New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going!
Teams are imbalanced skill-wise but I wanted to roll with it anyway.
1: The draft I think we got outdrafted. No synergy except possibly Shen/Quinn. None of our lanes are particularly strong, nor do we have any particular advantage. On the other hand, their team has really good pickoff potential. I should probably have picked Shyvana like I was planning to. With Elise, I felt like I had to make something happen early; Shen/Irelia was the most gankable lane, whereas Ez/Kayle and the Quinn lane were pretty difficult. Kayle ganks would have to happen pre-6, and I would need a lot more levels on Fiddle fear, so maybe level 4/5-ish. I think having Shyvana's damage and dueling ability, as well as some synergy with Fiddle would've helped a lot more than the pickoff potential that Elise had.
2: The game I majorly fucked up the first engagement. Purple side, Blue to Red, level 3 gank on Irelia. I get in the bush, and Nocturne is heading up. I thought I was in human form, so I tried to hit my rotation of cocoon, neurotoxin, spiderling, Spiderform, frenzy, venomous bite. Unfortunately, I was in spider form, so I rappeled and I turned a winning fight into a losing one. None of us died although Shen was behind since the creep wave was at his tower. As soon as I respawned I wanted to target Irelia to relieve some pressure, so I did and got a good chunk of damage. I moved to wraiths and planned on doing another drive-by, this time on Kayle, but Noct was there... and he was level 5 when I was barely about to hit level 4. At that point I felt pretty useless. The lanes were hard to gank, I was outfarmed and Noct could probably 1v1 me in the jungle, and once Noct's global was up, counterganking would be pretty hard (if it wasn't hard enough, because he outfarmed me). In the end, top snowballed after a missed taunt under tower, bot got ganked by Nocturne, and it took off from there. I also finished with less money than support.
Other than champ pick and my ugly engagement top, I'm not sure if I could've done anything else.
Teams are imbalanced skill-wise but I wanted to roll with it anyway.
1: The draft I think we got outdrafted. No synergy except possibly Shen/Quinn. None of our lanes are particularly strong, nor do we have any particular advantage. On the other hand, their team has really good pickoff potential. I should probably have picked Shyvana like I was planning to. With Elise, I felt like I had to make something happen early; Shen/Irelia was the most gankable lane, whereas Ez/Kayle and the Quinn lane were pretty difficult. Kayle ganks would have to happen pre-6, and I would need a lot more levels on Fiddle fear, so maybe level 4/5-ish. I think having Shyvana's damage and dueling ability, as well as some synergy with Fiddle would've helped a lot more than the pickoff potential that Elise had.
2: The game I majorly fucked up the first engagement. Purple side, Blue to Red, level 3 gank on Irelia. I get in the bush, and Nocturne is heading up. I thought I was in human form, so I tried to hit my rotation of cocoon, neurotoxin, spiderling, Spiderform, frenzy, venomous bite. Unfortunately, I was in spider form, so I rappeled and I turned a winning fight into a losing one. None of us died although Shen was behind since the creep wave was at his tower. As soon as I respawned I wanted to target Irelia to relieve some pressure, so I did and got a good chunk of damage. I moved to wraiths and planned on doing another drive-by, this time on Kayle, but Noct was there... and he was level 5 when I was barely about to hit level 4. At that point I felt pretty useless. The lanes were hard to gank, I was outfarmed and Noct could probably 1v1 me in the jungle, and once Noct's global was up, counterganking would be pretty hard (if it wasn't hard enough, because he outfarmed me). In the end, top snowballed after a missed taunt under tower, bot got ganked by Nocturne, and it took off from there. I also finished with less money than support.
Other than champ pick and my ugly engagement top, I'm not sure if I could've done anything else.
For the record, I wouldn't have minded a Shyvana pick with our comp, especially if it's a champ you're more comfortable on (which I will assume based on your willingness to suggest it) but I think I was the only other one on our team to be fine with her being picked.
Since I was the one who picked the unbalanced teams I sincerely don't think the game was out of our hands if we played correctly. I had a fail flash on their first ashe arrow + noct ult on me, top lane struggled after the fail gank, and as you mentioned you didn't have an easy time ganking after that, along with Noct just forcing duels with you that you know you would lose.
Sylver admitted he was uncomfortable with me suggesting what was unfair teams, but I will stubbornly believe that we weren't out of that game from level 1. Maybe I'm wrong.
not to spam, but now retrospectively i think i should have posted in HERE that i'm streaming inhouses, not in my own stream page
On September 07 2013 08:44 gtrsrs wrote: not to spam, but now retrospectively i think i should have posted in HERE that i'm streaming inhouses, not in my own stream page
GG guys, thanks for the games. I think I've improved a good amount since I started playing in these, or at the very least my play has become more consistent
On September 07 2013 09:37 Ares[Effort] wrote: Can we get some rotation going on please? I played in 1 out of 5 and I been sitting in channel for 2 hours. Some have been in all 5
What I did was just make a game when I was in the lobby while waiting and let it fill with people first. It keeps the rotation much fresher.
People should be more selfish in the IHs. I don't mean you should all be jerks, but that when champion select starts you should have a clear idea of what you want to play. There's nothing more difficult for those of us who usually drive the "What the hell are we banning/picking?" discussion than to have four people who all don't care what they're playing.
If four people all say, "I want to jungle." AWESOME. We at least know there's a problem and we can be like, "Well you can't all jungle." and figure things out. When you all say, "Whatever." the time that would normally get spent working out what sort of a team composition/plan we want gets spent figuring out who is doing what role.
This is all compounded by the fact that people tend to spend the ban phase talking about other stuff rather than the game at hand, if they're even at their keyboard.
tl;dr: Throw your team a bone and pick a role, conflicts be damned.
On September 07 2013 17:09 Seuss wrote: Random Tangent:
People should be more selfish in the IHs. I don't mean you should all be jerks, but that when champion select starts you should have a clear idea of what you want to play. There's nothing more difficult for those of us who usually drive the "What the hell are we banning/picking?" discussion than to have four people who all don't care what they're playing.
If four people all say, "I want to jungle." AWESOME. We at least know there's a problem and we can be like, "Well you can't all jungle." and figure things out. When you all say, "Whatever." the time that would normally get spent working out what sort of a team composition/plan we want gets spent figuring out who is doing what role.
This is all compounded by the fact that people tend to spend the ban phase talking about other stuff rather than the game at hand, if they're even at their keyboard.
tl;dr: Throw your team a bone and pick a role, conflicts be damned.
Yea I always call out. But on the other hand I like our random conversations pre-pick. There usually something off topic but there fun :D