On January 29 2014 07:30 Topin wrote: i cant get over 192.5kg squats T_T i once again did 1 set of 5 and felt terrible (form) and deloaded again. and my gym had rearranged all the machines and now i dont have space to do barbel rows, im going to complain T_T
Can't you do them in front of where you are doing squats, or wherever you do deadlifts?
oh yea, forgot about that, the thing is that "that" is the only place now, before i could do it in another rack/smith that had a free barbell, now they took that barbel, and the barbels from the bench press dont have enough space near them to do it. the only place is the squat rack, you dont have another option. Now i would have to wait for the rack to be free and sometimes it takes too long and taking turns with someone doin squats i think it takes too much time. i guess ill take the barbell of the bench press and hide in a corner for my BR :s
Weighted chin ups again today. Best part of a cut is that chins actually progress rather than stall/regress like others (of course this is opposite on a bulk )
Upper body's gotten so weak while I was increasing my squat 30lb wtf Need to do 44+ bench in 1 min at 95lb then 21+ pulls in 1 min plus sit-ups and paddle erg but I can't do either of those right now D:
Been getting better and better at performing the clean:
Hang Clean: 8x45lbs 8x45 5x65 5x95 5x95 5x95 5x115 5x115 5x115... 5x65 5x95 my shoulder started really hurting at this point, I think my reset was putting a lot of stress on the joint. I really felt like I was getting under the bar with a good BANG landing in a half squat-like position. The whole weight room at the Y was watching :/
I decided I'll wait until I can clean a plate reliably for 5 before taking a video since form under no weight isn't really representative of this movement.
Back up to 195lb 3x5 bench. If I can stay consistent, which I should be since the gym should be open until spring break I'd guess, I should be able to get my 225 goal before summer.
Big PR Clean and Jerk today :D:D:D (180lb) Didn't expect much out of today since my first few snatches felt really heavy and I was moving badly, but I hit a groove and went 130/180 today. Tried 135 a few times in snatch but those big red plates are still a big mental block for me I think (tried 185 a few times too but moving up to full 25lb plates definitely was messing with me too, damn my brain!)
Anniversary with the girlfriend this weekend as well as Superbowl so this should be a fun weekend :D:D:D
5x5 squat @115 lbs 2x5 sumo deadlift @185 deadlift (going to do this for a while and fix form) 3x5 chin ups @BW +20 3x8 dips @BW + 20 3x8 curls - 25 lbs dumbbells
Still don't feel good about my squat form, but I've had no time to do any mobility work. I'm going to be less busy in the next few days/weeks though, so I should have lots of time to work on my thoracic mobility more. Still, it's getting better than it was before. I still have pretty bad butt wink and I can't sit upright enough in the squat. My ankle mobility still isn't great, but now I want to address the fact that I need to have my feet pointed outward (probably lack of femur rotation according to Kelly Starrett's vids) and my thoracic mobility.
On February 01 2014 08:12 MtlGuitarist97 wrote: 5x5 squat @115 lbs 2x5 sumo deadlift @185 deadlift (going to do this for a while and fix form) 3x5 chin ups @BW +20 3x8 dips @BW + 20 3x8 curls - 25 lbs dumbbells
Still don't feel good about my squat form, but I've had no time to do any mobility work. I'm going to be less busy in the next few days/weeks though, so I should have lots of time to work on my thoracic mobility more. Still, it's getting better than it was before. I still have pretty bad butt wink and I can't sit upright enough in the squat. My ankle mobility still isn't great, but now I want to address the fact that I need to have my feet pointed outward (probably lack of femur rotation according to Kelly Starrett's vids) and my thoracic mobility.
Sounds a lot like tight hip flexors too, I find most people who can't perform a front squat have no trouble after some targeted hip flexor stretches and some "asian squats" to limber up.
On February 03 2014 02:32 infinity21 wrote: Finally broke the 400lb barrier on DL! :D Need to get my upper body strength back so I think I'll go back to 3x5 linear progression for a while. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3mqNj-iKQI
Nice lift. From how you drop the bar (slowly) you have more kilos in you; yo didn't even round your upper back yet (more kilos aswell)
Protip: Always deadlift with long socks and get used to sliding the bar trough your shins. It also seems you might need some moblity work? Notice how when u start 0:05 your shins aren't vertical and when the bar starts moving your body readjusts its position at 0:07. The latter position should be your starting position.
