On March 02 2013 14:09 ieatkids5 wrote: finally got past 25lb dumbbells for ohp. completed 4x5 at 30lbs. also happy that my shoulders are starting to better fit into my shirts. before, my clothes sorta just hung off my shoulders. i still look pretty skinny, but at least theres progress. also did an 8min mile run for warm up, 3x3 pistols, 5x5 50lb dumbbell rows. 4x10 80lb squats.
chest is still sore from last workout's bench. hope ill recover by sunday to be able to work on dips.
Congrats on the PR!
Soreness is a good thing, providing it comes the next day, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is perfectly normal, and means you're disrupting homeostasis with your workouts and the body is reacting. If you continue to work out on your normal schedule you will no longer feel sore 48hrs after a workout.
Skinny man myself, my dumbell ohp is 60lb as well, I'm at a measly 140lb/6'1"/19, wondering what your weight/height/age is for comparison.
First, I've been having a really really stiff back ever since Friday (just had this spot in my back that I couldn't get to pop) and the general consensus here is that heavy squats cure non-severe nagging back problems, so I moved my squat day to today instead of waiting till tomorrow, did my heavy squats, and I feel fucking amazing now :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
In other news, after having really bad pain for a day or so every bench day for the past few weeks, I decided that I'd give dips a shot and see how they felt. Did 3x5 dips +25 lbs, and my shoulder feels fine, so looks like I'm joining a few of your in switching over to dips for my chest workouts :D I also felt like too much of a bro doing bench, and I never had anyone with me to spot me so this works out well
during/after squats (during which it is put into a stressful position) my left bicep was burning with a deep firey ache which was intense all over (including the head/top) and intensified further at the slightest stroke of the bicep. the 1-2 previous workouts i had slight niggles of this pain , which grew also after squats or was it bench. but this time it was quite intense.
i managed to do something like ohp 40kg 8, 50kg 2 but the bicep pain was too much to push through
i guess it is deep torn bicep or something like that. im guessing it could have been when i jerked up a deadlift last monday or something random like that. it may be what caused me to utter fail with bench press last time i tried it.
i checked how it affected my strength by curling 15kg with my right arm then failing completely to curl it with my left.
i did manage to up my diet since i last posted, like 140g protein for 3 (?) days and hopefully 100g today. also sleeping really well as i dont get disturbed in my grandmother's house (also hence no internet).
so with any luck my raped left bicep has healed by tomorrow monday.
had some people treating me like shit in the shop at work , really pushing me to buy some home gym gear further now, need to check the bank tomorrow
I've been lifting for many years, pretty much starting at the very bottom and crawling my way up.
I began at 5''9 and 120lbs doing everything absolutely wrong. I skipped legs and back and made every rookie mistake in the book. I never hurt myself because face it, when you can only bench 45lbs your chance for injury is pretty slim.
About seven years later, after countless hours of research, discussion, practice etc. I decided to begin training differently. Every training session today begins with some olympic style lift (with long pauses and full intensity) and continues with bodybuilding-style movements to complement the session.
Today I'm 162lbs and a smidgen taller. My goal for this year is to either make it to 170lbs at my current BF (Slim but with a centimetre on my belly. Maybe 13-15%? I don't know how to measure that) or 165 and some impressive abs.
Two days ago I finally lifted 225lbs on a bench press (1rm PR) after deading 345(1rm PR). Such a great day My new years goals were 225/335 so until the end of the year I'll work more in the 3rm range, with an ultimate goal of 235/355.
I'm a huge fan of the military press, which at 135lbs I wiggle like a slinky, but with some hard work I think I can hit 155 (I can lift 135 a few times, but I'm super unstable.)
My squat is nice at 275 1rm, although I'd like to be able to hit 245 on a 3-rm.
Upper back has always been my shortcoming, genes have been no help in that department, so doing 5 full wide-grip chin ups with 25lbs hanging would be a nice goal.
I'm curious if anyone else likes to combine olympic and bodybuilding styles, or do you just stick to one paradigm?
Also, what stretching style do you like? pre-workout or post? do you use cables? Or just warm up through movements?
