On July 19 2013 01:34 decaf wrote: Well, only a little bit to be honest, but I think it's fairly similar to what I'm doing now. Maybe klokov presses 2x10 and RDLs 5x10 (might be too much volume, but I've never done 'em so I'll see how that goes) and I'm set.
Squat is your weakest lift and press your strongest, it's the other way around for me. I'd like to race with you, but you're a bit too strong already o: It will take me a couple of months to get to those lifts, but you also have 5 kilos of bodyweight on me. How tall are you? Maybe I can catch up~ some day at least
Yeah 5/3/1 is pretty similar to your setup. Maybe just do the 5/3/1 rep scheme for the big lifts and keep all the accessories you already have?
I'm great at creating arbitrary contests with my friends We can find a way to race, like biggest % increase on a lift over a span of time, or something. Right now me and two of my friends are doing a 100 Chest-to-bar pull-up challenge, where we do one more rep every day (can break it up into as many sets as you want) until we get to 100. Right now we're up to 22, and it's f-in awful, but it's fun to laugh about with each other.
Or maybe an Oly lift challenge, decided by sinclair? That's got a skill component, and I'm still in bronze league and have only Youtube and you guys as coaches, so you wouldn't have to catch up much, if at all.
Hm, I'm currently also running this bulldozer bulking system (2w/2w), no idea how that's gonna work out. It's hard to say, an increase in % would probably be easier for me, because I'm not as advanced as you. I think oly lifts sounds about right, but I haven't even started snatching yet. I've been cleaning for a couple of weeks, it's only at 50kg tho since it's not really high priority right now. I dunno, I think you're better at this, you can choose what the challenge maybe.
@decafchicken: I don't have a defeatist attitude. I motivate people by telling them how shit they are, that's also the way I motivate myself. Secretly I believe I'll beat him in all main lifts about a year (probably shorter even) from now. It's on.
Oh snap, it's on now! Well if you think you can catch me then we should do that. How about this:
If you catch me on any of the Big 4 before July 4, 2014, you can pick my signature at the bottom of all of my posts for a year. If you don't catch me, no penalty. This is just for fun and to achieve massive gainz.
1) When you think you have caught me, you must post a video of the lift to this thread.
2) If you post a video, I have one week to post a response video where I must beat your lift.
3) "Gym PR" rules apply, and by that I mean we're not gonna hold to IPF standards but it must be a somewhat reasonable attempt (bar touches chest on the presses, squat at least below parallel, Deadlift locked out with minimal hitching etc...). Any dispute can be settled via poll in this thread.
On July 19 2013 09:15 BenKen wrote: Oh snap, it's on now! Well if you think you can catch me then we should do that. How about this:
If you catch me on any of the Big 4 before July 4, 2014, you can pick my signature at the bottom of all of my posts for a year. If you don't catch me, no penalty. This is just for fun and to achieve massive gainz.
1) When you think you have caught me, you must post a video of the lift to this thread.
2) If you post a video, I have one week to post a response video where I must beat your lift.
3) "Gym PR" rules apply, and by that I mean we're not gonna hold to IPF standards but it must be a somewhat reasonable attempt (bar touches chest on the presses, squat at least below parallel, Deadlift locked out with minimal hitching etc...). Any dispute can be settled via poll in this thread.
On July 19 2013 09:15 BenKen wrote: Oh snap, it's on now! Well if you think you can catch me then we should do that. How about this:
If you catch me on any of the Big 4 before July 4, 2014, you can pick my signature at the bottom of all of my posts for a year. If you don't catch me, no penalty. This is just for fun and to achieve massive gainz.
1) When you think you have caught me, you must post a video of the lift to this thread.
2) If you post a video, I have one week to post a response video where I must beat your lift.
3) "Gym PR" rules apply, and by that I mean we're not gonna hold to IPF standards but it must be a somewhat reasonable attempt (bar touches chest on the presses, squat at least below parallel, Deadlift locked out with minimal hitching etc...). Any dispute can be settled via poll in this thread.
On July 19 2013 09:15 BenKen wrote: Oh snap, it's on now! Well if you think you can catch me then we should do that. How about this:
If you catch me on any of the Big 4 before July 4, 2014, you can pick my signature at the bottom of all of my posts for a year. If you don't catch me, no penalty. This is just for fun and to achieve massive gainz.
1) When you think you have caught me, you must post a video of the lift to this thread.
2) If you post a video, I have one week to post a response video where I must beat your lift.
3) "Gym PR" rules apply, and by that I mean we're not gonna hold to IPF standards but it must be a somewhat reasonable attempt (bar touches chest on the presses, squat at least below parallel, Deadlift locked out with minimal hitching etc...). Any dispute can be settled via poll in this thread.
On July 19 2013 09:15 BenKen wrote: Oh snap, it's on now! Well if you think you can catch me then we should do that. How about this:
If you catch me on any of the Big 4 before July 4, 2014, you can pick my signature at the bottom of all of my posts for a year. If you don't catch me, no penalty. This is just for fun and to achieve massive gainz.
1) When you think you have caught me, you must post a video of the lift to this thread.
2) If you post a video, I have one week to post a response video where I must beat your lift.
3) "Gym PR" rules apply, and by that I mean we're not gonna hold to IPF standards but it must be a somewhat reasonable attempt (bar touches chest on the presses, squat at least below parallel, Deadlift locked out with minimal hitching etc...). Any dispute can be settled via poll in this thread.
On July 19 2013 14:51 BigAsia wrote: I doubt I can catch you squats or deadlifts brah, but on chest and overhead press I will give you a run for your money .
