On September 28 2013 08:19 Anakko wrote:
Stop playing all-in supports.
Makes my life miserable
Stop playing all-in supports.
Makes my life miserable
That's all I play.
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
On September 28 2013 08:19 Anakko wrote: Show nested quote + On September 28 2013 08:05 Zdrastochye wrote: On September 28 2013 07:03 jaybrundage wrote: If you plan to AFK please exit out of the TL inhouse channel. It makes it much more difficult to host a game and determine if we have enough people Going full Bruntard. Sorry for going back to not joining them, I chose to watch worlds over playing League, if they're still going on after semis I'll go back to playing most nights. Letting the hook bans settle down a bit. Stop playing all-in supports. Makes my life miserable That's all I play. | ||
United States840 Posts
First off, sorry. I choked and wasted everyone's time in the second match up. My mood sometimes gets the better of me. I try not to let this bother me, especially with games. But regardless, it did tonight. As a result I wasted 45 minutes of everyone else's time. So, I apologize for that. Looking back I did get a change to learn a bit from all this though. Playing bot with Zdras was pretty fun. His help in direction with how to skirmish got us a few good kills. Ye we both made a few mistakes in the early lane. But we both covered eachothers fairly well I thought. This game was at least "closeish" early. Their adc had a slight cs advantage but we were kills up. But damn.. Kiss Eve... I should of banned you. hehe. I'll wait to post comments on the second game. I was pretty heated for this match and I rather just think about it. If someone has a vod I could re-watch that would be great | ||
United States5718 Posts
On September 28 2013 11:07 OdinOfPergo wrote: Ok, so I took a short break after the couple of games we played tonight. First off, sorry. I choked and wasted everyone's time in the second match up. My mood sometimes gets the better of me. I try not to let this bother me, especially with games. But regardless, it did tonight. As a result I wasted 45 minutes of everyone else's time. So, I apologize for that. Looking back I did get a change to learn a bit from all this though. Playing bot with Zdras was pretty fun. His help in direction with how to skirmish got us a few good kills. Ye we both made a few mistakes in the early lane. But we both covered eachothers fairly well I thought. This game was at least "closeish" early. Their adc had a slight cs advantage but we were kills up. But damn.. Kiss Eve... I should of banned you. hehe. I'll wait to post comments on the second game. I was pretty heated for this match and I rather just think about it. If someone has a vod I could re-watch that would be great Tbh, we just ended up playing sloppy the second game for some reason. There wasn't anyone definitive making calls on doing anything so near the latter half, everyone just kind of tried to group and half ass respond to Jay's split push. Our base defense was terrible because aura and I just kept switching back and forth in which of one of us will split off to deal with Jay so we lost top inhibit turret for literally nothing. | ||
United States15065 Posts
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United States3921 Posts
On September 28 2013 11:32 Ketara wrote: So, is Kissblade really allowed to play jungle Quinn? ![]() I think this question should be situational if your team is ok with it then it should be fine. If your team would prefer you not to then say ok and drop it. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On September 28 2013 11:32 Ketara wrote: So, is Kissblade really allowed to play jungle Quinn? ![]() No. | ||
United States752 Posts
On September 28 2013 11:14 KissBlade wrote: Show nested quote + On September 28 2013 11:07 OdinOfPergo wrote: Ok, so I took a short break after the couple of games we played tonight. First off, sorry. I choked and wasted everyone's time in the second match up. My mood sometimes gets the better of me. I try not to let this bother me, especially with games. But regardless, it did tonight. As a result I wasted 45 minutes of everyone else's time. So, I apologize for that. Looking back I did get a change to learn a bit from all this though. Playing bot with Zdras was pretty fun. His help in direction with how to skirmish got us a few good kills. Ye we both made a few mistakes in the early lane. But we both covered eachothers fairly well I thought. This game was at least "closeish" early. Their adc had a slight cs advantage but we were kills up. But damn.. Kiss Eve... I should of banned you. hehe. I'll wait to post comments on the second game. I was pretty heated for this match and I rather just think about it. If someone has a vod I could re-watch that would be great Tbh, we just ended up playing sloppy the second game for some reason. There wasn't anyone definitive making calls on doing anything so near the latter half, everyone just kind of tried to