On March 02 2013 14:09 ieatkids5 wrote: finally got past 25lb dumbbells for ohp. completed 4x5 at 30lbs. also happy that my shoulders are starting to better fit into my shirts. before, my clothes sorta just hung off my shoulders. i still look pretty skinny, but at least theres progress. also did an 8min mile run for warm up, 3x3 pistols, 5x5 50lb dumbbell rows. 4x10 80lb squats.
chest is still sore from last workout's bench. hope ill recover by sunday to be able to work on dips.
Congrats on the PR!
Soreness is a good thing, providing it comes the next day, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is perfectly normal, and means you're disrupting homeostasis with your workouts and the body is reacting. If you continue to work out on your normal schedule you will no longer feel sore 48hrs after a workout.
Skinny man myself, my dumbell ohp is 60lb as well, I'm at a measly 140lb/6'1"/19, wondering what your weight/height/age is for comparison.
thanks! yeah, the soreness is gone. like you said, it only comes when i take a break from working out (aka being lazy) and when i get back into the routine, it doesnt come back.
im around 165lb, 6', 22. having trained table tennis competitively for about 5 years when i was in middle and high school, i ended up with a relatively weak upper body with big legs and glutes. when i trained with my coach, pretty much all of the drills and conditioning i did was explosive/endurance footwork and movement patterns, but nothing upper body. as a result, my glutes are rock hard, i have big quads that are really good at moving around quickly in a wide stance, and good endurance. so im working hard to strengthen my upper body
On March 05 2013 01:02 capu wrote: He's very strong but what do you think of his starting position @snatch?
I'm in no position to judge his form, all I can say is he probably knows what he's doing. You'll have to ask the other decaf and whoever else is actually oly lifting.
Finally got back to lifting today. Gained 5 pounds this past week while not lifting! Have to get on top of that. Had a dip competition with my team (i lift with my football team) pre-workout. Got 2nd in my grade with 32. My lifting partner (also in grade 9) got 48, which was tops for the team so I was proud of him. My back didn't hurt at all while doing squats today, which were fairly light but higher than normal reps. Felt good though. Hopefully I can get back on track to hit 1000 pounds for deadlift, squat, and bench by the end of the month when we max out!
On March 05 2013 08:21 autoexec wrote: Finally got back to lifting today. Gained 5 pounds this past week while not lifting! Have to get on top of that. Had a dip competition with my team (i lift with my football team) pre-workout. Got 2nd in my grade with 32. My lifting partner (also in grade 9) got 48, which was tops for the team so I was proud of him. My back didn't hurt at all while doing squats today, which were fairly light but higher than normal reps. Felt good though. Hopefully I can get back on track to hit 1000 pounds for deadlift, squat, and bench by the end of the month when we max out!
You would be setting world records in all three departments at 1000 pounds
got to the gym late. left arm still fucked but definately not as bad. maybe ill be okay again in 1-2 weeks. trying not to get depressed about it. my progress is shit enough without throwing random injury into the mix.
On March 05 2013 08:21 autoexec wrote: Finally got back to lifting today. Gained 5 pounds this past week while not lifting! Have to get on top of that. Had a dip competition with my team (i lift with my football team) pre-workout. Got 2nd in my grade with 32. My lifting partner (also in grade 9) got 48, which was tops for the team so I was proud of him. My back didn't hurt at all while doing squats today, which were fairly light but higher than normal reps. Felt good though. Hopefully I can get back on track to hit 1000 pounds for deadlift, squat, and bench by the end of the month when we max out!
You would be setting world records in all three departments at 1000 pounds
got to the gym late. left arm still fucked but definately not as bad. maybe ill be okay again in 1-2 weeks. trying not to get depressed about it. my progress is shit enough without throwing random injury into the mix.
I'd completely stay away from lifting if you might have a tear in your muscle. If you stretch every day you might be able to stop the formation of scar tissue, but lifting will impede your final recovery :/
Have any of you ran double smolov jr? (Squat/bench, or squat/OHP) Should you run it with a 2/2 (eg squat mon thu, ohp tues friday). Or just run it in 3 weeks starting with squat ending with bench or OHP?
Is it more beneficial to run double smolov jr or just do one in 3 weeks than another after the cycle.