[NA IHs] Running at Dusk - Page 32
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New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! | ||
United States12704 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
On August 22 2013 03:44 Masq wrote: How are people picked for the IHs? is it sort of a first come, first serve? Or is there a rotation? Don't think I will typically make the start times during weekdays. Each game is a little first-come first-serve (individual for each game) but if you really want to get in a game (especially if you weren't in a previous game) people are usually pretty nice about giving up a spot. Especially if you're on teamspeak and also in the ingame chat channel | ||
Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
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United States6012 Posts
On August 22 2013 04:05 xes wrote: Usually there is a rotating pool of people who only mildly care about playing so if you really want to get in they'll just observe This is so many people haha. | ||
United States5211 Posts
The game I played with Mathies had some terrible communication. Instead of focusing on what to do or how to strategize against being hard camped, you kept blaming Elise (Phai) for missing skillshots and saying things like "You all better be winning your lanes." Furthermore, there were a lot of loud, vocal "WTF is this, they all-ined me 3 times, flash+ignite WTF, wtf, wtf are they doing, I don't understand..." and because of that I couldn't talk to Swim about who to focus in our botlane skirmish. Granted, we still won lane, but you need to be more careful about being vocal. Sometimes being less vocal is the key. You also can't be throwing teammates under the bus in the middle of the game. If you're going to do it, do it after the game when we can all look back at it without the pressure of being in game, but keep a clear head in the middle of the game. When someone is being isolated and complained about, they will become defensive, EVEN if they know they're wrong, and you put them on tilt. And if you do make a mistake, apologize for making a bad play. Don't even come up with any excuses. "That was terrible on my behalf, my bad." The only reason people jump on you is because they think you don't know how bad your play was, by doing this, at least people know that you've learned and that you acknowledge your mistake. | ||
Canada1875 Posts
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United States5718 Posts
Speaking of which, sometimes people need to realize how to take advice. If Diamond player who just crushed a game is telling me what I could've done to stop him, I'd try to analyze his advice instead of automatically going on the defensive. And recognize how to filter this advice. I'd like to think that since we're all men on the internet gaming together, we don't need a carebear to hand hold us cause people are giving some tough loving. @Ketarah if you don't want Roffles advice then just mute him. The fact that you don't is because you feel some need to justify your play to him. But he's not obligated to carebear his criticism to you. If you want respect in this game than earn it. It's not like Roffles is calling you out in your personal life or something. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
If you have any concerns about communication, whether it be lack of communication or poor communication, please relay those concerns so that next time you can improve upon them. I think kainzero's post up top was super insightful and from my perspective on the other team, I thought that Elise was playing well until she got dragged mid 24/7. By then, Cass was already fed due to the lack of warding from Syndra. Against someone like a Maokai, you have to suspect that you may just get camped because he does have strong ganks. If you don't take proper precaution and ward well, you'll easily get camped and against someone who snowballs as hard as Cassiopeia, good luck down the line. You can't throw people under the bus DURING the game. If you want to do so, do it afterwards and talk about it without distracting everyone else in game. Also, things to note: The game is NOT over if you yourself are 0-4. The game is NOT over because someone played bad. You do NOT need to be an ass to people during the game just because you feel like they played bad. Chances are you played bad too. Wait till afterwards if you want to be a disparaging ass to someone. PS: Mathies, I hope you know what Maokai W does now. I pitched my tent mid and I hope you liked it. Maybe now you'll learn to respect people when they play against you. Buy a couple of wards and stop blaming others. Not Elise's fault you didn't ward both sides against a tree. Things don't always go the way you planned. I'm here to show you that sometimes, life is tough. You just have to deal with it. Oh yeah, Cassiopeia does a ton of damage and should always be considered a threat, especially when she has 20+ kills. Just a FYI. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States5718 Posts
On August 22 2013 04:48 Roffles wrote: Let's try tentatively for 8 EST tonight in channel MCFeedo. If you have any concerns about communication, whether it be lack of communication or poor communication, please relay those concerns so that next time you can improve upon them. I think kainzero's post up top was super insightful and from my perspective on the other team, I thought that Elise was playing well until she got dragged mid 24/7. By then, Cass was already fed due to the lack of warding from Syndra. Against someone like a Maokai, you have to suspect that you may just get camped because he does have strong ganks. If you don't take proper precaution and ward well, you'll easily get camped and against someone who snowballs as hard as Cassiopeia, good luck down the line. You can't throw people under the bus DURING the game. If you want to do so, do it afterwards and talk about it without distracting everyone else. The game is NOT over if you yourself are 0-4. The game is NOT over because someone played bad. You do NOT need to be an ass to people during the game just because you feel like they played bad. Chances are you played bad too. PS: Mathies, I hope you know what Maokai W does now. I pitched my tent mid and I hope you liked it. Maybe now you'll learn to respect people when they play against you. It's ironic because a hard camp is one of the easiest to learn to play against in lane because you literally don't need to make any plays unless you're setting up a countergank. It baffled me to hear that in 400 or whatever ranked games, Mathies can claim he never sees it in ranked when out or my 70 or so, I've gotten hard camped in half my lane games. PS. He knew the real threat of the game, I didn't just buy an Avarice blade because I thought it built into a Sword of the Divine you know. I had 1K gold or whatever earned off that mofo. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
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United States5211 Posts