group and half ass respond to Jay's split push. Our base defense was terrible because aura and I just kept switching back and forth in which of one of us will split off to deal with Jay so we lost top inhibit turret for literally nothing. Aura just didn't want to play the game at all. He bitched the entire game and spread his negativity to the whole team, saying stuff like "its impossible to win" and "their shyvana is too fed, its over" constantly every minute, and then trying to start a surrender vote two hours before worlds to "get ready for worlds." It seems to me he just wanted to lose the game as fast as possible and leave the game because he didn't care anymore, especially when he never responded to split pushes when he fits it the best, giving up multiple turrets and a top inhib for free. Aura and Sitirk made the game so mindblowingly frustrating. I just thought people in a arranged in-house would act with more maturity and respect to other players in the game instead of bitching about negligible things and ruining the game experience. There was no calls in the latter half of the game because no one cared anymore. I'm not going to put words in your mouth but for me personality I saw no way we could win with players with those types of attitudes in my game and even though I tried my hardest to be interactive in voice chat, I eventually just worked on my individual effort rather than as a team effort. Starting from less than 5 min into the game, we already heard top lane complaining endlessly about how his lane is fucked. But the top laner grew silent as the game went on, and it didn't help when Aura kept bitching about how "shyvana is so fed, its over" which i would assume made the top laner feel worse. Also, I don't know who initiated the baron when all 5 were up and near it, but that pretty much showed to me the teams uncaring attitude for the game. Sorry for the rant, whether this is true/false to others, this is how the situation felt to me. | ||
Canada454 Posts
Eventually Vayne got to the point where she's Vayne[botrk, pd, ga,lw] and it didn't matter that I was 6 slotted with [BT, IE, TF, Shyv, LW] because we just slowly split pushed. Shaco got to the point where if he Q surprised someone he could 100 to 0 them. And they just ended up slowly squeezing the life out of us. And me bitching was w/e but saying "aura didn't care" I made calls people rebuked them or no one listened I ended up with the most Kills Assists and least Deaths which tells you what? I was the one doing work? So what I complained about Shyv being fed, Ahri kept getting pickoffs which left us with a 4v5 scenario where we couldn't fight and eventually I would get out scaled by Vayne and the nature of their comp. I wanted to fight[which I said multiple times] but someone kept running off to fight the Shaco when he wasn't even strong enough to destroy our base which kept delaying the game and then he got to the point where he could and now everyone wanted to do the 4v5 fight. "Get ready for worlds"? That wasn't me who said that and by that point the game was over we either went HAM at baron or slowly get split pushed to death and you decided to stay indecisive. I bitched and I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. | ||
United States875 Posts
http://imgur.com/nAYYqVW http://imgur.com/vYiBFLQ Yeaaaaaahhh!! | ||
United States2300 Posts
On September 28 2013 12:38 silencefc wrote: I was the one who wanted to get ready for worlds because http://imgur.com/nAYYqVW http://imgur.com/vYiBFLQ Yeaaaaaahhh!! 2SANG PLS Seriously though that looks incredible. | ||
United States980 Posts
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United States752 Posts
On September 28 2013 12:25 aurawashere wrote: The baron call was good. Shaco was bottom and we were all middle while he was still chipping away at the T2 Bot turret. Now there are two things that are going to happen either we send someone to stop Shaco and just delay the game even longer while we had a Double ADC lineup versus a +300armor Shyv with Thornmail What in the actual fuck? Do you realize that ADCs do sustained damage? We had Ezreal and Quinn with BOTH of you having a last whisperer, we should have 0 problem killing off a tank, regardless of armor. In addition, I was a decently fed Orianna with void staff, rabadons, liandries, so don't give me bullshit about an unkillable shyvana. And me bitching was w/e but saying "aura didn't care" I made calls people rebuked them or no one listened I ended up with the most Kills Assists and least Deaths which tells you what? I was the one doing work? So what I complained about Shyv being fed, Ahri kept getting pickoffs which left us with a 4v5 scenario where we couldn't fight and eventually I would get out scaled by Vayne and the nature of their comp. I honestly can't tell if you are being serious on this one. You literally made 0 calls in the game that actually contributed positively to our team at all. I never heard you talk or type other than to bitch about the