New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
United States37500 Posts
On September 07 2013 17:09 Seuss wrote: Random Tangent:
People should be more selfish in the IHs. I don't mean you should all be jerks, but that when champion select starts you should have a clear idea of what you want to play. There's nothing more difficult for those of us who usually drive the "What the hell are we banning/picking?" discussion than to have four people who all don't care what they're playing.
If four people all say, "I want to jungle." AWESOME. We at least know there's a problem and we can be like, "Well you can't all jungle." and figure things out. When you all say, "Whatever." the time that would normally get spent working out what sort of a team composition/plan we want gets spent figuring out who is doing what role.
This is all compounded by the fact that people tend to spend the ban phase talking about other stuff rather than the game at hand, if they're even at their keyboard.
tl;dr: Throw your team a bone and pick a role, conflicts be damned. I don't understand why people can't be more assertive. I pretty much echo your sentiments, Monty. Part of the reason why I forced everyone to register is so they can actually ask themselves when they sign up, what they want to improve on. If anything, people should be consistently asking for roles over and over again. Our problem should be too many people wanting the same role, but instead we typically have not enough people speaking up.
My TL;DR: Community bonding is good, I'm glad we have consistent turnout for these IH for over a month now. But srsly, drafting can be a lot better.
Valhalla18444 Posts
Any VODs from today's games? Was anyone besides guitar recording?
On September 07 2013 17:52 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On September 07 2013 17:09 Seuss wrote: Random Tangent:
People should be more selfish in the IHs. I don't mean you should all be jerks, but that when champion select starts you should have a clear idea of what you want to play. There's nothing more difficult for those of us who usually drive the "What the hell are we banning/picking?" discussion than to have four people who all don't care what they're playing.
If four people all say, "I want to jungle." AWESOME. We at least know there's a problem and we can be like, "Well you can't all jungle." and figure things out. When you all say, "Whatever." the time that would normally get spent working out what sort of a team composition/plan we want gets spent figuring out who is doing what role.
This is all compounded by the fact that people tend to spend the ban phase talking about other stuff rather than the game at hand, if they're even at their keyboard.
tl;dr: Throw your team a bone and pick a role, conflicts be damned. I don't understand why people can't be more assertive. I pretty much echo your sentiments, Monty. Part of the reason why I forced everyone to register is so they can actually ask themselves when they sign up, what they want to improve on. If anything, people should be consistently asking for roles over and over again. Our problem should be too many people wanting the same role, but instead we typically have not enough people speaking up. My TL;DR: Community bonding is good, I'm glad we have consistent turnout for these IH for over a month now. But srsly, drafting can be a lot better.
Drafting as far as roles go could be a bit better. I'm fine with picks the way they are right now though. Drafting coherent teamcomps is difficult at best with the wide variety of skill levels. I'm of the opinion though that the lower level you are, the more you should focus on improving on just a couple of roles/champions, and call your roles more, and as you improve, expand your comfort range. While it's fun and often challenging for me to lane against people who are better than me(actually a fairly large number of them on TL), depending champion I'm on, I either can either learn a moderate amount on a new champion, or very little if at all if I'm on a comfort pick.
My opinion is still that you learn a lot more from a loss than a win, especially if you win hard. Losing, unless it's a very unfavorable matchup, has a tendency to reveal mistakes, and if your opponent knows which ones he exploited to win, you can improve very quickly with just a couple of games.
On September 07 2013 18:41 Amui wrote:I'm fine with picks the way they are right now though. Drafting coherent teamcomps is difficult at best with the wide variety of skill levels. I'm of the opinion though that the lower level you are, the more you should focus on improving on just a couple of roles/champions, and call your roles more, and as you improve, expand your comfort range.
Even if there isn't a coordinated effort to draft a certain team comp, time should be spent thinking about "who would function well for my team given the picks so far" and failing that "what is my role on the team we picked and how should we approach fights."
Picking a champion that fits well into a comp is an important skill to learn, and dealing with suboptimal team comps is too. Several inhouses I've played in would have gone much better for one team if they just asked themselves "How should we approach teamfights?" and identified the strengths and weaknesses of their team.
Related to these topics, DURR took the BO1 of the best grudge match ever in Brood War history over me. =(
We had guest commentary by Roffles who dropped out about five minutes in claiming "these guys are s.hit". I think he meant to say "these guys are the s.hit" instead but he couldn't be reached for further commentary due to large binge drinking for some Lissandra plays earlier that night ...
yeah i've learned a ton from inhouses by just demanding mid every game and then asking my team to first-pick kass so i have to play against whatever counterpick the enemy can throw at me. it's improved my kass game tenfold. i would say the same about my jungle kha'zix but everyone knows there's no counter to my jungle kha'zix so i guess there's not much to learn there 8^)
but yeah if you want to get better at something just demand to play it over and over until you get better. if you're here to play ADC and you get shuttled into jungle every game because "i can fill" then you're really wasting your own time in the inhouses
It think it's important to focus your practice as well.