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Pitcairn19291 Posts
On August 22 2013 05:07 kainzero wrote: To be fair, he did buy wards, but at that point it was too late and he was getting dived under tower. Bought one. Placed it on left side. I came at him from the right and he died. When he came back to lane, I was on the right side again and he died again. He came back again and he placed a ward on the right. I went to the left cause that expired and he died again. Moral of the story: Buy two wards or buy one and play towards that ward. After I got mobies though he was just dead wherever cause he has the reaction time of a snail. | ||
United States5718 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
On August 22 2013 03:05 RageOverdose wrote: He did call the MIA's and warn us to expect an ult, and we did feed the shit out of him by playing really aggressive. Sylverfyre had the right ideas though, we weren't really trying anything and our communication was pretty awful, and everyone was jumping on the Ketara bandwagon and we (as in the other players on that team) kinda let them by not speaking up. Particularly me, I felt I did really horrible as Varus that game, and I needed to interject to get my own batch of criticism thrown at me. I plan to be more vocal in later IHs. Starting boots was a huge mistake. ADs simply don't start boots because you basically guarantee that you'll lose trades and skirmishes. Your potions allowed you to hang around after Caznode and I killed sylverfyre, but that didn't actually accomplish anything because we just zoned you. sylverfyre was right about your team's lack of communication, but there was zero reason for him to be aggressively trying to make plays. Your team composition was way better than ours late game (Lulu/Varus/Lux/Elise/Jarvan vs Fiora/TF/Nocturne/Ezreal/Nami), and had the perfect champions for making tower sieges impossible. Between Lux and Varus our team would never have been able to get near a turret, and Elise presented a significant threat to TF's ability to split push. It would have been a long game, but eventually our odd team composition would have come back to haunt us. I also don't think sylverfyre's Doran's Shield was all that helpful. While it did make him tankier, it delayed his Sightstone considerably, which forced him to spend a lot of extra money on wards early on. He ended up spending 650g more on wards than I did, most of which came during the early game. It probably felt good, but Caznode and I invested heavily in non-combat stats (Tear + CDR Boots, Philo + Mana Manipulator), meaning that sylverfyre could have built anything combat related and have felt a power spike against us. Those are my thoughts. Hope they help. | ||
United States84 Posts
In any case, I just want to say thanks to everyone that I've played with so far, and hope to keep improving in the future:3 | ||
United States37500 Posts
Please give your team composition considerable thought when you're playing in these IHs. Not only are you trying to improve on your mechanics in lane and in team fight but drafting is one of the best ways for lowbies to gain a greater understanding of the game. I'll bring up the game from yesterday for example. It was Zac, J4, Ori, Lulu, Twitch vs Shen, Karma, Lee Sin, Caitlyn, Nami (might be a bit off for mid/bot picks) but from champ select, it was very evident that purple side had an immense lack of damage. Shen Top and Karma Mid, both champions are incredibly utility based and have subpar burst potential compared to other champions commonly picked for those positions. That mean Caitlyn had the immense duty of farming and become the late game threat that her team needed. Needless to say, Purple's team fight went incredibly bad. Even though I died to Shen (as Zac) multiple times in lane, purple side couldn't even win a 5v4 with Twitch afk farming in bot lane. We survived long enough for Twitch to waddle his way from bot lane to near Baron, where the fight was happening, and he just cleaned up for the ace. TL;DR: Talk, talk, talk during drafting. Don't tunnel on just what your individual lane matchups will be like. There is most definitely a bigger picture here. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On August 22 2013 05:31 Phailol wrote: I have to say, I am learning an awful lot about the game in general playing in these IH games. I apologize for the slight raging fit I was having last night. I also apologize for not landing any webs. I was honestly quite nervous, given that I've never really played with anyone here, so I was quite antsy at the time. In any case, I just want to say thanks to everyone that I've played with so far, and hope to keep improving in the future:3 You played fine as jungle Elise. Just happened to get dragged into the mess that was mid. Should have just let him die tbh. Too many times you'd get killed trying to help a lost cause. | ||
United States10536 Posts
Actually it was Morgana mid, which just made it even worse. Karma was a panic pick because Ares' mic wasn't working and I didn't know what he wanted to do. Point still stands. | ||
United States15065 Posts
On August 22 2013 02:12 Roffles wrote: When a game goes wrong, you can choose to do one of two things: 1) Learn from your mistakes by asking people what you could have done. 2) Cry about how things didn't go right and look for excuses. What you did yesterday was basically engage in an argument with Sylverfyre and everyone else in that channel (10+ strong) about how you had absolutely no options to do anything that game. We gave you advice on what to do when TF roams, instead you chose to blame your team for feeding with "I CALLED THE MIAS". In the end, after about 20 minutes of nonstop bickering, I decided to break it up and tell everyone to shut up and play a new game instead of arguing over something meaningless. Yes, the way I did it was very abrasive, but at the same time you made yourself out to be a martyr as if everyone was ganging up on you. Why even play if you're gonna have that attitude? Even XilDarkz isn't that much of a fucking crybaby. No Roffles. There is no justification for calling somebody retarded. That's just one of the examples of the kinds of things you say to people, and it's not cool. If Requizen and Sylverfire and XilDarkz are okay with you speaking to them like that then that's fine, more power to them. I'm not okay with it. I've asked you to stop repeatedly now, and you continue to do it. It's absolutely not justifiable. And since you've told me now that you have no intention of stopping, I'm not going to be subjecting myself to your insults. If you think that's being a crybaby, by all means think that. I don't play the game to willingly allow other people to call me a retard, and I'm not going to intentionally subject myself to your behavior. If that means I can't play in the inhouse games then that's unfortunate, but it's worth not having to deal with you. | ||
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