On June 26 2012 04:22 Donkeys wrote: This madcow shit is getting very hard to do I don't know if I overestimated my lifts when programming, I'll try to eat some more.
I just finished week 4, so far it has been a pretty nice work up. But the weeks ahead are looking to be brutal indeed. And I was pretty sure I underestimated my lifts a little if anything.
I just started week 6 and so far I've missed one deadlift rep (week 5), 2 squat reps and 2 bench reps (both week 6 day 1), all on the last set. Lets get to eating man haha
Good thing chicken breasts were on sale and I bought 4 packages of 5 skinless boneless breasts for about 27$. Also about 12 cans of tuna on sale, but I think there expensive even on sale. 4 for 5$.
Also how do you stay motivated to do rows, they are at the end of the workout, and I find them really boring, and don't find myself caring if they increase or not -_-
Yeah i don't care too much about improving my row either. I just switch out rows for cleans one day, so I'm only doing rows once a week instead, I find it less boring that way
Pretty tired after this weekend and shoulder still being a bitch from saturday but i fought through it. Was so mentally exhausted by the end of CJ workout but i just kept pushing it.
Back squat up to 415 then 3x 335 345 355 365 375 then 2x5 @ 225 Power clean + hang clean + jerk up to 245 Hang clean + jerk from 245 up to 290 Clean and jerk up to 320, cleaned 325 but missed the jerk. Don't know how i almost tied my old PR even though i felt exhausted and am mildly injured. HOW YOUR BODY FEELS IS A LIE NEVER BITCH OUT
On June 26 2012 07:50 GoTuNk! wrote: Squat: 135kgx6x3 FS: 90kgx3x6 Good Morning: 125kgx5x5
Wednesday will be back day, Friday will be squat test day. If I can do 152.5kgx5x3 I'll asume my smolov starting 1rep max to be 180kg.
Want to gain at least 3kg doing smolov (unlike last time where I kept my weight constant) so it should help surviving it. Off days will be BP + accesory work (tuesday, thursday). So basically gym 6 times a week, but only 1-1.5hours each day.
A raw 190kg would be so fucking sick.
Pffft i expect you to be out squatting me by the end of this smolov! That means 200+ baby
On June 26 2012 07:50 GoTuNk! wrote: Squat: 135kgx6x3 FS: 90kgx3x6 Good Morning: 125kgx5x5
Wednesday will be back day, Friday will be squat test day. If I can do 152.5kgx5x3 I'll asume my smolov starting 1rep max to be 180kg.
Want to gain at least 3kg doing smolov (unlike last time where I kept my weight constant) so it should help surviving it. Off days will be BP + accesory work (tuesday, thursday). So basically gym 6 times a week, but only 1-1.5hours each day.
A raw 190kg would be so fucking sick.
Are you doing the full Smolov cycle? I've never done Smolov, only looked at stuff about it, e.g. this which recommends only running the base cycle. How did you find your last Smolov?
On June 26 2012 07:50 GoTuNk! wrote: Squat: 135kgx6x3 FS: 90kgx3x6 Good Morning: 125kgx5x5
Wednesday will be back day, Friday will be squat test day. If I can do 152.5kgx5x3 I'll asume my smolov starting 1rep max to be 180kg.
Want to gain at least 3kg doing smolov (unlike last time where I kept my weight constant) so it should help surviving it. Off days will be BP + accesory work (tuesday, thursday). So basically gym 6 times a week, but only 1-1.5hours each day.
A raw 190kg would be so fucking sick.
Are you doing the full Smolov cycle? I've never done Smolov, only looked at stuff about it, e.g. this which recommends only running the base cycle. How did you find your last Smolov?
The second part of smolov is really just tapering for a powerlifting meet. If you're doing it to gain strength, there's not so much point in doing that, is there?
Personally I did a cycle of smolov (even though my squat is shit, I did it for the hell of it) and I learned a LOT about my body, about pushing my limits, and fixed a ton of problems with my squat. It's a great routine and it gave me ~30 lbs on my 1rm (I only did the base cycle)
On June 26 2012 07:50 GoTuNk! wrote: Squat: 135kgx6x3 FS: 90kgx3x6 Good Morning: 125kgx5x5
Wednesday will be back day, Friday will be squat test day. If I can do 152.5kgx5x3 I'll asume my smolov starting 1rep max to be 180kg.