The things I've learned on Nami since starting these inhouses have allowed me to nearly carry entire teams in some of my SoloQ games as I've taken a break from IH to climb the ladder a bit. The control I have over lane, and the number of times I've kept the carry alive in teamfights later in the game (not just my ADC, but whoever happens to ACTUALLY be carrying the game for us) have made games feel EASY down here in Silver.
I would say my lee got better, but its only because lee is OP when you can talk to your teammates =/
On September 07 2013 17:52 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On September 07 2013 17:09 Seuss wrote: Random Tangent:
People should be more selfish in the IHs. I don't mean you should all be jerks, but that when champion select starts you should have a clear idea of what you want to play. There's nothing more difficult for those of us who usually drive the "What the hell are we banning/picking?" discussion than to have four people who all don't care what they're playing.
If four people all say, "I want to jungle." AWESOME. We at least know there's a problem and we can be like, "Well you can't all jungle." and figure things out. When you all say, "Whatever." the time that would normally get spent working out what sort of a team composition/plan we want gets spent figuring out who is doing what role.
This is all compounded by the fact that people tend to spend the ban phase talking about other stuff rather than the game at hand, if they're even at their keyboard.
tl;dr: Throw your team a bone and pick a role, conflicts be damned. I don't understand why people can't be more assertive. I pretty much echo your sentiments, Monty. Part of the reason why I forced everyone to register is so they can actually ask themselves when they sign up, what they want to improve on. If anything, people should be consistently asking for roles over and over again. Our problem should be too many people wanting the same role, but instead we typically have not enough people speaking up. My TL;DR: Community bonding is good, I'm glad we have consistent turnout for these IH for over a month now. But srsly, drafting can be a lot better. Welcome to the precise reason I demand top/support every game. It's actually easier to figure out whos playing what when people assert what they want. You posted here with a goal of what to improve, be loyal to that goal!
On September 07 2013 20:38 imBLIND wrote: I would say my lee got better, but its only because lee is OP when you can talk to your teammates =/ insec pls
On September 07 2013 19:35 KissBlade wrote: Related to these topics, DURR took the BO1 of the best grudge match ever in Brood War history over me. =(
We had guest commentary by Roffles who dropped out about five minutes in claiming "these guys are s.hit". I think he meant to say "these guys are the s.hit" instead but he couldn't be reached for further commentary due to large binge drinking for some Lissandra plays earlier that night ... Kiss.
+ Show Spoiler +When did this happen? Sorry I missed it 
On September 07 2013 17:52 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On September 07 2013 17:09 Seuss wrote: Random Tangent:
People should be more selfish in the IHs. I don't mean you should all be jerks, but that when champion select starts you should have a clear idea of what you want to play. There's nothing more difficult for those of us who usually drive the "What the hell are we banning/picking?" discussion than to have four people who all don't care what they're playing.
If four people all say, "I want to jungle." AWESOME. We at least know there's a problem and we can be like, "Well you can't all jungle." and figure things out. When you all say, "Whatever." the time that would normally get spent working out what sort of a team composition/plan we want gets spent figuring out who is doing what role.
This is all compounded by the fact that people tend to spend the ban phase talking about other stuff rather than the game at hand, if they're even at their keyboard.
tl;dr: Throw your team a bone and pick a role, conflicts be damned. I don't understand why people can't be more assertive. I pretty much echo your sentiments, Monty. Part of the reason why I forced everyone to register is so they can actually ask themselves when they sign up, what they want to improve on. If anything, people should be consistently asking for roles over and over again. Our problem should be too many people wanting the same role, but instead we typically have not enough people speaking up. My TL;DR: Community bonding is good, I'm glad we have consistent turnout for these IH for over a month now. But srsly, drafting can be a lot better.
Well then I know I'm good for just taking support every single game.
Vancouver14381 Posts
On September 08 2013 00:36 WaveofShadow wrote:Show nested quote +On September 07 2013 19:35 KissBlade wrote: Related to these topics, DURR took the BO1 of the best grudge match ever in Brood War history over me. =(
We had guest commentary by Roffles who dropped out about five minutes in claiming "these guys are s.hit". I think he meant to say "these guys are the s.hit" instead but he couldn't be reached for further commentary due to large binge drinking for some Lissandra plays earlier that night ... Kiss. Kiss. Please. + Show Spoiler +When did this happen? Sorry I missed it 
Happened last night while a bunch of us were on TS watching China/Korea Regionals.
