every week to 25 units in 6 months so this thread is probably the reason i'm still alive today lol
Good job on stopping smoking. I'm somewhere in the range of a pack every 3 weeks for the last 4 months. A bit unfortunate that I didn't manage to stop yet, but I'm super close and good progress from my previous 4ish a day in the year before. Lack of money does that, huh?
In other news, tomorrow I'm doing my most difficult Scramble yet (I think that classifies as health & fitness). Lady Macdonald, the crux of the climb is here:
I will be crawling on fours
I've done quite a few others like Mount Yamnuska, Heart Mountain, Temple, Eiffel Peak, but nothing quite like this one. The only thing that I've done close to this level is probably the Gap Peak Traverse:
Anyway, you guys will know if I die, but gotta be tough for the gf lol.
So I tried beta-alanine today for 1st time. Stacked it with creatine pre workout. Felt weird during crossfit did some heavy deadlifts and a cardio workout. Felt a tad better on the deadlift and as for the workout i'm not sure was a terrible wod for me (burpees + box jumps)
where i noticed a big difference was on my bike back home. i bike to and from the cf gym. i always look at the pedometer, my bike isnt great so going fast is hard- my top speeds after workout is capped at like ~30 and i never leave it at heaviest gear today biking back i noticed it was really light and i always try to do a sprint type bike back home to help improve cardio - so i just started pounding and speed went up easily to 36 at the heaviest gear where i held all way back home lol my legs wasn't burning as it would normally at this rate. So decent improvement not very noticeable during the cf workout itself cause its so sporadic that i do some movements but since i bike everday this change was super evident.
On July 13 2016 07:51 FiWiFaKi wrote: @FFGenerations Sweet choice! You'll never forget taking a multivitamin again hah. Just remember, if you compare the label, the gummies have only 30%~ of the Vitamins that a regular multivitamin has, they're also more expensive, so if money is a thing, yeah.
I don't eat the best either, it's all about making small progressive changes that are sustainable to you though. I've been on and off more times than I can count, and it took me longer to learn than I would have liked. I've been going well the last few months though, and the motivation is there, so I think I've figured out what works for me. I'm surprised that you're saying that you're unfit, I feel like you've been posting in this thread for a long time.
yeah i ntoiced they seem to have a lot less shit in. like no iron iirc and no random shit. i got 250 bottle for ~£20 so figured that's like half a year for 20 quid can't be too bad. i am broke now tho lol gotta spend £100/month or less from now on
ive been here since 2011 (still wondering where Energies went) but made no more than like 3 months progress in that time coz of gaps. i have stopped smoking tho (fingers crossed) and cut my drinking down from like 25 units every week to 25 units in 6 months so this thread is probably the reason i'm still alive today lol
Good job on stopping smoking. I'm somewhere in the range of a pack every 3 weeks for the last 4 months. A bit unfortunate that I didn't manage to stop yet, but I'm super close and good progress from my previous 4ish a day in the year before. Lack of money does that, huh?
In other news, tomorrow I'm doing my most difficult Scramble yet (I think that classifies as health & fitness). Lady Macdonald, the crux of the climb is here:
I've done quite a few others like Mount Yamnuska, Heart Mountain, Temple, Eiffel Peak, but nothing quite like this one. The only thing that I've done close to this level is probably the Gap Peak Traverse:
Anyway, you guys will know if I die, but gotta be tough for the gf lol.
Wow so much exposure. No shame in not walking the last meters especially in bad conditions.
Beta-alanine gave me crazy parasthesia, had to like spread the dosage real thin throughout the day to not feel funny for a few hours. My first time I downed the whole thing in my pre-workout in about 10 minutes.
On July 13 2016 22:33 JumpinJupiters wrote: ^lol i read about that but if i felt anything it was very minor... i felt a little numb actually was weird experience
Right, if its more extreme you feel prickly all over and really tingly in your hands and feet.