Want to gain at least 3kg doing smolov (unlike last time where I kept my weight constant) so it should help surviving it. Off days will be BP + accesory work (tuesday, thursday). So basically gym 6 times a week, but only 1-1.5hours each day.
A raw 190kg would be so fucking sick.
Are you doing the full Smolov cycle? I've never done Smolov, only looked at stuff about it, e.g. this which recommends only running the base cycle. How did you find your last Smolov?
Ya only base cycle. First time my raw squat went from 150kg, to 170kg. After 2nd phase I did a belt+wraps squat of 202.5kg. Notice belt+wraps add 15-20kg off the bat. After I'm done with it gotta start deadlifting heavy again/keep squatting to mantain strength plus lose 3-4kg. Then bulk again
On June 26 2012 07:50 GoTuNk! wrote: Squat: 135kgx6x3 FS: 90kgx3x6 Good Morning: 125kgx5x5
Wednesday will be back day, Friday will be squat test day. If I can do 152.5kgx5x3 I'll asume my smolov starting 1rep max to be 180kg.
Want to gain at least 3kg doing smolov (unlike last time where I kept my weight constant) so it should help surviving it. Off days will be BP + accesory work (tuesday, thursday). So basically gym 6 times a week, but only 1-1.5hours each day.
A raw 190kg would be so fucking sick.
Are you doing the full Smolov cycle? I've never done Smolov, only looked at stuff about it, e.g. this which recommends only running the base cycle. How did you find your last Smolov?
Ya only base cycle. First time my raw squat went from 150kg, to 170kg. After 2nd phase I did a belt+wraps squat of 202.5kg. Notice belt+wraps add 15-20kg off the bat. After I'm done with it gotta start deadlifting heavy again/keep squatting to mantain strength plus lose 3-4kg. Then bulk again
That's a lot to go up in such a short time, I'm impressed. I guess it needs a week or two to recover afterwards?
I'm having some bad motivation in the gym lately. Today my 105kg squats were 5, 4, 2 (the last set I just didn't have it in me), although all of my other lifts progressed.
Ugh, squats. Why can't I ever make any progress on them? I feel like I would have to be 130kg in bodyweight to ever have a half decent squat.
On June 26 2012 20:33 RosaParksStoleMySeat wrote: I'm having some bad motivation in the gym lately. Today my 105kg squats were 5, 4, 2 (the last set I just didn't have it in me), although all of my other lifts progressed.
Ugh, squats. Why can't I ever make any progress on them? I feel like I would have to be 130kg in bodyweight to ever have a half decent squat.
move up the weight, don't bitch out. I remember 120kg being hard. Try 150kg.
yesterday workouts: Back Squat: singles up to 140kg 90kg, 100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg x 3 90kg x 2 x 5
totally fuckin failed bench today , was menna do 5-5-5 or more at 75kg but instead failed my 3rd rep and had to check if the bar was extra heavy or some shit
so ended up doing squat (with my new improved form) and power clean then finished up with another smooth 7 rep squat (really pleased with how this is coming along now)
doctor basically said "Do you think you have a problem with your perception of your health? We don't get many 27 year olds coming in as often as you.." then told me its probably a 3 month wait to see a physio about my back. idk if she booked me in after all that
oh i called in sick to work today coz mentally fucked
On June 26 2012 20:33 RosaParksStoleMySeat wrote: I'm having some bad motivation in the gym lately. Today my 105kg squats were 5, 4, 2 (the last set I just didn't have it in me), although all of my other lifts progressed.
Ugh, squats. Why can't I ever make any progress on them? I feel like I would have to be 130kg in bodyweight to ever have a half decent squat.
move up the weight, don't bitch out. I remember 120kg being hard. Try 150kg.
noo dont move up, just chill out and forget about it and go again and again and again! your aim when you go to the gym should be to have a good hard workout, not to get depressed about missing some dumb numbers! completely unecessary mental pain !
