On December 13 2012 08:12 57 Corvette wrote: So our Janna support starts intentionally feeding after one of our teammates tells her to "stop throwing". NPNP, Teemo and I grab our carryhard boots and manage to pull off the win,
All this while I was on my support masteries (0/3/27)
hilariously, you're the only person on your team without GA.
On December 13 2012 08:12 57 Corvette wrote: So our Janna support starts intentionally feeding after one of our teammates tells her to "stop throwing". NPNP, Teemo and I grab our carryhard boots and manage to pull off the win,
All this while I was on my support masteries (0/3/27)
hilariously, you're the only person on your team without GA.
I had one, sold it for a third black cleaver after it was popped
On December 13 2012 08:12 57 Corvette wrote: So our Janna support starts intentionally feeding after one of our teammates tells her to "stop throwing". NPNP, Teemo and I grab our carryhard boots and manage to pull off the win,
All this while I was on my support masteries (0/3/27)
hilariously, you're the only person on your team without GA.
I had one, sold it for a third black cleaver after it was popped
That glorious feeling of actually doing significant damage when you play toplane instead of support every now and then. I mean CC into assist is nice and you can yell TEH PLAYZZZZ, but there's nothing like landing a clutch rupture or running out of a bush and biting someone's face off. Cho'gath is real terror.
Also, dodged like 4 Ashe arrows in one game. One was where I was chasing her, landed a rupture, she tried to arrow me but I flash diagonally towards her and kill her with a scream to the face. Ohhhhh the jizz.
I went from being pure garbage at Lee Sin to being able to hold my own in a very short time. Got a mirror Lee Sin jungle matchup normal game, and despite the fact that all of my lanes lost (and we didn't have a single turret for 40 minutes-it wasn't like my ganks were failing either), we lost all but our last tower, and all our inhibitors were down at one point, we still won the game. I stole a baron in a do or die situation too. Feels good man.
Here's a video of me ruining Varus's day too:
Also, it's somewhat cathartic to be on the other side of Lee Sin for once. I can't count the number of times I've been the ADC that's on the receiving end of a ridiculous Q/flash/kick combo. In fact, I know that spot and combo exists because it's happened to me like 5 billion times. >_>
Playing cho mid. Get low and ignited so it's a 100% death. But wait, flash over to wraith and feast the big one to live. "omg cho how you live?" the big plays man!
we have one point (their bot point) and ~100 health left on our nexus. they're sitting at around 30. we retake our bot point, and win a close teamfight at our mid point. we're at 1 health when we uncap mid they start capturing their bot point as we head to top. we uncap top just seconds before they get mid. we're staring at 1 health on our nexus to 30 on theirs. we barely win one more top teamfight and hold out for the 30 seconds more to win the game.
Just played ranked this w-e and went 3wins-0lost with Zyra support, that girl is just still op ... Behind? np, hit 6 all in, win. Otherwise just roll on bot lane cause dem damage OP !
Then went for a game with Malphite jungle, team was Shen-Malphite-Ori-Ezreal-Sona, like best engage comp ever. Theirs was Jax-Nocturne-Anivia-Caitlyn-Support. I didn't play that well, was like 1-4 during laning. Shen asked help but honestly what can malph + shen do vs jax so i didn't rly gank top. Mid lost vs Anivia and constantly blaming me for stupid shit like "why u do red when theres a tower to def", well anivia can kill me solo even under tower so i'd rather lose tower so it doesn't influence our game in protecting mid ...
Then sona flamed me for not ganking ... well yeah, constant skirmishes and anivia killing me in the jungle doesn't help, i admit i failed some ults, but i'm not used to playing malph ... like walls blocking your ult entirely ...
