Kaluro start date: 1-12-2012 Bodyweight: 69kg(Start) to 78kg(current) to 90kg (1-7-2014)
Squat: Current: (75kg 5x) to Goal: (130kgl 5x) Deadlift: Current: (120kg 5x) to Goal: (170kg 5x) Bench Press: Current: (80kg 5x) to Goal: (100kg 5x) Press: Current: (65kg 5x) to Goal: (80kg 5x)
Okay I have had a severe shoulder injury which put me out of the game for a long while, haven't really been able to work out properly after that and lost all motivation, I dropped down to 69kg.
Currently I have been at it for 3 months again and weigh 78kg, here's a progress picture of my back thus far:
![[image loading]](http://www.dutchbodybuilding.com/gallery/data/500/IMAG0589.jpg)
My goal is to reach at least 85kg at the end of the year and 90kg @ 10% by june 2014. (Don't underestimate muscle memory)
I eat ~5000kcal a day at the moment.
![[image loading]](http://i47.tinypic.com/mhugic.png)
Edit: I forgot to add in the veggies, which give a lot of fibres.. oh well!
Looking good but you had the 1800 meal twice.
On March 18 2013 23:23 sJarl wrote: Looking good but you had the 1800 meal twice.
oops, edit time T_T hastily made the foodplan, thanks. Edit: The total Kcal and macro amounts are still correct, I just had to copy/paste the foodplan from two seperate screenshots, to make a proper image. didn't line it up properly. edit2: fixed ^^
Oh that is lucky then. How are you going to plan your lifting?
On March 18 2013 23:39 sJarl wrote: Oh that is lucky then. How are you going to plan your lifting?
I have my own freeweight homegym (+dip belt, +dip bar, +pullup bar)
Monday: Legs+side shoulders 5x8-12 squats 5x8-12 lunges 5x6-10 stiff legged deadlifts 4x10-12 standing calf raise 4x12-15 sitting calf raise 4x8-12 dumbell side raises
Wednesday: Chest+Biceps 3x8-12 Dumbell press 3x8-12 Incline barbell press 3x8-12 Dumbell flyes 4x8-12 Overhead press 3x8-12 Dumbell Biceps Curl 3x8-12 Barbell hammer curl
Friday: Back + triceps 5x5-8 pull-ups 4x8-12 1-arm dumbell row 5x5 Deadlifts <-> 4x8-12 Barbell Row (it alternates every week) 4x8-12 Dumbell Reverse Flyes 3x 8-12 Dips (when my shoulder is complaining, I Do 3x8-12 Close grip bench press instead) 3x 8-12 skull crushers 4x 8-12 shrugs ( I don't do shrugs when I deadlift)
My girlfriend and a friend of mine work out along with me, they sometimes have other plans so the general rule is to keep 6 to 8 days in between each muscle group, so sometimes I do legs on sunday, sometimes on tuesday etc.
Fuckloads of volume with pleeeenty of food then. Not bad.
I won't judge too hard but from my own experience I'd recommend a few changes:
Front Squats >>> Lunges. More carryover to back squats, great ab exercise and just overall great. Heavy stuff, 3sets of 5 reps and always beltless.
Swap around the order of OHP and incline DB BP. My triceps is often fried when I finish the dumbbell bench press and even more so if I add incline presses aswell and I think that OHP has a higher priority than incline db bp.
Deadlift always comes first after warmup as it is my first prio. Pullups and rows after that.
I see that your goal is to gain mass but you can't go wrong with a little strength focus and since you'll be eating so much you will gain weight no matter what you do.
On March 19 2013 00:11 sJarl wrote: Fuckloads of volume with pleeeenty of food then. Not bad.
I won't judge too hard but from my own experience I'd recommend a few changes:
Front Squats >>> Lunges. More carryover to back squats, great ab exercise and just overall great. Heavy stuff, 3sets of 5 reps and always beltless.
Swap around the order of OHP and incline DB BP. My triceps is often fried when I finish the dumbbell bench press and even more so if I add incline presses aswell and I think that OHP has a higher priority than incline db bp.
Deadlift always comes first after warmup as it is my first prio. Pullups and rows after that.
I see that your goal is to gain mass but you can't go wrong with a little strength focus and since you'll be eating so much you will gain weight no matter what you do.
Can't do front squats with my shoulder currently, have issues holding the bar. and my front deltoids are getting enough load from the presses alone, I value a good incline press over a decent overhead press ^_^
Mega short arms and thick chest allow for a wider grip and shallower press, which makes it at least a little easier than your average 5'9 160lbs guy lifting the same thing.
