That said, I cannot believe so many people don't really like food? I tought eating/drinking/sex was stuff EVERYONE loved.
The 2014 Weightlifting Progress Thread - Page 108
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Chile4591 Posts
That said, I cannot believe so many people don't really like food? I tought eating/drinking/sex was stuff EVERYONE loved. | ||
United States3765 Posts
On November 07 2013 03:01 IgnE wrote: I can accept that everyone is not the same. I would be asking people who only eat "fat food and too much of it" slightly different questions. But people aren't just born eating "only fat food and too much of it" are they? It's heavily influenced by environment and also malleable through behavioral changes. I just find it odd that so many people claim to not enjoy eating anything at all. It's possible that a lot of people are born this way and nothing can change that. It's also possible that a lot of those people don't really care that they don't enjoy food. But it seems likely that something could be done to enhance the experience if the root cause or circumstances were explored. I enjoy eating when I'm hungry, but my hunger is satiated before I'm even halfway done with my meal. There are exceptions, namely fruit or desert items such as ice cream like you were mentioning earlier, but obviously I can't meet my macros eating just that. | ||
Netherlands1242 Posts
I care about optimal gainz much more than I do about "enjoying food", and I think that cramming food down for so long has warped my perception of food slightly. Gaining 65~ pounds of mostly lean tissue in 2 1/2 years just doesn't come easily. I don't doubt that if I hadn't wanted it THAT fucking bad, and probably if I had not been bullied I would not have this attitude of "fuck all these losers I am gonna be better than them". | ||
Canada6683 Posts
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United States19932 Posts
p.s. wtf since when do you almost weigh as much as me celltech lol | ||
United States7681 Posts
On November 07 2013 03:15 Najda wrote: I enjoy eating when I'm hungry, but my hunger is satiated before I'm even halfway done with my meal. There are exceptions, namely fruit or desert items such as ice cream like you were mentioning earlier, but obviously I can't meet my macros eating just that. Just start eating a pint of ice cream a night after your dinner with 1.5 lbs of meat. Ice cream, in my opinion, is one of the best bulking tools. As long as you are still getting enough protein and eat the ice cream after you workout before bed, you probably won't gain too much fat, especially if you are already skinny, but it can put you over the caloric hurdle when it comes to building more muscle and reaping your gym gains. | ||
United States1539 Posts
3x5 bench @115 lbs 1x14 pull ups @BW The squat form is looking better for low weights (anything ~100 lbs or so) but it's still not looking good with just the bar or with a weight close to my 5rm. | ||
United States4628 Posts
on the bright side, i spent a couple hours chainsawing up a dead tree in the yard with my dad, and loading the wood onto the truck. a good workout imo lol. whoever thought wood can be so damn heavy. | ||
United States7681 Posts
On November 08 2013 08:25 ieatkids5 wrote: i haven't gone to the gym in a long time. i really need to do that. on the bright side, i spent a couple hours chainsawing up a dead tree in the yard with my dad, and loading the wood onto the truck. a good workout imo lol. whoever thought wood can be so damn heavy. My mother always said things like that and I just scoffed at her. GPP if anything. | ||
United States18818 Posts
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United States19932 Posts
10x245 8x315 6x355 4x385 4x415 2x445 1x445 Was supposed to hit 4x445 but its my fourth day in a row and i went out last night so no dice :/ | ||
Netherlands760 Posts
On November 07 2013 03:31 infinity21 wrote: Only 2 people said they don't enjoy eating. Not that unusual imo. I know my mom is like that even though she's a good cook. #3 reporting. I eat 5000-5500kcal a day and I absolutely /hate/ eating huge 1000kcal+ meals every 2-3 hours. When I'm really hungry, I really enjoy a good meal, but that's the thing.. I am never hungry, I am just consistently stuffing myself over and over again. I haven't been really hungry for years. If i had to skip for example a meal or two and am short 2000kcal, I could absolutely devour those 4 big macs (nomnomnom) at a local mcdonalds, and enjoy it. But if I keep my rhythm, it really doesn't matter what I eat, I won't enjoy it. The people that say they absolutely enjoy eating, I have a question for you: - Are you eating <4000kcal? - Are you eating clean food, or are you junking your asses off? - Have you ever tried eating 4000+ kcal with clean food? I am extremely dedicated and motivated about bodybuilding, which is what keeps my 'appetite' going. when I'm not bodybuilding, I undereat by a lot, as I did in my earlier years before I started working out. Nurture and environment have a big impact on developping a love for food, or a neutral look towards food I think. | ||
United States7681 Posts
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United States18818 Posts
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United States3090 Posts
