New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
Registration - Ingame Name CruentusPhasma - Rank and Division Silver II - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Marksmen & Top - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Marksmen: Draven / Twitch Top: Kennen / Elise (however I need the most improvement with melee tops) - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
Registration - Ingame name Misder - Rank and division Gold V - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid, Support - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Mid: Fizz, Ryze Support: Zyra, Lulu
Note: My support is probably bronze level.
Registration - Ingame name Chapstic - Rank and division Diamond V
Registration - Ingame name imanoobcs - Rank and division Silver IV - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Jungle/Support - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Jungle: Nautilus, Fizz Support: Leona, Sona - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division N/A
Registration - Ingame name -Metafour - Rank and division -Diamond Division 1 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) N/A - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on N/A - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division -Diamond Divison 1
Registration - Ingame name -SmurfyMcSmurfz - Rank and division -Silver I - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) -adc, adc mid - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on adc: Graves, Tristana adc mid: Vayne, Ezreal
Registration - Ingame name BET ANTIMAGE NA - Rank and division Silver I - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Marksmen, Jungle - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Marksmen: Ashe, Twitch Jungle: Xin Zhao, Nasus
Registration - Ingame name red8D - Rank and division Silver1 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid, Jungle - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Mid: Liss, Orianna Jungle: Elise, Noc, is Shyv worth jungling again yet? - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
Registration - Ingame name CustardCannon - Rank and division Bronze 1 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Top and Mid - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Top: Rumble, Jarvan IV Mid: Zed, Fizz :3
Registration - Ingame name Arekan - Rank and division Unranked (Only played one solo queue game at this point, at least I won that). - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid,Jungle - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Mid- Syndra, Pantheon Jungle- Lee Sin, J4
Registration - Ingame name Checkers
- Rank and division Gold I
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Middle ADC (Jungle if there is opportunity)
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Middle Interested in revamping my champion pool completely ADC Vayne, Graves
Strongly interested in learning more aggressive laning for both middle and ADC positions, how to snowball harder when ahead etc.
Registration - Ingame name fantasticoranges - Rank and division plat 3 1.9k~ op rating
once I hit plat I realized I sucked at this game and I'm basically going to have to change my entire playstyle so an IH is prob a fun way to do that eh? :D
Registration - Ingame name shawz - Rank and division Plat 5 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two)
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on
- If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
United States37500 Posts
zzz, just got home and fk am I tired. @_@
Alright, I guess I'll do one or two games right now. Channel on NA PvP.net is "SPUDparty", case sensitive. Depending on how fast we get 9 people, we should start around 4:00 PM PDT. I'll be unpacking meanwhile.
Registration - Ingame name dGJonnyLaw - Rank and division Gold V - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Jungle/Top - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Elise+Zac / Kennen/Rumble - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
Now you have it Neo.
United States37500 Posts
Registration - Ingame name StorrZerg - Rank and division Gold 2 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) adc/top
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on twitch/cait (might include more adc) elise/ryze
- If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
Registration - Ingame name TheSinisterRed - Rank and division Silver 3 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid and ADC - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Mid: Gragas and Ziggs ADC: Vayne and Graves