game. In fact, the only call i saw you make was for the surrender call. Oh and congratulations for getting the most kills/assist as an adc but score doesn't show how useful you were to the game. Even though I messed up the baron by getting caught, the rest of the fights I would say I landed nice Ori ults, hitting 3-4 every time in a team fight, with you doing the cleanup. As i said again, you never responded to split pushes, especially when shaco was pushing top for inhib, I initiated a clean 4 man ori ult in a 4v4 and your ult response was good but even when you clearly knew shaco was going to take the inhib if you came down, you still did and well, what do you know, our top inhib goes down. And we would get outscaled by the nature of their comp? Please tell me what is so special about their comp? Seems like you are making shit up at this point. Their only frontline is a shyvana and with a consistent dmg dealer like orianna and two adc like i stated above, we could quickly shread shyvana and work onto the other four of their team which are squishy as shit and would be a quick cleanup. Even after the game, players from the other team were aware that they constantly lost fights and t hey had to do a splitpush strategy to beat us, but you know, "shyvana is too fed" | ||
United States15065 Posts
The baron call was the right call, the problem was that with Shaco split pushing and us aware you were doing it, in order to make it pay off you had to kill us all and take baron. You did manage to kill us all, but you couldn't finish baron and Shaco got the inhibitor. That was really the turning point of the game, after that we were able to slowpush until all 3 inhibs were down. I think if anything you guys needed to be more decisive and force objectives. All the fights were on your half of the map, so even though you would slaughter us, you'd get like 1 tower out of it, while when we did successful split pushing rotations we were getting inhibitors. I dunno, it was a really weird game and hard to comment on (jungle Quinn, long level 1 fight, Aura DCing, etc). I wouldn't dwell too much. A Teleport on your team would have probably helped a lot. Shyvana + Shaco should be a big red flag that you want a Teleport on your team. | ||
United States10536 Posts
On September 28 2013 11:41 jaybrundage wrote: Show nested quote + On September 28 2013 11:32 Ketara wrote: So, is Kissblade really allowed to play jungle Quinn? ![]() I think this question should be situational if your team is ok with it then it should be fine. If your team would prefer you not to then say ok and drop it. As much as I like jungling oddball champions and assessing viable alternatives to current meta picks, I am also extremely hesitant to pick anything even slightly outside the norm in these inhouses. It's not that I think I'll fail, far from it, but that doing so is selfish and unhelpful to those I'm playing with and against. "Is this okay with my team" is only the first question you should be asking. Next you need to ask, "Is this okay with the enemy team", followed closely by, "Is this going to make it easier or harder for people to learn and improve?" Finally you need to ask, "Am I doing this because I honestly think this will be beneficial to everyone involved, including myself, or am I doing this because I'm bored/lazy/tired/drunk/experimenting/tired of the meta?" Jungle Quinn does not pass that series of evaluations. | ||
United States840 Posts
On September 28 2013 11:54 birdkicker wrote: and Sitirk made the game so mindblowingly frustrating. I just thought people in a arranged in-house would act with more maturity and respect to other players in the game instead of bitching about negligible things and ruining the game experience. Which is why I made the previous post in the first place. I got frustrated, helplessly behind, and didn't bother even trying to learn anything. That game was over to me after I was still at their red buff fighting at 2 mins. Should it of mattered? No. This person is three leagues ahead of me. Obviously he is going to be much better. Besides, he was there as well. Yes he got assist (I think), and I didn't off their Janna. Big freaking deal. Just let him push into my tower and farm the lane out. Instead, the only thing I can think of is: Oh well shit, this guy is now a half level ahead of me. Well maby I'll- Oh crap. Nevermind that thought, I just got shoved out of lane at lv. 2. So I get back to lane a level and 20 cs behind. At this point I just stopped playing this match. It's not even 7 minutes and I'm already sure we've lost. Over what, two mistakes on my part? This is the wrong way to approach things period. Let alone when we are suppose to expect to "get crushed". We are suppose to learn something from it. Which I said in the channel after the match. And then reflecting on the game for like 15-20 mins, I post here to apologize for my conduct. Edit: Kiss asked our entire team if it was ok if he did jungle Quinn. We agreed none of us really minded. We can't blame Kiss for bad ganks. He told us that it was a strong possibility. | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
