On July 18 2013 18:11 TheMooseHeed wrote: When I work arms, chest and legs I get a soreness for a few days afterwards which I guess is normal. However when I work my back with deadlifts and such I get a soreness that doesnt really feel 'good' like the others. Its more of just a straight aching pain.
I'm quite a tall guy so I have always had some back issues. Am I lifting too heavy or is this normal? When I am actually lifting it doesnt feel too heavy or anything so I dont know.
Are you deadlifting correctly? The exersice is known to give injuries cus its easy to do wrong. You could always post a vid for feedback
On July 18 2013 18:11 TheMooseHeed wrote: When I work arms, chest and legs I get a soreness for a few days afterwards which I guess is normal. However when I work my back with deadlifts and such I get a soreness that doesnt really feel 'good' like the others. Its more of just a straight aching pain.
I'm quite a tall guy so I have always had some back issues. Am I lifting too heavy or is this normal? When I am actually lifting it doesnt feel too heavy or anything so I dont know.
yeah, a vid would be great to check your form. usually if you're tall and have long legs, you might want to start off with rack pulls to make sure you're maintaining the right curvature in your spine. and at the same time, do some stretches for your hips to improve your mobility so eventually you can do regular deadlifts.
Sure I'll post a video later this week and you can see if I am doing it correctly
back home in ny, recovering from my eye surgery. it's been a month, so the doctor gave me the ok to start working out again. so i went to a local gym that had a squat rack, bench, and other good stuff. the thing is, i've never done a barbell squat before. i can do 5x5 squats with 2 50lb dumbbells on my shoulders. i can do 4x5 pistols on each leg at 164lb bodyweight. so i thought "barbell squats are gonna be ez pz." man was i wrong lol. my legs felt like they were gonna fall apart after i completed 5x5 100lb barbell squats. granted, i havent worked out in 2 months because of the surgery, but still. there's something totally different about barbell squats cuz i could do the same weight in dumbbells.... and pistols certainly help, but barbell squats are definitely working some muscles that pistols don't hit (and vice versa).
5x5 100lb squats 4x5 50lb db rows 2x5 pullups 5x5 dips 3x8 decline situps with 10lb weight
made some improvements since then, I'm faster on the tire not wasting time in set up and getting close to one motioning it, disappointed in the CDB missed the 125 when I know I'm good for 135, log felt like crap cause we were on a slight hill, soon as I caught it on the shoulders I almost flew backwards lol. slow on kegs need better agility for those movement events. not much in training after that took a week off and went back at it yesterday.
850 tire - 3 sets 4 flips. 27.22 seconds reverse band deadlifts: 680-1-1-1 (230 off the bottom, full weight at the knees) 295 stone over 52"
I have no idea how decaf does it, drink 7 days straight and sleep like shit. Almost died benching 130kgx2 BP: 110kgx3x3, 120kgx3x3, 130x2x2, 130x1 RDL 160kgx3x8
I should have a disclaimer 'trained professional, don't try this at home' ^_^
today - snatch 40 60 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 120 I think my shoulders being fucked up made me snatch better because if it wasn't perfect i knew it would hurt like hell lol
Could only jerk up to around 80, didn't wanna push it any further, did cleans at 100 110 120 130 140 150 155x 155
Lots of foam rolling and stretching.
Nationals are on friday. hoping for a miracle and my shoulders are magically perfect by then.
On July 23 2013 12:27 decafchicken wrote: I should have a disclaimer 'trained professional, don't try this at home' ^_^
today - snatch 40 60 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 120 I think my shoulders being fucked up made me snatch better because if it wasn't perfect i knew it would hurt like hell lol
Could only jerk up to around 80, didn't wanna push it any further, did cleans at 100 110 120 130 140 150 155x 155
Lots of foam rolling and stretching.
Nationals are on friday. hoping for a miracle and my shoulders are magically perfect by then.
i'd murder for a cortisone shot just so i can get through friday. i'm gonna work out all the kinks in my body before i get back to lifting heavy after friday.
Breathing Question: I know you exhale during exertion and inhale while doing the opposing motion. I've been experimenting with holding my breath for the first half of the exertion and then exhaling during the second half. Does that make sense?
On July 23 2013 14:55 micronesia wrote: Breathing Question: I know you exhale during exertion and inhale while doing the opposing motion. I've been experimenting with holding my breath for the first half of the exertion and then exhaling during the second half. Does that make sense?
when i see people squatting or deadlifting, they usually hold their breath in during the entirety of the exertion, and then breath out once they are locked out or finished.
On July 23 2013 14:55 micronesia wrote: Breathing Question: I know you exhale during exertion and inhale while doing the opposing motion. I've been experimenting with holding my breath for the first half of the exertion and then exhaling during the second half. Does that make sense?
When you lift heavy you want to take in a belly full of air and hold it, do the lift and then exhale. The extra air pressure inside your body helps brace your spine and keep you from folding over. It's called the valsalva maneuver.
In fact that's what belts are for. They don't protect your back, they give you something to push your abs against when you inhale so that you can create even more pressure in your body.
On July 24 2013 00:45 Schwopzi wrote: Is there anything special i should look for in tablets of.fish oil? Or just any ol o3 oil will do?
Dutchbodybuilding.com has some really knowledgeable people who had a huge discussion a year or so ago; they recommended the basic Hema brand (it's normally on the bottom shelf, 300 tabs of omega 3 in a plain white tub for like 11 euro's. Hema was supposed to be really good, it's what I use as well.
I'll definetly pick up some higher grade stuff then i use now lol. Used to just pick it up at the local supermarket but figured I should probably go for some better quality ^^. Thanks for the advice guys.
Hasn't fish oil been linked to prostate cancer? I didn't further investigate it though. Either way supplementation isn't necessary and a waste of money. Fish oil and zink are probably the best supplements you can take, but I wouldn't spend my money on it. As far as I'm concerned especially protein supplementation is a waste of money and just marketing.
At least that's my take on it. You don't really know what's in it, it lacks fiber, it costs a lot of money etc etc. Just healthy food is definitely the best way to go. The only supplement I do take every now and then is green tea, but that's about it.