On February 10 2013 03:54 heartlxp wrote:only time i've ever been proud of carrying a troll game, note the summoner spells on my team and malphite's level ![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/XEBba8m.jpg)
Lol, that screenshot would be worth it just for kat's hilarious qqing.
Killed Milkcow 6 times and FruitMarket + me made his team surrender at 21 mins l0l.
Only took 2 days to get from gold 4 to gold 3. Only lost one game, and it was a placement match. This game started off really weird- Blitzcrank pull mid resulted in a death on our side and I had to burn flash, so I died to an early gank and it was just misery. But Blitz nailed some clutch pulls later, and Alistar knocked me close enough to Graves to stun and kill him in a crucial fight.
Also Vlad seemed confused about what he really wanted to build...
Also got my Jax winrate to an even 60%. :D
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/OJCND4I.png) Pretty well for my 5 first ranked games in s3. Especially that renekton game was fun.
Darius feels really, really unfair to play as sometimes. People rage, they cry, they quit.
Not unfair enough for me not to play him though.
On February 12 2013 00:44 Requizen wrote: Darius feels really, really unfair to play as sometimes. People rage, they cry, they quit.
Not unfair enough for me not to play him though. This has happened a couple times to me when I played riven with a fort elixir start. People don't realize this means they ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT FIGHT me for 3 minutes, they die, I win lane early and am in a good position to snowball it super hard as riven.
Straight from plat V, won the game by ensuring naut got one buff camp the whole game. One sad naut.
Opponents failing, us winning, then we start throwing, opponents get an inhib. Then the opponents start throwing harder and after two 4/5-0 teamfights we win.
After losing every game yesterday I won every game today, 9 straight solo queue wins + 2 scrims which is also the first time I've won a bo3 scrim vs a decent team.
Finally a reason to post here.
I dont usually play WW but when i do...9/2/13 baby.
3 ganks bot? 8 kills baby.
Their entire team had to jump me as i counterjungled their blue just to shut me down, i bounced up and down like a fuckni yoyo with diana/cho/xin
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DZBjzI0.png)
Damn took too long considering I started plat 2 s3 but still .
Just had the best Jarvan game of my life. o_o bot and mid was dieing but it was okay because I am the god Damn prince of Demacia. It was great. Ended the game 7/0/22 and just walked into the enemy team and laughed half the time. Locket so GOOOD. Me and the friendly Cait just cleaned house as I started fights and she followed up like a proper ad carry blasting away. Suuuuch a good game. I am in afterglow.
"Someone should abdicate because Jarvan's the new King here." Jungle Jarvan <333
Played Xerath for the first time in a ranked game... got a quadra near baron no problem. Their entire team just exploded from my ult. It was glorious.
Playing Vayne, I was on the phone busy while playing a ranked 5s. So instead of team fighting I afk farmed lanes. 60 minutes in and 3 inhibs down for us, as well as both our nexus turrets, I finally finish my phone call (Yeah, I know. Super long call). I come out with BT, IE, PD, PD, Boots, Mogs. Proceed to machine gun their whole team down, get a penta, push down mid, and win.
Definitely reminded me of the ol' antimage comic.
Decided to see how large I could crit with nasus q in a normal game.
Shaco jungle. Repeatedly getting successful ganks, yet still top lane loses, mid lane loses and bot lane loses. Looks like my third straight Shaco game where I start off at least 4-0-1 and still lose. TOO BAD.
![[image loading]](http://i48.tinypic.com/2h84fox.png)
This is the only way I can win games these days. It's pretty ridiculous.
Somtimes I wish I had lol recorder
Got to gold 2. T.R.O.L.L.S may appreciate the Teemo/Cass bot lane. Game was pretty stupid though. Volibear was like "whelp, my bot lane is trolling, going to camp top." And basically stayed in my lane and killed Kayle a bunch. Gragas beat Lux straight up, so despite the fact Teemo and Cass were actual trolls and not T.R.O.L.L.S., we won pretty easily. Even with Teemo building Tiamat on a ranged champion. xD
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/yySdZAO.jpg)
Also, the Teemo/Cass were a premade plat V duo. What a bunch of jokers. I swear if this were a month ago I would get a jungler who camped bot lane hoping they'd get their crap together and we would lose the game.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/P8ZCmSk.jpg)