On February 03 2014 02:32 infinity21 wrote: Finally broke the 400lb barrier on DL! :D Need to get my upper body strength back so I think I'll go back to 3x5 linear progression for a while. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3mqNj-iKQI
Nice lift. From how you drop the bar (slowly) you have more kilos in you; yo didn't even round your upper back yet (more kilos aswell)
Protip: Always deadlift with long socks and get used to sliding the bar trough your shins. It also seems you might need some moblity work? Notice how when u start 0:05 your shins aren't vertical and when the bar starts moving your body readjusts its position at 0:07. The latter position should be your starting position.
Yeah, I definitely felt like I could lift more. How do you round your upper back without rounding your lower back? Maybe I just lack mobility there but I can't seem to do it. I'll rewatch the video and try to adjust my starting position.
Decaf, I'm at 175 lb now. 170-180 seems to be a good weight for me
On February 03 2014 02:32 infinity21 wrote: Finally broke the 400lb barrier on DL! :D Need to get my upper body strength back so I think I'll go back to 3x5 linear progression for a while. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3mqNj-iKQI
Nice lift. From how you drop the bar (slowly) you have more kilos in you; yo didn't even round your upper back yet (more kilos aswell)
Protip: Always deadlift with long socks and get used to sliding the bar trough your shins. It also seems you might need some moblity work? Notice how when u start 0:05 your shins aren't vertical and when the bar starts moving your body readjusts its position at 0:07. The latter position should be your starting position.
Yeah, I definitely felt like I could lift more. How do you round your upper back without rounding your lower back? Maybe I just lack mobility there but I can't seem to do it. I'll rewatch the video and try to adjust my starting position.
Decaf, I'm at 175 lb now. 170-180 seems to be a good weight for me
Not sure how to explain it, but basically it's the same than a straight back deadlift but you let your shoulders "colapse" and then tighten up (I mentally focus on tight abs+lats). The key is that your back position does not change trough the lift.
Oh man, did I fuck up my bench yesterday. First I was experimenting with a newer, slightly more narrow grip. I've been stalling on the bench for a while, and thought I might be using too wide of a grip. So I load the weight onto the bar, but I ended up loading another 5 lbs by accident. I did 3 reps and I was already pretty exhausted, and I didn't think I could squeeze out the 4th one. This basically made me more exhausted for all of my other sets and I just had a really crappy session.
My bench is stalling really badly though. I seriously cannot improve the bench to save my life. Maybe I need to just focus on form, but I don't know why I'm not progressing at all on this lift.
Oh man, did I fuck up my bench yesterday. First I was experimenting with a newer, slightly more narrow grip. I've been stalling on the bench for a while, and thought I might be using too wide of a grip. So I load the weight onto the bar, but I ended up loading another 5 lbs by accident. I did 3 reps and I was already pretty exhausted, and I didn't think I could squeeze out the 4th one. This basically made me more exhausted for all of my other sets and I just had a really crappy session.
My bench is stalling really badly though. I seriously cannot improve the bench to save my life. Maybe I need to just focus on form, but I don't know why I'm not progressing at all on this lift.
I know you have supple leopard so no need to explain technique and I'm guessing you're trying to use all the normal cues of breaking the bar, pulling it apart, etc.
I'm a little confused, you did 3 reps at 135 and then 3x5 at 130? Anyways, as someone without a bench at any significant number I saw progress when I stopped trying to get at least 5x5, or 3x5 of the work weight. If I was close to that "goal" I just moved the weight up. Next thing you know 135 3x5 doesn't feel that heavy or hard. This came from IgnE saying he saw more success in progressing when he did lower reps/sets for presses.
Oh man, did I fuck up my bench yesterday. First I was experimenting with a newer, slightly more narrow grip. I've been stalling on the bench for a while, and thought I might be using too wide of a grip. So I load the weight onto the bar, but I ended up loading another 5 lbs by accident. I did 3 reps and I was already pretty exhausted, and I didn't think I could squeeze out the 4th one. This basically made me more exhausted for all of my other sets and I just had a really crappy session.