That girl had an amazing arch. Made it look easy too, now I feel weak.
Wouldn't that put a lot of strain on her back once she started getting to higher weights?
Oh yeah, time for this
sJarl 19.03.2013 || 01.09.2013
Bodyweight: ~90kg to 95kg
Goals: Squat: 150kg Deadlift: 180kg Bench Press: 90kg Press: 65kg Clean & Jerk: 90kg 112.5kg Snatch: 70kg
Do cardio, look good and feel better.
Pictures: + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + bw 93,5kg @ 185cm.
Seeing that made me max my OHP out just now. Needed to press 72.5kg 1rm to reach my goal for 31/03/2013, since I'm now on a cut it kind of had to be today, and I did it! Met my goal early, full credit to Smolov Jr and steak and ale pies.
18/03/2013 to 18/5/2013
Bodyweight: 100kg to <95kg Squat: 3x5@167.5kg to >3x5@155kg DL: 205kg 5rm to >220kg 1rm Press: 72.5kg 1rm to >67.5kg 1rm
First cut so my goals are kind of vague, 8 weeks seems like a good time frame. Hopefully I won't lose more strength than that, and if I can drop let's say 1kg a week I'd be down to 92kg, I'd be pretty happy with that. Calorie counting is hard though.
Todays workout: (pounds)
Bodyweight 145 3x5 squat 165 3x5 bench 115 1x5 deadlift 175
Lifts were easy today, was expecting to struggle with the bench. I feel like my deadlift form is awful so I'll lower the weight to work on that. My squat however feels fantastic, and I'm managing to go super deep.
Benched 100kg today. Feels good to be part of the manclub.
On March 20 2013 02:54 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: Benched 100kg today. Feels good to be part of the manclub. impressive. Even better when we know you got a decent squat and deadlift along with it  Gjgj
On March 20 2013 02:54 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: Benched 100kg today. Feels good to be part of the manclub.
Congrats man!
Today's workout
BB BP: 60kg x 5-5-5-5-5 Inc. DB BP: 15kg x 8-8-8 Stretches + foam rolling
just some nice and easy stuff (was embarrasingly hard though)
On March 19 2013 04:40 sJarl wrote: Oh yeah, time for this
sJarl 19.03.2013 || 01.09.2013
Bodyweight: ~90kg to 95kg
Goals: Squat: 150kg Deadlift: 180kg Bench Press: 90kg Press: 65kg Clean & Jerk: 90kg Snatch: 70kg
Do cardio, look good and feel better.
Aim higher imo :-D
Canada6683 Posts
Thinking of doing the base smolov cycle for squat and bench. Doable or am I nuts lol?
On March 20 2013 05:14 infinity21 wrote: Thinking of doing the base smolov cycle for squat and bench. Doable or am I nuts lol?
I would not recommend doing them at the same time. If you did, I think you'd have to do them in two separate gym sessions per day, like bench at lunch time and squat in the evening, it'd be too tiring otherwise. I'd recommend doing the squat cycle and doing 3x5 bench/ohp like SS on mon/wed/fri. Then do the Smolov Jr for bench when you finish the squat one, and when you start squatting again do it after your bench sets.
You risk either benching then not giving squats your all, or blowing up on squats and having a shitty bench cycle.
Well since somebody did a goal update ( it reminded me) and my goals were set for the end of the month, I guess I better give an update. Since I pulled a muscle in my back around a month ago I'm not where I had hoped I would be and I'm not in any shape to try a 1RM. Only going to do light reps for now. Guess I should update my goals though.
Previous Goals: + Show Spoiler +autoexec 1/8/13 || 3/31/13
5'10" Bodyweight: 77kg to 75kg
Squat: 132kg to 154kg Deadlift: 159kg to 181kg Bench Press: 84kg to 97.5kg Power Clean: 81.5kg to 90.5kg
New Goals (Not in kg this time, just gonna go with lbs) + Show Spoiler +19.3.13 || 31.5.13
5'10" Bodyweight: 180 lbs to 170 lbs
Squat: 290 lbs to 340 lbs Deadlift: 375 lbs to 450 lbs Bench Press: 220 lbs to 250 lbs Clean: 200 lbs to 225 lbs Weighted Dip: ? to 50 lbs Bodyweight Dips: 32 to 40 Weighted Pull Up: ? to 25 Bodyweight Pull Ups: 9 to 15 Also, I need to work on getting my eating right.