@phyre The dumbbell on the abdomen thing, Leeman just has a giant gut, you don't actually see that much movement when you do that, do you?
18 days out from my meet. Bw was 85.4 in the morning, think I can definitely make u82.5. Managed to re-injure my glute so there goes my chances of winning my cat I think, but at least I can get the bench record - it's at 110 now.
Today's bench session was 107.5 2x2, then 110 2x2. Hopefully I can hit 120 at the meet!
So I just finished reading Gary Taubes's Good Calories, Bad Calories, but first we have a questionable citation to clear up. One of the sad things about the book is the sorry state of nutritional science and how scientists and "scientists" would ignore, distort or even contradict the findings of their studies. Ethan Sims isn't a bad guy, but, especially early on, he would simply ignore troubling things instead of thinking about them. Most of the studies he performed were about caloric intake, not about the quality of the food, so he neglected to discuss that much. That's why there was basically no information about food quality in the reports we read. The information we need comes from collaborators: Edward Horton said that the prisoners would "stare at plates of porkchops" and would refuse to eat enough. Elliot Danforth said that conducting an overfeeding study with just meat was "a physical impossibility".
The book was pretty interesting, if a little long in the tooth sometimes. I'd say at least 75% of the book, maybe more, is a description of a scientific study of some kind. It really explains sorry state of nutritional science and why such crappola was forced down our throat. If you'd like me to go into greater detail I can. The sad thing is that almost none of it is in dispute, but because of the shitty misinformation's effect on us, the bad attitudes still remain.
On July 27 2016 20:39 Ehzera wrote: 18 days out from my meet. Bw was 85.4 in the morning, think I can definitely make u82.5. Managed to re-injure my glute so there goes my chances of winning my cat I think, but at least I can get the bench record - it's at 110 now.
Today's bench session was 107.5 2x2, then 110 2x2. Hopefully I can hit 120 at the meet!
On July 27 2016 20:39 Ehzera wrote: 18 days out from my meet. Bw was 85.4 in the morning, think I can definitely make u82.5. Managed to re-injure my glute so there goes my chances of winning my cat I think, but at least I can get the bench record - it's at 110 now.
Today's bench session was 107.5 2x2, then 110 2x2. Hopefully I can hit 120 at the meet!
im a total newb when it comes to weightlifting but to me it looks like ur back is bend way too hard?
It's fine since his focus is to get a WR in singapore for a weight class, and I'm sure Ehzera knows what he's doing to that extent.
But yes, if your goal is increasing size and strength in a safe manner as an average beginner or early-intermediate, don't do that. Though I think for a powerlifting bench, it's pretty good form, although from what I've seen for WR's elbows are a bit more flared out than I'm used to, but whatever works.
On July 27 2016 20:39 Ehzera wrote: 18 days out from my meet. Bw was 85.4 in the morning, think I can definitely make u82.5. Managed to re-injure my glute so there goes my chances of winning my cat I think, but at least I can get the bench record - it's at 110 now.
Today's bench session was 107.5 2x2, then 110 2x2. Hopefully I can hit 120 at the meet!
im a total newb when it comes to weightlifting but to me it looks like ur back is bend way too hard?
It's fine since his focus is to get a WR in singapore for a weight class, and I'm sure Ehzera knows what he's doing to that extent.
But yes, if your goal is increasing size and strength in a safe manner as an average beginner or early-intermediate, don't do that. Though I think for a powerlifting bench, it's pretty good form, although from what I've seen for WR's elbows are a bit more flared out than I'm used to, but whatever works.
Yeah I don't know enough to say that it's a safe thing to do, but doing that makes the bench feel safer to me because of better tightness, control, and retraction.
Anyway, deadlifts moving pretty nicely lately, been working on my technique and having more patience off the floor. My torn glute is slowly getting better, very limited if not no pain now. Would've been happier if I wasn't 2 weeks out already but I'll take whatever victories I can get.