On June 26 2012 20:33 RosaParksStoleMySeat wrote: I'm having some bad motivation in the gym lately. Today my 105kg squats were 5, 4, 2 (the last set I just didn't have it in me), although all of my other lifts progressed.
Ugh, squats. Why can't I ever make any progress on them? I feel like I would have to be 130kg in bodyweight to ever have a half decent squat.
Step 1: Channel inner Decaf Step 2: Complete all reps and sets.
Had my usual Tuesday workout today, meaning the only lift I've actually progressed on is ez-bar curls. I added a few sets of barbell shrugs for some added traps and grip work.
I'm seriously debating whether or not to try for a 100kg bench on Thursday. I'm supposed to do a single/double with 97.5kg, but the temptation is so big!
On June 26 2012 20:33 RosaParksStoleMySeat wrote: I'm having some bad motivation in the gym lately. Today my 105kg squats were 5, 4, 2 (the last set I just didn't have it in me), although all of my other lifts progressed.
Ugh, squats. Why can't I ever make any progress on them? I feel like I would have to be 130kg in bodyweight to ever have a half decent squat.
100% agree. I've hit 120kg as a 1rm max, and I doubt I could do it again right now. My other lifts keep on truckin' - My squat is AWFUL.
My delivery came today. My Barbell and plates are now accompanied by...
(Pictures don't fit but oh well, anyone actually interested will open them anyway)
And I got a prowler as well. I've wanted a prowler for ages and found one for £100, normally they're like £350 or sometimes a lot lot more. So my overdraft took a hit but it's got no interest as I'm a student. Free money right?
Moving soon so got it delivered to the house I'm moving into, waited there all day for it. It's inside because I need to treat the exposed wood to protect it from the weather, and it got too late to do that. So I'll give it a few coats tomorrow then leave it in the brick shed there. Also got to assemble the prowler.
If I can get a powercage now I will probably just quit the gym. Just need to earn enough this summer.
I've gained so much weight this year, ever since i did smolov back in the beginning of April i've gained 6kg. I'm not sure if it's more muscle or more fat I've also taken my squat max up from 120kg to 153kg and all my other lifts have gone up (except deadlift, i abandoned it for a while). Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and i go "god damn I'm fat". I wasn't lean before but I didn't feel as fat. I'm sure I burned some fat during the base cycle of smolov, maybe I should try higher volume/intensity?Im 86kg and 1.69m.
I've gained so much weight this year, ever since i did smolov back in the beginning of April i've gained 6kg. I'm not sure if it's more muscle or more fat I've also taken my squat max up from 120kg to 153kg and all my other lifts have gone up (except deadlift, i abandoned it for a while). Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and i go "god damn I'm fat". I wasn't lean before but I didn't feel as fat. I'm sure I burned some fat during the base cycle of smolov, maybe I should try higher volume/intensity?Im 86kg and 1.69m.
Yeah the front one looks pretty low, not sure I'll ever use those. Normally people just push with hands high up on the two rear bars. When I read 5/3/1 it seemed like every page Wendler was saying to use a prowler for conditioning, and I'd looked and no gyms anywhere near here have them.
And yeah, the logs pretty fun. Feel like a fucking Dovahkiin or something. In fact, I think I might have to listen to the Dovahkiin song when I lift it.
I've gained so much weight this year, ever since i did smolov back in the beginning of April i've gained 6kg. I'm not sure if it's more muscle or more fat I've also taken my squat max up from 120kg to 153kg and all my other lifts have gone up (except deadlift, i abandoned it for a while). Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and i go "god damn I'm fat". I wasn't lean before but I didn't feel as fat. I'm sure I burned some fat during the base cycle of smolov, maybe I should try higher volume/intensity?Im 86kg and 1.69m.
86kg for 1.69 cm is a lot. Remember muscle comes with fat. At your weight/height if you are remotely muscular now, you will look totally sick by cutting 4-6kg. I think a good cutting goal is to mantain your current strength, that way you keep most of your muscles.