My bench is stalling really badly though. I seriously cannot improve the bench to save my life. Maybe I need to just focus on form, but I don't know why I'm not progressing at all on this lift.
I know you have supple leopard so no need to explain technique and I'm guessing you're trying to use all the normal cues of breaking the bar, pulling it apart, etc.
I'm a little confused, you did 3 reps at 135 and then 3x5 at 130? Anyways, as someone without a bench at any significant number I saw progress when I stopped trying to get at least 5x5, or 3x5 of the work weight. If I was close to that "goal" I just moved the weight up. Next thing you know 135 3x5 doesn't feel that heavy or hard. This came from IgnE saying he saw more success in progressing when he did lower reps/sets for presses.
Agreed, if you are indeed pressing under bodyweight it's just a matter of doing it twice a week and you will get stronger. You might have a mental block of sorts when it comes to pressing the big plate but that will go away.
I'm a little confused, you did 3 reps at 135 and then 3x5 at 130? Anyways, as someone without a bench at any significant number I saw progress when I stopped trying to get at least 5x5, or 3x5 of the work weight. If I was close to that "goal" I just moved the weight up. Next thing you know 135 3x5 doesn't feel that heavy or hard. This came from IgnE saying he saw more success in progressing when he did lower reps/sets for presses.
I did 3 reps at 135 and then realized that I had the weight too heavy and did the last 2 reps of the set at 130. Then continued to do 2x5 at 130 after that.
I might just try lower reps. I'm incredibly sore every single time I press, but I make zero progress. At least on squatting it's because I keep taking breaks from it because I feel like I'm fucking up the form. On benching I really have no reason to not progress.
Is your diet good? That was the main thing holding me back for a very long time, and I still struggle with it now, but not as much.
Edit: And mobilization and sleep help a ton. Make sure you are getting enough of each. My squat 5x5 literally goes down about 30ish pounds when I don't sleep well.
On February 05 2014 08:44 autoexec wrote: Is your diet good? That was the main thing holding me back for a very long time, and I still struggle with it now, but not as much.
It varies from day to day to be honest. I really don't have a lot of time to eat most days. I get very nauseous in the morning and have no appetite until I've been up for at least an hour and a half, and I don't get to eat or drink water until 1 each day. That means that almost all of my calories have to be eaten at around 1 PM, 4 PM (if I don't have any clubs or commitments that day), and ~6-7 PM. I feel like I might not be eating enough calories, but unfortunately at my terrible school I have no opportunities to eat anything substantial.
Still, on a typical day I eat ~1/3 lb of roast beef, 1/3 lb of ham, and some mozzarella for a sandwich, nuts or popcorn (if I have time to eat that day before dinner), and 2 chicken breasts + vegetables, fruit, and a possible grain/starch for dinner. It sometimes varies and I might have steak, burgers, ravioli, some kind of pasta, shrimp, or something similar, but that's a pretty typical day for me. I also will eat a candy bar or bag of chips with lunch because I often need some extra caffeine to get through the day (11 and a half hour days on Monday before homework and eating dinner, FML).
That's why I'm going to probably add protein to my daily diet. Might even start having a whey milkshake in the morning for extra calories. On the weekends I eat MUCH more substantially. I usually will demolish ~4 eggs, bacon, 2 plain bagels, a cup of coffee (4 sugar cubes w/ 15 calories each and a tiny amount of milk) for breakfast, for lunch I usually eat a pasta and then snack on cashews/almonds/walnuts or a bag of popcorn, and for dinner if we don't go out I'll usually eat a pretty substantial steak + vegetables or chicken.
Edit: And mobilization and sleep help a ton. Make sure you are getting enough of each. My squat 5x5 literally goes down about 30ish pounds when I don't sleep well.
I get more sleep a day than some people get in 2. I go to bed before 9 (sometimes before 8:30) most days, and get up at 5:30. This sometimes comes out to over 9 hours of sleep. If I don't get enough sleep I get horrible migraines.
Edit: I should also mention that, for the most part at least, I drink less than one glass of soda a day and have between 1.5 and 2 liters of water. Over the weekends I've had > 2.5 liters of water pretty often.