Had another good lift today. Realized I hadn't really pushed my squat in a few months so I worked up to a heavy single. 135 225 275 315 365 405 435 455 465 No grinding reps, just worked up to a heavy weight that I felt comfortable with. I'd say I'm 10-20 pounds behind where I was 3 months ago but nothing unexpected from rugby. Going to try to squeeze in a mini squat cycle before december. Pull ups - 4x7 DB Rows - 2x8 @ 80 1x8 @ 70 Curlz - 3x8 @ 55 LYT shoulder 3x8 w/ 5 pound plates.
Dat arm pump. Can't wait till my Biceps catch up with my back/lats.
On October 22 2014 21:49 mordek wrote: Oly question: My snatch grip is nice and wide, the bar sits in my hip crease when I'm standing in full hip extension. When I catch the snatch and stand up it feels as if the bar is not sitting on my wrist correctly (I would think). Since it's so wide and I'm using hookgrip I get a significant amount of strain on my thumb. I'm figuring I'm doing something wrong or not adjusting once I catch? I feel it will really hold me back once the weight becomes more challenging since the pain in my thumb/wrist would be enough to make me ditch the bar instinctively.
You can release the hookgrip as you go into the receiving position. I can't really comment on what else you could be doing wrong without a video...catching the snatch should be very active with tight core and back and engaging your shoulders/rotator cuffs properly.
USAW level 1 cert isn't rigorous at all. Show up for a couple days, pay the fee, pass the test. There's loads of terrible certified coaches and lots of very good uncertified ones.
Hmm I'll try to get a picture maybe. I'm used to supporting the bar overhead doing OHP or even when I bench and it rests across the lower part of my palm directly above my wrist/forearm. With snatch grip it's like either my hand rotates so the pinkie side is out behind the bar or I'd have to tilt my thumb side towards me. Either way it feels like the lower part of my palm by my thumb is supporting all the weight.
wait wtf how do i connect the phone to my computer? theres no lead
For future reference, the answer for every android phone I've ever owned is that you use the USB charging port to plug it to your computer's USB drive. That's why the charger comes apart into the wall adapter and the usb cord.
ah my charger is just a generic carphone warhouse one it says on it that doesnt seem to come apart. thanks tho. i just found the Connect To Wifi app and bam i could insta upload my vid to my youtube account. this phone is fucking sick. its probably like better than my laptop lol.
Reached my first goal in oly weightlifting which I had given myself plenty of time to do: reaching 50kg snatch before christmas. Got it today so I might as well push it up to 70kg.
Coach let us also know of a beginners meet 20. dec so I guess I'll be training for that then. Getting 70kg/100kg would make me pretty happy.
Gotunk, I do think I give other people my time too often, and that does piss me off. Hard to say no to work unless I want to get fired/not get paid. My wife is too busy and I wish she wasn't; but she doesn't have me do anything I don't want to do, fortunately. Otherwise I am saying no a lot more recently, but more to give myself more time to myself. I workout in the morning and it's pretty much the only viable time besides late at night (11 pm+). I went to renew my contract last night at 9:30 and there must have been 150 in that gym. Shoulder to shoulder, one squat rack. Unless I want to wait around for 2 hours, no thanks. I've been in the evening before, between 6 - 10 at various times and it was rammed. Anyway, I shouldn't use "time" as an excuse for workout related stuff, as the morning works well for me.
The pain I have cannot be... ignored. I can barely bend over without significant pain in my back, shooting into my glutes and down into my hamstrings. Flexing my body in certain ways is excruciating. Even lying in bed last night was quite painful. As I said I've done this 3 times now in the past 6-7 months, and it takes at least 2 weeks for the pain to go away. Not too long. I'm still not going to miss a workout. But I won't do squats/DL until the pain is manageable. I hurt it on Wednesday morning, I figure I can do light squats again next Wednesday.
I'm not giving up squats/DL, or weightlifting, but I'm probably just going to work on "maintaining" what strength I have instead of trying to get the numbers up there. I definitely don't expect to hit any PRs, but that's fine.
I had the stupid gym trifecta today: Assholes using the squat rack to shrug less than I can squat. Some poor girls using the Smith machine, bless their hearts. And for some reason, several women at my gym like to get on the floor at the Smith machine and do a donkey kick, pushing the bar up.
On October 23 2014 13:41 Jerubaal wrote: I had the stupid gym trifecta today: Assholes using the squat rack to shrug less than I can squat. Some poor girls using the Smith machine, bless their hearts. And for some reason, several women at my gym like to get on the floor at the Smith machine and do a donkey kick, pushing the bar up.
That's a weird trend in my gym as well. Girls lying on the floor in the smith machine and pushing the bar up with their legs. I have no idea how you can even come up with that.
On October 23 2014 13:41 Jerubaal wrote: I had the stupid gym trifecta today: Assholes using the squat rack to shrug less than I can squat. Some poor girls using the Smith machine, bless their hearts. And for some reason, several women at my gym like to get on the floor at the Smith machine and do a donkey kick, pushing the bar up.
That's a weird trend in my gym as well. Girls lying on the floor in the smith machine and pushing the bar up with their legs. I have no idea how you can even come up with that.
I saw something worse with the smith machine this week, a girl took a bench and put it in the smith machine, then kneeled forward on it like a bridge, and used a single leg to push the bar up and down.
On October 23 2014 17:04 Osmoses wrote: Our squat racks are fitted with pull up bars at the top. For some reason the PTs here encourage people to use them.
We have those as well, as long as people don't fuck with my squat sets I have no problem letting them do pull ups while I'm resting. I'm just happy they're doing a functional compound movement.