On November 07 2013 02:14 IgnE wrote: I understand eating simply as a chore, simply shoveling nutrients in your mouth. I do it many times a week. But I don't understand not ever enjoying eating. Don't you guys use sauces? Don't you guys like to eat desserts or savory snacks? Are you just generally depressed and anhedonic? Not enjoying food seems like a maladaptive trait. What are you guys actually eating? I hate eating plain chicken breasts too, that's why I don't just eat plain chicken breasts. What if you guys fast for 12-16 hours before you eat? Doesn't being hungry make food taste good? Some things taste better, some things taste worse. Beyond the first bite, I don't care. Food is a chore, regardless of what it is. The things I eat, I typically eat because they take less time to get ready or because they're cheaper, making it less of a chore. It's never something that I look forward to. I get hungry if I fast for ~36 hours. If I eat before bed one night, wake up and eat nothing the entire next day, go to sleep, and then wake up I'll be hungry around noon that day. Even then, I don't look forward to eating, I look forward to not being hungry anymore. Regardless, "being hungry" is never going to be an effective plan for me putting on weight. Food is a means to an end. I very much agree with the stance GoTunK mentioned - I eat because I have to. I don't care what it is, so long as it goes in my mouth, doesn't make me vomit, and has the end result of me being bigger and stronger. Sure I use sauces or spices or whatever. But it's not about taste. When I'm considering what I'm going to eat, the hierarchy is something like this, from most to least important: 1. How does it work with my macros and goals at the moment? 2. How much does it cost? 3. How long does it take to prepare, and how many dishes am I going to have to do after? 4. Can I make enough at once to eat for the next 5-6 meals / does it keep well in a refrigerator? 5. Is it going to make my house smell bad? 6. (Because I live in essentially a public building, where 40-50 people will come through and hang out in a week) are other people going to think I'm crazy for eating this? 7. How does it taste? I'd say on that list #1 is more than twice as important as #2, and #2 is more than twice as important as #3, etc. Given the opportunity, and some more research behind it I would probably switch to that Soylent stuff, adjusted for strength training/mass building macronutrients and be done with food altogether, except in a social environment. | ||
United States19932 Posts
On November 08 2013 09:50 farvacola wrote: I mean it when I say that I could eat chicken everyday for the rest of my life, you just gotta get creative with it! Fuck yeah. I have a pound or so of chicken every night with avocado/sauce/cheese and it's fantastic. Also have some form of it for lunch pretty much every day too. | ||
Canada6683 Posts
On November 08 2013 09:31 kaluro wrote: #3 reporting. I eat 5000-5500kcal a day and I absolutely /hate/ eating huge 1000kcal+ meals every 2-3 hours. When I'm really hungry, I really enjoy a good meal, but that's the thing.. I am never hungry, I am just consistently stuffing myself over and over again. I haven't been really hungry for years. If i had to skip for example a meal or two and am short 2000kcal, I could absolutely devour those 4 big macs (nomnomnom) at a local mcdonalds, and enjoy it. But if I keep my rhythm, it really doesn't matter what I eat, I won't enjoy it. The people that say they absolutely enjoy eating, I have a question for you: - Are you eating <4000kcal? - Are you eating clean food, or are you junking your asses off? - Have you ever tried eating 4000+ kcal with clean food? I am extremely dedicated and motivated about bodybuilding, which is what keeps my 'appetite' going. when I'm not bodybuilding, I undereat by a lot, as I did in my earlier years before I started working out. Nurture and environment have a big impact on developping a love for food, or a neutral look towards food I think. yeah that's a different story. I hate eating 3.5k+ calories a day too but I enjoy the first 2~2.5k calories. I tried eating 3.5k+ with clean food before but couldn't even hit 3k... edit: on a side note, did 3x3xBW+90lbs chins today ![]() | ||
7088 Posts
On November 07 2013 06:45 IgnE wrote: Just start eating a pint of ice cream a night after your dinner with 1.5 lbs of meat. Ice cream, in my opinion, is one of the best bulking tools. As long as you are still getting enough protein and eat the ice cream after you workout before bed, you probably won't gain too much fat, especially if you are already skinny, but it can put you over the caloric hurdle when it comes to building more muscle and reaping your gym gains. ice cream sounds helleva lot better than my old mince beef & milk combo :D | ||
8828 Posts
Built a new house last winter and having an unfinished basement gave me the opportunity to acquire some things and start avoiding the gym. I don't like gyms. Too many bros and, even worse, idiot crossfitters running around throwing barbells at walls. The one thing I really needed to completely eliminate the need for a gym membership is a squat rack. But, being that I'm feeling too cheap right now to go and spend $500-1000 on something that's actually worth having, I spent the other evening building a super-ghetto rack, like those you see on the int4rwebz. In the ghettoooooo~ ![]() It actually works decently well. I mean, I wouldn't recommend doing any kind of max-effort lifting with this bitch, but if you're doing a larger amount of sets with more moderate weight, then it'll suffice. It's kind of hilarious though. It actually holds a ton of weight but I don't want to die. I'll still eventually have to buy one but for now I can spend more money on beer, like god intended. The stool is for my cat who likes to hang out when I'm exercising. He spots for me. + Show Spoiler [A few more images] + ![]() ![]() | ||
Peru10038 Posts
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