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The 2014 Weightlifting Progress Thread - Page 82
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87 Posts
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United States860 Posts
On July 15 2013 00:44 steelANDmalice wrote: Been super busy the past couple weeks doing contests, 10th place in an out of town contest, and 7th in my home town. overheads need to improve, missed some lifts that I should of been able to get. overall proud of the car deadlift got 7 at 750lbs at the handles. next contest is in Dubreville Ontario in september sometime. Looking to do better this time and place top 3. Weights are not yet announced I'm hoping for some heavy farmers!! ![]() Beast! I'd like to enter a strongman contest one day, but I'm probably at least two years or more away from even entering as a LW. Kia must sponsor a lot of strongman stuff. I heard some guys at my gym casually talking about picking up a Kia a few months ago. You gotta upload some video when you get a chance! | ||
Austria1797 Posts
I fucking love this guy. Does anyone else know the feel when you're cutting you think every meal has like 800 calories and when you're bulking you think every meal has like 300-500 calories? | ||
United States19932 Posts
@steelandmalice vids!! | ||
United States168 Posts
Back squat: singles @ 385 / 395 / 405 (PR) Weighted dips: 3 sets 5 reps @ BW +80 Pendlay rows: 3 sets 5 reps @ 165 Jerk singles: 185 / 205 / 225 / 245 / 245 | ||
United Kingdom1629 Posts
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United States860 Posts
LBBS: 45x10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 245x5x5 Bench: 45x10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 205x5x5 Dips: +45lbsx5x1, +25lbsx5x4 Read about halfway through "Becoming a Supple Leopard" (thanks decaf ![]() | ||
United States19932 Posts
Snatch - just some good reps at 50 70 90 100. Didn't want to push my shoulders past that. Clean - same at 50 70 90 100 120 130. No jerks today, need to fix this stupid back collapsing problem i have my cleans. did about an hour of stretching/foam rolling. blah. feel better though. | ||
United States860 Posts
Snatch balance: 45x5, 75x3x5, 95x3 Cleans: 75, 95, 135, 155, 185, 205 Well, I found something to work on! I'm pretty weak in the snatch overhead position. I can OHP my bodyweight for a triple, but I had a hard time with 95lbs on snatch balance. This is good though, I've found something concrete and simple that I can drill and work on, so I'll keep at it. I think I jacked up my right wrist doing high rep power cleans (stupid) last week though. It only hurts when I switch from front rack to jerk position though, pressing and pulling movements are no pain, and afterwards no pain either. So I guess no jerks for a while for me. On the plus side, I think I've finally learned to not catch the bar with my hands on cleans, since that's most likely how I did it. | ||
Canada451 Posts
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United States860 Posts
OHP: 45x10, 95x5, 135x3, 155x1, 175x, 175x, 135x5x3 LBBS: 45x10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5x3 Missed 175 OHP by a hair, almost literally. Like I got the bar touching my hair but couldn't lock it out. Went through the California strength snatch progressions with a buddy of mine that's never attempted a snatch before. For the first time ever I felt like I might actually be making progress on that lift lol. | ||
Canada6683 Posts
![]() Going to do some supplementary core work so I can pull 4 plates off the ground (short term goal) | ||
Austria1797 Posts
That press is super strong for your squat o: I haven't PRd in a long time but my high bar squat was 110kg and my press 45kg lel. Th-thanks Rippetoe. Either way, I'll once again change my routine, but I think I'll stay on this one for at least half a year. A bench 3x5 row 3x8 press 5x10 curls 2x10 B deadlift 1x5 squat 5x10 leg curls 3x8 hanging leg raises 2xF C press 3x5 weighted chin ups 3x5 bench 5x10 klokov press 5x10 D squats 3x5 cleans 3x3 romanian deadlifts 3x8 planks 2xF Not sure if I should only do one heavy set on the main lifts (everything that's 3x5) and then do 2 drop sets at -15% or so or stick to 3x5. Also not sure if I should keep the rep ranges like that, but I probably will and just see how it works out and adapt as I go. | ||
United Kingdom535 Posts
I'm quite a tall guy so I have always had some back issues. Am I lifting too heavy or is this normal? When I am actually lifting it doesnt feel too heavy or anything so I dont know. | ||
Netherlands954 Posts
On July 18 2013 18:11 TheMooseHeed wrote: When I work arms, chest and legs I get a soreness for a few days afterwards which I guess is normal. However when I work my back with deadlifts and such I get a soreness that doesnt really feel 'good' like the others. Its more of just a straight aching pain. I'm quite a tall guy so I have always had some back issues. Am I lifting too heavy or is this normal? When I am actually lifting it doesnt feel too heavy or anything so I dont know. Are you deadlifting correctly? The exersice is known to give injuries cus its easy to do wrong. You could always post a vid for feedback | ||
United States4628 Posts
On July 18 2013 18:11 TheMooseHeed wrote: When I work arms, chest and legs I get a soreness for a few days afterwards which I guess is normal. However when I work my back with deadlifts and such I get a soreness that doesnt really feel 'good' like the others. Its more of just a straight aching pain. I'm quite a tall guy so I have always had some back issues. Am I lifting too heavy or is this normal? When I am actually lifting it doesnt feel too heavy or anything so I dont know. yeah, a vid would be great to check your form. usually if you're tall and have long legs, you might want to start off with rack pulls to make sure you're maintaining the right curvature in your spine. and at the same time, do some stretches for your hips to improve your mobility so eventually you can do regular deadlifts. | ||
United States860 Posts
On July 18 2013 17:07 decaf wrote: Benken That press is super strong for your squat o: Yeah it's stupid lol. My best lift is the one that doesn't count. It was an Olympic lift at one time though! + Show Spoiler + ![]() Have you looked into 5/3/1, specifically the "big but boring" variant? That looks like it might be a good fit for you. | ||
United States939 Posts
On July 19 2013 00:54 BenKen wrote: Yeah it's stupid lol. My best lift is the one that doesn't count. It was an Olympic lift at one time though! + Show Spoiler + ![]() Have you looked into 5/3/1, specifically the "big but boring" variant? That looks like it might be a good fit for you. I laughed really hard at the "I'm not doing jack shit," routine. | ||
Austria1797 Posts
Squat is your weakest lift and press your strongest, it's the other way around for me. I'd like to race with you, but you're a bit too strong already o: It will take me a couple of months to get to those lifts, but you also have 5 kilos of bodyweight on me. How tall are you? Maybe I can catch up~ some day at least | ||
United States19932 Posts
If you're going to carry around my namesake all willy nilly ditch the defeatist attitude. | ||
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