On September 07 2013 17:09 Seuss wrote: Random Tangent:
People should be more selfish in the IHs. I don't mean you should all be jerks, but that when champion select starts you should have a clear idea of what you want to play. There's nothing more difficult for those of us who usually drive the "What the hell are we banning/picking?" discussion than to have four people who all don't care what they're playing.
If four people all say, "I want to jungle." AWESOME. We at least know there's a problem and we can be like, "Well you can't all jungle." and figure things out. When you all say, "Whatever." the time that would normally get spent working out what sort of a team composition/plan we want gets spent figuring out who is doing what role.
This is all compounded by the fact that people tend to spend the ban phase talking about other stuff rather than the game at hand, if they're even at their keyboard.
tl;dr: Throw your team a bone and pick a role, conflicts be damned.
I totally agree with this, i'm guilty of this as well.
I think the lowbies should be asking constantly "what's a good pick here" whether they have it or not so they can develop a sense of drafting. Like yesterday Scip was talking a lot about picks from a jungler perspective. Like things you should think about other than X champ is stronger than Y champ. Some things were: the gankability (is that even a word?) of all the lanes at various points of laning phase, strength of 2v2/3v3s incase theres a countergank, the viability of rushing level 6 depending on the team, and of course overall teamfight impact.
Also i've been predicting monte's picks pretty well after my first few games seeing him and it's pretty cool to look at things from the other role's perspective.
Then it all goes to hell when aura plays his random champs
United States37500 Posts
On September 08 2013 02:20 xMiragex wrote:Show nested quote +On September 07 2013 17:09 Seuss wrote: Random Tangent:
People should be more selfish in the IHs. I don't mean you should all be jerks, but that when champion select starts you should have a clear idea of what you want to play. There's nothing more difficult for those of us who usually drive the "What the hell are we banning/picking?" discussion than to have four people who all don't care what they're playing.
If four people all say, "I want to jungle." AWESOME. We at least know there's a problem and we can be like, "Well you can't all jungle." and figure things out. When you all say, "Whatever." the time that would normally get spent working out what sort of a team composition/plan we want gets spent figuring out who is doing what role.
This is all compounded by the fact that people tend to spend the ban phase talking about other stuff rather than the game at hand, if they're even at their keyboard.
tl;dr: Throw your team a bone and pick a role, conflicts be damned. I totally agree with this, i'm guilty of this as well. I think the lowbies should be asking constantly "what's a good pick here" whether they have it or not so they can develop a sense of drafting. Like yesterday Scip was talking a lot about picks from a jungler perspective. Like things you should think about other than X champ is stronger than Y champ. Some things were: the gankability (is that even a word?) of all the lanes at various points of laning phase, strength of 2v2/3v3s incase theres a countergank, the viability of rushing level 6 depending on the team, and of course overall teamfight impact. Also i've been predicting monte's picks pretty well after my first few games seeing him and it's pretty cool to look at things from the other role's perspective. Then it all goes to hell when aura plays his random champs  god damn aura...
Czech Republic11293 Posts
One thing I didn't really talk about concerning picks that is quite important is the ability to outpush your opponents lvl2-5. That is very important if you want to be aggresive in the enemy jungle, but since neither Eve nor Amumu are very good picks for it (and there aren't many more junglers on that account) it didn't really come into play.
How do I find out one is about to start and they are looking for people? I'm not too tier, but I would like join in and try
you dont have to be tier im terrible and they are really nice for the most part
On September 08 2013 00:36 WaveofShadow wrote:Show nested quote +On September 07 2013 19:35 KissBlade wrote: Related to these topics, DURR took the BO1 of the best grudge match ever in Brood War history over me. =(
We had guest commentary by Roffles who dropped out about five minutes in claiming "these guys are s.hit". I think he meant to say "these guys are the s.hit" instead but he couldn't be reached for further commentary due to large binge drinking for some Lissandra plays earlier that night ... Kiss. Kiss. Please. + Show Spoiler +When did this happen? Sorry I missed it 
Don't worry I'll challenge him during the legendary rematch of the century later when we're bored and bs-ing around again I'm sure.
On September 08 2013 03:41 Shelke14 wrote: How do I find out one is about to start and they are looking for people? I'm not too tier, but I would like join in and try
Check the title bar at the very top of this thread. It'll always have the channel room for the day if there's one going up. Failing that, I usually will post one up at this thread around 7pm EST if I'm on and looking to start one.