On November 14 2013 06:33 Najda wrote: How much do you track your calories?
I've been doing the "eat until I'm sick four-five times a day" thing for the last three years. Before that, I did the "count everything" thing for about a year. It more or less works, but on any given day if I weighed 195 lbs three days before that, I'll come in and weigh as much as 10 lbs in either direction, and it doesn't really seem to have any correlation with how I've "felt" about what I'm eating, or what I expect.
I'll track calories if I ever end up cutting, but since I'm still bulking and pretty much have abs, I figure what I'm doing is working.
On November 14 2013 06:33 Najda wrote: How much do you track your calories?
Tracking calories seems overwork to me, lately I've started tracking actual food weight because I always eat basically the same from monday to friday.
RDL: 185kgx3x9 (PR) BB Rows 70kgx8x3 (its hilarous how bad I'm at barbell rows, this are not even strict form) Pull Ups: BW x10 x9 x6 (hangers)
Since I quit drinking, and more now that I fucked up my quad (10 days now :'( ) I keep breaking PR on my back pretty much every training session. I'll pull 245 this friday, 250 on the next one and go for 270kg (15kg PR) on the meet hopefully. That's 600 mother fucking pounds.
Next week I'm starting partial squats on a suit and just endure the pain.
One of the guys dimsum trains with. Gotunk, time to do some work. God knows i'm not gonna out deadlift him.
One of the guys dimsum trains with. Gotunk, time to do some work. God knows i'm not gonna out deadlift him.
Is that much of a rounded back even healthy anymore?
Best technique is the one that allows you to lift the most weight and get 3 white lights in a meet.
Strong lifters can round their upperback without issues. Max effort deadlift involve back rounding, they are not cleans.
Nationals in 2 weeks, will try a 270kg pull (without straps). Sick lift, he can do more with a belt for sure, that is a world class pull. Need more time to surpass him
Shoulder is almost perfect, strength is at top lvl again.
Cant believe i busted out a casual 405 fs while sore and hungover. That was my all out max at the beginning of this year lol. Guess all this back squatting has been carrying over a bit. I'll have to see where my max is at over the next couple weeks.
Cant believe i busted out a casual 405 fs while sore and hungover. That was my all out max at the beginning of this year lol. Guess all this back squatting has been carrying over a bit. I'll have to see where my max is at over the next couple weeks.
Do you have a schedule or plan for switching up between FS and BS? I'm currently only doing BS, but I want to mix in FS; I just don't know when to swap. Maybe FS on days that I don't do cleans, and BS when I do?
for weightlifting purposes i'd recommend about a 2:1 fs:bs ratio. If i squat 4 days a week i usually do 2 fs 2 bs if i squat 3 times usually 2 fs 1 bs. I'm in a mini backsquat cycle (questing for dat 500 lb squat) so i've just been doing low valume high weight fs on the in between days.
Had my first meet today! State championships, I lifted in the 85kg open category. I was super nervous during my snatch warm ups, then I calmed down for the c&j. Went like this:
Snatch 80 85 90 C&J 102 107 110
I was going to open at 85kg but I played it safe, I think it was smart since 90kg is a weight that i still miss sometimes in training, 3kg off my max. For the c&j I also played it safe. Warmed up to 100kg but the jerk wasn't solid, then went for 110kg (1kg off max) on my third to get my goal 200kg total. My jerks had a slight press out but I got white lights lol.
State champ baby!!
Also saw a 77kg lifter do a 170kg c&j attempt. He missed the jerk but it was awesome, never seen such a heavy lift in person.
I haven't read a single post in this thread so far so if you in the middle of a discussion, ignore-- Just thought ide pop in and share my numbers, anyone who cares to say anything, feel free.
Started college weighing about 150 I'm 6 foot tall on the button.
Anyway I started lifting the summer before my sophomore year, I'm now a junior. Since I started lifting I have gained 35 pounds as I now weigh 185 or so. It can't all be muscle, because a lot of that weight gain I assume is due to the munchies from smoking a lot of weed.
Don't smoke anymore, but trying to get to 200. Wish me luck
On November 17 2013 15:52 Aveng3r wrote: I haven't read a single post in this thread so far so if you in the middle of a discussion, ignore-- Just thought ide pop in and share my numbers, anyone who cares to say anything, feel free.
Started college weighing about 150 I'm 6 foot tall on the button.
Anyway I started lifting the summer before my sophomore year, I'm now a junior. Since I started lifting I have gained 35 pounds as I now weigh 185 or so. It can't all be muscle, because a lot of that weight gain I assume is due to the munchies from smoking a lot of weed.
Don't smoke anymore, but trying to get to 200. Wish me luck
That, and day to day notes, "look at this cool video" "I did such and such today" as well as people comenting on those things are pretty much what this thread are. You're not missing anything by not reading through it.
I've missed this thread. I've been away from TL for a while and took me a while to find the new thread. I've recently relocated after graduating college to start my job. I REALLY miss the rec center and I've had a lot of trouble keeping myself motivated to lift big weights. I need someone to compete with and keep me motivated... I may have to find some way to use this thread as that motivation.