On October 24 2013 13:01 Snuggles wrote: @ AsnSensation What kind of standards do you go by for your benchmarks? I lift nearly identical to you and I'm still a novice going by the standards set by exrx.net. And like others have said don't focus too much on your weight. I'm the same height as you so I know perfectly well how your body looks more than anyone else here unless they're 170cm too lol. At this point I'd still label you as a novice, don't jump the gun on being an intermediate lifter, I know fully well know in my trial and error that reaching the intermediate class takes months of perfect diet and training. In reality this would equate to a year or more. If you keep lifting and focus hard on not overeating (I resort to the good 'ol oven baked chicken breast, eggs, and protein shakes all day) your body will eventually meld itself into something that you will like more than you did a month before.
Yeah those are my 3x5 lifts at 72kg BW, and I always considered myself a novice still. At least I know I still have plenty of room to improve in a standard linear strength program.
thx for the words of advice guys! I admit I didn't look up until when you're considered novice and as I said I still consider me a novice still, just doing what is regarded as an "intermediate program" because I stalled on 3x5 twice and wanted to switch it up. Going to the gym was never really the problem I really enjoy it, diet was but for 1 1/2 now my motivation and discipline regarding workinng out and diet has been extremely good and I plan to keep it that way. Also yeah I just noticed it's only 16 weeks till feb., so let's say I wanna lose 6-8kg of fat till then and another 5-7 till summer.
On October 24 2013 08:34 MtlGuitarist97 wrote: I think my squat is getting way better.
The 140 lb squat is still looking like a squat-morning, but it's getting better. Thanks a ton to both IgnE and BenKen
Your squat looks better than before but that might just be because you aren't going low enough, like decaf said. I would still keep mobilizing with that counter-weighted goblet-style squat. If you want to backsquat afterwards, a couple sets of the strict form, deep, counter-weighted squats should help open up your hips, back, and ankles.
I would still recommend sitting in the bottom of a squat for multiples minutes (as in hundreds of seconds) each day. It really helps to gradually mobilize your weak points. You can even grab onto something at the bottom to pull your back upright if you cant sit in the bottom of the squat without rounding your back very severely.
On October 24 2013 15:15 IgnE wrote: Your squat looks better than before but that might just be because you aren't going low enough, like decaf said. I would still keep mobilizing with that counter-weighted goblet-style squat. If you want to backsquat afterwards, a couple sets of the strict form, deep, counter-weighted squats should help open up your hips, back, and ankles.
I would still recommend sitting in the bottom of a squat for multiples minutes (as in hundreds of seconds) each day. It really helps to gradually mobilize your weak points. You can even grab onto something at the bottom to pull your back upright if you cant sit in the bottom of the squat without rounding your back very severely.
I can almost sit in the very bottom of the squat without my back rounding. If I try to go completely ATG my lower back rounds, but I can get way below parallel and still maintain the form. The main problem is that I don't have the endurance/strength yet to hold that for more than 45 seconds at a time, and it exhausts me after only 3 or 4 times doing that. My muscles aren't burning or anything, I just gradually lose stability until I can't hold it anymore and have to give.
I'll keep trying to improve the depth, so I won't increase weight until I can deeply squat correctly.
On October 25 2013 05:10 mordek wrote: Got Supple Leopard for my bday awww yiss.
Read through it on vacation. I don't think there is another single resource that I benefited from that much. Highly recommended.
Been getting some in during the mornings and evenings so far. I'm catching bits I've heard from Kelly before but what I love is it's so accessible and easy to read through. Similar books are too textbook and not designed for an audience without schooling in physiology etc.
@MTL - do these stretches for several minutes everyday. Obviously the bar one for before and after you do your squats (ANKLE MOBILITY IS AWESOME) and the other squatting one you can literally do anytime. If i find myself standing for too long i'll just squat down and work on my mobility, it feels great. Do it while you watch TV, read, eat, whatever. It should be an extremely natural position. I used to literally fall over doing cleans and front squats, but just working on it a LITTLE bit EVERY day I can go into full squat, upright torso, knees forward, completely stable (and eyes closed apparantly lol): + Show Spoiler +
@snuggles Feel the same way. I love my iron and it loves me. Never met a problem that lifting hasn't helped me get through whether it be stress, girls, or death. It's good having that constant in your life. Whether or not you can help those around you isn't always up to you, but you always know that you can improve yourself.
On October 25 2013 11:40 IgnE wrote: Chipotle just goes right through. Eating more doesn't help if you can't absorb it.
What about meat, rice, beans, and vegetables isn't 'absorb'ed by the body?
There is something wrong with my right forearm. For some reason it feels like it's always sleeping... My grip strength is completely gone I can barely grip random objects. Did I go too far with pull ups :s
I've put on many a good pound with Chipotle myself
Recognizable, get a golf ball or a rolling pin and work the forearm to see if you can find any adhesions around nerve bunches. I used to have odd numbness but it was only compressed nerves that are helped nicely by some myofascial release.
It's mostly a joke about Chipotle. I find their standing meat/beans/onions/green peppers combo to be less digestible than others. But then I mostly eat a pound or two of meat that I cook myself with saffron rice and green vegetables that aren't bell peppers. What's the standard serving size of meat in a chipotle? It's like 4 oz.
I'm sure a lot of people love Chipotle though so do whatever you want.
Idk what a standard serving is, ive never not gotten double meat. Of you have to eat out, hard to beat a double.chicken or double steak bowl for like 4.50