Oh well, got owned pretty much early game till teamfights where ez gets fed... bait baron, jax + noct jump on me ori ult support - anivia - cait, i ult in with abyssal-sorcs-sunfire (had to go ap-ish cause shen was going full tank even tho i told him to build some damage too) oh well they just melt, then we killed jax who was on EZ, rush nexus win. AND ori/sona was like "omg gg we lost this" for the 1st 25mn. I was like "shut up, play it out, focus"
Ahh ranked games >_>
finally got 1637 elo from 400 season start ^^ yay platinum im coming
Just wanted to say I got my first Pentakill last weekend as Sivir. Felt great because I didn't do too well in lane vs Cait and they had a Rammus with Thornmail.
Been carrying hardd with gp lately. He's actually a beast in the jungle, in my last 10 games I've gone positive in every match, such a god late and so fun!
Preface:First time I've gotten to Amumu in a while. Haven't tried him out with S3 stuff and had no idea what to build. Jumped onto SM.net and just did what ManDinh said.(http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=1737-dandinh-amumu-build-guide)
Team turned a failed blue invade into a counter blue steal which I greatly appreciated. Wasn't able to help top much but He was Yorick + Zed doing effective roaming kept that in check, which really helped because...
That Kat kept coming bot whenever I around the golems area. Leona kept stalling them out till I could arrive for a 2-0 or 3-0 counter gank. I think there was a 4-0 at a time.
At one point it was 15-2 and I was 4/1/8. Only died because I tried a poorly decided red steal. XD
Playing Leona against Blitz is pretty hilarious. Pulls me trying to get Kog, easy kill on Graves since I can just q him no problem. Later pulls me again, to start off a hilarious Leona/Pantheon/Cass ult combo that set us up for an easy win.
Support Anivia OP. I was a nice third pick mid, so I brought out my safest champ, Anivia. Last pick on our team decides to go Eve and takes over mid. So, I decide to take one for the team and go bot to help out Kayle vs Cait/Leona. First engagement in bot nearly results in both Leona and Cait dying forcing them to back. The enemy Cait got greedy and allowed me to land my Q stun letting Kayle pick up some easy kills early on. The enemy Akali decided to come all the way down from top to camp bot lane. After it not going well the first time, I made sure to bait her hard underneath my turret when I had egg, ignite her so she wouldn't heal allowing Eve to pick up the easy kill on Akali. The enemy team really needed to learn not to fight my team in my ult though. I got 1 kill just from one enemy running out of HP while still in my ult and the rest were easy pickings for Eve, Jayce, Xin, and Kayle.
I feel like learning Irelia was one of the better decisions I've ever made. Ashe/Janna feeds a Vayne/Nunu lane about 15 kills. Kat shut down Diana mid fairly well, I did okay vs Olaf top, Sejuani was doing fine in the jungle. The end result was Sejuani ults initiating fights followed up by Ashe arrow, and then Irelia and Kat going nuts on all of them. I've never seen such carnage. Poor Vayne was getting plastered before she could get away, even with cleanse.
(Except when Janna was kicking her away with her ult... which happened almost every teamfight... still won haha).
Opponent lee ganks bot along with their Ez/nunu, they flash in and towerdive, but luckily for me our fiddle jungle was right there and ults in. Combined with my ult we go 3-1 (taric died), 2 kills to me, 1 to fid.
Another fight breaks out in our jungle just north of redbuff, i manage to KS 4 kills (I'm the ADC was my excuse) for a quadra, no penta though, their top was still at top.
Rest of the game i go around cleaning up after fights and ulting.
play a game of dominion and get a really weird sort of lag where my team is invisible and the scoreboard is frozen. confusing as fuck. didnt want to relog in b/c that would take too long, so i played.
npnp, teemo puts on carrypants and 1v5's in a mushroom field gg.
Just played one of the toughest games I have ever played. We were behind to the point where it seemed impossible to win. But I kept telling my team that if they follow me and jump in when I ulti, we will ace them and win eventually. Every time we got into a fight, there was one guy farming in the jungle. But we somehow managed to ace them a couple of times despite that. Eventually my team understood that I was right and that it was possible for us to win. We got a few really good 5v5s and fucking WON! Biggest comeback ever for me.