For overhead press we are talking barbell, sitting correct?
Cool, nah standing barbell, no leg drive brah. Wait a minute... + Show Spoiler +
On July 19 2013 19:48 decaf wrote: Although there should be the same kind of penalty if I lose cuz I know I'm gonna win.
Ok, I if you don't catch me I get to pick your sig then. I hope you can live with "Tossgirl is 5/10 at best, Lomo 10/10, Savior did nothing wrong IMO" for a year.
So this was really supposed to be between just decaf(non-chicken) and me, but the more people we get in on this the better (even though my chances of surviving are going down pretty quick)! So I think decaf and I should keep our challenge for the year, and we'll have a "Benken's intermediate-level Team Liquid Weightlifting Progress Thread King of the Hill Strength Challenge" for everyone to take part in.
KOTH Challenge: If you catch me on any of the Big 4 before July 4, 2014, you are king of the hill on that lift, and the rest of us will try to catch you. Also, I'll buy you a month of TL+.
Eligibility: Your numbers on strstd.com are less than mine*, but you think you can catch me** with a 1RM at some point before next year. + Show Spoiler +
Rules: 1) When you think you have caught me, you must post a video of the lift to this thread. Wilks coeffecient will be used to even out bodyweight differences.
2) If you post a video, The current king of the hill has one week to post a response video where they must beat your lift.
3) "Gym PR" rules apply, and by that I mean we're not gonna hold to IPF standards but it must be a somewhat reasonable attempt (bar touches chest on the presses, squat at least below parallel, Deadlift locked out with minimal hitching etc...). Any dispute can be settled via poll in this thread.
*This is just for fun, so no sandbagging! It's no fun if you join in and crush me in a week. The whole point is to have fun while making some progress over time, and to have a moving target for everyone to go after.
**If you've been lifting for at least a few months, you have a good chance to catch me on something (probably squats). My numbers are nothing out of the ordinary for someone who has been lifting for over a year or so. I've also used up most of my noob gains, so I'll progress a little slower than someone still in the first 6 months or so of training for strength.
You guys up for this?
I suddenly feel like I should really go do some squats now.
Implying a couple months from now your signature won't be "Marineking is so cute I want to have sex with him." Or something along those lines.
There should be a bodyfat percentage you're not allowed to exceed when putting up those lifts, like 14% or so. Not sure if it was meant for me or the others (gotta go really soon so only skimmed over it), but I'm not interested in TL plus or whatever that is, no money involved, just the signature thing.
I wouldn't worry about bodyfat because Wilks accounts for weight, and the bodyfat isn't going to help you lift anything (even if eating will).
@ BenKen, can I join just for OHP? My lifts are higher than yours for the other lifts, but I'd like to compete against your OHP which is massive for your bodyweight. That's strict right? I'm only at like 75kg so got quite a way to go.
Suuuup. I was supposed to max out my squat today but idk what's wrong with my right knee. When I flex it past 90 degrees I feel a lot of pressure on the lateral portion of the patella. I couldn't squat shit, so I maxed out jerks haha.
Jerk up to 240 for a PR, then 245 for another PR and some misses at 250. Sn grip push press 155x3 65x3 175x2 185 195 Halting sn deficit dl 165x3 185x3x2 Sn deadlift 205 225 235 245 255 265
This week was recovery week for my max squat so my legs and back were super fresh. Fucking knee, I'm sure I could've PRd both the squat and the snatch. Oh well.
"Feet straight ahead" squat stance is working for me. Hit a minor PR and felt like I had more to go. Legs also feel better than they normally do at the end of the week. Bench PR was an autoexec moment, 242.5 was my best in april and I just repped out just a few pounds below that. DL was first day of Mag/Ort. Not too bad, but it looks like it's about to get brutally hard in a few weeks.
On July 20 2013 02:53 decafchicken wrote: Wait, you weren't competing with me?
I'm chasing you on Sinclair! Gimme a few years...
On July 20 2013 03:11 Deadeight wrote: @ BenKen, can I join just for OHP? My lifts are higher than yours for the other lifts, but I'd like to compete against your OHP which is massive for your bodyweight. That's strict right? I'm only at like 75kg so got quite a way to go.
Hell yeah!
On July 20 2013 03:13 Najda wrote: I'd love to compete but you would have to stop lifting for a year in order for me to catch up first
You'd be surprised what 3 solid months of linear progression AND eating like as man twice your size will do. The eating is really the secret to it all.
On July 20 2013 03:35 BeMannerDuPenner wrote: would be interested if i can fix my squat pain problem soon so i can start focusing ons trength again.
Not like there is anything to lose. Only time you really participate is when it's time to humble me with a big lift. I'll just put you down just in case.
On July 20 2013 03:13 Najda wrote: I'd love to compete but you would have to stop lifting for a year in order for me to catch up first
Speaking of which, anyone still in the 'beginner gains' phase and interested in racing?
would be interested if i can fix my squat pain problem soon so i can start focusing ons trength again.
Bench: ~70-75kg ohp: 45kg dl:110kg squat: 72.5kg ( T_T) (all within sets, not sure what my 1rm is now) bw ~87kg @ 187 cm atm
I've got squat problems too. Theres all sorts of fuckery going on in my hip when i hit depth..
Do you guys think it's a mechanics thing or an injury thing that's causing the pain? One really common fault is people favoring one side without knowing it. In fact, I just fixed this for a friend of mine today. His rear was leaning right and he was feeling it in his hip, so I told him to over-compensate left, and he ended up in the center and pain free.