On September 28 2013 15:07 OdinOfPergo wrote: Show nested quote + On September 28 2013 11:54 birdkicker wrote: and Sitirk made the game so mindblowingly frustrating. I just thought people in a arranged in-house would act with more maturity and respect to other players in the game instead of bitching about negligible things and ruining the game experience. Which is why I made the previous post in the first place. I got frustrated, helplessly behind, and didn't bother even trying to learn anything. That game was over to me after I was still at their red buff fighting at 2 mins. Should it of mattered? No. This person is three leagues ahead of me. Obviously he is going to be much better. Besides, he was there as well. Yes he got assist (I think), and I didn't off their Janna. Big freaking deal. Just let him push into my tower and farm the lane out. Instead, the only thing I can think of is: Oh well shit, this guy is now a half level ahead of me. Well maby I'll- Oh crap. Nevermind that thought, I just got shoved out of lane at lv. 2. So I get back to lane a level and 20 cs behind. At this point I just stopped playing this match. It's not even 7 minutes and I'm already sure we've lost. Over what, two mistakes on my part? This is the wrong way to approach things period. Let alone when we are suppose to expect to "get crushed". We are suppose to learn something from it. Which I said in the channel after the match. And then reflecting on the game for like 15-20 mins, I post here to apologize for my conduct. Edit: Kiss asked our entire team if it was ok if he did jungle Quinn. We agreed none of us really minded. We can't blame Kiss for bad ganks. He told us that it was a strong possibility. Shoulda just kept adcing with me on support. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On September 28 2013 14:46 Seuss wrote: Show nested quote + On September 28 2013 11:41 jaybrundage wrote: On September 28 2013 11:32 Ketara wrote: So, is Kissblade really allowed to play jungle Quinn? ![]() I think this question should be situational if your team is ok with it then it should be fine. If your team would prefer you not to then say ok and drop it. As much as I like jungling oddball champions and assessing viable alternatives to current meta picks, I am also extremely hesitant to pick anything even slightly outside the norm in these inhouses. It's not that I think I'll fail, far from it, but that doing so is selfish and unhelpful to those I'm playing with and against. "Is this okay with my team" is only the first question you should be asking. Next you need to ask, "Is this okay with the enemy team", followed closely by, "Is this going to make it easier or harder for people to learn and improve?" Finally you need to ask, "Am I doing this because I honestly think this will be beneficial to everyone involved, including myself, or am I doing this because I'm bored/lazy/tired/drunk/experimenting/tired of the meta?" Jungle Quinn does not pass that series of evaluations. Bolded for emphasis. It's not just "are you guys OK with this goofball pick." It's also "is this even going to create a useful learning experience for EITHER TEAM involved?" When roffles locked in jungle graves, I dodged for a reason. Roffles' Jungle Leona (regardless of which team I'm on) doesn't incite that same thing, because Leona still pretty much brings the same as most other junglers. You still learn that you have to respect the fuck out of dem ganks just as much as if it were J4 or any other standard jungler. You still bring a jungler to your team that provide the types of abilities that a team expects a jungler to bring. An AD carry jungler doesn't bring anything that people typically rely on their jungler for. It doesn't teach either team anything. | ||
United States840 Posts
But without anyone to focus me on it until I was already out of the game, it was completely pointless. What I mean by that is, I feel like if someone could of told me how to hold off this lane, and properly farm this lane until 20 minutes, it might of been different. But at 7 minutes, I was lost. At 10 minutes, we had two or three failed ganks because of me. While having no idea what I could of done about it. If I had recorded the match, I would watch it on repeat for a few to try to pick out my problems. I only stayed on to listen to anything I could pick out of the after commentary. But lacking that I didn't even see a point to continue playing. And even that was 3/4 my fault. Mostly because by the end of that match, I was so annoyed with myself, I wasn't even talking on TS. On which, I should have been picking bones to get info on how I could have changed the outcome. | ||
United States3921 Posts
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United States840 Posts
It is more of the temperaments that arose out of it. | ||
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